paul cannon 17bdb5e9e5
move piece info into files (#2629)
Deprecate the pieceinfo database, and start storing piece info as a header to
piece files. Institute a "storage format version" concept allowing us to handle
pieces stored under multiple different types of storage. Add a piece_expirations
table which will still be used to track expiration times, so we can query it, but
which should be much smaller than the pieceinfo database would be for the
same number of pieces. (Only pieces with expiration times need to be stored in piece_expirations, and we don't need to store large byte blobs like the serialized
order limit, etc.) Use specialized names for accessing any functionality related
only to dealing with V0 pieces (e.g., `store.V0PieceInfo()`). Move SpaceUsed-
type functionality under the purview of the piece store. Add some generic
interfaces for traversing all blobs or all pieces. Add lots of tests.
2019-08-07 20:47:30 -05:00

152 lines
4.2 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package inspector
import (
monkit ""
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
// Error is the default error class for piecestore monitor errors
Error = errs.Class("piecestore inspector")
// Endpoint does inspectory things
type Endpoint struct {
log *zap.Logger
pieceStore *pieces.Store
kademlia *kademlia.Kademlia
usageDB bandwidth.DB
startTime time.Time
pieceStoreConfig piecestore.OldConfig
dashboardAddress net.Addr
// NewEndpoint creates piecestore inspector instance
func NewEndpoint(
log *zap.Logger,
pieceStore *pieces.Store,
kademlia *kademlia.Kademlia,
usageDB bandwidth.DB,
pieceStoreConfig piecestore.OldConfig,
dashbaordAddress net.Addr) *Endpoint {
return &Endpoint{
log: log,
pieceStore: pieceStore,
kademlia: kademlia,
usageDB: usageDB,
pieceStoreConfig: pieceStoreConfig,
dashboardAddress: dashbaordAddress,
startTime: time.Now(),
func (inspector *Endpoint) retrieveStats(ctx context.Context) (_ *pb.StatSummaryResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// Space Usage
totalUsedSpace, err := inspector.pieceStore.SpaceUsedForPieces(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
usage, err := bandwidth.TotalMonthlySummary(ctx, inspector.usageDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ingress := usage.Put + usage.PutRepair
egress := usage.Get + usage.GetAudit + usage.GetRepair
totalUsedBandwidth := usage.Total()
return &pb.StatSummaryResponse{
UsedSpace: totalUsedSpace,
AvailableSpace: inspector.pieceStoreConfig.AllocatedDiskSpace.Int64() - totalUsedSpace,
UsedIngress: ingress,
UsedEgress: egress,
UsedBandwidth: totalUsedBandwidth,
AvailableBandwidth: inspector.pieceStoreConfig.AllocatedBandwidth.Int64() - totalUsedBandwidth,
}, nil
// Stats returns current statistics about the storage node
func (inspector *Endpoint) Stats(ctx context.Context, in *pb.StatsRequest) (out *pb.StatSummaryResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
inspector.log.Debug("Getting Stats...")
statsSummary, err := inspector.retrieveStats(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inspector.log.Info("Successfully retrieved Stats...")
return statsSummary, nil
func (inspector *Endpoint) getDashboardData(ctx context.Context) (_ *pb.DashboardResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
statsSummary, err := inspector.retrieveStats(ctx)
if err != nil {
return &pb.DashboardResponse{}, Error.Wrap(err)
// TODO: querying all nodes is slow, find a more performant way to do this.
nodes, err := inspector.kademlia.FindNear(ctx, storj.NodeID{}, 10000000)
if err != nil {
return &pb.DashboardResponse{}, Error.Wrap(err)
bootstrapNodes := inspector.kademlia.GetBootstrapNodes()
bsNodes := make([]string, len(bootstrapNodes))
for i, node := range bootstrapNodes {
bsNodes[i] = node.Address.Address
return &pb.DashboardResponse{
NodeId: inspector.kademlia.Local().Id,
NodeConnections: int64(len(nodes)),
BootstrapAddress: strings.Join(bsNodes, ", "),
InternalAddress: "",
ExternalAddress: inspector.kademlia.Local().Address.Address,
LastPinged: inspector.kademlia.LastPinged(),
LastQueried: inspector.kademlia.LastQueried(),
DashboardAddress: inspector.dashboardAddress.String(),
Uptime: ptypes.DurationProto(time.Since(inspector.startTime)),
Stats: statsSummary,
}, nil
// Dashboard returns dashboard information
func (inspector *Endpoint) Dashboard(ctx context.Context, in *pb.DashboardRequest) (out *pb.DashboardResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
data, err := inspector.getDashboardData(ctx)
if err != nil {
inspector.log.Warn("unable to get dashboard information")
return nil, err
return data, nil