Moby von Briesen 708cb48aa6 storagenode/orders: implement orders filestore on storagenode
* Add all new orders to the orders filestore instead of the database.
* Submit orders from the filestore to the new satellite SettleWindow

The orders filestore will eventually replace the orders DB completely.
For now, we will still be checking the orders DB and submitting those
orders if they exist. In a later release, we will completely remove the
orders DB, but we need both the DB and filestore for the transitionary

Change-Id: Iac8780fd5ab770296181bbd313e1d335f072d4dc
2020-08-19 15:00:35 +00:00

237 lines
6.5 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information
package testplanet
import (
// StorageNode contains all the processes needed to run a full StorageNode setup.
type StorageNode struct {
Config storagenode.Config
// URL returns the node url as a string.
func (system *StorageNode) URL() string { return system.NodeURL().String() }
// NodeURL returns the storj.NodeURL.
func (system *StorageNode) NodeURL() storj.NodeURL {
return storj.NodeURL{ID: system.Peer.ID(), Address: system.Peer.Addr()}
// newStorageNodes initializes storage nodes.
func (planet *Planet) newStorageNodes(count int, whitelistedSatellites storj.NodeURLs) ([]*StorageNode, error) {
var xs []*StorageNode
defer func() {
for _, x := range xs {
planet.peers = append(planet.peers, newClosablePeer(x))
var sources []trust.Source
for _, u := range whitelistedSatellites {
source, err := trust.NewStaticURLSource(u.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sources = append(sources, source)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
prefix := "storage" + strconv.Itoa(i)
log := planet.log.Named(prefix)
storageDir := filepath.Join(, prefix)
if err := os.MkdirAll(storageDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
identity, err := planet.NewIdentity()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := storagenode.Config{
Server: server.Config{
Address: "",
PrivateAddress: "",
Config: tlsopts.Config{
RevocationDBURL: "bolt://" + filepath.Join(storageDir, "revocation.db"),
UsePeerCAWhitelist: true,
PeerCAWhitelistPath: planet.whitelistPath,
PeerIDVersions: "*",
Extensions: extensions.Config{
Revocation: false,
WhitelistSignedLeaf: false,
Debug: debug.Config{
Address: "",
Preflight: preflight.Config{
LocalTimeCheck: false,
Operator: storagenode.OperatorConfig{
Email: prefix + "@mail.test",
Wallet: "0x" + strings.Repeat("00", 20),
Storage: piecestore.OldConfig{
Path: filepath.Join(storageDir, "pieces/"),
AllocatedDiskSpace: 1 * memory.GB,
KBucketRefreshInterval: defaultInterval,
Collector: collector.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
Nodestats: nodestats.Config{
MaxSleep: 0,
ReputationSync: defaultInterval,
StorageSync: defaultInterval,
Console: consoleserver.Config{
Address: "",
StaticDir: filepath.Join(developmentRoot, "web/storagenode/"),
Storage2: piecestore.Config{
CacheSyncInterval: defaultInterval,
ExpirationGracePeriod: 0,
MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
OrderLimitGracePeriod: time.Hour,
StreamOperationTimeout: time.Hour,
ReportCapacityThreshold: 100 * memory.MB,
DeleteQueueSize: 10000,
DeleteWorkers: 1,
Orders: orders.Config{
SenderInterval: defaultInterval,
SenderTimeout: 10 * time.Minute,
CleanupInterval: defaultInterval,
ArchiveTTL: time.Hour,
MaxSleep: 0,
MaxInFlightTime: time.Hour,
Path: filepath.Join(storageDir, "orders"),
Monitor: monitor.Config{
MinimumDiskSpace: 100 * memory.MB,
NotifyLowDiskCooldown: defaultInterval,
Trust: trust.Config{
Sources: sources,
CachePath: filepath.Join(storageDir, "trust-cache.json"),
RefreshInterval: defaultInterval,
MaxUsedSerialsSize: memory.MiB,
Pieces: pieces.DefaultConfig,
Filestore: filestore.DefaultConfig,
Retain: retain.Config{
MaxTimeSkew: 10 * time.Second,
Status: retain.Enabled,
Concurrency: 5,
Version: planet.NewVersionConfig(),
Bandwidth: bandwidth.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
Contact: contact.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
GracefulExit: gracefulexit.Config{
ChoreInterval: defaultInterval,
NumWorkers: 3,
NumConcurrentTransfers: 1,
MinBytesPerSecond: 128 * memory.B,
MinDownloadTimeout: 2 * time.Minute,
if planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNode != nil {
planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNode(i, &config)
newIPCount := planet.config.Reconfigure.UniqueIPCount
if newIPCount > 0 {
if i >= count-newIPCount {
config.Server.Address = fmt.Sprintf("127.0.%d.1:0", i+1)
config.Server.PrivateAddress = fmt.Sprintf("127.0.%d.1:0", i+1)
verisonInfo := planet.NewVersionInfo()
var db storagenode.DB
db, err = storagenodedb.New(log.Named("db"), config.DatabaseConfig())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNodeDB != nil {
db, err = planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNodeDB(i, db, planet.log)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
revocationDB, err := revocation.NewDBFromCfg(config.Server.Config)
if err != nil {
return xs, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, revocationDB)
peer, err := storagenode.New(log, identity, db, revocationDB, config, verisonInfo, nil)
if err != nil {
return xs, err
// Mark the peer's PieceDeleter as in testing mode, so it is easy to wait on the deleter
err = db.MigrateToLatest(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, db)
log.Debug("id=" + peer.ID().String() + " addr=" + peer.Addr())
xs = append(xs, &StorageNode{
Config: config,
Peer: peer,
return xs, nil