Jeff Wendling 54ef1c8ca2 cmd/uplink: use new upload code path
the parallelism and parallelism-chunk-size flags
which used to control how many parts to split a
segment into and many to perform in parallel
are now deprecated and replaced by
maximum-concurrent-pieces and long-tail-margin.

now, for an individual transfer, the total number
of piece uploads that transfer will perform is
controlled by maximum-concurrent-pieces, and
segments within that transfer will automatically
be performed in parallel. so if you used to set
your parallelism to n, a good value for the pieces
might be something approximately like 130*n, and
the parallelism-chunk-size is unnecessary.

Change-Id: Ibe724ca70b07eba89dad551eb612a1db988b18b9
2023-04-13 16:52:38 -04:00

408 lines
8.4 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package ultest
import (
// ulfs.Filesystem
type remoteFilesystem struct {
created int64
files map[ulloc.Location]memFileData
pending map[ulloc.Location][]*memWriteHandle
buckets map[string]struct{}
mu sync.Mutex
func newRemoteFilesystem() *remoteFilesystem {
return &remoteFilesystem{
files: make(map[ulloc.Location]memFileData),
pending: make(map[ulloc.Location][]*memWriteHandle),
buckets: make(map[string]struct{}),
type memFileData struct {
contents string
created int64
expires time.Time
metadata map[string]string
func (mf memFileData) expired() bool {
return mf.expires != time.Time{} && mf.expires.Before(time.Now())
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) ensureBucket(name string) {
rfs.buckets[name] = struct{}{}
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Files() (files []File) {
for loc, mf := range rfs.files {
if mf.expired() {
files = append(files, File{
Loc: loc.String(),
Contents: mf.contents,
Metadata: mf.metadata,
sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool { return files[i].less(files[j]) })
return files
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Pending() (files []File) {
for loc, mh := range rfs.pending {
for _, h := range mh {
files = append(files, File{
Loc: loc.String(),
Contents: string(h.buf),
Metadata: h.metadata,
sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool { return files[i].less(files[j]) })
return files
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Close() error {
return nil
type nopClosingGenericReader struct{ io.ReaderAt }
func (n nopClosingGenericReader) Close() error { return nil }
func newMultiReadHandle(contents string) ulfs.MultiReadHandle {
return ulfs.NewGenericMultiReadHandle(nopClosingGenericReader{
ReaderAt: bytes.NewReader([]byte(contents)),
}, ulfs.ObjectInfo{
ContentLength: int64(len(contents)),
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Open(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string) (ulfs.MultiReadHandle, error) {
loc := ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, key)
mf, ok := rfs.files[loc]
if !ok {
return nil, errs.New("file does not exist %q", loc)
return newMultiReadHandle(mf.contents), nil
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Create(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string, opts *ulfs.CreateOptions) (_ ulfs.WriteHandle, err error) {
loc := ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, key)
if _, ok := rfs.buckets[bucket]; !ok {
return nil, errs.New("bucket %q does not exist", bucket)
var metadata map[string]string
expires := time.Time{}
if opts != nil {
expires = opts.Expires
metadata = opts.Metadata
wh := &memWriteHandle{
loc: loc,
rfs: rfs,
cre: rfs.created,
expires: expires,
metadata: metadata,
rfs.pending[loc] = append(rfs.pending[loc], wh)
return wh, nil
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Move(ctx context.Context, oldbucket, oldkey string, newbucket, newkey string) error {
source := ulloc.NewRemote(oldbucket, oldkey)
dest := ulloc.NewRemote(newbucket, newkey)
mf, ok := rfs.files[source]
if !ok {
return errs.New("file does not exist %q", source)
delete(rfs.files, source)
rfs.files[dest] = mf
return nil
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Copy(ctx context.Context, oldbucket, oldkey string, newbucket, newkey string) error {
source := ulloc.NewRemote(oldbucket, oldkey)
dest := ulloc.NewRemote(newbucket, newkey)
mf, ok := rfs.files[source]
if !ok {
return errs.New("file does not exist %q", source)
rfs.files[dest] = mf
return nil
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Remove(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string, opts *ulfs.RemoveOptions) error {
loc := ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, key)
if opts == nil || !opts.Pending {
delete(rfs.files, loc)
} else {
// TODO: Remove needs an API that understands that multiple pending files may exist
delete(rfs.pending, loc)
return nil
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) List(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string, opts *ulfs.ListOptions) ulfs.ObjectIterator {
prefix := ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, key)
if opts != nil && opts.Pending {
return rfs.listPending(ctx, prefix, opts)
prefixDir := prefix.AsDirectoryish()
var infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
for loc, mf := range rfs.files {
if (loc.HasPrefix(prefixDir) || loc == prefix) && !mf.expired() {
infos = append(infos, ulfs.ObjectInfo{
Loc: loc,
Created: time.Unix(mf.created, 0),
Expires: mf.expires,
if opts == nil || !opts.Recursive {
infos = collapseObjectInfos(prefix, infos)
return &objectInfoIterator{infos: infos}
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) listPending(ctx context.Context, prefix ulloc.Location, opts *ulfs.ListOptions) ulfs.ObjectIterator {
prefixDir := prefix.AsDirectoryish()
var infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
for loc, whs := range rfs.pending {
if loc.HasPrefix(prefixDir) || loc == prefix {
for _, wh := range whs {
infos = append(infos, ulfs.ObjectInfo{
Loc: loc,
Created: time.Unix(wh.cre, 0),
if opts == nil || !opts.Recursive {
infos = collapseObjectInfos(prefix, infos)
return &objectInfoIterator{infos: infos}
func (rfs *remoteFilesystem) Stat(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string) (*ulfs.ObjectInfo, error) {
loc := ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, key)
mf, ok := rfs.files[loc]
if !ok {
return nil, errs.New("file does not exist: %q", loc.Loc())
if mf.expired() {
return nil, errs.New("file does not exist: %q", loc.Loc())
return &ulfs.ObjectInfo{
Loc: loc,
Created: time.Unix(mf.created, 0),
Expires: mf.expires,
ContentLength: int64(len(mf.contents)),
}, nil
// ulfs.WriteHandle
type memWriteHandle struct {
buf []byte
loc ulloc.Location
rfs *remoteFilesystem
cre int64
expires time.Time
metadata map[string]string
done bool
func (b *memWriteHandle) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
if b.done {
return 0, errs.New("write to closed handle")
b.buf = append(b.buf, p...)
return len(p), nil
func (b *memWriteHandle) Commit() error {
if err := b.close(); err != nil {
return err
b.rfs.files[b.loc] = memFileData{
contents: string(b.buf),
created: b.cre,
expires: b.expires,
metadata: b.metadata,
return nil
func (b *memWriteHandle) Abort() error {
if err := b.close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *memWriteHandle) close() error {
if b.done {
return errs.New("already done")
b.done = true
handles := b.rfs.pending[b.loc]
for i, v := range handles {
if v == b {
handles = append(handles[:i], handles[i+1:]...)
if len(handles) > 0 {
b.rfs.pending[b.loc] = handles
} else {
delete(b.rfs.pending, b.loc)
return nil
// ulfs.ObjectIterator
type objectInfoIterator struct {
infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
current ulfs.ObjectInfo
func (li *objectInfoIterator) Next() bool {
if len(li.infos) == 0 {
return false
li.current, li.infos = li.infos[0], li.infos[1:]
return true
func (li *objectInfoIterator) Err() error {
return nil
func (li *objectInfoIterator) Item() ulfs.ObjectInfo {
return li.current
type objectInfos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
func (ois objectInfos) Len() int { return len(ois) }
func (ois objectInfos) Swap(i int, j int) { ois[i], ois[j] = ois[j], ois[i] }
func (ois objectInfos) Less(i int, j int) bool { return ois[i].Loc.Less(ois[j].Loc) }
func collapseObjectInfos(prefix ulloc.Location, infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo) []ulfs.ObjectInfo {
collapsing := false
current := ""
j := 0
for _, oi := range infos {
first, ok := oi.Loc.ListKeyName(prefix)
if ok {
if collapsing && first == current {
collapsing = true
current = first
oi.IsPrefix = true
if bucket, _, ok := oi.Loc.RemoteParts(); ok {
oi.Loc = ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, first)
} else if _, ok := oi.Loc.LocalParts(); ok {
oi.Loc = ulloc.NewLocal(first)
} else {
panic("invalid object returned from list")
infos[j] = oi
return infos[:j]