Andrew Harding 590d44301c satellite/audit: implement rangedloop observer
This change implements the ranged loop observer to replace the audit
chore that builds the audit queue.

The strategy employed by this change is to use a collector for each
segment range to  build separate per-node segment reservoirs that are
then merge them during the join step.

In previous observer migrations, there were only a handful of tests so
the strategy was to duplicate them. In this package, there are dozens
of tests that utilize the chore. To reduce code churn and maintenance
burden until the chore is removed, this change introduces a helper that
runs tests under both the chore and observer, providing a pair of
functions that can be used to pause or run the queueing function.

Change-Id: I8bb4b4e55cf98b1aac9f26307e3a9a355cb3f506
2023-01-03 08:52:01 -07:00

61 lines
2.0 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package audit_test
import (
type pauseQueueingFunc = func(satellite *testplanet.Satellite)
type runQueueingOnceFunc = func(ctx context.Context, satellite *testplanet.Satellite) error
// testWithChoreAndObserver runs an audit test for both the chore and observer.
// It provides functions that the test can use to pause and run the queueing
// done by the chore or observer.
func testWithChoreAndObserver(t *testing.T, planetConfig testplanet.Config, run func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, pauseQueueing pauseQueueingFunc, runQueueingOnce runQueueingOnceFunc)) {
t.Run("Chore", func(t *testing.T) {
planetConfig := planetConfig
testplanet.Run(t, planetConfig, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
run(t, ctx, planet,
func(satellite *testplanet.Satellite) {
func(ctx context.Context, satellite *testplanet.Satellite) error {
return nil
t.Run("Observer", func(t *testing.T) {
planetConfig := planetConfig
reconfigureSatellite := planetConfig.Reconfigure.Satellite
planetConfig.Reconfigure.Satellite = func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
if reconfigureSatellite != nil {
reconfigureSatellite(log, index, config)
config.Audit.UseRangedLoop = true
testplanet.Run(t, planetConfig, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
run(t, ctx, planet,
func(satellite *testplanet.Satellite) {},
func(ctx context.Context, satellite *testplanet.Satellite) error {
_, err := satellite.RangedLoop.RangedLoop.Service.RunOnce(ctx)
return err