Jennifer Johnson 4e2413a99d satellite/satellitedb: uses vetted_at field to select for reputable nodes
Additionally, this PR changes NewNodeFraction devDefault and testplanet config from 0.05 to 1.
This is because many tests relied on selecting nodes that were reputable based on audit and uptime
counts of 0, in effect, selecting new nodes as reputable ones.
However, since reputation is now indicated by a vetted_at db field that is explicitly set
rather than implied by audit and uptime counts, it would be more complicated to try to
update all of the nodes' reputations before selecting nodes for tests.
Now we just allow all test nodes to be new if needed.

Change-Id: Ib9531be77408662315b948fd029cee925ed2ca1d
2020-09-04 16:45:32 +00:00

328 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package satellitedb
import (
func (cache *overlaycache) SelectStorageNodes(ctx context.Context, totalNeededNodes, newNodeCount int, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (nodes []*overlay.SelectedNode, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if totalNeededNodes == 0 {
return nil, nil
if newNodeCount > totalNeededNodes {
return nil, Error.New("requested new node count can't exceed requested total node count")
needNewNodes := newNodeCount
needReputableNodes := totalNeededNodes - needNewNodes
receivedNewNodes := 0
receivedNodeNetworks := make(map[string]struct{})
excludedIDs := append([]storj.NodeID{}, criteria.ExcludedIDs...)
excludedNetworks := append([]string{}, criteria.ExcludedNetworks...)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
reputableNodes, newNodes, err := cache.selectStorageNodesOnce(ctx, needReputableNodes, needNewNodes, criteria, excludedIDs, excludedNetworks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, node := range newNodes {
// checking for last net collision among reputable and new nodes since we can't check within the query
if _, ok := receivedNodeNetworks[node.LastNet]; ok {
excludedIDs = append(excludedIDs, node.ID)
excludedNetworks = append(excludedNetworks, node.LastNet)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
if criteria.DistinctIP {
receivedNodeNetworks[node.LastNet] = struct{}{}
for _, node := range reputableNodes {
if _, ok := receivedNodeNetworks[node.LastNet]; ok {
excludedIDs = append(excludedIDs, node.ID)
excludedNetworks = append(excludedNetworks, node.LastNet)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
if criteria.DistinctIP {
receivedNodeNetworks[node.LastNet] = struct{}{}
// when we did not find new nodes, then return all as reputable
if needNewNodes > 0 && receivedNewNodes == 0 {
needReputableNodes += needNewNodes
needNewNodes = 0
if needReputableNodes <= 0 && needNewNodes <= 0 {
return nodes, nil
func (cache *overlaycache) selectStorageNodesOnce(ctx context.Context, reputableNodeCount, newNodeCount int, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria, excludedIDs []storj.NodeID, excludedNetworks []string) (reputableNodes, newNodes []*overlay.SelectedNode, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
newNodesCondition, err := nodeSelectionCondition(ctx, criteria, excludedIDs, excludedNetworks, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
reputableNodesCondition, err := nodeSelectionCondition(ctx, criteria, excludedIDs, excludedNetworks, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var reputableNodeQuery, newNodeQuery partialQuery
// Note: the true/false at the end of each selection string indicates if the selection is for new nodes or not.
// Later, the flag allows us to distinguish if a node is new when scanning the db rows.
if !criteria.DistinctIP {
reputableNodeQuery = partialQuery{
selection: `SELECT last_net, id, address, last_ip_port, false FROM nodes`,
condition: reputableNodesCondition,
limit: reputableNodeCount,
newNodeQuery = partialQuery{
selection: `SELECT last_net, id, address, last_ip_port, true FROM nodes`,
condition: newNodesCondition,
limit: newNodeCount,
} else {
reputableNodeQuery = partialQuery{
selection: `SELECT DISTINCT ON (last_net) last_net, id, address, last_ip_port, false FROM nodes`,
condition: reputableNodesCondition,
distinct: true,
limit: reputableNodeCount,
orderBy: "last_net",
newNodeQuery = partialQuery{
selection: `SELECT DISTINCT ON (last_net) last_net, id, address, last_ip_port, true FROM nodes`,
condition: newNodesCondition,
distinct: true,
limit: newNodeCount,
orderBy: "last_net",
query := unionAll(newNodeQuery, reputableNodeQuery)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(query.query), query.args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var node overlay.SelectedNode
node.Address = &pb.NodeAddress{Transport: pb.NodeTransport_TCP_TLS_GRPC}
var lastIPPort sql.NullString
var isNew bool
err = rows.Scan(&node.LastNet, &node.ID, &node.Address.Address, &node.LastIPPort, &isNew)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if lastIPPort.Valid {
node.LastIPPort = lastIPPort.String
if isNew {
newNodes = append(newNodes, &node)
} else {
reputableNodes = append(reputableNodes, &node)
if len(newNodes) >= newNodeCount && len(reputableNodes) >= reputableNodeCount {
return reputableNodes, newNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// nodeSelectionCondition creates a condition with arguments that corresponds to the arguments.
func nodeSelectionCondition(ctx context.Context, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria, excludedIDs []storj.NodeID, excludedNetworks []string, isNewNodeQuery bool) (condition, error) {
var conds conditions
conds.add(`disqualified IS NULL`)
conds.add(`unknown_audit_suspended IS NULL`)
conds.add(`exit_initiated_at IS NULL`)
conds.add(`type = ?`, int(pb.NodeType_STORAGE))
conds.add(`free_disk >= ?`, criteria.FreeDisk)
conds.add(`last_contact_success > ?`, time.Now().UTC().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow))
if isNewNodeQuery {
`vetted_at IS NULL`,
} else {
`vetted_at is NOT NULL`,
if criteria.MinimumVersion != "" {
v, err := version.NewSemVer(criteria.MinimumVersion)
if err != nil {
return condition{}, Error.New("invalid node selection criteria version: %v", err)
`(major > ? OR (major = ? AND (minor > ? OR (minor = ? AND patch >= ?)))) AND release`,
v.Major, v.Major, v.Minor, v.Minor, v.Patch,
if len(excludedIDs) > 0 {
`not (id = any(?::bytea[]))`,
if criteria.DistinctIP {
if len(excludedNetworks) > 0 {
`not (last_net = any(?::text[]))`,
conds.add(`last_net <> ''`)
return conds.combine(), nil
// partialQuery corresponds to a query
// distinct=false
// $selection WHERE $condition ORDER BY $orderBy, RANDOM() LIMIT $limit
// distinct=true
// SELECT * FROM ($selection WHERE $condition ORDER BY $orderBy, RANDOM()) filtered ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT $limit
type partialQuery struct {
selection string
condition condition
distinct bool
orderBy string
limit int
// isEmpty returns whether the result for the query is definitely empty.
func (partial partialQuery) isEmpty() bool {
return partial.limit == 0
// asQuery combines partialQuery parameters into a single select query.
func (partial partialQuery) asQuery() query {
var q strings.Builder
var args []interface{}
if partial.distinct {
// For distinct queries we need to redo randomized ordering.
fmt.Fprintf(&q, "SELECT * FROM (")
fmt.Fprint(&q, partial.selection, " WHERE ", partial.condition.query)
args = append(args, partial.condition.args...)
if partial.orderBy != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&q, " ORDER BY %s, RANDOM() ", partial.orderBy)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(&q, " ORDER BY RANDOM() ")
if !partial.distinct {
fmt.Fprint(&q, " LIMIT ? ")
args = append(args, partial.limit)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(&q, ") filtered ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?")
args = append(args, partial.limit)
return query{query: q.String(), args: args}
// unionAll combines multiple partial queries into a single query.
func unionAll(partials ...partialQuery) query {
var queries []string
var args []interface{}
for _, partial := range partials {
if partial.isEmpty() {
q := partial.asQuery()
queries = append(queries, q.query)
args = append(args, q.args...)
if len(queries) == 0 {
return query{}
if len(queries) == 1 {
return query{query: queries[0], args: args}
return query{
query: "(" + strings.Join(queries, ") UNION ALL (") + ")",
args: args,
type condition struct {
query string
args []interface{}
type conditions []condition
func (conds *conditions) add(q string, args ...interface{}) {
*conds = append(*conds, condition{query: q, args: args})
func (conds conditions) combine() condition {
var qs []string
var args []interface{}
for _, c := range conds {
qs = append(qs, c.query)
args = append(args, c.args...)
return condition{query: " " + strings.Join(qs, " AND ") + " ", args: args}
type query struct {
query string
args []interface{}