Jennifer Li Johnson 724bb44723
Remove Kademlia dependencies from Satellite and Storagenode (#2966)

cmd/inspector/main.go: removes kad commands
internal/testplanet/planet.go: Waits for contact chore to finish
satellite/contact/nodesservice.go: creates an empty nodes service implementation
satellite/contact/service.go: implements Local and FetchInfo methods & adds external address config value
satellite/discovery/service.go: replaces kad.FetchInfo with contact.FetchInfo in Refresh() & removes Discover()
satellite/peer.go: sets up contact service and endpoints
storagenode/console/service.go: replaces nodeID with contact.Local()
storagenode/contact/chore.go: replaces routing table with contact service
storagenode/contact/nodesservice.go: creates empty implementation for ping and request info nodes service & implements RequestInfo method
storagenode/contact/service.go: creates a service to return the local node and update its own capacity
storagenode/monitor/monitor.go: uses contact service in place of routing table
storagenode/operator.go: moves operatorconfig from kad into its own setup
storagenode/peer.go: sets up contact service, chore, pingstats and endpoints
satellite/overlay/config.go: changes NodeSelectionConfig.OnlineWindow default to 4hr to allow for accurate repair selection
Removes kademlia setups in:

Why: Replacing Kademlia

Please describe the tests:
• internal/testplanet/planet_test.go:

TestBasic: assert that the storagenode can check in with the satellite without any errors
TestContact: test that all nodes get inserted into both satellites' overlay cache during testplanet setup
• satellite/contact/contact_test.go:

TestFetchInfo: Tests that the FetchInfo method returns the correct info
• storagenode/contact/contact_test.go:

TestNodeInfoUpdated: tests that the contact chore updates the node information
TestRequestInfoEndpoint: tests that the Request info endpoint returns the correct info
Please describe the performance impact: Node discovery should be at least slightly more performant since each node connects directly to each satellite and no longer needs to wait for bootstrapping. It probably won't be faster in real time on start up since each node waits a random amount of time (less than 1 hr) to initialize its first connection (jitter).
2019-09-19 15:56:34 -04:00

836 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package repair_test
import (
// TestDataRepair does the following:
// - Uploads test data
// - Kills some nodes and disqualifies 1
// - Triggers data repair, which repairs the data from the remaining nodes to
// the numbers of nodes determined by the upload repair max threshold
// - Shuts down several nodes, but keeping up a number equal to the minim
// threshold
// - Downloads the data from those left nodes and check that it's the same than
// the uploaded one
func TestDataRepair(t *testing.T) {
const RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = 0.05
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 14,
UplinkCount: 1,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
config.Overlay.Node.OnlineWindow = 0
config.Repairer.MaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
// first, upload some remote data
uplinkPeer := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
// stop discovery service so that we do not get a race condition when we delete nodes from overlay
// stop audit to prevent possible interactions i.e. repair timeout problems
var (
testData = testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
minThreshold = 3
successThreshold = 7
err := uplinkPeer.UploadWithConfig(ctx, satellite, &uplink.RSConfig{
MinThreshold: minThreshold,
RepairThreshold: 5,
SuccessThreshold: successThreshold,
MaxThreshold: 9,
}, "testbucket", "test/path", testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
pointer, path := getRemoteSegment(t, ctx, satellite)
// calculate how many storagenodes to kill
redundancy := pointer.GetRemote().GetRedundancy()
minReq := redundancy.GetMinReq()
remotePieces := pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
numPieces := len(remotePieces)
// disqualify one storage node
toDisqualify := 1
toKill := numPieces - toDisqualify - int(minReq)
require.True(t, toKill >= 1)
maxNumRepairedPieces := int(
float64(successThreshold) * (1 + RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold),
numStorageNodes := len(planet.StorageNodes)
// Ensure that there are enough storage nodes to upload repaired segments
(numStorageNodes-toKill-toDisqualify) < maxNumRepairedPieces,
"there is not enough available nodes for repairing: need= %d, have= %d",
maxNumRepairedPieces, (numStorageNodes - toKill - toDisqualify),
// kill nodes and track lost pieces
nodesToKill := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
nodesToDisqualify := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
nodesToKeepAlive := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
var numDisqualified int
for i, piece := range remotePieces {
if i >= toKill {
if numDisqualified < toDisqualify {
nodesToDisqualify[piece.NodeId] = true
nodesToKeepAlive[piece.NodeId] = true
nodesToKill[piece.NodeId] = true
for _, node := range planet.StorageNodes {
if nodesToDisqualify[node.ID()] {
disqualifyNode(t, ctx, satellite, node.ID())
if nodesToKill[node.ID()] {
err = planet.StopPeer(node)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = satellite.Overlay.Service.UpdateUptime(ctx, node.ID(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
// repaired segment should not contain any piece in the killed and DQ nodes
metainfoService := satellite.Metainfo.Service
pointer, err = metainfoService.Get(ctx, path)
require.NoError(t, err)
nodesToKillForMinThreshold := len(remotePieces) - minThreshold
remotePieces = pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
for _, piece := range remotePieces {
require.NotContains(t, nodesToKill, piece.NodeId, "there shouldn't be pieces in killed nodes")
require.NotContains(t, nodesToDisqualify, piece.NodeId, "there shouldn't be pieces in DQ nodes")
require.Nil(t, piece.Hash, "piece hashes should be set to nil")
// Kill the original nodes which were kept alive to ensure that we can
// download from the new nodes that the repaired pieces have been uploaded
if _, ok := nodesToKeepAlive[piece.NodeId]; ok && nodesToKillForMinThreshold > 0 {
stopNodeByID(t, ctx, planet, piece.NodeId)
// we should be able to download data without any of the original nodes
newData, err := uplinkPeer.Download(ctx, satellite, "testbucket", "test/path")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, newData, testData)
// TestCorruptDataRepair_Failed does the following:
// - Uploads test data
// - Kills all but the minimum number of nodes carrying the uploaded segment
// - On one of the remaining nodes, corrupt the piece data being stored by that node
// - Triggers data repair, which attempts to repair the data from the remaining nodes to
// the numbers of nodes determined by the upload repair max threshold
// - Expects that the repair failed and the pointer was not updated
func TestCorruptDataRepair_Failed(t *testing.T) {
const RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = 0.05
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 14,
UplinkCount: 1,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
config.Overlay.Node.OnlineWindow = 0
config.Repairer.MaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
uplinkPeer := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
// stop discovery service so that we do not get a race condition when we delete nodes from overlay
// stop audit to prevent possible interactions i.e. repair timeout problems
var testData = testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
// first, upload some remote data
err := uplinkPeer.UploadWithConfig(ctx, satellite, &uplink.RSConfig{
MinThreshold: 3,
RepairThreshold: 5,
SuccessThreshold: 7,
MaxThreshold: 9,
}, "testbucket", "test/path", testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
pointer, path := getRemoteSegment(t, ctx, satellite)
// calculate how many storagenodes to kill
redundancy := pointer.GetRemote().GetRedundancy()
minReq := redundancy.GetMinReq()
remotePieces := pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
numPieces := len(remotePieces)
toKill := numPieces - int(minReq)
require.True(t, toKill >= 1)
// kill nodes and track lost pieces
nodesToKill := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
originalNodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
var corruptedNode *storagenode.Peer
var corruptedNodeID storj.NodeID
var corruptedPieceID storj.PieceID
for i, piece := range remotePieces {
originalNodes[piece.NodeId] = true
if i >= toKill {
// this means the node will be kept alive for repair
// choose a node and pieceID to corrupt so repair fails
if corruptedNodeID.IsZero() || corruptedPieceID.IsZero() {
corruptedNodeID = piece.NodeId
corruptedPieceID = pointer.GetRemote().RootPieceId.Derive(corruptedNodeID, piece.PieceNum)
nodesToKill[piece.NodeId] = true
require.NotNil(t, corruptedNodeID)
require.NotNil(t, corruptedPieceID)
for _, node := range planet.StorageNodes {
if node.ID() == corruptedNodeID {
corruptedNode = node
if nodesToKill[node.ID()] {
err = planet.StopPeer(node)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = satellite.Overlay.Service.UpdateUptime(ctx, node.ID(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, corruptedNode)
overlay := planet.Satellites[0].Overlay.Service
node, err := overlay.Get(ctx, corruptedNodeID)
require.NoError(t, err)
corruptedNodeReputation := node.Reputation
corruptPieceData(ctx, t, planet, corruptedNode, corruptedPieceID)
// repair should update audit status as fail
node, err = overlay.Get(ctx, corruptedNodeID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, corruptedNodeReputation.AuditCount+1, node.Reputation.AuditCount)
require.True(t, corruptedNodeReputation.AuditReputationBeta < node.Reputation.AuditReputationBeta)
require.True(t, corruptedNodeReputation.AuditReputationAlpha >= node.Reputation.AuditReputationAlpha)
// repair should fail, so segment should contain all the original nodes
metainfoService := satellite.Metainfo.Service
pointer, err = metainfoService.Get(ctx, path)
require.NoError(t, err)
remotePieces = pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
for _, piece := range remotePieces {
require.Contains(t, originalNodes, piece.NodeId, "there should be no new nodes in pointer")
// TestCorruptDataRepair does the following:
// - Uploads test data
// - Kills some nodes carrying the uploaded segment but keep it above minimum requirement
// - On one of the remaining nodes, corrupt the piece data being stored by that node
// - Triggers data repair, which attempts to repair the data from the remaining nodes to
// the numbers of nodes determined by the upload repair max threshold
// - Expects that the repair succeed and the pointer should not contain the corrupted piece
func TestCorruptDataRepair_Succeed(t *testing.T) {
const RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = 0.05
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 14,
UplinkCount: 1,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
config.Overlay.Node.OnlineWindow = 0
config.Repairer.MaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
uplinkPeer := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
// stop discovery service so that we do not get a race condition when we delete nodes from overlay
// stop audit to prevent possible interactions i.e. repair timeout problems
var testData = testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
// first, upload some remote data
err := uplinkPeer.UploadWithConfig(ctx, satellite, &uplink.RSConfig{
MinThreshold: 3,
RepairThreshold: 5,
SuccessThreshold: 7,
MaxThreshold: 9,
}, "testbucket", "test/path", testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
pointer, path := getRemoteSegment(t, ctx, satellite)
// calculate how many storagenodes to kill
redundancy := pointer.GetRemote().GetRedundancy()
remotePieces := pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
numPieces := len(remotePieces)
toKill := numPieces - int(redundancy.RepairThreshold)
require.True(t, toKill >= 1)
// kill nodes and track lost pieces
nodesToKill := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
originalNodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
var corruptedNode *storagenode.Peer
var corruptedNodeID storj.NodeID
var corruptedPieceID storj.PieceID
var corruptedPiece *pb.RemotePiece
for i, piece := range remotePieces {
originalNodes[piece.NodeId] = true
if i >= toKill {
// this means the node will be kept alive for repair
// choose a node and pieceID to corrupt so repair fails
if corruptedNodeID.IsZero() || corruptedPieceID.IsZero() {
corruptedNodeID = piece.NodeId
corruptedPieceID = pointer.GetRemote().RootPieceId.Derive(corruptedNodeID, piece.PieceNum)
corruptedPiece = piece
nodesToKill[piece.NodeId] = true
require.NotNil(t, corruptedNodeID)
require.NotNil(t, corruptedPieceID)
for _, node := range planet.StorageNodes {
if node.ID() == corruptedNodeID {
corruptedNode = node
if nodesToKill[node.ID()] {
err = planet.StopPeer(node)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = satellite.Overlay.Service.UpdateUptime(ctx, node.ID(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, corruptedNode)
corruptPieceData(ctx, t, planet, corruptedNode, corruptedPieceID)
overlay := planet.Satellites[0].Overlay.Service
node, err := overlay.Get(ctx, corruptedNodeID)
require.NoError(t, err)
corruptedNodeReputation := node.Reputation
// repair should update audit status as fail
node, err = overlay.Get(ctx, corruptedNodeID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, corruptedNodeReputation.AuditCount+1, node.Reputation.AuditCount)
require.True(t, corruptedNodeReputation.AuditReputationBeta < node.Reputation.AuditReputationBeta)
require.True(t, corruptedNodeReputation.AuditReputationAlpha >= node.Reputation.AuditReputationAlpha)
// get the new pointer
metainfoService := satellite.Metainfo.Service
pointer, err = metainfoService.Get(ctx, path)
require.NoError(t, err)
remotePieces = pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
for _, piece := range remotePieces {
require.NotEqual(t, piece.PieceNum, corruptedPiece.PieceNum, "there should be no corrupted piece in pointer")
// TestRemoveIrreparableSegmentFromQueue
// - Upload tests data to 7 nodes
// - Kill nodes so that repair threshold > online nodes > minimum threshold
// - Call checker to add segment to the repair queue
// - Kill nodes so that online nodes < minimum threshold
// - Run the repairer
// - Verify segment is no longer in the repair queue and segment should be the same
func TestRemoveIrreparableSegmentFromQueue(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 10,
UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
// first, upload some remote data
uplinkPeer := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
// stop discovery service so that we do not get a race condition when we delete nodes from overlay
// stop audit to prevent possible interactions i.e. repair timeout problems
testData := testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
err := uplinkPeer.UploadWithConfig(ctx, satellite, &uplink.RSConfig{
MinThreshold: 3,
RepairThreshold: 5,
SuccessThreshold: 7,
MaxThreshold: 7,
}, "testbucket", "test/path", testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
pointer, _ := getRemoteSegment(t, ctx, satellite)
// kill nodes and track lost pieces
nodesToDQ := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
// Kill 3 nodes so that pointer has 4 left (less than repair threshold)
toKill := 3
remotePieces := pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
for i, piece := range remotePieces {
if i >= toKill {
nodesToDQ[piece.NodeId] = true
for nodeID := range nodesToDQ {
disqualifyNode(t, ctx, satellite, nodeID)
// trigger checker to add segment to repair queue
// TODO: Verify segment is in queue by making a query to the database
// Kill nodes so that online nodes < minimum threshold
// This will make the segment irreparable
for _, piece := range remotePieces {
disqualifyNode(t, ctx, satellite, piece.NodeId)
count, err := satellite.DB.RepairQueue().Count(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, count, 1)
// Run the repairer
count, err = satellite.DB.RepairQueue().Count(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, count, 0)
// TestRepairMultipleDisqualified does the following:
// - Uploads test data to 7 nodes
// - Disqualifies 3 nodes
// - Triggers data repair, which repairs the data from the remaining 4 nodes to additional 3 new nodes
// - Shuts down the 4 nodes from which the data was repaired
// - Now we have just the 3 new nodes to which the data was repaired
// - Downloads the data from these 3 nodes (succeeds because 3 nodes are enough for download)
func TestRepairMultipleDisqualified(t *testing.T) {
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 12,
UplinkCount: 1,
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
// first, upload some remote data
uplinkPeer := planet.Uplinks[0]
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
// stop discovery service so that we do not get a race condition when we delete nodes from overlay
testData := testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
err := uplinkPeer.UploadWithConfig(ctx, satellite, &uplink.RSConfig{
MinThreshold: 3,
RepairThreshold: 5,
SuccessThreshold: 7,
MaxThreshold: 7,
}, "testbucket", "test/path", testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
// get a remote segment from metainfo
metainfo := satellite.Metainfo.Service
listResponse, _, err := metainfo.List(ctx, "", "", "", true, 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
var path string
var pointer *pb.Pointer
for _, v := range listResponse {
path = v.GetPath()
pointer, err = metainfo.Get(ctx, path)
require.NoError(t, err)
if pointer.GetType() == pb.Pointer_REMOTE {
// calculate how many storagenodes to disqualify
numStorageNodes := len(planet.StorageNodes)
redundancy := pointer.GetRemote().GetRedundancy()
remotePieces := pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
minReq := redundancy.GetMinReq()
numPieces := len(remotePieces)
toDisqualify := numPieces - (int(minReq + 1))
// we should have enough storage nodes to repair on
require.True(t, (numStorageNodes-toDisqualify) >= numPieces)
// disqualify nodes and track lost pieces
nodesToDisqualify := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
nodesToKeepAlive := make(map[storj.NodeID]bool)
for i, piece := range remotePieces {
if i >= toDisqualify {
nodesToKeepAlive[piece.NodeId] = true
nodesToDisqualify[piece.NodeId] = true
for _, node := range planet.StorageNodes {
if nodesToDisqualify[node.ID()] {
disqualifyNode(t, ctx, satellite, node.ID())
err = satellite.Repair.Checker.RefreshReliabilityCache(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// kill nodes kept alive to ensure repair worked
for _, node := range planet.StorageNodes {
if nodesToKeepAlive[node.ID()] {
err = planet.StopPeer(node)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = satellite.Overlay.Service.UpdateUptime(ctx, node.ID(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
// we should be able to download data without any of the original nodes
newData, err := uplinkPeer.Download(ctx, satellite, "testbucket", "test/path")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, newData, testData)
// updated pointer should not contain any of the disqualified nodes
pointer, err = metainfo.Get(ctx, path)
require.NoError(t, err)
remotePieces = pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
for _, piece := range remotePieces {
require.False(t, nodesToDisqualify[piece.NodeId])
// TestDataRepairUploadLimits does the following:
// - Uploads test data to nodes
// - Get one segment of that data to check in which nodes its pieces are stored
// - Kills as many nodes as needed which store such segment pieces
// - Triggers data repair
// - Verify that the number of pieces which repaired has uploaded don't overpass
// the established limit (success threshold + % of excess)
func TestDataRepairUploadLimit(t *testing.T) {
const RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = 0.05
testplanet.Run(t, testplanet.Config{
SatelliteCount: 1,
StorageNodeCount: 13,
UplinkCount: 1,
Reconfigure: testplanet.Reconfigure{
Satellite: func(log *zap.Logger, index int, config *satellite.Config) {
config.Repairer.MaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold = RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold
}, func(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet) {
satellite := planet.Satellites[0]
// stop discovery service so that we do not get a race condition when we delete nodes from overlay
// stop audit to prevent possible interactions i.e. repair timeout problems
const (
repairThreshold = 5
successThreshold = 7
maxThreshold = 9
var (
maxRepairUploadThreshold = int(
float64(successThreshold) * (1 + RepairMaxExcessRateOptimalThreshold),
ul = planet.Uplinks[0]
testData = testrand.Bytes(8 * memory.KiB)
err := ul.UploadWithConfig(ctx, satellite, &uplink.RSConfig{
MinThreshold: 3,
RepairThreshold: repairThreshold,
SuccessThreshold: successThreshold,
MaxThreshold: maxThreshold,
}, "testbucket", "test/path", testData)
require.NoError(t, err)
pointer, path := getRemoteSegment(t, ctx, satellite)
originalPieces := pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
require.True(t, len(originalPieces) <= maxThreshold)
{ // Check that there is enough nodes in the network which don't contain
// pieces of the segment for being able to repair the lost pieces
availableNumNodes := len(planet.StorageNodes) - len(originalPieces)
neededNodesForRepair := maxRepairUploadThreshold - repairThreshold
availableNumNodes >= neededNodesForRepair,
"Not enough remaining nodes in the network for repairing the pieces: have= %d, need= %d",
availableNumNodes, neededNodesForRepair,
originalStorageNodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]struct{})
for _, p := range originalPieces {
originalStorageNodes[p.NodeId] = struct{}{}
killedNodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]struct{})
{ // Register nodes of the network which don't have pieces for the segment
// to be injured and ill nodes which have pieces of the segment in order
// to injure it
numNodesToKill := len(originalPieces) - repairThreshold
for _, node := range planet.StorageNodes {
if _, ok := originalStorageNodes[node.ID()]; !ok {
if len(killedNodes) < numNodesToKill {
err = planet.StopPeer(node)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = satellite.Overlay.Service.UpdateUptime(ctx, node.ID(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
killedNodes[node.ID()] = struct{}{}
// Get the pointer after repair to check the nodes where the pieces are
// stored
pointer, err = satellite.Metainfo.Service.Get(ctx, path)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check that repair has uploaded missed pieces to an expected number of
// nodes
afterRepairPieces := pointer.GetRemote().GetRemotePieces()
len(afterRepairPieces) > maxRepairUploadThreshold,
"Repaired pieces cannot be over max repair upload threshold. maxRepairUploadThreshold= %d, have= %d",
maxRepairUploadThreshold, len(afterRepairPieces),
len(afterRepairPieces) < successThreshold,
"Repaired pieces shouldn't be under success threshold. successThreshold= %d, have= %d",
successThreshold, len(afterRepairPieces),
// Check that after repair, the segment doesn't have more pieces on the
// killed nodes
for _, p := range afterRepairPieces {
require.NotContains(t, killedNodes, p.NodeId, "there shouldn't be pieces in killed nodes")
func isDisqualified(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, satellite *testplanet.SatelliteSystem, nodeID storj.NodeID) bool {
node, err := satellite.Overlay.Service.Get(ctx, nodeID)
require.NoError(t, err)
return node.Disqualified != nil
func disqualifyNode(t *testing.T, ctx *testcontext.Context, satellite *testplanet.SatelliteSystem, nodeID storj.NodeID) {
_, err := satellite.DB.OverlayCache().UpdateStats(ctx, &overlay.UpdateRequest{
NodeID: nodeID,
IsUp: true,
AuditSuccess: false,
AuditLambda: 0,
AuditWeight: 1,
AuditDQ: 0.5,
UptimeLambda: 1,
UptimeWeight: 1,
UptimeDQ: 0.5,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, isDisqualified(t, ctx, satellite, nodeID))
// getRemoteSegment returns a remote pointer its path from satellite.
// nolint:golint
func getRemoteSegment(
t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, satellite *testplanet.SatelliteSystem,
) (_ *pb.Pointer, path string) {
// get a remote segment from metainfo
metainfo := satellite.Metainfo.Service
listResponse, _, err := metainfo.List(ctx, "", "", "", true, 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, v := range listResponse {
path := v.GetPath()
pointer, err := metainfo.Get(ctx, path)
require.NoError(t, err)
if pointer.GetType() == pb.Pointer_REMOTE {
return pointer, path
t.Fatal("satellite doesn't have any remote segment")
return nil, ""
// nolint:golint
func stopNodeByID(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, planet *testplanet.Planet, nodeID storj.NodeID) {
for _, node := range planet.StorageNodes {
if node.ID() == nodeID {
err := planet.StopPeer(node)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, sat := range planet.Satellites {
_, err = sat.Overlay.Service.UpdateUptime(ctx, node.ID(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
// corruptPieceData manipulates piece data on a storage node.
func corruptPieceData(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, planet *testplanet.Planet, corruptedNode *storagenode.Peer, corruptedPieceID storj.PieceID) {
blobRef := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: planet.Satellites[0].ID().Bytes(),
Key: corruptedPieceID.Bytes(),
// get currently stored piece data from storagenode
reader, err := corruptedNode.Storage2.BlobsCache.Open(ctx, blobRef)
require.NoError(t, err)
pieceSize, err := reader.Size()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, pieceSize > 0)
pieceData := make([]byte, pieceSize)
n, err := io.ReadFull(reader, pieceData)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, n, pieceSize)
// delete piece data
err = corruptedNode.Storage2.BlobsCache.Delete(ctx, blobRef)
require.NoError(t, err)
// corrupt piece data (not PieceHeader) and write back to storagenode
// this means repair downloading should fail during piece hash verification
pieceData[pieceSize-1]++ // if we don't do this, this test should fail
writer, err := corruptedNode.Storage2.BlobsCache.Create(ctx, blobRef, pieceSize)
require.NoError(t, err)
n, err = writer.Write(pieceData)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, n, pieceSize)
err = writer.Commit(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)