Having the storagenode and storagenode-updater processes in one container requires a process manager to properly handle the individual processes. Using a process manager like supervisord requires that you package supervisord and it configuration in the image, along with the storagenode and storagenode-updater binaries. Installing supervisord requires that we run apk to install it and its dependencies at build time which makes it difficult to build multi-platoform images; executing apk forces a requirement of the build system to run foreign architechtures. This change adds a dockerfile which will be used to build the base image for the storagenode and has supervisord packaged. The base image will be built manually using docker buildx, with QEMU binfmt support. Updates https://github.com/storj/storj/issues/4489 Change-Id: I33f8f01398a7207bca08d8a4a43f4ed56b6a2473
442 lines
20 KiB
442 lines
20 KiB
GO_VERSION ?= 1.17.5
GOOS ?= linux
GOARCH ?= amd64
GOPATH ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)
NODE_VERSION ?= 16.11.1
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME := ${TAG}-$(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
BRANCH_NAME ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | sed "s!/!-!g")
GIT_TAG := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
ifeq (${BRANCH_NAME},main)
LATEST_TAG := latest
ifneq (,$(findstring release-,$(BRANCH_NAME)))
ifeq (${GOOS},windows)
FILEEXT := .exe
DOCKER_BUILD := docker build \
--build-arg TAG=${TAG}
DOCKER_BUILDX := docker buildx build
.PHONY: help
@awk 'BEGIN { \
FS = ":.*##"; \
printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"\
} \
/^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { \
printf " \033[36m%-17s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 \
} \
/^##@/ { \
printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) \
##@ Dependencies
.PHONY: build-dev-deps
build-dev-deps: ## Install dependencies for builds
go get golang.org/x/tools/cover
go get github.com/go-bindata/go-bindata/go-bindata
go get github.com/josephspurrier/goversioninfo/cmd/goversioninfo
go get github.com/github-release/github-release
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Analyze and find programs in source code
@echo "Running ${@}"
@golangci-lint run
.PHONY: goimports-fix
goimports-fix: ## Applies goimports to every go file (excluding vendored files)
goimports -w -local storj.io $$(find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "*/vendor/*")
.PHONY: goimports-st
goimports-st: ## Applies goimports to every go file in `git status` (ignores untracked files)
@git status --porcelain -uno|grep .go|grep -v "^D"|sed -E 's,\w+\s+(.+->\s+)?,,g'|xargs -I {} goimports -w -local storj.io {}
.PHONY: build-packages
build-packages: build-packages-race build-packages-normal build-satellite-npm build-storagenode-npm build-multinode-npm build-satellite-admin-npm ## Test docker images locally
go build -v ./...
go build -v -race ./...
cd web/satellite && npm ci
cd web/storagenode && npm ci
cd web/multinode && npm ci
cd satellite/admin/ui && npm ci
##@ Simulator
# Allow the caller to set GATEWAYPATH if desired. This controls where the new
# go module is created to install the specific gateway version.
.PHONY: install-sim
install-sim: ## install storj-sim
@echo "Running ${@}"
go install -race -v \
storj.io/storj/cmd/satellite \
storj.io/storj/cmd/storagenode \
storj.io/storj/cmd/storj-sim \
storj.io/storj/cmd/versioncontrol \
storj.io/storj/cmd/uplink \
storj.io/storj/cmd/identity \
storj.io/storj/cmd/certificates \
## install the latest stable version of Gateway-ST
go install -race -v storj.io/gateway@latest
##@ Test
.PHONY: test
test: ## Run tests on source code (jenkins)
go test -race -v -cover -coverprofile=.coverprofile ./...
@echo done
.PHONY: test-sim
test-sim: ## Test source with storj-sim (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: test-sim-redis-unavailability
test-sim-redis-unavailability: ## Test source with Redis availability with storj-sim (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: test-certificates
test-certificates: ## Test certificate signing service and storagenode setup (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: test-sim-backwards-compatible
test-sim-backwards-compatible: ## Test uploading a file with lastest release (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: check-monitoring
check-monitoring: ## Check for locked monkit calls that have changed
@echo "Running ${@}"
@check-monitoring ./... | diff -U0 ./monkit.lock - \
|| (echo "Locked monkit metrics have been changed. **Notify #team-data** and run \`go run github.com/storj/ci/check-monitoring -out monkit.lock ./...\` to update monkit.lock file." \
&& exit 1)
.PHONY: test-wasm-size
test-wasm-size: ## Test that the built .wasm code has not increased in size
@echo "Running ${@}"
##@ Build
.PHONY: storagenode-console
# build web assets
rm -rf web/storagenode/dist
# install npm dependencies and build the binaries
docker run --rm -i \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/go/src/storj.io/storj \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj/web/storagenode \
-e HOME=/tmp \
-u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \
node:${NODE_VERSION} \
/bin/bash -c "npm ci && npm run build"
# embed web assets into go
go-bindata -prefix web/storagenode/ -fs -o storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go -pkg consoleassets web/storagenode/dist/... web/storagenode/static/...
# configure existing go code to know about the new assets
/usr/bin/env echo -e '\nfunc init() { FileSystem = AssetFile() }' >> storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
gofmt -w -s storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
.PHONY: multinode-console
# build web assets
rm -rf web/multinode/dist
# install npm dependencies and build the binaries
docker run --rm -i \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/go/src/storj.io/storj \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj/web/multinode \
-e HOME=/tmp \
-u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \
node:${NODE_VERSION} \
/bin/bash -c "npm ci && npm run build"
# embed web assets into go
go-bindata -prefix web/multinode/ -fs -o multinode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go -pkg consoleassets web/multinode/dist/... web/multinode/static/...
# configure existing go code to know about the new assets
/usr/bin/env echo -e '\nfunc init() { FileSystem = AssetFile() }' >> multinode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
gofmt -w -s multinode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
.PHONY: satellite-admin-ui
# install npm dependencies for being embedded by Go embed.
docker run --rm -i \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/go/src/storj.io/storj \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj/satellite/admin/ui \
-e HOME=/tmp \
-u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \
node:${NODE_VERSION} \
/bin/bash -c "npm ci && npm run build && cp -r build/* assets"
.PHONY: satellite-wasm
docker run --rm -i -v "${PWD}":/go/src/storj.io/storj -e GO111MODULE=on \
-e GOOS=js -e GOARCH=wasm -e GOARM=6 -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \
-v /tmp/go-cache:/tmp/.cache/go-build -v /tmp/go-pkg:/go/pkg \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj -e GOPROXY -e TAG=${TAG} -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) storjlabs/golang:${GO_VERSION} \
scripts/build-wasm.sh ;\
.PHONY: images
images: multinode-image satellite-image storagenode-image versioncontrol-image ## Build multinode, satellite, storagenode, and versioncontrol Docker images
echo Built version: ${TAG}
.PHONY: multinode-image
multinode-image: multinode_linux_arm multinode_linux_arm64 multinode_linux_amd64 ## Build multinode Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/multinode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 \
-f cmd/multinode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/multinode/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: satellite-image
satellite-image: satellite_linux_arm satellite_linux_arm64 satellite_linux_amd64 ## Build satellite Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/satellite/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 \
-f cmd/satellite/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/satellite/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: storagenode-image
storagenode-image: ## Build storagenode Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 --build-arg=APK_ARCH=armhf \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 --build-arg=APK_ARCH=aarch64 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: storagenode-base-image
storagenode-base-image: ## Build storagenode Docker base image. Requires buildx. This image is expected to be built manually using buildx and QEMU.
${DOCKER_BUILDX} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile.base .
${DOCKER_BUILDX} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile.base .
${DOCKER_BUILDX} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile.base .
.PHONY: push-storagenode-base-image
push-storagenode-base-image: ## Push the storagenode base image to dockerhub
docker push storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64
docker push storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6
docker push storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8
.PHONY: versioncontrol-image
versioncontrol-image: versioncontrol_linux_arm versioncontrol_linux_arm64 versioncontrol_linux_amd64 ## Build versioncontrol Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/versioncontrol/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 \
-f cmd/versioncontrol/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/versioncontrol/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: binary
binary: CUSTOMTAG = -${GOOS}-${GOARCH}
@if [ -z "${COMPONENT}" ]; then echo "Try one of the following targets instead:" \
&& for b in binaries ${BINARIES}; do echo "- $$b"; done && exit 1; fi
mkdir -p release/${TAG}
mkdir -p /tmp/go-cache /tmp/go-pkg
rm -f cmd/${COMPONENT}/resource.syso
if [ "${GOARCH}" = "amd64" ]; then sixtyfour="-64"; fi; \
[ "${GOOS}" = "windows" ] && [ "${GOARCH}" = "amd64" ] && goversioninfo $$sixtyfour -o cmd/${COMPONENT}/resource.syso \
-original-name ${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT} \
-description "${COMPONENT} program for Storj" \
-product-ver-major "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {gsub("v", "", $$0); v=$$1} END {print v}' )" \
-ver-major "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {gsub("v", "", $$0); v=$$1} END {print v}' )" \
-product-ver-minor "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$2} END {print v}')" \
-ver-minor "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$2} END {print v}')" \
-product-ver-patch "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$3} END {print v}' | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$1} END {print v}')" \
-ver-patch "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$3} END {print v}' | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$1} END {print v}')" \
-product-version "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$1} END {print v}' || echo "dev" )" \
-special-build "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$2} END {print v}' )" \
resources/versioninfo.json || echo "goversioninfo is not installed, metadata will not be created"
docker run --rm -i -v "${PWD}":/go/src/storj.io/storj -e GO111MODULE=on \
-v /tmp/go-cache:/tmp/.cache/go-build -v /tmp/go-pkg:/go/pkg \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj -e GOPROXY -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) storjlabs/golang:${GO_VERSION} \
scripts/release.sh build $(EXTRA_ARGS) -o release/${TAG}/$(COMPONENT)_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT} \
if [ "${COMPONENT}" = "satellite" ] && [ "${GOOS}" = "linux" ] && [ "${GOARCH}" = "amd64" ]; \
then \
echo "Building wasm code"; \
$(MAKE) satellite-wasm; \
chmod 755 release/${TAG}/$(COMPONENT)_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT}
[ "${FILEEXT}" = ".exe" ] && storj-sign release/${TAG}/$(COMPONENT)_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT} || echo "Skipping signing"
rm -f release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.zip
.PHONY: binary-check
@if [ -f release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH} ] || [ -f release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.exe ]; \
then \
echo "release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH} exists"; \
else \
echo "Making ${COMPONENT}"; \
$(MAKE) binary; \
.PHONY: certificates_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=certificates GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: identity_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=identity GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: inspector_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=inspector GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONE: multinode_%
multinode_%: multinode-console
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=multinode GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: satellite_%
satellite_%: satellite-admin-ui
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=satellite GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: storagenode_%
storagenode_%: storagenode-console
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=storagenode GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: storagenode-updater_%
EXTRA_ARGS="-tags=service" $(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=storagenode-updater GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: uplink_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=uplink GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: versioncontrol_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=versioncontrol GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: multinode_%
multinode_%: multinode-console
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=multinode GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
COMPONENTLIST := certificates identity inspector multinode satellite storagenode storagenode-updater uplink versioncontrol
OSARCHLIST := linux_amd64 linux_arm linux_arm64 windows_amd64 freebsd_amd64
BINARIES := $(foreach C,$(COMPONENTLIST),$(foreach O,$(OSARCHLIST),$C_$O))
.PHONY: binaries
binaries: ${BINARIES} ## Build certificates, identity, inspector, multinode, satellite, storagenode, uplink, versioncontrol and multinode binaries (jenkins)
.PHONY: sign-windows-installer
storj-sign release/${TAG}/storagenode_windows_amd64.msi
##@ Deploy
.PHONY: push-images
push-images: ## Push Docker images to Docker Hub (jenkins)
# images have to be pushed before a manifest can be created
for c in multinode satellite storagenode uplink versioncontrol ; do \
docker push storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
&& docker push storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
&& docker push storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
&& for t in ${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG} ${LATEST_TAG}; do \
docker manifest create storjlabs/$$c:$$t \
storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/$$c:$$t storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 --os linux --arch amd64 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/$$c:$$t storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 --os linux --arch arm --variant v6 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/$$c:$$t storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8 \
&& docker manifest push --purge storjlabs/$$c:$$t \
; done \
; done
.PHONY: binaries-upload
binaries-upload: ## Upload binaries to Google Storage (jenkins)
cd "release/${TAG}"; for f in *; do \
zipname=$$(echo $${f} | sed 's/.exe//g') \
&& filename=$$(echo $${f} | sed 's/_.*\.exe/.exe/g' | sed 's/_.*\.msi/.msi/g' | sed 's/_.*//g') \
&& if [ "$${f}" != "$${filename}" ]; then \
ln $${f} $${filename} \
&& zip -r "$${zipname}.zip" "$${filename}" \
&& rm $${filename} \
; else \
zip -r "$${zipname}.zip" "$${filename}" \
; fi \
; done
cd "release/${TAG}"; gsutil -m cp -r *.zip "gs://storj-v3-alpha-builds/${TAG}/"
.PHONY: draft-release
scripts/draft-release.sh ${BRANCH_NAME} "release/${TAG}"
##@ Clean
.PHONY: clean
clean: binaries-clean clean-images ## Clean docker test environment, local release binaries, and local Docker images
.PHONY: binaries-clean
binaries-clean: ## Remove all local release binaries (jenkins)
rm -rf release
.PHONY: clean-images
-docker rmi storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
-docker rmi storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
-docker rmi storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
-docker rmi storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
##@ Tooling
.PHONY: diagrams
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Core" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite-core.svg
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.API" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite-api.svg
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Repairer" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite-repair.svg
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite.svg
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/storagenode/ ./storagenode/... | dot -T svg -o storage-node.svg
.PHONY: diagrams-graphml
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Core" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite-core.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.API" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite-api.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Repairer" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite-repair.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/storagenode/ -out storage-node.graphml ./storagenode/...
.PHONY: bump-dependencies
go get storj.io/common@main storj.io/private@main storj.io/uplink@main
go mod tidy
cd testsuite;\
go get storj.io/common@main storj.io/storj@main storj.io/uplink@main;\
go mod tidy;
protolock commit --ignore "satellite/internalpb,storagenode/internalpb"