Yingrong Zhao 09b0c2a630
create db implementation for offer table (#2031)
* init marketing service

Fix linting error

Create offerdb implementation

Create offers service

Add update method

Create offer table and migration

Fix linting error

fix conflicts

Insert new data

Change duration to have clear indication to be based on days

add error wrapper

Change from using uuid to int for id field

* Create Marketing service

* make error virable name more readable

* add condition in update service method to check offer status

* generate lock file

Change get to listAllOffers

* Add method for getting current offer


* add check for expires_at in update method

* Fix conflicts

* add copyright header

* Fix linting error

* only allow update to active offers

* add isDefault argument to GetCurrent

* Update lock file

* add migration file

* finish migrate for adding credit_in_cents for both award and invitee

* save 100 years as expiration date for default offers

* create crud test for offers

* add GetCurrent test

* modify doc

* Fix GetCurrent to work with default offer

* fix linting issue

* add more tests and address feedbacks

* fix migration file

* add type column back to match with mockup design

* add type column back to match with mockup design

* move doc changes to new pr

* add comments

* change GetCurrent to GetCurrentByType

* fix typo
2019-06-04 15:17:01 -04:00

391 lines
9.5 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
// +build ignore
package main
import (
func main() {
var outputPath string
var packageName string
var typeFullyQualifedName string
flag.StringVar(&outputPath, "o", "", "output file name")
flag.StringVar(&packageName, "p", "", "output package name")
flag.StringVar(&typeFullyQualifedName, "i", "", "interface to generate code for")
if outputPath == "" || packageName == "" || typeFullyQualifedName == "" {
fmt.Println("missing argument")
var code Code
code.Imports = map[string]bool{}
code.Ignore = map[string]bool{
"error": true,
code.IgnoreMethods = map[string]bool{
"BeginTx": true,
code.OutputPackage = packageName
code.Config = &packages.Config{
Mode: packages.LoadAllSyntax,
code.Wrapped = map[string]bool{}
code.AdditionalNesting = map[string]int{"Console": 1, "Marketing": 1}
// e.g.
p := strings.LastIndexByte(typeFullyQualifedName, '.')
code.Package = typeFullyQualifedName[:p] //
code.Type = typeFullyQualifedName[p+1:] // DB
code.QualifiedType = path.Base(code.Package) + "." + code.Type
var err error
code.Roots, err = packages.Load(code.Config, code.Package)
if err != nil {
unformatted := code.Bytes()
imports.LocalPrefix = ""
formatted, err := imports.Process(outputPath, unformatted, nil)
if err != nil {
if outputPath == "" {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(outputPath, formatted, 0644)
if err != nil {
// Methods is the common interface for types having methods.
type Methods interface {
Method(i int) *types.Func
NumMethods() int
// Code is the information for generating the code.
type Code struct {
Config *packages.Config
Package string
Type string
QualifiedType string
Roots []*packages.Package
OutputPackage string
Imports map[string]bool
Ignore map[string]bool
IgnoreMethods map[string]bool
Wrapped map[string]bool
AdditionalNesting map[string]int
Preamble bytes.Buffer
Source bytes.Buffer
// Bytes returns all code merged together
func (code *Code) Bytes() []byte {
var all bytes.Buffer
return all.Bytes()
// PrintPreamble creates package header and imports.
func (code *Code) PrintPreamble() {
w := &code.Preamble
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Code generated by lockedgen using 'go generate'. DO NOT EDIT.\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// See LICENSE for copying information.\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "package %v\n\n", code.OutputPackage)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "import (\n")
var imports []string
for imp := range code.Imports {
imports = append(imports, imp)
for _, imp := range imports {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %q\n", imp)
fmt.Fprintf(w, ")\n\n")
// PrintLocked writes locked wrapper and methods.
func (code *Code) PrintLocked() {
code.Imports["sync"] = true
code.Imports[""] = true
code.Printf("// locked implements a locking wrapper around satellite.DB.\n")
code.Printf("type locked struct {\n")
code.Printf(" sync.Locker\n")
code.Printf(" db %v\n", code.QualifiedType)
code.Printf("// newLocked returns database wrapped with locker.\n")
code.Printf("func newLocked(db %v) %v {\n", code.QualifiedType, code.QualifiedType)
code.Printf(" return &locked{&sync.Mutex{}, db}\n")
// find the satellite.DB type info
dbObject := code.Roots[0].Types.Scope().Lookup(code.Type)
methods := dbObject.Type().Underlying().(Methods)
for i := 0; i < methods.NumMethods(); i++ {
code.PrintLockedFunc("locked", methods.Method(i), code.AdditionalNesting[methods.Method(i).Name()]+1)
// Printf writes formatted text to source.
func (code *Code) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(&code.Source, format, a...)
// PrintSignature prints method signature.
func (code *Code) PrintSignature(sig *types.Signature) {
code.PrintSignatureTuple(sig.Params(), true)
if sig.Results().Len() > 0 {
code.Printf(" ")
code.PrintSignatureTuple(sig.Results(), false)
// PrintSignatureTuple prints method tuple, params or results.
func (code *Code) PrintSignatureTuple(tuple *types.Tuple, needsNames bool) {
defer code.Printf(")")
for i := 0; i < tuple.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
code.Printf(", ")
param := tuple.At(i)
if code.PrintName(tuple.At(i), i, needsNames) {
code.Printf(" ")
// PrintCall prints a call using the specified signature.
func (code *Code) PrintCall(sig *types.Signature) {
defer code.Printf(")")
params := sig.Params()
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
if i != 0 {
code.Printf(", ")
code.PrintName(params.At(i), i, true)
// PrintName prints an appropriate name from signature tuple.
func (code *Code) PrintName(v *types.Var, index int, needsNames bool) bool {
name := v.Name()
if needsNames && name == "" {
if v.Type().String() == "context.Context" {
return true
code.Printf("a%d", index)
return true
code.Printf("%s", name)
return name != ""
// PrintType prints short form of type t.
func (code *Code) PrintType(t types.Type) {
types.WriteType(&code.Source, t, (*types.Package).Name)
func typeName(typ types.Type) string {
var body bytes.Buffer
types.WriteType(&body, typ, (*types.Package).Name)
return body.String()
// IncludeImports imports all types referenced in the signature.
func (code *Code) IncludeImports(sig *types.Signature) {
var tmp bytes.Buffer
types.WriteSignature(&tmp, sig, func(p *types.Package) string {
code.Imports[p.Path()] = true
return p.Name()
// NeedsWrapper checks whether method result needs a wrapper type.
func (code *Code) NeedsWrapper(method *types.Func) bool {
if code.IgnoreMethods[method.Name()] {
return false
sig := method.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature)
return sig.Results().Len() == 1 && !code.Ignore[sig.Results().At(0).Type().String()]
// WrapperTypeName returns an appropriate name for the wrapper type.
func (code *Code) WrapperTypeName(method *types.Func) string {
return "locked" + method.Name()
// PrintLockedFunc prints a method with locking and defers the actual logic to method.
func (code *Code) PrintLockedFunc(receiverType string, method *types.Func, nestingDepth int) {
if code.IgnoreMethods[method.Name()] {
sig := method.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature)
doc := strings.TrimSpace(code.MethodDoc(method))
if doc != "" {
for _, line := range strings.Split(doc, "\n") {
code.Printf("// %s\n", line)
code.Printf("func (m *%s) %s", receiverType, method.Name())
code.Printf(" {\n")
code.Printf(" m.Lock(); defer m.Unlock()\n")
if !code.NeedsWrapper(method) {
code.Printf(" return m.db.%s", method.Name())
code.Printf(" return &%s{m.Locker, ", code.WrapperTypeName(method))
code.Printf("m.db.%s", method.Name())
if nestingDepth > 0 {
code.PrintWrapper(method, nestingDepth-1)
// PrintWrapper prints wrapper for the result type of method.
func (code *Code) PrintWrapper(method *types.Func, nestingDepth int) {
sig := method.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature)
results := sig.Results()
result := results.At(0).Type()
receiverType := code.WrapperTypeName(method)
if code.Wrapped[receiverType] {
code.Wrapped[receiverType] = true
code.Printf("// %s implements locking wrapper for %s\n", receiverType, typeName(result))
code.Printf("type %s struct {\n", receiverType)
code.Printf(" sync.Locker\n")
code.Printf(" db %s\n", typeName(result))
methods := result.Underlying().(Methods)
for i := 0; i < methods.NumMethods(); i++ {
code.PrintLockedFunc(receiverType, methods.Method(i), nestingDepth)
// MethodDoc finds documentation for the specified method.
func (code *Code) MethodDoc(method *types.Func) string {
file := code.FindASTFile(method.Pos())
if file == nil {
return ""
path, exact := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(file, method.Pos(), method.Pos())
if !exact {
return ""
for _, p := range path {
switch decl := p.(type) {
case *ast.Field:
return decl.Doc.Text()
case *ast.GenDecl:
return decl.Doc.Text()
case *ast.FuncDecl:
return decl.Doc.Text()
return ""
// FindASTFile finds the *ast.File at the specified position.
func (code *Code) FindASTFile(pos token.Pos) *ast.File {
seen := map[*packages.Package]bool{}
// find searches pos recursively from p and its dependencies.
var find func(p *packages.Package) *ast.File
find = func(p *packages.Package) *ast.File {
if seen[p] {
return nil
seen[p] = true
for _, file := range p.Syntax {
if file.Pos() <= pos && pos <= file.End() {
return file
for _, dep := range p.Imports {
if file := find(dep); file != nil {
return file
return nil
for _, root := range code.Roots {
if file := find(root); file != nil {
return file
return nil