We did not test the SegmentHealth function with actual production values, and it turns out that values such as 52 healthy, 35 minimum result in +Inf segment health - so pretty much all segments put into the repair queue have the same health, which means we effectively aren't sorting by health. This change inserts numHealthy as segment health into the database so the segments are ordered as they were before. We need to refine the SegmentHealth function before we can support multi RS. Change-Id: Ief19bbfee3594c5dfe94ca606bc930f05f85ff74
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package checker
import (
// Error is a standard error class for this package.
var (
Error = errs.Class("checker error")
mon = monkit.Package()
// durabilityStats remote segment information.
type durabilityStats struct {
objectsChecked int64
remoteSegmentsChecked int64
remoteSegmentsNeedingRepair int64
newRemoteSegmentsNeedingRepair int64
remoteSegmentsLost int64
remoteSegmentsFailedToCheck int64
remoteSegmentInfo []metabase.ObjectLocation
// remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[0]=# of healthy=rt+1, remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[1]=# of healthy=rt+2, etc...
remoteSegmentsOverThreshold [5]int64
// Checker contains the information needed to do checks for missing pieces
// architecture: Chore
type Checker struct {
logger *zap.Logger
repairQueue queue.RepairQueue
irrdb irreparable.DB
metainfo *metainfo.Service
metaLoop *metainfo.Loop
nodestate *ReliabilityCache
repairOverrides RepairOverridesMap
nodeFailureRate float64
Loop *sync2.Cycle
IrreparableLoop *sync2.Cycle
// NewChecker creates a new instance of checker.
func NewChecker(logger *zap.Logger, repairQueue queue.RepairQueue, irrdb irreparable.DB, metainfo *metainfo.Service, metaLoop *metainfo.Loop, overlay *overlay.Service, config Config) *Checker {
return &Checker{
logger: logger,
repairQueue: repairQueue,
irrdb: irrdb,
metainfo: metainfo,
metaLoop: metaLoop,
nodestate: NewReliabilityCache(overlay, config.ReliabilityCacheStaleness),
repairOverrides: config.RepairOverrides.GetMap(),
nodeFailureRate: config.NodeFailureRate,
Loop: sync2.NewCycle(config.Interval),
IrreparableLoop: sync2.NewCycle(config.IrreparableInterval),
// Run the checker loop.
func (checker *Checker) Run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
group.Go(func() error {
return checker.Loop.Run(ctx, checker.IdentifyInjuredSegments)
group.Go(func() error {
return checker.IrreparableLoop.Run(ctx, checker.IrreparableProcess)
return group.Wait()
// RefreshReliabilityCache forces refreshing node online status cache.
func (checker *Checker) RefreshReliabilityCache(ctx context.Context) error {
return checker.nodestate.Refresh(ctx)
// Close halts the Checker loop.
func (checker *Checker) Close() error {
return nil
// IdentifyInjuredSegments checks for missing pieces off of the metainfo and overlay.
func (checker *Checker) IdentifyInjuredSegments(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
startTime := time.Now()
observer := &checkerObserver{
repairQueue: checker.repairQueue,
irrdb: checker.irrdb,
nodestate: checker.nodestate,
monStats: durabilityStats{},
repairOverrides: checker.repairOverrides,
nodeFailureRate: checker.nodeFailureRate,
log: checker.logger,
err = checker.metaLoop.Join(ctx, observer)
if err != nil {
if !errs2.IsCanceled(err) {
checker.logger.Error("IdentifyInjuredSegments error", zap.Error(err))
return err
// remove all segments which were not seen as unhealthy by this checker iteration
healthyDeleted, err := checker.repairQueue.Clean(ctx, startTime)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
mon.IntVal("remote_files_checked").Observe(observer.monStats.objectsChecked) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_checked").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsChecked) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_failed_to_check").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsFailedToCheck) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_needing_repair").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsNeedingRepair) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("new_remote_segments_needing_repair").Observe(observer.monStats.newRemoteSegmentsNeedingRepair) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_lost").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsLost) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_files_lost").Observe(int64(len(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentInfo))) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_1").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[0]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_2").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[1]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_3").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[2]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_4").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[3]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_5").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[4]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("healthy_segments_removed_from_queue").Observe(healthyDeleted) //mon:locked
allUnhealthy := observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsNeedingRepair + observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsFailedToCheck
allChecked := observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsChecked
allHealthy := allChecked - allUnhealthy
mon.FloatVal("remote_segments_healthy_percentage").Observe(100 * float64(allHealthy) / float64(allChecked)) //mon:locked
return nil
// checks for a object location in slice.
func containsObjectLocation(a []metabase.ObjectLocation, x metabase.ObjectLocation) bool {
for _, n := range a {
if x == n {
return true
return false
func (checker *Checker) updateIrreparableSegmentStatus(ctx context.Context, pointer *pb.Pointer, key metabase.SegmentKey) (err error) {
// TODO figure out how to reduce duplicate code between here and checkerObs.RemoteSegment
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
remote := pointer.GetRemote()
if pointer.GetType() == pb.Pointer_INLINE || remote == nil {
return nil
pieces := remote.GetRemotePieces()
if pieces == nil {
checker.logger.Debug("no pieces on remote segment")
return nil
missingPieces, err := checker.nodestate.MissingPieces(ctx, pointer.CreationDate, pieces)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error getting missing pieces"), err)
numHealthy := int32(len(pieces) - len(missingPieces))
redundancy := pointer.Remote.Redundancy
repairThreshold := redundancy.RepairThreshold
overrideValue := checker.repairOverrides.GetOverrideValuePB(redundancy)
if overrideValue != 0 {
repairThreshold = overrideValue
// we repair when the number of healthy pieces is less than or equal to the repair threshold and is greater or equal to
// minimum required pieces in redundancy
// except for the case when the repair and success thresholds are the same (a case usually seen during testing)
// If the segment is suddenly entirely healthy again, we don't need to repair and we don't need to
// keep it in the irreparabledb queue either.
if numHealthy >= redundancy.MinReq && numHealthy <= repairThreshold && numHealthy < redundancy.SuccessThreshold {
segmentHealth := float64(numHealthy)
_, err = checker.repairQueue.Insert(ctx, &internalpb.InjuredSegment{
Path: key,
LostPieces: missingPieces,
InsertedTime: time.Now().UTC(),
}, segmentHealth)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error adding injured segment to queue"), err)
// delete always returns nil when something was deleted and also when element didn't exists
err = checker.irrdb.Delete(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
checker.logger.Error("error deleting entry from irreparable db: ", zap.Error(err))
} else if numHealthy < redundancy.MinReq && numHealthy < repairThreshold {
// make an entry into the irreparable table
segmentInfo := &internalpb.IrreparableSegment{
Path: key,
SegmentDetail: pointer,
LostPieces: int32(len(missingPieces)),
LastRepairAttempt: time.Now().Unix(),
RepairAttemptCount: int64(1),
// add the entry if new or update attempt count if already exists
err := checker.irrdb.IncrementRepairAttempts(ctx, segmentInfo)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error handling irreparable segment to queue"), err)
} else if numHealthy > repairThreshold || numHealthy >= redundancy.SuccessThreshold {
err = checker.irrdb.Delete(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("error removing segment from irreparable queue: %v", err)
return nil
var _ metainfo.Observer = (*checkerObserver)(nil)
// checkerObserver implements the metainfo loop Observer interface
// architecture: Observer
type checkerObserver struct {
repairQueue queue.RepairQueue
irrdb irreparable.DB
nodestate *ReliabilityCache
monStats durabilityStats
repairOverrides RepairOverridesMap
nodeFailureRate float64
log *zap.Logger
func (obs *checkerObserver) RemoteSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *metainfo.Segment) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// ignore pointer if expired
if segment.Expired(time.Now()) {
return nil
// ensure we get values, even if only zero values, so that redash can have an alert based on this
mon.Counter("checker_segments_below_min_req").Inc(0) //mon:locked
pieces := segment.Pieces
if len(pieces) == 0 {
obs.log.Debug("no pieces on remote segment")
return nil
pbPieces := make([]*pb.RemotePiece, len(pieces))
for i, piece := range pieces {
pbPieces[i] = &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(piece.Number),
NodeId: piece.StorageNode,
// TODO: update MissingPieces to accept metabase.Pieces
missingPieces, err := obs.nodestate.MissingPieces(ctx, segment.CreationDate, pbPieces)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error getting missing pieces"), err)
numHealthy := len(pieces) - len(missingPieces)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_total_count").Observe(int64(len(pieces))) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_healthy_count").Observe(int64(numHealthy)) //mon:locked
segmentAge := time.Since(segment.CreationDate)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_age").Observe(int64(segmentAge.Seconds())) //mon:locked
redundancy := segment.Redundancy
required := int(redundancy.RequiredShares)
repairThreshold := int(redundancy.RepairShares)
overrideValue := obs.repairOverrides.GetOverrideValue(redundancy)
if overrideValue != 0 {
repairThreshold = int(overrideValue)
successThreshold := int(redundancy.OptimalShares)
segmentHealth := repair.SegmentHealth(numHealthy, required, obs.nodeFailureRate)
mon.FloatVal("checker_segment_health").Observe(segmentHealth) //mon:locked
key := segment.Location.Encode()
// we repair when the number of healthy pieces is less than or equal to the repair threshold and is greater or equal to
// minimum required pieces in redundancy
// except for the case when the repair and success thresholds are the same (a case usually seen during testing)
if numHealthy >= required && numHealthy <= repairThreshold && numHealthy < successThreshold {
mon.FloatVal("checker_injured_segment_health").Observe(segmentHealth) //mon:locked
alreadyInserted, err := obs.repairQueue.Insert(ctx, &internalpb.InjuredSegment{
Path: key,
LostPieces: missingPieces,
InsertedTime: time.Now().UTC(),
}, segmentHealth)
if err != nil {
obs.log.Error("error adding injured segment to queue", zap.Error(err))
return nil
if !alreadyInserted {
// delete always returns nil when something was deleted and also when element didn't exists
err = obs.irrdb.Delete(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
obs.log.Error("error deleting entry from irreparable db", zap.Error(err))
return nil
} else if numHealthy < required && numHealthy < repairThreshold {
lostSegInfo := segment.Location.Object()
if !containsObjectLocation(obs.monStats.remoteSegmentInfo, lostSegInfo) {
obs.monStats.remoteSegmentInfo = append(obs.monStats.remoteSegmentInfo, lostSegInfo)
var segmentAge time.Duration
if segment.CreationDate.Before(segment.LastRepaired) {
segmentAge = time.Since(segment.LastRepaired)
} else {
segmentAge = time.Since(segment.CreationDate)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_time_until_irreparable").Observe(int64(segmentAge.Seconds())) //mon:locked
mon.Counter("checker_segments_below_min_req").Inc(1) //mon:locked
// make an entry into the irreparable table
segmentInfo := &internalpb.IrreparableSegment{
Path: key,
SegmentDetail: segment.Pointer, // TODO: replace with something better than pb.Pointer
LostPieces: int32(len(missingPieces)),
LastRepairAttempt: time.Now().Unix(),
RepairAttemptCount: int64(1),
// add the entry if new or update attempt count if already exists
err := obs.irrdb.IncrementRepairAttempts(ctx, segmentInfo)
if err != nil {
obs.log.Error("error handling irreparable segment to queue", zap.Error(err))
return nil
} else if numHealthy > repairThreshold && numHealthy <= (repairThreshold+len(obs.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold)) {
// record metrics for segments right above repair threshold
// numHealthy=repairThreshold+1 through numHealthy=repairThreshold+5
for i := range obs.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold {
if numHealthy == (repairThreshold + i + 1) {
return nil
func (obs *checkerObserver) Object(ctx context.Context, object *metainfo.Object) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
return nil
func (obs *checkerObserver) InlineSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *metainfo.Segment) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
return nil
// IrreparableProcess iterates over all items in the irreparabledb. If an item can
// now be repaired then it is added to a worker queue.
func (checker *Checker) IrreparableProcess(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
const limit = 1000
lastSeenSegmentKey := metabase.SegmentKey{}
for {
segments, err := checker.irrdb.GetLimited(ctx, limit, lastSeenSegmentKey)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error reading segment from the queue"), err)
// zero segments returned with nil err
if len(segments) == 0 {
lastSeenSegmentKey = metabase.SegmentKey(segments[len(segments)-1].Path)
for _, segment := range segments {
err = checker.updateIrreparableSegmentStatus(ctx, segment.GetSegmentDetail(), metabase.SegmentKey(segment.GetPath()))
if err != nil {
checker.logger.Error("irrepair segment checker failed: ", zap.Error(err))
return nil