* port changes * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' * files created * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into coyle/kad-tests * wip * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into coyle/kad-tests * wip * remove bkad dependencie from tests * wip * wip * wip * wip * wip * updated coyle/kademlia * wip * cleanup * ports * overlay upgraded * linter fixes * piecestore kademlia newID * add changes from kad demo * PR comments addresses * go func * force travis build * fixed merge conflicts * fixed merge conflicts * Merge branch 'coyle/kad-tests' of https://github.com/coyle/storj into coyle/kad-tests * linter issues * linting issues * fixed merge conflicts * linter is stupid
288 lines
7.1 KiB
288 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2018 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
proto "storj.io/storj/protos/overlay"
pb "storj.io/storj/protos/piecestore"
func newID() string {
b := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := rand.Read(b)
if err != nil {
encoding := base58.Encode(b)
return encoding[:20]
func connectToKad(id, ip, kadlistenport, kadaddress string) *kademlia.Kademlia {
node := proto.Node{
Id: string(id),
Address: &proto.NodeAddress{
Transport: proto.NodeTransport_TCP,
Address: kadaddress,
nodeid, err := kademlia.NewID()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to instantiate new Kademlia ID: %s", err.Error())
kad, err := kademlia.NewKademlia(nodeid, []proto.Node{node}, ip, kadlistenport)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to instantiate new Kademlia: %s", err.Error())
if err := kad.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to ListenAndServe on new Kademlia: %s", err.Error())
if err := kad.Bootstrap(context.Background()); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to Bootstrap on new Kademlia: %s", err.Error())
return kad
func main() { process.Must(process.Main(process.ServiceFunc(run))) }
func run(ctx context.Context) error {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "Piece Store Farmer CLI"
app.Usage = "Connect your drive to the network"
app.Version = "1.0.0"
// Flags
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{}
var kadhost string
var kadport string
var kadlistenport string
var pshost string
var psport string
var dir string
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "create",
Aliases: []string{"c"},
Usage: "create farmer node",
ArgsUsage: "",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
cli.StringFlag{Name: "pieceStoreHost", Usage: "Farmer's public ip/host", Destination: &pshost},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "pieceStorePort", Usage: "`port` where piece store data is accessed", Destination: &psport},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "kademliaPort", Usage: "Kademlia server `host`", Destination: &kadport},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "kademliaHost", Usage: "Kademlia server `host`", Destination: &kadhost},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "kademliaListenPort", Usage: "Kademlia server `host`", Destination: &kadlistenport},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "dir", Usage: "`dir` of drive being shared", Destination: &dir},
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
nodeID := newID()
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
viper.SetDefault("piecestore.host", "")
viper.SetDefault("piecestore.port", "7777")
viper.SetDefault("piecestore.dir", usr.HomeDir)
viper.SetDefault("piecestore.id", nodeID)
viper.SetDefault("kademlia.host", "bootstrap.storj.io")
viper.SetDefault("kademlia.port", "8080")
viper.SetDefault("kademlia.listen.port", "7776")
configPath := path.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".storj/")
if err = os.MkdirAll(configPath, 0700); err != nil {
return err
fullPath := path.Join(configPath, fmt.Sprintf("%s.yaml", nodeID))
_, err = os.Stat(fullPath)
if os.IsExist(err) {
if err != nil {
return errors.New("config already exists")
return err
// Create empty file at configPath
_, err = os.Create(fullPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if pshost != "" {
viper.Set("piecestore.host", pshost)
if psport != "" {
viper.Set("piecestore.port", psport)
if dir != "" {
viper.Set("piecestore.dir", dir)
if kadhost != "" {
viper.Set("kademlia.host", kadhost)
if kadport != "" {
viper.Set("kademlia.port", kadport)
if kadlistenport != "" {
viper.Set("kademlia.listen.port", kadlistenport)
if err := viper.WriteConfig(); err != nil {
return err
path := viper.ConfigFileUsed()
fmt.Printf("Config: %s\n", path)
fmt.Printf("ID: %s\n", nodeID)
return nil
Name: "start",
Aliases: []string{"s"},
Usage: "start farmer node",
ArgsUsage: "[id]",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.Args().Get(0) == "" {
return errors.New("no id specified")
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
configPath := path.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".storj/")
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
nodeid := viper.GetString("piecestore.id")
pshost = viper.GetString("piecestore.host")
psport = viper.GetString("piecestore.port")
kadlistenport = viper.GetString("kademlia.listen.port")
kadport = viper.GetString("kademlia.port")
kadhost = viper.GetString("kademlia.host")
piecestoreDir := viper.GetString("piecestore.dir")
dbPath := path.Join(piecestoreDir, fmt.Sprintf("store-%s", nodeid), "/ttl-data.db")
dataDir := path.Join(piecestoreDir, fmt.Sprintf("store-%s", nodeid), "/piece-store-data/")
if err = os.MkdirAll(piecestoreDir, 0700); err != nil {
_ = connectToKad(nodeid, pshost, kadlistenport, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", kadhost, kadport))
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(piecestoreDir)
if err != nil {
if fileInfo.IsDir() != true {
log.Fatalf("Error: %s is not a directory", piecestoreDir)
ttlDB, err := ttl.NewTTL(dbPath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to open DB")
// create a listener on TCP port
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%s", psport))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
defer lis.Close()
// create a server instance
s := server.Server{PieceStoreDir: dataDir, DB: ttlDB}
// create a gRPC server object
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
// attach the api service to the server
pb.RegisterPieceStoreRoutesServer(grpcServer, &s)
// routinely check DB and delete expired entries
go func() {
err := s.DB.DBCleanup(dataDir)
log.Fatalf("Error in DBCleanup: %v", err)
// start the server
if err := grpcServer.Serve(lis); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %s", err)
return nil
Name: "delete",
Aliases: []string{"d"},
Usage: "delete farmer node",
ArgsUsage: "[id]",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return nil
Name: "list",
Aliases: []string{"l"},
Usage: "list farmer nodes",
ArgsUsage: "",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return nil
return app.Run(append([]string{os.Args[0]}, flag.Args()...))