JT Olio 2a63225b98 satellite/{contact,satellitedb}: preserve node message debounce support
Change-Id: I453ad35fda4e61d068db0c476dd86b50d7f2d705
2023-03-20 16:13:06 +00:00

283 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package contact
import (
var (
errPingBackDial = errs.Class("pingback dialing")
errCheckInIdentity = errs.Class("check-in identity")
errCheckInRateLimit = errs.Class("check-in ratelimit")
errCheckInNetwork = errs.Class("check-in network")
// Endpoint implements the contact service Endpoints.
type Endpoint struct {
log *zap.Logger
service *Service
// NewEndpoint returns a new contact service endpoint.
func NewEndpoint(log *zap.Logger, service *Service) *Endpoint {
return &Endpoint{
log: log,
service: service,
// CheckIn is periodically called by storage nodes to keep the satellite informed of its existence,
// address, and operator information. In return, this satellite keeps the node informed of its
// reachability.
// When a node checks-in with the satellite, the satellite pings the node back to confirm they can
// successfully connect.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) CheckIn(ctx context.Context, req *pb.CheckInRequest) (_ *pb.CheckInResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
peerID, err := identity.PeerIdentityFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to get node ID from context", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Error(err))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Unknown, errCheckInIdentity.New("failed to get ID from context: %v", err).Error())
nodeID := peerID.ID
// we need a string as a key for the limiter, but nodeID.String() has base58 encoding overhead
nodeIDBytesAsString := string(nodeID.Bytes())
if !endpoint.service.idLimiter.IsAllowed(nodeIDBytesAsString) {
endpoint.log.Info("node rate limited by id", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.ResourceExhausted, errCheckInRateLimit.New("node rate limited by id").Error())
err = endpoint.service.peerIDs.Set(ctx, nodeID, peerID)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to add peer identity entry for ID", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID), zap.Error(err))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.FailedPrecondition, errCheckInIdentity.New("failed to add peer identity entry for ID: %v", err).Error())
resolvedIP, port, resolvedNetwork, err := endpoint.service.overlay.ResolveIPAndNetwork(ctx, req.Address)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to resolve IP from address", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID), zap.Error(err))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, errCheckInNetwork.New("failed to resolve IP from address: %s, err: %v", req.Address, err).Error())
if !endpoint.service.allowPrivateIP && (!resolvedIP.IsGlobalUnicast() || isPrivateIP(resolvedIP)) {
endpoint.log.Info("IP address not allowed", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, errCheckInNetwork.New("IP address not allowed: %s", req.Address).Error())
nodeurl := storj.NodeURL{
ID: nodeID,
Address: req.Address,
var noiseInfo *pb.NoiseInfo
if req.NoiseKeyAttestation != nil {
if err := noise.ValidateKeyAttestation(ctx, req.NoiseKeyAttestation, nodeID); err == nil {
noiseInfo = &pb.NoiseInfo{
Proto: req.NoiseKeyAttestation.NoiseProto,
PublicKey: req.NoiseKeyAttestation.NoisePublicKey,
nodeurl.NoiseInfo = noiseInfo.Convert()
pingNodeSuccess, pingNodeSuccessQUIC, pingErrorMessage, err := endpoint.service.PingBack(ctx, nodeurl)
if err != nil {
return nil, endpoint.checkPingRPCErr(err, nodeurl)
// check wallet features
if req.Operator != nil {
if err := nodeoperator.DefaultWalletFeaturesValidation.Validate(req.Operator.WalletFeatures); err != nil {
endpoint.log.Debug("ignoring invalid wallet features",
zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID),
zap.Strings("Wallet Features", req.Operator.WalletFeatures))
// TODO: Update CheckInResponse to include wallet feature validation error
req.Operator.WalletFeatures = nil
nodeInfo := overlay.NodeCheckInInfo{
NodeID: peerID.ID,
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{
Address: req.Address,
NoiseInfo: noiseInfo,
DebounceLimit: req.DebounceLimit,
LastNet: resolvedNetwork,
LastIPPort: net.JoinHostPort(resolvedIP.String(), port),
IsUp: pingNodeSuccess,
Capacity: req.Capacity,
Operator: req.Operator,
Version: req.Version,
endpoint.emitEvenkitEvent(ctx, req, pingNodeSuccess, pingNodeSuccessQUIC, nodeInfo)
err = endpoint.service.overlay.UpdateCheckIn(ctx, nodeInfo, time.Now().UTC())
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to update check in", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID), zap.Error(err))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Internal, Error.Wrap(err).Error())
endpoint.log.Debug("checking in", zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID), zap.String("node addr", req.Address), zap.Bool("ping node success", pingNodeSuccess), zap.String("ping node err msg", pingErrorMessage))
return &pb.CheckInResponse{
PingNodeSuccess: pingNodeSuccess,
PingNodeSuccessQuic: pingNodeSuccessQUIC,
PingErrorMessage: pingErrorMessage,
}, nil
func (endpoint *Endpoint) emitEvenkitEvent(ctx context.Context, req *pb.CheckInRequest, pingNodeTCPSuccess bool, pingNodeQUICSuccess bool, nodeInfo overlay.NodeCheckInInfo) {
var sourceAddr string
transport, found := drpcctx.Transport(ctx)
if found {
if conn, ok := transport.(net.Conn); ok {
a := conn.RemoteAddr()
if a != nil {
sourceAddr = a.String()
eventkit.String("id", nodeInfo.NodeID.String()),
eventkit.String("addr", req.Address),
eventkit.String("resolved-addr", nodeInfo.LastIPPort),
eventkit.String("source-addr", sourceAddr),
eventkit.Timestamp("build-time", nodeInfo.Version.Timestamp),
eventkit.String("version", nodeInfo.Version.Version),
eventkit.String("country", nodeInfo.CountryCode.String()),
eventkit.Int64("free-disk", nodeInfo.Capacity.FreeDisk),
eventkit.Bool("ping-tpc-success", pingNodeTCPSuccess),
eventkit.Bool("ping-quic-success", pingNodeQUICSuccess),
// GetTime returns current timestamp.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) GetTime(ctx context.Context, req *pb.GetTimeRequest) (_ *pb.GetTimeResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
peerID, err := identity.PeerIdentityFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to get node ID from context", zap.Error(err))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Unauthenticated, errCheckInIdentity.New("failed to get ID from context: %v", err).Error())
currentTimestamp := time.Now().UTC()
endpoint.log.Debug("get system current time", zap.Stringer("timestamp", currentTimestamp), zap.Stringer("node id", peerID.ID))
return &pb.GetTimeResponse{
Timestamp: currentTimestamp,
}, nil
// PingMe is called by storage node to request a pingBack from the satellite to confirm they can
// successfully connect to the node.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) PingMe(ctx context.Context, req *pb.PingMeRequest) (_ *pb.PingMeResponse, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
peerID, err := identity.PeerIdentityFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to get node ID from context", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Error(err))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.Unknown, errCheckInIdentity.New("failed to get ID from context: %v", err).Error())
nodeID := peerID.ID
nodeURL := storj.NodeURL{
ID: nodeID,
Address: req.Address,
resolvedIP, _, _, err := endpoint.service.overlay.ResolveIPAndNetwork(ctx, req.Address)
if err != nil {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to resolve IP from address", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID), zap.Error(err))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, errCheckInNetwork.New("failed to resolve IP from address: %s, err: %v", req.Address, err).Error())
if !endpoint.service.allowPrivateIP && (!resolvedIP.IsGlobalUnicast() || isPrivateIP(resolvedIP)) {
endpoint.log.Info("IP address not allowed", zap.String("node address", req.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeID))
return nil, rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, errCheckInNetwork.New("IP address not allowed: %s", req.Address).Error())
if endpoint.service.timeout > 0 {
var cancel func()
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, endpoint.service.timeout)
defer cancel()
switch req.Transport {
case pb.NodeTransport_QUIC_RPC:
err = endpoint.service.pingNodeQUIC(ctx, nodeURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, endpoint.checkPingRPCErr(err, nodeURL)
return &pb.PingMeResponse{}, nil
case pb.NodeTransport_TCP_TLS_RPC:
client, err := dialNodeURL(ctx, endpoint.service.dialer, nodeURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, endpoint.checkPingRPCErr(err, nodeURL)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, client.Close()) }()
_, err = client.pingNode(ctx, &pb.ContactPingRequest{})
if err != nil {
return nil, endpoint.checkPingRPCErr(err, nodeURL)
return &pb.PingMeResponse{}, nil
return nil, rpcstatus.Errorf(rpcstatus.InvalidArgument, "invalid transport: %v", req.Transport)
func (endpoint *Endpoint) checkPingRPCErr(err error, nodeURL storj.NodeURL) error {
endpoint.log.Info("failed to ping back address", zap.String("node address", nodeURL.Address), zap.Stringer("Node ID", nodeURL.ID), zap.Error(err))
if errPingBackDial.Has(err) {
err = errCheckInNetwork.New("failed dialing address when attempting to ping node (ID: %s): %s, err: %v", nodeURL.ID, nodeURL.Address, err)
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.NotFound, err.Error())
err = errCheckInNetwork.New("failed to ping node (ID: %s) at address: %s, err: %v", nodeURL.ID, nodeURL.Address, err)
return rpcstatus.Error(rpcstatus.NotFound, err.Error())
// isPrivateIP is copied Go 1.17's net.IP.IsPrivate. We copied it to ensure we
// can compile for the Go version earlier than 1.17.
// TODO(artur): Swap isPrivateIP usages with net.IP.IsPrivate when we no longer
// need to build for earlier than Go 1.17. Keep this in sync with stdlib until.
func isPrivateIP(ip net.IP) bool {
if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil {
// Following RFC 1918, Section 3. Private Address Space which says:
// The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved the
// following three blocks of the IP address space for private internets:
// - (10/8 prefix)
// - (172.16/12 prefix)
// - (192.168/16 prefix)
return ip4[0] == 10 ||
(ip4[0] == 172 && ip4[1]&0xf0 == 16) ||
(ip4[0] == 192 && ip4[1] == 168)
// Following RFC 4193, Section 8. IANA Considerations which says:
// The IANA has assigned the FC00::/7 prefix to "Unique Local Unicast".
return len(ip) == net.IPv6len && ip[0]&0xfe == 0xfc