Jeremy Wharton 3d6c3e31f1 satellite/payments/stripecoinpayments: auto advance $0 invoices
This change causes new invoices to be scheduled for automatic
advancement through Stripe if their amount due is zero. Invoices
marked for automatic advancement are exempt from the manual invoice
finalization procedure.

Change-Id: Ic583db4c86ec5243d7506d380ca3faee5e9a58d3
2022-10-03 21:54:39 -05:00

1064 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package stripecoinpayments
import (
var (
// Error defines stripecoinpayments service error.
Error = errs.Class("stripecoinpayments service")
mon = monkit.Package()
// hoursPerMonth is the number of months in a billing month. For the purpose of billing, the billing month is always 30 days.
const hoursPerMonth = 24 * 30
// Config stores needed information for payment service initialization.
type Config struct {
StripeSecretKey string `help:"stripe API secret key" default:""`
StripePublicKey string `help:"stripe API public key" default:""`
StripeFreeTierCouponID string `help:"stripe free tier coupon ID" default:""`
CoinpaymentsPublicKey string `help:"coinpayments API public key" default:""`
CoinpaymentsPrivateKey string `help:"coinpayments API private key key" default:""`
TransactionUpdateInterval time.Duration `help:"amount of time we wait before running next transaction update loop" default:"2m" testDefault:"$TESTINTERVAL"`
AccountBalanceUpdateInterval time.Duration `help:"amount of time we wait before running next account balance update loop" default:"2m" testDefault:"$TESTINTERVAL"`
ConversionRatesCycleInterval time.Duration `help:"amount of time we wait before running next conversion rates update loop" default:"10m" testDefault:"$TESTINTERVAL"`
AutoAdvance bool `help:"toogle autoadvance feature for invoice creation" default:"false"`
ListingLimit int `help:"sets the maximum amount of items before we start paging on requests" default:"100" hidden:"true"`
// Service is an implementation for payment service via Stripe and Coinpayments.
// architecture: Service
type Service struct {
log *zap.Logger
db DB
walletsDB storjscan.WalletsDB
billingDB billing.TransactionsDB
projectsDB console.Projects
usageDB accounting.ProjectAccounting
stripeClient StripeClient
coinPayments *coinpayments.Client
StorageMBMonthPriceCents decimal.Decimal
EgressMBPriceCents decimal.Decimal
SegmentMonthPriceCents decimal.Decimal
// BonusRate amount of percents
BonusRate int64
// Coupon Values
StripeFreeTierCouponID string
// Stripe Extended Features
AutoAdvance bool
mu sync.Mutex
rates coinpayments.CurrencyRateInfos
ratesErr error
listingLimit int
nowFn func() time.Time
// NewService creates a Service instance.
func NewService(log *zap.Logger, stripeClient StripeClient, config Config, db DB, walletsDB storjscan.WalletsDB, billingDB billing.TransactionsDB, projectsDB console.Projects, usageDB accounting.ProjectAccounting, storageTBPrice, egressTBPrice, segmentPrice string, bonusRate int64) (*Service, error) {
coinPaymentsClient := coinpayments.NewClient(
PublicKey: config.CoinpaymentsPublicKey,
PrivateKey: config.CoinpaymentsPrivateKey,
storageTBMonthDollars, err := decimal.NewFromString(storageTBPrice)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
egressTBDollars, err := decimal.NewFromString(egressTBPrice)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
segmentMonthDollars, err := decimal.NewFromString(segmentPrice)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// change the precision from TB dollars to MB cents
storageMBMonthPriceCents := storageTBMonthDollars.Shift(-6).Shift(2)
egressMBPriceCents := egressTBDollars.Shift(-6).Shift(2)
segmentMonthPriceCents := segmentMonthDollars.Shift(2)
return &Service{
log: log,
db: db,
walletsDB: walletsDB,
billingDB: billingDB,
projectsDB: projectsDB,
usageDB: usageDB,
stripeClient: stripeClient,
coinPayments: coinPaymentsClient,
StorageMBMonthPriceCents: storageMBMonthPriceCents,
EgressMBPriceCents: egressMBPriceCents,
SegmentMonthPriceCents: segmentMonthPriceCents,
BonusRate: bonusRate,
StripeFreeTierCouponID: config.StripeFreeTierCouponID,
AutoAdvance: config.AutoAdvance,
listingLimit: config.ListingLimit,
nowFn: time.Now,
}, nil
// Accounts exposes all needed functionality to manage payment accounts.
func (service *Service) Accounts() payments.Accounts {
return &accounts{service: service}
// updateTransactionsLoop updates all pending transactions in a loop.
func (service *Service) updateTransactionsLoop(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
before := service.nowFn()
txsPage, err := service.db.Transactions().ListPending(ctx, 0, service.listingLimit, before)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := service.updateTransactions(ctx, txsPage.IDList(), txsPage.CreationTimes()); err != nil {
return err
for txsPage.Next {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
txsPage, err = service.db.Transactions().ListPending(ctx, txsPage.NextOffset, service.listingLimit, before)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := service.updateTransactions(ctx, txsPage.IDList(), txsPage.CreationTimes()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updateTransactions updates statuses and received amount for given transactions.
func (service *Service) updateTransactions(ctx context.Context, ids TransactionAndUserList, creationTimes map[coinpayments.TransactionID]time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx, ids)(&err)
if len(ids) == 0 {
service.log.Debug("no transactions found, skipping update")
return nil
infos, err := service.coinPayments.Transactions().ListInfos(ctx, ids.IDList())
if err != nil {
return err
var updates []TransactionUpdate
var applies coinpayments.TransactionIDList
for id, info := range infos {
service.log.Debug("Coinpayments results: ", zap.String("status", info.Status.String()), zap.String("id", id.String()))
updates = append(updates,
TransactionID: id,
Status: info.Status,
Received: currency.AmountFromDecimal(info.Received, currency.StorjToken),
// moment of CoinPayments receives funds, not when STORJ does
// this was a business decision to not wait until StatusCompleted
if info.Status >= coinpayments.StatusReceived {
// monkit currently does not have a DurationVal
applies = append(applies, id)
return service.db.Transactions().Update(ctx, updates, applies)
// applyAccountBalanceLoop fetches all unapplied transaction in a loop, applying transaction
// received amount to stripe customer balance.
func (service *Service) updateAccountBalanceLoop(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
before := service.nowFn()
txsPage, err := service.db.Transactions().ListUnapplied(ctx, 0, service.listingLimit, before)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, tx := range txsPage.Transactions {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if err = service.applyTransactionBalance(ctx, tx); err != nil {
return err
for txsPage.Next {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
txsPage, err = service.db.Transactions().ListUnapplied(ctx, txsPage.NextOffset, service.listingLimit, before)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, tx := range txsPage.Transactions {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if err = service.applyTransactionBalance(ctx, tx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// applyTransactionBalance applies transaction received amount to stripe customer balance.
func (service *Service) applyTransactionBalance(ctx context.Context, tx Transaction) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
cusID, err := service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, tx.AccountID)
if err != nil {
return err
rate, err := service.db.Transactions().GetLockedRate(ctx, tx.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
cents := convertToCents(rate, tx.Received)
if cents <= 0 {
service.log.Warn("Trying to deposit non-positive amount.",
zap.Int64("USD cents", cents),
zap.Stringer("Transaction ID", tx.ID),
zap.Stringer("User ID", tx.AccountID),
return service.db.Transactions().Consume(ctx, tx.ID)
// Check for balance transactions created from previous failed attempt
var depositDone, bonusDone bool
it := service.stripeClient.CustomerBalanceTransactions().List(&stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionListParams{Customer: stripe.String(cusID)})
for it.Next() {
cbt := it.CustomerBalanceTransaction()
if cbt.Type != stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionTypeAdjustment {
txID, ok := cbt.Metadata["txID"]
if !ok {
if txID != tx.ID.String() {
switch cbt.Description {
case StripeDepositTransactionDescription:
depositDone = true
case StripeDepositBonusTransactionDescription:
bonusDone = true
// The first balance transaction is for the actual deposit
if !depositDone {
params := &stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionParams{
Amount: stripe.Int64(-cents),
Customer: stripe.String(cusID),
Currency: stripe.String(string(stripe.CurrencyUSD)),
Description: stripe.String(StripeDepositTransactionDescription),
params.AddMetadata("txID", tx.ID.String())
params.AddMetadata("storj_amount", tx.Amount.AsDecimal().String())
params.AddMetadata("storj_usd_rate", rate.String())
_, err = service.stripeClient.CustomerBalanceTransactions().New(params)
if err != nil {
return err
// The second balance transaction for the bonus
if !bonusDone {
params := &stripe.CustomerBalanceTransactionParams{
Amount: stripe.Int64(-cents * service.BonusRate / 100),
Customer: stripe.String(cusID),
Currency: stripe.String(string(stripe.CurrencyUSD)),
Description: stripe.String(StripeDepositBonusTransactionDescription),
params.AddMetadata("txID", tx.ID.String())
params.AddMetadata("percentage", strconv.Itoa(int(service.BonusRate)))
_, err = service.stripeClient.CustomerBalanceTransactions().New(params)
if err != nil {
return err
return service.db.Transactions().Consume(ctx, tx.ID)
// UpdateRates fetches new rates and updates service rate cache.
func (service *Service) UpdateRates(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rates, err := service.coinPayments.ConversionRates().Get(ctx)
if coinpayments.ErrMissingPublicKey.Has(err) {
rates = coinpayments.CurrencyRateInfos{}
err = nil
service.log.Info("Coinpayment client is missing public key")
service.rates = rates
service.ratesErr = err
return err
// GetRate returns conversion rate for specified currencies.
func (service *Service) GetRate(ctx context.Context, curr1, curr2 *currency.Currency) (_ decimal.Decimal, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if service.ratesErr != nil {
return decimal.Decimal{}, Error.Wrap(err)
info1, ok := service.rates.ForCurrency(curr1)
if !ok {
return decimal.Decimal{}, Error.New("no rate for currency %s", curr1.Name())
info2, ok := service.rates.ForCurrency(curr2)
if !ok {
return decimal.Decimal{}, Error.New("no rate for currency %s", curr2.Name())
return info1.RateBTC.Div(info2.RateBTC), nil
// PrepareInvoiceProjectRecords iterates through all projects and creates invoice records if none exist.
func (service *Service) PrepareInvoiceProjectRecords(ctx context.Context, period time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
now := service.nowFn().UTC()
utc := period.UTC()
start := time.Date(utc.Year(), utc.Month(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end := time.Date(utc.Year(), utc.Month()+1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
if end.After(now) {
return Error.New("allowed for past periods only")
var numberOfCustomers, numberOfRecords int
customersPage, err := service.db.Customers().List(ctx, 0, service.listingLimit, end)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
numberOfCustomers += len(customersPage.Customers)
records, err := service.processCustomers(ctx, customersPage.Customers, start, end)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
numberOfRecords += records
for customersPage.Next {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
customersPage, err = service.db.Customers().List(ctx, customersPage.NextOffset, service.listingLimit, end)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
records, err := service.processCustomers(ctx, customersPage.Customers, start, end)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
numberOfRecords += records
service.log.Info("Number of processed entries.", zap.Int("Customers", numberOfCustomers), zap.Int("Projects", numberOfRecords))
return nil
func (service *Service) processCustomers(ctx context.Context, customers []Customer, start, end time.Time) (int, error) {
var allRecords []CreateProjectRecord
for _, customer := range customers {
projects, err := service.projectsDB.GetOwn(ctx, customer.UserID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
records, err := service.createProjectRecords(ctx, customer.ID, projects, start, end)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
allRecords = append(allRecords, records...)
return len(allRecords), service.db.ProjectRecords().Create(ctx, allRecords, start, end)
// createProjectRecords creates invoice project record if none exists.
func (service *Service) createProjectRecords(ctx context.Context, customerID string, projects []console.Project, start, end time.Time) (_ []CreateProjectRecord, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var records []CreateProjectRecord
for _, project := range projects {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = service.db.ProjectRecords().Check(ctx, project.ID, start, end); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrProjectRecordExists) {
service.log.Warn("Record for this project already exists.", zap.String("Customer ID", customerID), zap.String("Project ID", project.ID.String()))
return nil, err
usage, err := service.usageDB.GetProjectTotal(ctx, project.ID, start, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: account for usage data.
records = append(records,
ProjectID: project.ID,
Storage: usage.Storage,
Egress: usage.Egress,
Segments: usage.SegmentCount,
return records, nil
// InvoiceApplyProjectRecords iterates through unapplied invoice project records and creates invoice line items
// for stripe customer.
func (service *Service) InvoiceApplyProjectRecords(ctx context.Context, period time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
now := service.nowFn().UTC()
utc := period.UTC()
start := time.Date(utc.Year(), utc.Month(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end := time.Date(utc.Year(), utc.Month()+1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
if end.After(now) {
return Error.New("allowed for past periods only")
projectRecords := 0
recordsPage, err := service.db.ProjectRecords().ListUnapplied(ctx, 0, service.listingLimit, start, end)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if err = service.applyProjectRecords(ctx, recordsPage.Records); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
projectRecords += len(recordsPage.Records)
for recordsPage.Next {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
// we are always starting from offset 0 because applyProjectRecords is changing project record state to applied
recordsPage, err = service.db.ProjectRecords().ListUnapplied(ctx, 0, service.listingLimit, start, end)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if err = service.applyProjectRecords(ctx, recordsPage.Records); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
projectRecords += len(recordsPage.Records)
service.log.Info("Number of processed project records.", zap.Int("Project Records", projectRecords))
return nil
// InvoiceApplyTokenBalance iterates through customer storjscan wallets and creates invoice line items
// for stripe customer.
func (service *Service) InvoiceApplyTokenBalance(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// get all wallet entries
wallets, err := service.walletsDB.GetAll(ctx)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("unable to get users in the wallets table")
var errGrp errs.Group
for _, wallet := range wallets {
// get the user token balance, if it's not > 0, don't bother with the rest
monetaryTokenBalance, err := service.billingDB.GetBalance(ctx, wallet.UserID)
// truncate here since stripe only has cent level precision for invoices.
// The users account balance will still maintain the full precision monetary value!
tokenBalance := currency.AmountFromDecimal(monetaryTokenBalance.AsDecimal().Truncate(2), currency.USDollars)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to compute balance for user ID %s", wallet.UserID.String()))
if tokenBalance.BaseUnits() <= 0 {
// get the stripe customer invoice balance
cusID, err := service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, wallet.UserID)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to get stripe customer ID for user ID %s", wallet.UserID.String()))
invoices, err := service.getInvoices(ctx, cusID)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to get invoice balance for stripe customer ID %s", cusID))
for _, invoice := range invoices {
// if no balance due, do nothing
if invoice.AmountRemaining <= 0 {
var tokenCreditAmount int64
if invoice.AmountRemaining >= tokenBalance.BaseUnits() {
tokenCreditAmount = tokenBalance.BaseUnits()
} else {
tokenCreditAmount = invoice.AmountRemaining
txID, err := service.createTokenPaymentBillingTransaction(ctx, wallet.UserID, invoice.ID, wallet.Address.Hex(), -tokenCreditAmount)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to create token payment billing transaction for user %s", wallet.UserID.String()))
creditNoteID, err := service.addCreditNoteToInvoice(ctx, invoice.ID, cusID, wallet.Address.Hex(), tokenCreditAmount, txID)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to create token payment credit note for user %s", wallet.UserID.String()))
metadata, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"Credit Note ID": creditNoteID,
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to marshall credit note ID %s", creditNoteID))
err = service.billingDB.UpdateMetadata(ctx, txID, metadata)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to add credit note ID to billing transaction for user %s", wallet.UserID.String()))
err = service.billingDB.UpdateStatus(ctx, txID, billing.TransactionStatusCompleted)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to update status for billing transaction for user %s", wallet.UserID.String()))
return errGrp.Err()
// getInvoices returns the stripe customer's open finalized invoices.
func (service *Service) getInvoices(ctx context.Context, cusID string) (_ []stripe.Invoice, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
params := &stripe.InvoiceListParams{
Customer: stripe.String(cusID),
Status: stripe.String(string(stripe.InvoiceStatusOpen)),
invoicesIterator := service.stripeClient.Invoices().List(params)
var stripeInvoices []stripe.Invoice
for invoicesIterator.Next() {
stripeInvoice := invoicesIterator.Invoice()
if stripeInvoice != nil {
stripeInvoices = append(stripeInvoices, *stripeInvoice)
return stripeInvoices, nil
// addCreditNoteToInvoice creates a credit note for the user token payment.
func (service *Service) addCreditNoteToInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceID, cusID, wallet string, amount, txID int64) (_ string, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var lineParams []*stripe.CreditNoteLineParams
lineParam := stripe.CreditNoteLineParams{
Description: stripe.String("Storjscan Token payment"),
Type: stripe.String("custom_line_item"),
UnitAmount: stripe.Int64(amount),
Quantity: stripe.Int64(1),
lineParams = append(lineParams, &lineParam)
params := &stripe.CreditNoteParams{
Invoice: stripe.String(invoiceID),
Lines: lineParams,
Memo: stripe.String("Storjscan Token Payment - Wallet: 0x" + wallet),
params.AddMetadata("txID", "0x"+strconv.FormatInt(txID, 10))
params.AddMetadata("wallet address", wallet)
creditNote, err := service.stripeClient.CreditNotes().New(params)
if err != nil {
service.log.Warn("unable to add credit note for stripe customer", zap.String("Customer ID", cusID))
return "", Error.Wrap(err)
return creditNote.ID, nil
// createTokenPaymentBillingTransaction creates a billing DB entry for the user token payment.
func (service *Service) createTokenPaymentBillingTransaction(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, invoiceID, wallet string, amount int64) (_ int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
metadata, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"InvoiceID": invoiceID,
"Wallet": wallet,
transaction := billing.Transaction{
UserID: userID,
Amount: currency.AmountFromBaseUnits(amount, currency.USDollars),
Description: "Paid Stripe Invoice",
Source: "stripe",
Status: billing.TransactionStatusPending,
Type: billing.TransactionTypeDebit,
Metadata: metadata,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
txID, err := service.billingDB.Insert(ctx, transaction)
if err != nil {
service.log.Warn("unable to add transaction to billing DB for user", zap.String("User ID", userID.String()))
return 0, Error.Wrap(err)
return txID, nil
// applyProjectRecords applies invoice intents as invoice line items to stripe customer.
func (service *Service) applyProjectRecords(ctx context.Context, records []ProjectRecord) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
for _, record := range records {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
proj, err := service.projectsDB.Get(ctx, record.ProjectID)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen, but be sure to log info to further troubleshoot before exiting.
service.log.Error("project ID for corresponding project record not found", zap.Stringer("Record ID", record.ID), zap.Stringer("Project ID", record.ProjectID))
return errs.Wrap(err)
cusID, err := service.db.Customers().GetCustomerID(ctx, proj.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrNoCustomer) {
service.log.Warn("Stripe customer does not exist for project owner.", zap.Stringer("Owner ID", proj.OwnerID), zap.Stringer("Project ID", proj.ID))
return errs.Wrap(err)
if err = service.createInvoiceItems(ctx, cusID, proj.Name, record); err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
return nil
// createInvoiceItems consumes invoice project record and creates invoice line items for stripe customer.
func (service *Service) createInvoiceItems(ctx context.Context, cusID, projName string, record ProjectRecord) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if err = service.db.ProjectRecords().Consume(ctx, record.ID); err != nil {
return err
items := service.InvoiceItemsFromProjectRecord(projName, record)
for _, item := range items {
item.Currency = stripe.String(string(stripe.CurrencyUSD))
item.Customer = stripe.String(cusID)
item.AddMetadata("projectID", record.ProjectID.String())
_, err = service.stripeClient.InvoiceItems().New(item)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// InvoiceItemsFromProjectRecord calculates Stripe invoice item from project record.
func (service *Service) InvoiceItemsFromProjectRecord(projName string, record ProjectRecord) (result []*stripe.InvoiceItemParams) {
projectItem := &stripe.InvoiceItemParams{}
projectItem.Description = stripe.String(fmt.Sprintf("Project %s - Segment Storage (MB-Month)", projName))
projectItem.Quantity = stripe.Int64(storageMBMonthDecimal(record.Storage).IntPart())
storagePrice, _ := service.StorageMBMonthPriceCents.Float64()
projectItem.UnitAmountDecimal = stripe.Float64(storagePrice)
result = append(result, projectItem)
projectItem = &stripe.InvoiceItemParams{}
projectItem.Description = stripe.String(fmt.Sprintf("Project %s - Egress Bandwidth (MB)", projName))
projectItem.Quantity = stripe.Int64(egressMBDecimal(record.Egress).IntPart())
egressPrice, _ := service.EgressMBPriceCents.Float64()
projectItem.UnitAmountDecimal = stripe.Float64(egressPrice)
result = append(result, projectItem)
projectItem = &stripe.InvoiceItemParams{}
projectItem.Description = stripe.String(fmt.Sprintf("Project %s - Segment Fee (Segment-Month)", projName))
projectItem.Quantity = stripe.Int64(segmentMonthDecimal(record.Segments).IntPart())
segmentPrice, _ := service.SegmentMonthPriceCents.Float64()
projectItem.UnitAmountDecimal = stripe.Float64(segmentPrice)
result = append(result, projectItem)
service.log.Info("invoice items", zap.Any("result", result))
return result
// ApplyFreeTierCoupons iterates through all customers in Stripe. For each customer,
// if that customer does not currently have a Stripe coupon, the free tier Stripe coupon
// is applied.
func (service *Service) ApplyFreeTierCoupons(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
customers := service.db.Customers()
appliedCoupons := 0
failedUsers := []string{}
morePages := true
nextOffset := int64(0)
listingLimit := 100
end := time.Now()
for morePages {
customersPage, err := customers.List(ctx, nextOffset, listingLimit, end)
if err != nil {
return err
morePages = customersPage.Next
nextOffset = customersPage.NextOffset
for _, c := range customersPage.Customers {
stripeCust, err := service.stripeClient.Customers().Get(c.ID, nil)
if err != nil {
service.log.Error("Failed to get customer", zap.Error(err))
failedUsers = append(failedUsers, c.ID)
// if customer does not have a coupon, apply the free tier coupon
if stripeCust.Discount == nil || stripeCust.Discount.Coupon == nil {
params := &stripe.CustomerParams{
Coupon: stripe.String(service.StripeFreeTierCouponID),
_, err := service.stripeClient.Customers().Update(c.ID, params)
if err != nil {
service.log.Error("Failed to update customer with free tier coupon", zap.Error(err))
failedUsers = append(failedUsers, c.ID)
if len(failedUsers) > 0 {
service.log.Warn("Failed to get or apply free tier coupon to some customers:", zap.String("idlist", strings.Join(failedUsers, ", ")))
service.log.Info("Finished", zap.Int("number of coupons applied", appliedCoupons))
return nil
// CreateInvoices lists through all customers and creates invoices.
func (service *Service) CreateInvoices(ctx context.Context, period time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
now := service.nowFn().UTC()
utc := period.UTC()
start := time.Date(utc.Year(), utc.Month(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end := time.Date(utc.Year(), utc.Month()+1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
if end.After(now) {
return Error.New("allowed for past periods only")
var nextOffset int64
var draft, scheduled int
for {
cusPage, err := service.db.Customers().List(ctx, nextOffset, service.listingLimit, end)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
for _, cus := range cusPage.Customers {
if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
stripeInvoice, err := service.createInvoice(ctx, cus.ID, start)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if stripeInvoice.AutoAdvance {
} else {
if !cusPage.Next {
nextOffset = cusPage.NextOffset
service.log.Info("Number of created invoices", zap.Int("Draft", draft), zap.Int("Scheduled", scheduled))
return nil
// createInvoice creates invoice for stripe customer. Returns nil error if there are no
// pending invoice line items for customer.
func (service *Service) createInvoice(ctx context.Context, cusID string, period time.Time) (stripeInvoice *stripe.Invoice, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
description := fmt.Sprintf("Storj DCS Cloud Storage for %s %d", period.Month(), period.Year())
stripeInvoice, err = service.stripeClient.Invoices().New(
Customer: stripe.String(cusID),
AutoAdvance: stripe.Bool(service.AutoAdvance),
Description: stripe.String(description),
if err != nil {
var stripErr *stripe.Error
if errors.As(err, &stripErr) {
if stripErr.Code == stripe.ErrorCodeInvoiceNoCustomerLineItems {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
// auto advance the invoice if nothing is due from the customer
if !stripeInvoice.AutoAdvance && stripeInvoice.AmountDue == 0 {
stripeInvoice, err = service.stripeClient.Invoices().Update(
&stripe.InvoiceParams{AutoAdvance: stripe.Bool(true)},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return stripeInvoice, nil
// GenerateInvoices performs all tasks necessary to generate Stripe invoices.
// This is equivalent to invoking ApplyFreeTierCoupons, PrepareInvoiceProjectRecords,
// InvoiceApplyProjectRecords, and CreateInvoices in order.
func (service *Service) GenerateInvoices(ctx context.Context, period time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
for _, subFn := range []struct {
Description string
Exec func(context.Context, time.Time) error
{"Applying free tier coupons", func(ctx context.Context, _ time.Time) error {
return service.ApplyFreeTierCoupons(ctx)
{"Preparing invoice project records", service.PrepareInvoiceProjectRecords},
{"Applying invoice project records", service.InvoiceApplyProjectRecords},
{"Creating invoices", service.CreateInvoices},
} {
if err := subFn.Exec(ctx, period); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// FinalizeInvoices transitions all draft invoices to open finalized invoices in stripe. No payment is to be collected yet.
func (service *Service) FinalizeInvoices(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
params := &stripe.InvoiceListParams{
Status: stripe.String("draft"),
invoicesIterator := service.stripeClient.Invoices().List(params)
for invoicesIterator.Next() {
stripeInvoice := invoicesIterator.Invoice()
if stripeInvoice.AutoAdvance {
err := service.finalizeInvoice(ctx, stripeInvoice.ID)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
return Error.Wrap(invoicesIterator.Err())
func (service *Service) finalizeInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceID string) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
params := &stripe.InvoiceFinalizeParams{AutoAdvance: stripe.Bool(false)}
_, err = service.stripeClient.Invoices().FinalizeInvoice(invoiceID, params)
return err
// PayInvoices attempts to transition all open finalized invoices to "paid" by charging the customer according to subscriptions settings.
func (service *Service) PayInvoices(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
params := &stripe.InvoiceListParams{
Status: stripe.String("open"),
var errGrp errs.Group
invoicesIterator := service.stripeClient.Invoices().List(params)
for invoicesIterator.Next() {
stripeInvoice := invoicesIterator.Invoice()
params := &stripe.InvoicePayParams{}
_, err = service.stripeClient.Invoices().Pay(stripeInvoice.ID, params)
if err != nil {
errGrp.Add(Error.New("unable to pay invoice %s", stripeInvoice.ID))
return errGrp.Err()
// projectUsagePrice represents pricing for project usage.
type projectUsagePrice struct {
Storage decimal.Decimal
Egress decimal.Decimal
Segments decimal.Decimal
// Total returns project usage price total.
func (price projectUsagePrice) Total() decimal.Decimal {
return price.Storage.Add(price.Egress).Add(price.Segments)
// Total returns project usage price total.
func (price projectUsagePrice) TotalInt64() int64 {
return price.Storage.Add(price.Egress).Add(price.Segments).IntPart()
// calculateProjectUsagePrice calculate project usage price.
func (service *Service) calculateProjectUsagePrice(egress int64, storage, segments float64) projectUsagePrice {
return projectUsagePrice{
Storage: service.StorageMBMonthPriceCents.Mul(storageMBMonthDecimal(storage)).Round(0),
Egress: service.EgressMBPriceCents.Mul(egressMBDecimal(egress)).Round(0),
Segments: service.SegmentMonthPriceCents.Mul(segmentMonthDecimal(segments)).Round(0),
// SetNow allows tests to have the Service act as if the current time is whatever
// they want. This avoids races and sleeping, making tests more reliable and efficient.
func (service *Service) SetNow(now func() time.Time) {
service.nowFn = now
// storageMBMonthDecimal converts storage usage from Byte-Hours to Megabyte-Months.
// The result is rounded to the nearest whole number, but returned as Decimal for convenience.
func storageMBMonthDecimal(storage float64) decimal.Decimal {
return decimal.NewFromFloat(storage).Shift(-6).Div(decimal.NewFromInt(hoursPerMonth)).Round(0)
// egressMBDecimal converts egress usage from bytes to Megabytes
// The result is rounded to the nearest whole number, but returned as Decimal for convenience.
func egressMBDecimal(egress int64) decimal.Decimal {
return decimal.NewFromInt(egress).Shift(-6).Round(0)
// segmentMonthDecimal converts segments usage from Segment-Hours to Segment-Months.
// The result is rounded to the nearest whole number, but returned as Decimal for convenience.
func segmentMonthDecimal(segments float64) decimal.Decimal {
return decimal.NewFromFloat(segments).Div(decimal.NewFromInt(hoursPerMonth)).Round(0)