Michal Niewrzal 1d62dc63f5 satellite/repair/repairer: fix NumHealthyInExcludedCountries calculation
Currently, we have issue were while counting unhealthy pieces we are
counting twice piece which is in excluded country and is outside segment
placement. This can cause unnecessary repair.

This change is also doing another step to move RepairExcludedCountryCodes
from overlay config into repair package.

Change-Id: I3692f6e0ddb9982af925db42be23d644aec1963f
2023-07-10 12:01:19 +02:00

1603 lines
48 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package satellitedb
import (
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
var _ overlay.DB = (*overlaycache)(nil)
type overlaycache struct {
db *satelliteDB
// SelectAllStorageNodesUpload returns all nodes that qualify to store data, organized as reputable nodes and new nodes.
func (cache *overlaycache) SelectAllStorageNodesUpload(ctx context.Context, selectionCfg overlay.NodeSelectionConfig) (reputable, new []*nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
for {
reputable, new, err = cache.selectAllStorageNodesUpload(ctx, selectionCfg)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return reputable, new, err
err = cache.addNodeTags(ctx, append(reputable, new...))
if err != nil {
return reputable, new, err
return reputable, new, err
func (cache *overlaycache) selectAllStorageNodesUpload(ctx context.Context, selectionCfg overlay.NodeSelectionConfig) (reputable, new []*nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
query := `
SELECT id, address, last_net, last_ip_port, vetted_at, country_code, noise_proto, noise_public_key, debounce_limit, features, country_code
FROM nodes
` + cache.db.impl.AsOfSystemInterval(selectionCfg.AsOfSystemTime.Interval()) + `
WHERE disqualified IS NULL
AND unknown_audit_suspended IS NULL
AND offline_suspended IS NULL
AND exit_initiated_at IS NULL
AND type = $1
AND free_disk >= $2
AND last_contact_success > $3
args := []interface{}{
// $1
// $2
// $3
if selectionCfg.MinimumVersion != "" {
version, err := version.NewSemVer(selectionCfg.MinimumVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
query += `AND (major > $4 OR (major = $5 AND (minor > $6 OR (minor = $7 AND patch >= $8)))) AND release`
args = append(args,
// $4 - $8
version.Major, version.Major, version.Minor, version.Minor, version.Patch,
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, query, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var reputableNodes []*nodeselection.SelectedNode
var newNodes []*nodeselection.SelectedNode
for rows.Next() {
var node nodeselection.SelectedNode
node.Address = &pb.NodeAddress{}
var lastIPPort sql.NullString
var vettedAt *time.Time
var noise noiseScanner
err = rows.Scan(&node.ID, &node.Address.Address, &node.LastNet, &lastIPPort, &vettedAt, &node.CountryCode, &noise.Proto,
&noise.PublicKey, &node.Address.DebounceLimit, &node.Address.Features, &node.CountryCode)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if lastIPPort.Valid {
node.LastIPPort = lastIPPort.String
node.Address.NoiseInfo = noise.Convert()
if vettedAt == nil {
newNodes = append(newNodes, &node)
reputableNodes = append(reputableNodes, &node)
return reputableNodes, newNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// SelectAllStorageNodesDownload returns all nodes that qualify to store data, organized as reputable nodes and new nodes.
func (cache *overlaycache) SelectAllStorageNodesDownload(ctx context.Context, onlineWindow time.Duration, asOf overlay.AsOfSystemTimeConfig) (nodes []*nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
for {
nodes, err = cache.selectAllStorageNodesDownload(ctx, onlineWindow, asOf)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return nodes, err
err = cache.addNodeTags(ctx, nodes)
if err != nil {
return nodes, err
return nodes, err
func (cache *overlaycache) selectAllStorageNodesDownload(ctx context.Context, onlineWindow time.Duration, asOfConfig overlay.AsOfSystemTimeConfig) (_ []*nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
query := `
SELECT id, address, last_net, last_ip_port, noise_proto, noise_public_key, debounce_limit, features, country_code
FROM nodes
` + cache.db.impl.AsOfSystemInterval(asOfConfig.Interval()) + `
WHERE disqualified IS NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
AND last_contact_success > $1
args := []interface{}{
// $1
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, query, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var nodes []*nodeselection.SelectedNode
for rows.Next() {
var node nodeselection.SelectedNode
node.Address = &pb.NodeAddress{}
var lastIPPort sql.NullString
var noise noiseScanner
err = rows.Scan(&node.ID, &node.Address.Address, &node.LastNet, &lastIPPort, &noise.Proto,
&noise.PublicKey, &node.Address.DebounceLimit, &node.Address.Features, &node.CountryCode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if lastIPPort.Valid {
node.LastIPPort = lastIPPort.String
node.Address.NoiseInfo = noise.Convert()
nodes = append(nodes, &node)
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetNodesNetwork returns the /24 subnet for each storage node. Order is not guaranteed.
// If a requested node is not in the database, no corresponding last_net will be returned
// for that node.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetNodesNetwork(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID) (nodeNets []string, err error) {
query := `
SELECT last_net FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
for {
nodeNets, err = cache.getNodesNetwork(ctx, nodeIDs, query)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return nodeNets, err
return nodeNets, err
// GetNodesNetworkInOrder returns the /24 subnet for each storage node, in order. If a
// requested node is not in the database, an empty string will be returned corresponding
// to that node's last_net.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetNodesNetworkInOrder(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID) (nodeNets []string, err error) {
query := `
SELECT coalesce(n.last_net, '')
FROM unnest($1::bytea[]) WITH ORDINALITY AS input(node_id, ord)
LEFT OUTER JOIN nodes n ON input.node_id =
ORDER BY input.ord
for {
nodeNets, err = cache.getNodesNetwork(ctx, nodeIDs, query)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return nodeNets, err
return nodeNets, err
func (cache *overlaycache) getNodesNetwork(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID, query string) (nodeNets []string, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var rows tagsql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(query), pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeIDs))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var ip string
err = rows.Scan(&ip)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodeNets = append(nodeNets, ip)
return nodeNets, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// Get looks up the node by nodeID.
func (cache *overlaycache) Get(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID) (dossier *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if id.IsZero() {
return nil, overlay.ErrEmptyNode
node, err := cache.db.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(id.Bytes()))
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, overlay.ErrNodeNotFound.New("%v", id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return convertDBNode(ctx, node)
// GetOnlineNodesForAuditRepair returns a map of nodes for the supplied nodeIDs.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetOnlineNodesForAuditRepair(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID, onlineWindow time.Duration) (nodes map[storj.NodeID]*overlay.NodeReputation, err error) {
for {
nodes, err = cache.getOnlineNodesForAuditRepair(ctx, nodeIDs, onlineWindow)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return nodes, err
return nodes, err
func (cache *overlaycache) getOnlineNodesForAuditRepair(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID, onlineWindow time.Duration) (_ map[storj.NodeID]*overlay.NodeReputation, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var rows tagsql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT last_net, id, address, email, last_ip_port, noise_proto, noise_public_key, debounce_limit, features,
vetted_at, unknown_audit_suspended, offline_suspended
FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
AND disqualified IS NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
AND last_contact_success > $2
`), pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeIDs), time.Now().Add(-onlineWindow))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
nodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]*overlay.NodeReputation)
for rows.Next() {
var node overlay.NodeReputation
node.Address = &pb.NodeAddress{}
var lastIPPort sql.NullString
var noise noiseScanner
err = rows.Scan(&node.LastNet, &node.ID, &node.Address.Address, &node.Reputation.Email, &lastIPPort, &noise.Proto, &noise.PublicKey, &node.Address.DebounceLimit, &node.Address.Features, &node.Reputation.VettedAt, &node.Reputation.UnknownAuditSuspended, &node.Reputation.OfflineSuspended)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if lastIPPort.Valid {
node.LastIPPort = lastIPPort.String
node.Address.NoiseInfo = noise.Convert()
nodes[node.ID] = &node
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetOfflineNodesForEmail gets nodes that we want to send an email to. These are non-disqualified, non-exited nodes where
// last_contact_success is between two points: the point where it is considered offline (offlineWindow), and the point where we don't want
// to send more emails (cutoff). It also filters nodes where last_offline_email is too recent (cooldown).
func (cache *overlaycache) GetOfflineNodesForEmail(ctx context.Context, offlineWindow, cutoff, cooldown time.Duration, limit int) (nodes map[storj.NodeID]string, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
now := time.Now()
nodes = make(map[storj.NodeID]string)
rows, err := cache.db.QueryContext(ctx, `
SELECT id, email
FROM nodes
WHERE last_contact_success < $1
AND last_contact_success > $2
AND (last_offline_email IS NULL OR last_offline_email < $3)
AND email != ''
AND disqualified is NULL
AND exit_finished_at is NULL
`, now.Add(-offlineWindow), now.Add(-cutoff), now.Add(-cooldown), limit)
if err != nil {
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var idBytes []byte
var email string
var nodeID storj.NodeID
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&idBytes, &email)
nodeID, err = storj.NodeIDFromBytes(idBytes)
if err != nil {
nodes[nodeID] = email
return nodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// UpdateLastOfflineEmail updates last_offline_email for a list of nodes.
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateLastOfflineEmail(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs storj.NodeIDList, timestamp time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
_, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, `
UPDATE nodes
SET last_offline_email = $1
WHERE id = any($2::bytea[])
`, timestamp, pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeIDs))
return err
// KnownReliable filters a set of nodes to reliable nodes. List is split into online and offline nodes.
func (cache *overlaycache) KnownReliable(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs storj.NodeIDList, onlineWindow, asOfSystemInterval time.Duration) (online []nodeselection.SelectedNode, offline []nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
for {
online, offline, err = cache.knownReliable(ctx, nodeIDs, onlineWindow, asOfSystemInterval)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return nil, nil, err
return online, offline, err
func (cache *overlaycache) knownReliable(ctx context.Context, nodeIDs storj.NodeIDList, onlineWindow, asOfSystemInterval time.Duration) (online []nodeselection.SelectedNode, offline []nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(nodeIDs) == 0 {
return nil, nil, Error.New("no ids provided")
err = withRows(cache.db.Query(ctx, `
SELECT id, address, last_net, last_ip_port, country_code, last_contact_success > $2 as online
FROM nodes
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
AND disqualified IS NULL
AND unknown_audit_suspended IS NULL
AND offline_suspended IS NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
`, pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeIDs), time.Now().Add(-onlineWindow),
))(func(rows tagsql.Rows) error {
for rows.Next() {
node, onlineNode, err := scanSelectedNode(rows)
if err != nil {
return err
if onlineNode {
online = append(online, node)
} else {
offline = append(offline, node)
return nil
return online, offline, Error.Wrap(err)
// Reliable returns all nodes that are reliable, online and offline.
func (cache *overlaycache) Reliable(ctx context.Context, onlineWindow, asOfSystemInterval time.Duration) (online []nodeselection.SelectedNode, offline []nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
for {
online, offline, err = cache.reliable(ctx, onlineWindow, asOfSystemInterval)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return nil, nil, err
return online, offline, nil
func (cache *overlaycache) reliable(ctx context.Context, onlineWindow, asOfSystemInterval time.Duration) (online []nodeselection.SelectedNode, offline []nodeselection.SelectedNode, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
err = withRows(cache.db.Query(ctx, `
SELECT id, address, last_net, last_ip_port, country_code, last_contact_success > $1 as online
FROM nodes
WHERE disqualified IS NULL
AND unknown_audit_suspended IS NULL
AND offline_suspended IS NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
`, time.Now().Add(-onlineWindow),
))(func(rows tagsql.Rows) error {
for rows.Next() {
node, onlineNode, err := scanSelectedNode(rows)
if err != nil {
return err
if onlineNode {
online = append(online, node)
} else {
offline = append(offline, node)
return nil
return online, offline, Error.Wrap(err)
func scanSelectedNode(rows tagsql.Rows) (nodeselection.SelectedNode, bool, error) {
var onlineNode bool
var node nodeselection.SelectedNode
node.Address = &pb.NodeAddress{}
var lastIPPort sql.NullString
err := rows.Scan(&node.ID, &node.Address.Address, &node.LastNet, &lastIPPort, &node.CountryCode, &onlineNode)
if err != nil {
return nodeselection.SelectedNode{}, false, err
if lastIPPort.Valid {
node.LastIPPort = lastIPPort.String
return node, onlineNode, nil
// UpdateReputation updates the DB columns for any of the reputation fields in ReputationUpdate.
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateReputation(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID, request overlay.ReputationUpdate) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.UnknownAuditSuspended = dbx.Node_UnknownAuditSuspended_Raw(request.UnknownAuditSuspended)
updateFields.OfflineSuspended = dbx.Node_OfflineSuspended_Raw(request.OfflineSuspended)
updateFields.VettedAt = dbx.Node_VettedAt_Raw(request.VettedAt)
updateFields.Disqualified = dbx.Node_Disqualified_Raw(request.Disqualified)
if request.Disqualified != nil {
updateFields.DisqualificationReason = dbx.Node_DisqualificationReason(int(request.DisqualificationReason))
err = cache.db.UpdateNoReturn_Node_By_Id_And_Disqualified_Is_Null_And_ExitFinishedAt_Is_Null(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(id.Bytes()), updateFields)
return Error.Wrap(err)
// UpdateNodeInfo updates the following fields for a given node ID:
// wallet, email for node operator, free disk, and version.
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateNodeInfo(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, nodeInfo *overlay.InfoResponse) (stats *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var updateFields dbx.Node_Update_Fields
if nodeInfo != nil {
if nodeInfo.Type != pb.NodeType_INVALID {
updateFields.Type = dbx.Node_Type(int(nodeInfo.Type))
if nodeInfo.Operator != nil {
walletFeatures, err := encodeWalletFeatures(nodeInfo.Operator.GetWalletFeatures())
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
updateFields.Wallet = dbx.Node_Wallet(nodeInfo.Operator.GetWallet())
updateFields.Email = dbx.Node_Email(nodeInfo.Operator.GetEmail())
updateFields.WalletFeatures = dbx.Node_WalletFeatures(walletFeatures)
if nodeInfo.Capacity != nil {
updateFields.FreeDisk = dbx.Node_FreeDisk(nodeInfo.Capacity.GetFreeDisk())
if nodeInfo.Version != nil {
semVer, err := version.NewSemVer(nodeInfo.Version.GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("unable to convert version to semVer")
updateFields.Major = dbx.Node_Major(int64(semVer.Major))
updateFields.Minor = dbx.Node_Minor(int64(semVer.Minor))
updateFields.Patch = dbx.Node_Patch(int64(semVer.Patch))
updateFields.Hash = dbx.Node_Hash(nodeInfo.Version.GetCommitHash())
updateFields.Timestamp = dbx.Node_Timestamp(nodeInfo.Version.Timestamp)
updateFields.Release = dbx.Node_Release(nodeInfo.Version.GetRelease())
updatedDBNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
return convertDBNode(ctx, updatedDBNode)
// DisqualifyNode disqualifies a storage node.
func (cache *overlaycache) DisqualifyNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, disqualifiedAt time.Time, reason overlay.DisqualificationReason) (email string, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.Disqualified = dbx.Node_Disqualified(disqualifiedAt.UTC())
updateFields.DisqualificationReason = dbx.Node_DisqualificationReason(int(reason))
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if dbNode == nil {
return "", errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return dbNode.Email, nil
// TestSuspendNodeUnknownAudit suspends a storage node for unknown audits.
func (cache *overlaycache) TestSuspendNodeUnknownAudit(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, suspendedAt time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.UnknownAuditSuspended = dbx.Node_UnknownAuditSuspended(suspendedAt.UTC())
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbNode == nil {
return errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return nil
// TestUnsuspendNodeUnknownAudit unsuspends a storage node for unknown audits.
func (cache *overlaycache) TestUnsuspendNodeUnknownAudit(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.UnknownAuditSuspended = dbx.Node_UnknownAuditSuspended_Null()
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbNode == nil {
return errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return nil
// AllPieceCounts returns a map of node IDs to piece counts from the db.
// NB: a valid, partial piece map can be returned even if node ID parsing error(s) are returned.
func (cache *overlaycache) AllPieceCounts(ctx context.Context) (_ map[storj.NodeID]int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// NB: `All_Node_Id_Node_PieceCount_By_PieceCount_Not_Number` selects node
// ID and piece count from the nodes table where piece count is not zero.
rows, err := cache.db.All_Node_Id_Node_PieceCount_By_PieceCount_Not_Number(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
pieceCounts := make(map[storj.NodeID]int64)
nodeIDErrs := errs.Group{}
for _, row := range rows {
nodeID, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(row.Id)
if err != nil {
pieceCounts[nodeID] = row.PieceCount
return pieceCounts, nodeIDErrs.Err()
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdatePieceCounts(ctx context.Context, pieceCounts map[storj.NodeID]int64) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(pieceCounts) == 0 {
return nil
// TODO: pass in the apprioriate struct to database, rather than constructing it here
type NodeCount struct {
ID storj.NodeID
Count int64
var counts []NodeCount
for nodeid, count := range pieceCounts {
counts = append(counts, NodeCount{
ID: nodeid,
Count: count,
sort.Slice(counts, func(i, k int) bool {
return counts[i].ID.Less(counts[k].ID)
var nodeIDs []storj.NodeID
var countNumbers []int64
for _, count := range counts {
nodeIDs = append(nodeIDs, count.ID)
countNumbers = append(countNumbers, count.Count)
_, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, `
UPDATE nodes
SET piece_count = update.count
SELECT unnest($1::bytea[]) as id, unnest($2::bigint[]) as count
) as update
`, pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeIDs), pgutil.Int8Array(countNumbers))
return Error.Wrap(err)
// GetExitingNodes returns nodes who have initiated a graceful exit and is not disqualified, but have not completed it.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetExitingNodes(ctx context.Context) (exitingNodes []*overlay.ExitStatus, err error) {
for {
exitingNodes, err = cache.getExitingNodes(ctx)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return exitingNodes, err
return exitingNodes, err
func (cache *overlaycache) getExitingNodes(ctx context.Context) (exitingNodes []*overlay.ExitStatus, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id, exit_initiated_at, exit_loop_completed_at, exit_finished_at, exit_success FROM nodes
WHERE exit_initiated_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
AND disqualified is NULL
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var exitingNodeStatus overlay.ExitStatus
err = rows.Scan(&exitingNodeStatus.NodeID, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitInitiatedAt, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitLoopCompletedAt, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitFinishedAt, &exitingNodeStatus.ExitSuccess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitingNodes = append(exitingNodes, &exitingNodeStatus)
return exitingNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetExitStatus returns a node's graceful exit status.
func (cache *overlaycache) GetExitStatus(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (exitStatus *overlay.ExitStatus, err error) {
for {
exitStatus, err = cache.getExitStatus(ctx, nodeID)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return exitStatus, err
return exitStatus, err
func (cache *overlaycache) getExitStatus(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (_ *overlay.ExitStatus, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id, exit_initiated_at, exit_loop_completed_at, exit_finished_at, exit_success
FROM nodes
WHERE id = ?
`), nodeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
exitStatus := &overlay.ExitStatus{}
if rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&exitStatus.NodeID, &exitStatus.ExitInitiatedAt, &exitStatus.ExitLoopCompletedAt, &exitStatus.ExitFinishedAt, &exitStatus.ExitSuccess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return exitStatus, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetGracefulExitCompletedByTimeFrame returns nodes who have completed graceful exit within a time window (time window is around graceful exit completion).
func (cache *overlaycache) GetGracefulExitCompletedByTimeFrame(ctx context.Context, begin, end time.Time) (exitedNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
for {
exitedNodes, err = cache.getGracefulExitCompletedByTimeFrame(ctx, begin, end)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return exitedNodes, err
return exitedNodes, err
func (cache *overlaycache) getGracefulExitCompletedByTimeFrame(ctx context.Context, begin, end time.Time) (exitedNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id FROM nodes
WHERE exit_initiated_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at >= ?
AND exit_finished_at < ?
`), begin, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close())
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitedNodes = append(exitedNodes, id)
return exitedNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// GetGracefulExitIncompleteByTimeFrame returns nodes who have initiated, but not completed graceful exit within a time window (time window is around graceful exit initiation).
func (cache *overlaycache) GetGracefulExitIncompleteByTimeFrame(ctx context.Context, begin, end time.Time) (exitingNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
for {
exitingNodes, err = cache.getGracefulExitIncompleteByTimeFrame(ctx, begin, end)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return exitingNodes, err
return exitingNodes, err
func (cache *overlaycache) getGracefulExitIncompleteByTimeFrame(ctx context.Context, begin, end time.Time) (exitingNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT id FROM nodes
WHERE exit_initiated_at IS NOT NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
AND exit_initiated_at >= ?
AND exit_initiated_at < ?
`), begin, end)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close())
// TODO return more than just ID
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exitingNodes = append(exitingNodes, id)
return exitingNodes, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
// UpdateExitStatus is used to update a node's graceful exit status.
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateExitStatus(ctx context.Context, request *overlay.ExitStatusRequest) (_ *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
nodeID := request.NodeID
updateFields := populateExitStatusFields(request)
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
if dbNode == nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID))
return convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode)
func populateExitStatusFields(req *overlay.ExitStatusRequest) dbx.Node_Update_Fields {
dbxUpdateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
if !req.ExitInitiatedAt.IsZero() {
dbxUpdateFields.ExitInitiatedAt = dbx.Node_ExitInitiatedAt(req.ExitInitiatedAt)
if !req.ExitLoopCompletedAt.IsZero() {
dbxUpdateFields.ExitLoopCompletedAt = dbx.Node_ExitLoopCompletedAt(req.ExitLoopCompletedAt)
if !req.ExitFinishedAt.IsZero() {
dbxUpdateFields.ExitFinishedAt = dbx.Node_ExitFinishedAt(req.ExitFinishedAt)
dbxUpdateFields.ExitSuccess = dbx.Node_ExitSuccess(req.ExitSuccess)
return dbxUpdateFields
func convertDBNode(ctx context.Context, info *dbx.Node) (_ *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) {
if info == nil {
return nil, Error.New("missing info")
id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(info.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ver, err := version.NewSemVer(fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", info.Major, info.Minor, info.Patch))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var noiseInfo *pb.NoiseInfo
if info.NoiseProto != nil && len(info.NoisePublicKey) > 0 {
noiseInfo = &pb.NoiseInfo{
Proto: pb.NoiseProtocol(*info.NoiseProto),
PublicKey: info.NoisePublicKey,
exitStatus := overlay.ExitStatus{NodeID: id}
exitStatus.ExitInitiatedAt = info.ExitInitiatedAt
exitStatus.ExitLoopCompletedAt = info.ExitLoopCompletedAt
exitStatus.ExitFinishedAt = info.ExitFinishedAt
exitStatus.ExitSuccess = info.ExitSuccess
node := &overlay.NodeDossier{
Node: pb.Node{
Id: id,
Address: &pb.NodeAddress{
Address: info.Address,
NoiseInfo: noiseInfo,
DebounceLimit: int32(info.DebounceLimit),
Features: uint64(info.Features),
Type: pb.NodeType(info.Type),
Operator: pb.NodeOperator{
Email: info.Email,
Wallet: info.Wallet,
WalletFeatures: decodeWalletFeatures(info.WalletFeatures),
Capacity: pb.NodeCapacity{
FreeDisk: info.FreeDisk,
Reputation: *getNodeStats(info),
Version: pb.NodeVersion{
Version: ver.String(),
CommitHash: info.Hash,
Timestamp: info.Timestamp,
Release: info.Release,
Disqualified: info.Disqualified,
DisqualificationReason: (*overlay.DisqualificationReason)(info.DisqualificationReason),
UnknownAuditSuspended: info.UnknownAuditSuspended,
OfflineSuspended: info.OfflineSuspended,
OfflineUnderReview: info.UnderReview,
PieceCount: info.PieceCount,
ExitStatus: exitStatus,
CreatedAt: info.CreatedAt,
LastNet: info.LastNet,
LastOfflineEmail: info.LastOfflineEmail,
LastSoftwareUpdateEmail: info.LastSoftwareUpdateEmail,
if info.LastIpPort != nil {
node.LastIPPort = *info.LastIpPort
if info.CountryCode != nil {
node.CountryCode = location.ToCountryCode(*info.CountryCode)
if info.Contained != nil {
node.Contained = true
return node, nil
// encodeWalletFeatures encodes wallet features into comma separated list string.
func encodeWalletFeatures(features []string) (string, error) {
var errGroup errs.Group
for _, feature := range features {
if strings.Contains(feature, ",") {
errGroup.Add(errs.New("error encoding %s, can not contain separator \",\"", feature))
if err := errGroup.Err(); err != nil {
return "", Error.Wrap(err)
return strings.Join(features, ","), nil
// decodeWalletFeatures decodes comma separated wallet features list string.
func decodeWalletFeatures(encoded string) []string {
if encoded == "" {
return nil
return strings.Split(encoded, ",")
func getNodeStats(dbNode *dbx.Node) *overlay.NodeStats {
nodeStats := &overlay.NodeStats{
Latency90: dbNode.Latency90,
LastContactSuccess: dbNode.LastContactSuccess,
LastContactFailure: dbNode.LastContactFailure,
OfflineUnderReview: dbNode.UnderReview,
Status: overlay.ReputationStatus{
Email: dbNode.Email,
VettedAt: dbNode.VettedAt,
Disqualified: dbNode.Disqualified,
UnknownAuditSuspended: dbNode.UnknownAuditSuspended,
OfflineSuspended: dbNode.OfflineSuspended,
return nodeStats
// DQNodesLastSeenBefore disqualifies a limited number of nodes where last_contact_success < cutoff except those already disqualified
// or gracefully exited or where last_contact_success = '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'.
func (cache *overlaycache) DQNodesLastSeenBefore(ctx context.Context, cutoff time.Time, limit int) (nodeEmails map[storj.NodeID]string, count int, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var nodeIDs []storj.NodeID
nodeEmails = make(map[storj.NodeID]string)
for {
nodeIDs, err = cache.getNodesForDQLastSeenBefore(ctx, cutoff, limit)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return nil, 0, err
if len(nodeIDs) == 0 {
return nil, 0, nil
var rows tagsql.Rows
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
UPDATE nodes
SET disqualified = current_timestamp,
disqualification_reason = $3
WHERE id = any($1::bytea[])
AND disqualified IS NULL
AND exit_finished_at IS NULL
AND last_contact_success < $2
AND last_contact_success != '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz
RETURNING id, email, last_contact_success;
`), pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeIDs), cutoff, overlay.DisqualificationReasonNodeOffline)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
var email string
var lcs time.Time
err = rows.Scan(&id, &email, &lcs)
if err != nil {
return nil, count, err
zap.String("DQ type", "stray node"),
zap.Stringer("Node ID", id),
zap.Stringer("Last contacted", lcs))
nodeEmails[id] = email
return nodeEmails, count, rows.Err()
func (cache *overlaycache) getNodesForDQLastSeenBefore(ctx context.Context, cutoff time.Time, limit int) (nodes []storj.NodeID, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
FROM nodes
WHERE last_contact_success < $1
AND disqualified is NULL
AND exit_finished_at is NULL
AND last_contact_success != '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz
`), cutoff, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var nodeIDs []storj.NodeID
for rows.Next() {
var id storj.NodeID
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodeIDs = append(nodeIDs, id)
return nodeIDs, rows.Err()
func (cache *overlaycache) updateCheckInDirectUpdate(ctx context.Context, node overlay.NodeCheckInInfo, timestamp time.Time, semVer version.SemVer, walletFeatures string) (updated bool, err error) {
var noiseProto sql.NullInt32
var noisePublicKey []byte
if node.Address.NoiseInfo != nil {
noiseProto = sql.NullInt32{
Int32: int32(node.Address.NoiseInfo.Proto),
Valid: true,
noisePublicKey = node.Address.NoiseInfo.PublicKey
// First try the fast path.
var res sql.Result
res, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, `
UPDATE nodes
major=$9, minor=$10, patch=$11, hash=$12, timestamp=$13, release=$14,
last_contact_success = CASE WHEN $8::bool IS TRUE
THEN $15::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_contact_success
last_contact_failure = CASE WHEN $8::bool IS FALSE
THEN $15::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_contact_failure
last_software_update_email = CASE
WHEN $19::bool IS TRUE THEN $15::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_software_update_email
last_offline_email = CASE WHEN $8::bool IS TRUE
ELSE nodes.last_offline_email
WHERE id = $1
`, // args $1 - $4
node.NodeID.Bytes(), node.Address.GetAddress(), node.LastNet, pb.NodeTransport_TCP_TLS_RPC,
// args $5 - $7
node.Operator.GetEmail(), node.Operator.GetWallet(), node.Capacity.GetFreeDisk(),
// args $8
// args $9 - $14
semVer.Major, semVer.Minor, semVer.Patch, node.Version.GetCommitHash(), node.Version.Timestamp, node.Version.GetRelease(),
// args $15
// args $16
// args $17,
// args $18,
// args $19 - $20
node.SoftwareUpdateEmailSent, node.VersionBelowMin,
// args $21 - $24
noiseProto, noisePublicKey, node.Address.DebounceLimit, node.Address.Features,
if err != nil {
return false, Error.Wrap(err)
affected, affectedErr := res.RowsAffected()
if affectedErr != nil {
return false, Error.Wrap(err)
return affected > 0, nil
// UpdateCheckIn updates a single storagenode with info from when the the node last checked in.
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateCheckIn(ctx context.Context, node overlay.NodeCheckInInfo, timestamp time.Time, config overlay.NodeSelectionConfig) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if node.Address.GetAddress() == "" {
return Error.New("error UpdateCheckIn: missing the storage node address")
semVer, err := version.NewSemVer(node.Version.GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return Error.New("unable to convert version to semVer")
walletFeatures, err := encodeWalletFeatures(node.Operator.GetWalletFeatures())
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
updated, err := cache.updateCheckInDirectUpdate(ctx, node, timestamp, semVer, walletFeatures)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if updated {
return nil
var noiseProto sql.NullInt32
var noisePublicKey []byte
if node.Address.NoiseInfo != nil {
noiseProto = sql.NullInt32{
Int32: int32(node.Address.NoiseInfo.Proto),
Valid: true,
noisePublicKey = node.Address.NoiseInfo.PublicKey
_, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, `
id, address, last_net, protocol, type,
email, wallet, free_disk,
major, minor, patch, hash, timestamp, release,
last_ip_port, wallet_features, country_code,
noise_proto, noise_public_key, debounce_limit,
$1, $2, $3, $4, $5,
$6, $7, $8,
CASE WHEN $9::bool IS TRUE THEN $16::timestamptz
ELSE '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz
CASE WHEN $9::bool IS FALSE THEN $16::timestamptz
ELSE '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamptz
$10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15,
$17, $18, $19,
$22, $23, $24,
major=$10, minor=$11, patch=$12, hash=$13, timestamp=$14, release=$15,
last_contact_success = CASE WHEN $9::bool IS TRUE
THEN $16::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_contact_success
last_contact_failure = CASE WHEN $9::bool IS FALSE
THEN $16::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_contact_failure
last_software_update_email = CASE
WHEN $20::bool IS TRUE THEN $16::timestamptz
ELSE nodes.last_software_update_email
last_offline_email = CASE WHEN $9::bool IS TRUE
ELSE nodes.last_offline_email
// args $1 - $5
node.NodeID.Bytes(), node.Address.GetAddress(), node.LastNet, pb.NodeTransport_TCP_TLS_RPC, int(pb.NodeType_STORAGE),
// args $6 - $8
node.Operator.GetEmail(), node.Operator.GetWallet(), node.Capacity.GetFreeDisk(),
// args $9
// args $10 - $15
semVer.Major, semVer.Minor, semVer.Patch, node.Version.GetCommitHash(), node.Version.Timestamp, node.Version.GetRelease(),
// args $16
// args $17 - $19
node.LastIPPort, walletFeatures, node.CountryCode.String(),
// args $20 - $21
node.SoftwareUpdateEmailSent, node.VersionBelowMin,
// args $22 - $25
noiseProto, noisePublicKey, node.Address.DebounceLimit, node.Address.Features,
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
return nil
// SetNodeContained updates the contained field for the node record. If
// `contained` is true, the contained field in the record is set to the current
// database time, if it is not already set. If `contained` is false, the
// contained field in the record is set to NULL. All other fields are left
// alone.
func (cache *overlaycache) SetNodeContained(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, contained bool) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var query string
if contained {
// only update the timestamp if it's not already set
query = `
UPDATE nodes SET contained = current_timestamp
WHERE id = $1 AND contained IS NULL
} else {
query = `
UPDATE nodes SET contained = NULL
WHERE id = $1
_, err = cache.db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, nodeID[:])
return Error.Wrap(err)
// SetAllContainedNodes updates the contained field for all nodes, as necessary.
// containedNodes is expected to be a set of all nodes that should be contained.
// All nodes which are in this set but do not already have a non-NULL contained
// field will be updated to be contained as of the current time, and all nodes
// which are not in this set but are contained in the table will be updated to
// have a NULL contained field.
func (cache *overlaycache) SetAllContainedNodes(ctx context.Context, containedNodes []storj.NodeID) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateQuery := `
WITH should_be AS (
SELECT, EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM unnest($1::BYTEA[]) sb(i) WHERE sb.i = id) AS contained
FROM nodes
UPDATE nodes n SET contained =
CASE WHEN should_be.contained
THEN current_timestamp
FROM should_be
AND (n.contained IS NOT NULL) != should_be.contained
_, err = cache.db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, updateQuery, pgutil.NodeIDArray(containedNodes))
return Error.Wrap(err)
var (
// ErrVetting is the error class for the following test methods.
ErrVetting = errs.Class("vetting")
// TestVetNode directly sets a node's vetted_at timestamp to make testing easier.
func (cache *overlaycache) TestVetNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (vettedTime *time.Time, err error) {
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{
VettedAt: dbx.Node_VettedAt(time.Now().UTC()),
node, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return node.VettedAt, nil
// TestUnvetNode directly sets a node's vetted_at timestamp to null to make testing easier.
func (cache *overlaycache) TestUnvetNode(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID) (err error) {
_, err = cache.db.Exec(ctx, `UPDATE nodes SET vetted_at = NULL WHERE = $1;`, nodeID)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = cache.Get(ctx, nodeID)
return err
// TestSuspendNodeOffline suspends a storage node for offline.
func (cache *overlaycache) TestSuspendNodeOffline(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, suspendedAt time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.OfflineSuspended = dbx.Node_OfflineSuspended(suspendedAt.UTC())
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbNode == nil {
return errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID)
return nil
// TestNodeCountryCode sets node country code.
func (cache *overlaycache) TestNodeCountryCode(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, countryCode string) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{}
updateFields.CountryCode = dbx.Node_CountryCode(countryCode)
dbNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbNode == nil {
return errs.New("unable to set node country code: %v", nodeID)
return nil
// IterateAllContactedNodes will call cb on all known nodes (used in restore trash contexts).
func (cache *overlaycache) IterateAllContactedNodes(ctx context.Context, cb func(context.Context, *nodeselection.SelectedNode) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var rows tagsql.Rows
// 2018-04-06 is the date of the first storj v3 commit.
rows, err = cache.db.Query(ctx, cache.db.Rebind(`
SELECT last_net, id, address, last_ip_port, noise_proto, noise_public_key, debounce_limit, features
FROM nodes
WHERE last_contact_success >= timestamp '2018-04-06'
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
for rows.Next() {
var node nodeselection.SelectedNode
node.Address = &pb.NodeAddress{}
var lastIPPort sql.NullString
var noise noiseScanner
err = rows.Scan(&node.LastNet, &node.ID, &node.Address.Address, &lastIPPort, &noise.Proto, &noise.PublicKey, &node.Address.DebounceLimit, &node.Address.Features)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if lastIPPort.Valid {
node.LastIPPort = lastIPPort.String
node.Address.NoiseInfo = noise.Convert()
err = cb(ctx, &node)
if err != nil {
return err
return rows.Err()
// IterateAllNodeDossiers will call cb on all known nodes (used for invoice generation).
func (cache *overlaycache) IterateAllNodeDossiers(ctx context.Context, cb func(context.Context, *overlay.NodeDossier) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
const nodesPerPage = 1000
var cont *dbx.Paged_Node_Continuation
var dbxNodes []*dbx.Node
for {
dbxNodes, cont, err = cache.db.Paged_Node(ctx, nodesPerPage, cont)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, node := range dbxNodes {
dossier, err := convertDBNode(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := cb(ctx, dossier); err != nil {
return err
if cont == nil {
return nil
func (cache *overlaycache) TestUpdateCheckInDirectUpdate(ctx context.Context, node overlay.NodeCheckInInfo, timestamp time.Time, semVer version.SemVer, walletFeatures string) (updated bool, err error) {
return cache.updateCheckInDirectUpdate(ctx, node, timestamp, semVer, walletFeatures)
type noiseScanner struct {
Proto sql.NullInt32
PublicKey []byte
func (n *noiseScanner) Convert() *pb.NoiseInfo {
if !n.Proto.Valid || len(n.PublicKey) == 0 {
return nil
return &pb.NoiseInfo{
Proto: pb.NoiseProtocol(n.Proto.Int32),
PublicKey: n.PublicKey,
// OneTimeFixLastNets updates the last_net values for all node records to be equal to their
// last_ip_port values.
// This is only appropriate to do when the satellite has DistinctIP=false, the satelliteDB is
// running on PostgreSQL (not CockroachDB), and has been upgraded from before changeset
// I0e7e92498c3da768df5b4d5fb213dcd2d4862924. These are not common circumstances, but they do
// exist. It is only necessary to run this once. When all satellite peer processes are upgraded,
// the function and trigger can be dropped if desired.
func (cache *overlaycache) OneTimeFixLastNets(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, `
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
NEW.last_net = NEW.last_ip_port;
CREATE TRIGGER nodes_fix_last_nets
EXECUTE PROCEDURE fix_last_nets();
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
_, err = cache.db.ExecContext(ctx, "UPDATE nodes SET last_net = last_ip_port")
return Error.Wrap(err)
func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateNodeTags(ctx context.Context, tags nodeselection.NodeTags) error {
for _, t := range tags {
err := cache.db.ReplaceNoReturn_NodeTags(ctx,
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
return nil
func (cache *overlaycache) GetNodeTags(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID) (nodeselection.NodeTags, error) {
rows, err := cache.db.All_NodeTags_By_NodeId(ctx, dbx.NodeTags_NodeId(id.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
var tags nodeselection.NodeTags
for _, row := range rows {
nodeIDBytes, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(row.NodeId)
if err != nil {
return tags, Error.Wrap(errs.New("Invalid nodeID in the database: %x", row.NodeId))
signerIDBytes, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(row.Signer)
if err != nil {
return tags, Error.Wrap(errs.New("Invalid nodeID in the database: %x", row.NodeId))
tags = append(tags, nodeselection.NodeTag{
NodeID: nodeIDBytes,
Name: row.Name,
Value: row.Value,
SignedAt: row.SignedAt,
Signer: signerIDBytes,
return tags, err
func (cache *overlaycache) addNodeTags(ctx context.Context, nodes []*nodeselection.SelectedNode) error {
rows, err := cache.db.All_NodeTags(ctx)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
tagsByNode := map[storj.NodeID]nodeselection.NodeTags{}
for _, row := range rows {
nodeID, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(row.NodeId)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("Invalid nodeID in the database: %x", row.NodeId)
signerID, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(row.Signer)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("Invalid nodeID in the database: %x", row.NodeId)
tagsByNode[nodeID] = append(tagsByNode[nodeID], nodeselection.NodeTag{
NodeID: nodeID,
Name: row.Name,
Value: row.Value,
SignedAt: row.SignedAt,
Signer: signerID,
for _, node := range nodes {
node.Tags = tagsByNode[node.ID]
return nil