Michał Niewrzał 27a714e8b0 satellite/accounting/tally: use objects iterator instead metaloop
Bucket tally calculation will be removed from metaloop and will
use metabase objects iterator directly.

At the moment only bucket tally needs objects so it make no sense
to implement separate objects loop.

Change-Id: Iee60059fc8b9a1bf64d01cafe9659b69b0e27eb1
2021-07-20 15:52:18 +00:00

243 lines
7.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package attribution_test
import (
const (
remoteSize int64 = 5368709120
inlineSize int64 = 1024
egressSize int64 = 2048
type AttributionTestData struct {
name string
partnerID uuid.UUID
projectID uuid.UUID
bucketName []byte
bucketID []byte
start time.Time
end time.Time
dataInterval time.Time
bwStart time.Time
hours int64
hoursOfData int
padding int
remoteSize int64
inlineSize int64
egressSize int64
dataCounter int
expectedTotalBytes int64
expectedEgress int64
func (testData *AttributionTestData) init() {
testData.bucketID = []byte(testData.projectID.String() + "/" + string(testData.bucketName))
testData.hours = int64(testData.end.Sub(testData.start).Hours())
testData.hoursOfData = int(testData.hours) + (testData.padding * 2)
testData.dataInterval = time.Date(testData.start.Year(), testData.start.Month(), testData.start.Day(), -testData.padding, -1, 0, 0, testData.start.Location())
testData.bwStart = time.Date(testData.start.Year(), testData.start.Month(), testData.start.Day(), -testData.padding, 0, 0, 0, testData.start.Location())
func TestDB(t *testing.T) {
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
attributionDB := db.Attribution()
project1, project2 := testrand.UUID(), testrand.UUID()
partner1, partner2 := testrand.UUID(), testrand.UUID()
infos := []*attribution.Info{
{project1, []byte("alpha"), partner1, time.Time{}},
{project1, []byte("beta"), partner2, time.Time{}},
{project2, []byte("alpha"), partner2, time.Time{}},
{project2, []byte("beta"), partner1, time.Time{}},
for _, info := range infos {
got, err := attributionDB.Insert(ctx, info)
require.NoError(t, err)
got.CreatedAt = time.Time{}
assert.Equal(t, info, got)
for _, info := range infos {
got, err := attributionDB.Get(ctx, info.ProjectID, info.BucketName)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, info.PartnerID, got.PartnerID)
func TestQueryAttribution(t *testing.T) {
satellitedbtest.Run(t, func(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB) {
now := time.Now()
projectID := testrand.UUID()
partnerID := testrand.UUID()
alphaBucket := []byte("alpha")
betaBucket := []byte("beta")
testData := []AttributionTestData{
name: "new partnerID, projectID, alpha",
partnerID: testrand.UUID(),
projectID: projectID,
bucketName: alphaBucket,
remoteSize: remoteSize,
inlineSize: inlineSize,
egressSize: egressSize,
start: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
end: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
padding: 2,
name: "partnerID, new projectID, alpha",
partnerID: partnerID,
projectID: testrand.UUID(),
bucketName: alphaBucket,
remoteSize: remoteSize / 2,
inlineSize: inlineSize / 2,
egressSize: egressSize / 2,
start: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
end: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
padding: 2,
name: "new partnerID, projectID, beta",
partnerID: testrand.UUID(),
projectID: projectID,
bucketName: betaBucket,
remoteSize: remoteSize / 3,
inlineSize: inlineSize / 3,
egressSize: egressSize / 3,
start: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
end: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
padding: 2,
name: "partnerID, new projectID, beta",
partnerID: partnerID,
projectID: testrand.UUID(),
bucketName: betaBucket,
remoteSize: remoteSize / 4,
inlineSize: inlineSize / 4,
egressSize: egressSize / 4,
start: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
end: time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()),
padding: 2,
for _, td := range testData {
td := td
info := attribution.Info{td.projectID, td.bucketName, td.partnerID, time.Time{}}
_, err := db.Attribution().Insert(ctx, &info)
require.NoError(t, err)
for i := 0; i < td.hoursOfData; i++ {
createData(ctx, t, db, &td)
verifyData(ctx, t, db.Attribution(), &td)
func verifyData(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, attributionDB attribution.DB, testData *AttributionTestData) {
results, err := attributionDB.QueryAttribution(ctx, testData.partnerID, testData.start, testData.end)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEqual(t, 0, len(results), "Results must not be empty.")
count := 0
for _, r := range results {
projectID, _ := uuid.FromBytes(r.ProjectID)
// The query returns results by partnerID, so we need to filter out by projectID
if projectID != testData.projectID {
assert.Equal(t, testData.partnerID[:], r.PartnerID,
assert.Equal(t, testData.projectID[:], r.ProjectID,
assert.Equal(t, testData.bucketName, r.BucketName,
assert.Equal(t, float64(testData.expectedTotalBytes/testData.hours), r.TotalBytesPerHour,
assert.Equal(t, testData.expectedEgress, r.EgressData,
require.NotEqual(t, 0, count, "Results were returned, but did not match all of the the projectIDs.")
func createData(ctx *testcontext.Context, t *testing.T, db satellite.DB, testData *AttributionTestData) {
projectAccoutingDB := db.ProjectAccounting()
orderDB := db.Orders()
err := orderDB.UpdateBucketBandwidthSettle(ctx, testData.projectID, testData.bucketName, pb.PieceAction_GET, testData.egressSize, testData.bwStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Only GET should be counted. So this should not effect results
err = orderDB.UpdateBucketBandwidthSettle(ctx, testData.projectID, testData.bucketName, pb.PieceAction_GET_AUDIT, testData.egressSize, testData.bwStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
testData.bwStart = testData.bwStart.Add(time.Hour)
testData.dataInterval = testData.dataInterval.Add(time.Minute * 30)
_, err = createTallyData(ctx, projectAccoutingDB, testData.projectID, testData.bucketName, testData.remoteSize*int64(testData.dataCounter), testData.inlineSize*int64(testData.dataCounter), testData.dataInterval)
require.NoError(t, err)
testData.dataInterval = testData.dataInterval.Add(time.Minute * 30)
tally, err := createTallyData(ctx, projectAccoutingDB, testData.projectID, testData.bucketName, testData.remoteSize*int64(testData.dataCounter), testData.inlineSize*int64(testData.dataCounter), testData.dataInterval)
require.NoError(t, err)
if (testData.dataInterval.After(testData.start) || testData.dataInterval.Equal(testData.start)) && testData.dataInterval.Before(testData.end) {
testData.expectedTotalBytes += tally.TotalBytes
testData.expectedEgress += testData.egressSize
func createTallyData(ctx *testcontext.Context, projectAccoutingDB accounting.ProjectAccounting, projectID uuid.UUID, bucket []byte, remote int64, inline int64, dataIntervalStart time.Time) (_ accounting.BucketStorageTally, err error) {
tally := accounting.BucketStorageTally{
BucketName: string(bucket),
ProjectID: projectID,
IntervalStart: dataIntervalStart,
ObjectCount: 0,
TotalSegmentCount: 0,
TotalBytes: inline + remote,
MetadataSize: 0,
err = projectAccoutingDB.CreateStorageTally(ctx, tally)
if err != nil {
return accounting.BucketStorageTally{}, err
return tally, nil