Monty Anderson 2c83503712 web/satellite: type + lint files store
This change makes the files store fully type-safe. It builds with `npm run build` and lints with `npm run lint`, displaying no errors or warnings.

There was an issue where I was unable to use the newer web APIs for filesystem operations, I think TypesScript (and Vue?) may need to be updated - I already tried updating `@types/web`. To mitigate this, I added slim type definitions for only the parts we use. The definitions are exactly as they appear on MDN and even include links to the relevant documentation. In future they can be removed with no compatibility issues.

Change-Id: I7b8b4a5f95caabdb546157c65e9f2f42c5132a6f
2022-03-29 12:23:16 +00:00

134 lines
3.8 KiB

"name": "storj-satellite",
"version": "0.1.0",
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