Clement Sam 7461ffe148 {storagenode,web/multinode}: fix storage usage db/cache retrieval queries
The query changes we did while fixing the usage graph led to wrong
payout calculations directly linked to disk space.

This change:

- avoids converting from Bh to B directly in the query
- returns the at_rest_total in the original bytes*hour value
- returns at_rest_total_bytes as the calculated disk spaced used in bytes
- uses the at_rest_total_bytes only for the disk space graph
- return summary_bytes as the average disk space used within the specified date
- updates the disk space graph header to "average disk space used this month"

The total disk used in the month is also displayed in B not B*day


Change-Id: I2cfefb0fe711f9c59de2adb547c4ab50b05c7cbb
2022-12-09 11:07:33 +00:00

46 lines
1.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2022 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package storagenodedbtest
import (
// MakeStorageUsageStamps creates storage usage stamps and expected summaries for provided satellites.
// Creates one entry per day for 30 days with last date as beginning of provided endDate.
func MakeStorageUsageStamps(satellites []storj.NodeID, days int, endDate time.Time) []storageusage.Stamp {
var stamps []storageusage.Stamp
startDate := time.Date(endDate.Year(), endDate.Month(), endDate.Day()-days, 0, 0, 0, 0, endDate.Location())
for _, satellite := range satellites {
previousStampIntervalEndTime := startDate
for i := 0; i < days; i++ {
h := testrand.Intn(24)
intervalEndTime := startDate.Add(time.Hour * 24 * time.Duration(i)).Add(time.Hour * time.Duration(h))
atRestTotalBytes := math.Round(testrand.Float64n(100))
intervalInHours := float64(24)
if i > 0 {
intervalInHours = intervalEndTime.Sub(previousStampIntervalEndTime).Hours()
previousStampIntervalEndTime = intervalEndTime
stamp := storageusage.Stamp{
SatelliteID: satellite,
AtRestTotalBytes: atRestTotalBytes,
AtRestTotal: atRestTotalBytes * intervalInHours,
IntervalInHours: intervalInHours,
IntervalStart: time.Date(intervalEndTime.Year(), intervalEndTime.Month(), intervalEndTime.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, intervalEndTime.Location()),
IntervalEndTime: intervalEndTime,
stamps = append(stamps, stamp)
return stamps