Jeff Wendling 4426470173 cmd/uplinkng: rename parallelism flags, small fixes
this makes the flags match rclone nomenclature

fixes test-uplinkng to use the temporary config dir
instead of the machine default, and clean up some.

bumps clingy so that the command errors when an unknown
command is specified.

also fixes some printfs in share to use clingy stdout.
it still does some external actions that should be
passed through a ulext.External for mocking, but
that's ok for now.

Change-Id: Icc231e7e26393541c312396fec907b640b97718e
2021-12-22 13:13:30 +00:00

401 lines
9.1 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
progressbar ""
type cmdCp struct {
ex ulext.External
access string
recursive bool
transfers int
dryrun bool
progress bool
byteRange string
parallelism int
parallelismChunkSize memory.Size
source ulloc.Location
dest ulloc.Location
func newCmdCp(ex ulext.External) *cmdCp {
return &cmdCp{ex: ex}
func (c *cmdCp) Setup(params clingy.Parameters) {
c.access = params.Flag("access", "Access name or value to use", "").(string)
c.recursive = params.Flag("recursive", "Peform a recursive copy", false,
clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool), clingy.Boolean,
c.transfers = params.Flag("transfers", "Controls how many uploads/downloads to perform in parallel", 1,
clingy.Transform(func(n int) (int, error) {
if n <= 0 {
return 0, errs.New("parallelism must be at least 1")
return n, nil
c.dryrun = params.Flag("dry-run", "Print what operations would happen but don't execute them", false,
clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool), clingy.Boolean,
c.progress = params.Flag("progress", "Show a progress bar when possible", true,
clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool), clingy.Boolean,
c.byteRange = params.Flag("range", "Downloads the specified range bytes of an object. For more information about the HTTP Range header, see", "").(string)
c.parallelism = params.Flag("parallelism", "Controls how many parallel chunks to upload/download from a file", 4,
clingy.Transform(func(n int) (int, error) {
if n <= 0 {
return 0, errs.New("file parallelism must be at least 1")
return n, nil
c.parallelismChunkSize = params.Flag("parallelism-chunk-size", "Controls the size of the chunks for parallelism", 64*memory.MB,
clingy.Transform(func(n int64) (memory.Size, error) {
if memory.Size(n) < 1*memory.MB {
return 0, errs.New("file chunk size must be at least 1 MB")
return memory.Size(n), nil
c.source = params.Arg("source", "Source to copy", clingy.Transform(ulloc.Parse)).(ulloc.Location)
c.dest = params.Arg("dest", "Destination to copy", clingy.Transform(ulloc.Parse)).(ulloc.Location)
func (c *cmdCp) Execute(ctx clingy.Context) error {
fs, err := c.ex.OpenFilesystem(ctx, c.access)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() { _ = fs.Close() }()
// we ensure the source and destination are lexically directoryish
// if they map to directories. the destination is always converted to be
// directoryish if the copy is recursive.
if fs.IsLocalDir(ctx, c.source) {
c.source = c.source.AsDirectoryish()
if c.recursive || fs.IsLocalDir(ctx, c.dest) {
c.dest = c.dest.AsDirectoryish()
if c.recursive {
if c.byteRange != "" {
return errs.New("unable to do recursive copy with byte range")
return c.copyRecursive(ctx, fs)
// if the destination is directoryish, we add the basename of the source
// to the end of the destination to pick a filename.
var base string
if c.dest.Directoryish() && !c.source.Std() {
// we undirectoryish the source so that we ignore any trailing slashes
// when finding the base name.
var ok bool
base, ok = c.source.Undirectoryish().Base()
if !ok {
return errs.New("destination is a directory and cannot find base name for source %q", c.source)
c.dest = joinDestWith(c.dest, base)
if !c.source.Std() && !c.dest.Std() {
fmt.Fprintln(ctx.Stdout(), copyVerb(c.source, c.dest), c.source, "to", c.dest)
return c.copyFile(ctx, fs, c.source, c.dest, c.progress)
func (c *cmdCp) copyRecursive(ctx clingy.Context, fs ulfs.Filesystem) error {
if c.source.Std() || c.dest.Std() {
return errs.New("cannot recursively copy to stdin/stdout")
iter, err := fs.List(ctx, c.source, &ulfs.ListOptions{
Recursive: true,
if err != nil {
return err
var (
limiter = sync2.NewLimiter(c.transfers)
es errs.Group
mu sync.Mutex
fprintln := func(w io.Writer, args ...interface{}) {
defer mu.Unlock()
fmt.Fprintln(w, args...)
addError := func(err error) {
defer mu.Unlock()
for iter.Next() {
source := iter.Item().Loc
rel, err := c.source.RelativeTo(source)
if err != nil {
return err
dest := joinDestWith(c.dest, rel)
ok := limiter.Go(ctx, func() {
fprintln(ctx.Stdout(), copyVerb(source, dest), source, "to", dest)
if err := c.copyFile(ctx, fs, source, dest, false); err != nil {
fprintln(ctx.Stderr(), copyVerb(source, dest), "failed:", err.Error())
if !ok {
if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
} else if len(es) > 0 {
return es.Err()
return nil
func (c *cmdCp) copyFile(ctx clingy.Context, fs ulfs.Filesystem, source, dest ulloc.Location, progress bool) error {
if c.dryrun {
return nil
offset, length, err := parseRange(c.byteRange)
if err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(err)
mrh, err := fs.Open(ctx, source)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() { _ = mrh.Close() }()
mwh, err := fs.Create(ctx, dest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() { _ = mwh.Abort(ctx) }()
var bar *progressbar.ProgressBar
if progress && !c.dest.Std() {
bar = progressbar.New64(0).SetWriter(ctx.Stdout())
defer bar.Finish()
return errs.Wrap(parallelCopy(
mwh, mrh,
c.parallelism, c.parallelismChunkSize.Int64(),
offset, length,
func copyVerb(source, dest ulloc.Location) string {
switch {
case dest.Remote():
return "upload"
case source.Remote():
return "download"
return "copy"
func joinDestWith(dest ulloc.Location, suffix string) ulloc.Location {
dest = dest.AppendKey(suffix)
// if the destination is local and directoryish, remove any
// trailing slashes that it has. this makes it so that if
// a remote file is name "foo/", then we copy it down as
// just "foo".
if dest.Local() && dest.Directoryish() {
dest = dest.Undirectoryish()
return dest
func parallelCopy(
clctx clingy.Context,
dst ulfs.MultiWriteHandle,
src ulfs.MultiReadHandle,
p int, chunkSize int64,
offset, length int64,
bar *progressbar.ProgressBar) error {
if offset != 0 {
if err := src.SetOffset(offset); err != nil {
return err
var (
limiter = sync2.NewLimiter(p)
es errs.Group
mu sync.Mutex
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(clctx)
defer limiter.Wait()
defer func() { _ = src.Close() }()
defer func() { _ = dst.Abort(ctx) }()
defer cancel()
for i := 0; length != 0; i++ {
i := i
chunk := chunkSize
if length > 0 && chunkSize > length {
chunk = length
length -= chunk
rh, err := src.NextPart(ctx, chunk)
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
} else if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(clctx.Stderr(), "Error getting reader for part", i)
return err
wh, err := dst.NextPart(ctx, chunk)
if err != nil {
_ = rh.Close()
fmt.Fprintln(clctx.Stderr(), "Error getting writer for part", i)
return err
ok := limiter.Go(ctx, func() {
defer func() { _ = rh.Close() }()
defer func() { _ = wh.Abort() }()
var w io.Writer = wh
if bar != nil {
w = bar.NewProxyWriter(w)
_, err := io.Copy(w, rh)
if err == nil {
err = wh.Commit()
defer mu.Unlock()
if !ok {
return es.Err()
func parseRange(r string) (offset, length int64, err error) {
r = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(r), "bytes=")
if r == "" {
return 0, -1, nil
if strings.Contains(r, ",") {
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: must be single range")
idx := strings.Index(r, "-")
if idx < 0 {
return 0, 0, errs.New(`invalid range: no "-"`)
start, end := strings.TrimSpace(r[:idx]), strings.TrimSpace(r[idx+1:])
var starti, endi int64
if start != "" {
starti, err = strconv.ParseInt(start, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: %w", err)
if end != "" {
endi, err = strconv.ParseInt(end, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: %w", err)
switch {
case start == "" && end == "":
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range")
case start == "":
return -endi, -1, nil
case end == "":
return starti, -1, nil
case starti < 0:
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: negative start: %q", start)
case starti > endi:
return 0, 0, errs.New("invalid range: %v > %v", starti, endi)
return starti, endi - starti + 1, nil