Egon Elbre 2405bc8f3b satellite/metabase: stop using the common error type

Change-Id: I7b57a4b454d3619cb5d8ae4cd92f818ad2839c8b
2023-04-19 19:18:18 +03:00

113 lines
3.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2018 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package buckets
import (
var (
// ErrBucket is an error class for general bucket errors.
ErrBucket = errs.Class("bucket")
// ErrNoBucket is an error class for using empty bucket name.
ErrNoBucket = errs.Class("no bucket specified")
// ErrBucketNotFound is an error class for non-existing bucket.
ErrBucketNotFound = errs.Class("bucket not found")
// Bucket contains information about a specific bucket.
type Bucket struct {
ID uuid.UUID
Name string
ProjectID uuid.UUID
UserAgent []byte
Created time.Time
PathCipher storj.CipherSuite
DefaultSegmentsSize int64
DefaultRedundancyScheme storj.RedundancyScheme
DefaultEncryptionParameters storj.EncryptionParameters
Placement storj.PlacementConstraint
// ListDirection specifies listing direction.
type ListDirection = pb.ListDirection
const (
// DirectionForward lists forwards from cursor, including cursor.
DirectionForward = pb.ListDirection_FORWARD
// DirectionAfter lists forwards from cursor, without cursor.
DirectionAfter = pb.ListDirection_AFTER
// MinimalBucket contains minimal bucket fields for metainfo protocol.
type MinimalBucket struct {
Name []byte
CreatedAt time.Time
// ListOptions lists objects.
type ListOptions struct {
Cursor string
Direction ListDirection
Limit int
// NextPage returns options for listing the next page.
func (opts ListOptions) NextPage(list List) ListOptions {
if !list.More || len(list.Items) == 0 {
return ListOptions{}
return ListOptions{
Cursor: list.Items[len(list.Items)-1].Name,
Direction: DirectionAfter,
Limit: opts.Limit,
// List is a list of buckets.
type List struct {
More bool
Items []Bucket
// DB is the interface for the database to interact with buckets.
// architecture: Database
type DB interface {
// CreateBucket creates a new bucket
CreateBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket Bucket) (_ Bucket, err error)
// GetBucket returns an existing bucket
GetBucket(ctx context.Context, bucketName []byte, projectID uuid.UUID) (bucket Bucket, err error)
// GetBucketPlacement returns with the placement constraint identifier.
GetBucketPlacement(ctx context.Context, bucketName []byte, projectID uuid.UUID) (placement storj.PlacementConstraint, err error)
// GetMinimalBucket returns existing bucket with minimal number of fields.
GetMinimalBucket(ctx context.Context, bucketName []byte, projectID uuid.UUID) (bucket MinimalBucket, err error)
// HasBucket returns if a bucket exists.
HasBucket(ctx context.Context, bucketName []byte, projectID uuid.UUID) (exists bool, err error)
// GetBucketID returns an existing bucket id.
GetBucketID(ctx context.Context, bucket metabase.BucketLocation) (id uuid.UUID, err error)
// UpdateBucket updates an existing bucket
UpdateBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket Bucket) (_ Bucket, err error)
// DeleteBucket deletes a bucket
DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucketName []byte, projectID uuid.UUID) (err error)
// ListBuckets returns all buckets for a project
ListBuckets(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, listOpts ListOptions, allowedBuckets macaroon.AllowedBuckets) (bucketList List, err error)
// CountBuckets returns the number of buckets a project currently has
CountBuckets(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (int, error)
// IterateBucketLocations iterates through all buckets from some point with limit.
IterateBucketLocations(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, bucketName string, limit int, fn func([]metabase.BucketLocation) error) (more bool, err error)