Cameron Ayer a7cda642a5 satellite/repair: add logging for irreparable segments in checker
If the checker sees an irreparable segment, log out some info
so we can see what the problem is

Change-Id: I76eda5270214205f4fefc646d6c391cc13ddcafd
2021-09-02 12:35:29 -04:00

365 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package checker
import (
// Error is a standard error class for this package.
var (
Error = errs.Class("repair checker")
mon = monkit.Package()
// Checker contains the information needed to do checks for missing pieces.
// architecture: Chore
type Checker struct {
logger *zap.Logger
repairQueue queue.RepairQueue
metabase *metabase.DB
segmentLoop *segmentloop.Service
nodestate *ReliabilityCache
statsCollector *statsCollector
repairOverrides RepairOverridesMap
nodeFailureRate float64
Loop *sync2.Cycle
// NewChecker creates a new instance of checker.
func NewChecker(logger *zap.Logger, repairQueue queue.RepairQueue, metabase *metabase.DB, segmentLoop *segmentloop.Service, overlay *overlay.Service, config Config) *Checker {
return &Checker{
logger: logger,
repairQueue: repairQueue,
metabase: metabase,
segmentLoop: segmentLoop,
nodestate: NewReliabilityCache(overlay, config.ReliabilityCacheStaleness),
statsCollector: newStatsCollector(),
repairOverrides: config.RepairOverrides.GetMap(),
nodeFailureRate: config.NodeFailureRate,
Loop: sync2.NewCycle(config.Interval),
// Run the checker loop.
func (checker *Checker) Run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
return checker.Loop.Run(ctx, checker.IdentifyInjuredSegments)
// getNodesEstimate updates the estimate of the total number of nodes. It is guaranteed
// to return a number greater than 0 when the error is nil.
// We can't calculate this upon first starting a Checker, because there may not be any
// nodes yet. We expect that there will be nodes before there are segments, though.
func (checker *Checker) getNodesEstimate(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
// this should be safe to call frequently; it is an efficient caching lookup.
totalNumNodes, err := checker.nodestate.NumNodes(ctx)
if err != nil {
// We could proceed here by returning the last good value, or by returning a fallback
// constant estimate, like "20000", and we'd probably be fine, but it would be better
// not to have that happen silently for too long. Also, if we can't get this from the
// database, we probably can't modify the injured segments queue, so it won't help to
// proceed with this repair operation.
return 0, err
if totalNumNodes == 0 {
return 0, Error.New("segment health is meaningless: there are no nodes")
return totalNumNodes, nil
// RefreshReliabilityCache forces refreshing node online status cache.
func (checker *Checker) RefreshReliabilityCache(ctx context.Context) error {
return checker.nodestate.Refresh(ctx)
// Close halts the Checker loop.
func (checker *Checker) Close() error {
return nil
// IdentifyInjuredSegments checks for missing pieces off of the metainfo and overlay.
func (checker *Checker) IdentifyInjuredSegments(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
startTime := time.Now()
observer := &checkerObserver{
repairQueue: checker.repairQueue,
nodestate: checker.nodestate,
statsCollector: checker.statsCollector,
monStats: aggregateStats{},
repairOverrides: checker.repairOverrides,
nodeFailureRate: checker.nodeFailureRate,
getNodesEstimate: checker.getNodesEstimate,
log: checker.logger,
err = checker.segmentLoop.Join(ctx, observer)
if err != nil {
if !errs2.IsCanceled(err) {
checker.logger.Error("IdentifyInjuredSegments error", zap.Error(err))
return nil
// remove all segments which were not seen as unhealthy by this checker iteration
healthyDeleted, err := checker.repairQueue.Clean(ctx, startTime)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
mon.IntVal("remote_files_checked").Observe(observer.monStats.objectsChecked) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_checked").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsChecked) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_failed_to_check").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsFailedToCheck) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_needing_repair").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsNeedingRepair) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("new_remote_segments_needing_repair").Observe(observer.monStats.newRemoteSegmentsNeedingRepair) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_lost").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsLost) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_files_lost").Observe(int64(len(observer.monStats.objectsLost))) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_1").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[0]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_2").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[1]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_3").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[2]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_4").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[3]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_5").Observe(observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[4]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("healthy_segments_removed_from_queue").Observe(healthyDeleted) //mon:locked
allUnhealthy := observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsNeedingRepair + observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsFailedToCheck
allChecked := observer.monStats.remoteSegmentsChecked
allHealthy := allChecked - allUnhealthy
mon.FloatVal("remote_segments_healthy_percentage").Observe(100 * float64(allHealthy) / float64(allChecked)) //mon:locked
return nil
var _ segmentloop.Observer = (*checkerObserver)(nil)
// checkerObserver implements the metainfo loop Observer interface.
// architecture: Observer
type checkerObserver struct {
repairQueue queue.RepairQueue
nodestate *ReliabilityCache
statsCollector *statsCollector
monStats aggregateStats // TODO(cam): once we verify statsCollector reports data correctly, remove this
repairOverrides RepairOverridesMap
nodeFailureRate float64
getNodesEstimate func(ctx context.Context) (int, error)
log *zap.Logger
lastStreamID uuid.UUID
// checks for a stream id in slice.
func containsStreamID(a []uuid.UUID, x uuid.UUID) bool {
for _, n := range a {
if bytes.Equal(x[:], n[:]) {
return true
return false
func (obs *checkerObserver) getStatsByRS(redundancy storj.RedundancyScheme) *stats {
rsString := getRSString(obs.loadRedundancy(redundancy))
return obs.statsCollector.getStatsByRS(rsString)
func (obs *checkerObserver) loadRedundancy(redundancy storj.RedundancyScheme) (int, int, int, int) {
repair := int(redundancy.RepairShares)
overrideValue := obs.repairOverrides.GetOverrideValue(redundancy)
if overrideValue != 0 {
repair = int(overrideValue)
return int(redundancy.RequiredShares), repair, int(redundancy.OptimalShares), int(redundancy.TotalShares)
// LoopStarted is called at each start of a loop.
func (obs *checkerObserver) LoopStarted(context.Context, segmentloop.LoopInfo) (err error) {
return nil
func (obs *checkerObserver) RemoteSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *segmentloop.Segment) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// ignore segment if expired
if segment.Expired(time.Now()) {
return nil
stats := obs.getStatsByRS(segment.Redundancy)
if obs.lastStreamID.Compare(segment.StreamID) != 0 {
obs.lastStreamID = segment.StreamID
// ensure we get values, even if only zero values, so that redash can have an alert based on this
mon.Counter("checker_segments_below_min_req").Inc(0) //mon:locked
pieces := segment.Pieces
if len(pieces) == 0 {
obs.log.Debug("no pieces on remote segment")
return nil
pbPieces := make([]*pb.RemotePiece, len(pieces))
for i, piece := range pieces {
pbPieces[i] = &pb.RemotePiece{
PieceNum: int32(piece.Number),
NodeId: piece.StorageNode,
totalNumNodes, err := obs.getNodesEstimate(ctx)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("could not get estimate of total number of nodes: %w", err)
repairedAt := time.Time{}
if segment.RepairedAt != nil {
repairedAt = *segment.RepairedAt
missingPieces, err := obs.nodestate.MissingPieces(ctx, segment.CreatedAt, segment.Pieces)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error getting missing pieces"), err)
numHealthy := len(pieces) - len(missingPieces)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_total_count").Observe(int64(len(pieces))) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_healthy_count").Observe(int64(numHealthy)) //mon:locked
segmentAge := time.Since(segment.CreatedAt)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_age").Observe(int64(segmentAge.Seconds())) //mon:locked
required, repairThreshold, successThreshold, _ := obs.loadRedundancy(segment.Redundancy)
segmentHealth := repair.SegmentHealth(numHealthy, required, totalNumNodes, obs.nodeFailureRate)
mon.FloatVal("checker_segment_health").Observe(segmentHealth) //mon:locked
// we repair when the number of healthy pieces is less than or equal to the repair threshold and is greater or equal to
// minimum required pieces in redundancy
// except for the case when the repair and success thresholds are the same (a case usually seen during testing)
if numHealthy <= repairThreshold && numHealthy < successThreshold {
mon.FloatVal("checker_injured_segment_health").Observe(segmentHealth) //mon:locked
alreadyInserted, err := obs.repairQueue.Insert(ctx, &queue.InjuredSegment{
StreamID: segment.StreamID,
Position: segment.Position,
UpdatedAt: time.Now().UTC(),
SegmentHealth: segmentHealth,
if err != nil {
obs.log.Error("error adding injured segment to queue", zap.Error(err))
return nil
if !alreadyInserted {
// monitor irreperable segments
if numHealthy < required {
if !containsStreamID(obs.monStats.objectsLost, segment.StreamID) {
obs.monStats.objectsLost = append(obs.monStats.objectsLost, segment.StreamID)
if !containsStreamID(stats.iterationAggregates.objectsLost, segment.StreamID) {
stats.iterationAggregates.objectsLost = append(stats.iterationAggregates.objectsLost, segment.StreamID)
var segmentAge time.Duration
if segment.CreatedAt.Before(repairedAt) {
segmentAge = time.Since(repairedAt)
} else {
segmentAge = time.Since(segment.CreatedAt)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_time_until_irreparable").Observe(int64(segmentAge.Seconds())) //mon:locked
mon.Counter("checker_segments_below_min_req").Inc(1) //mon:locked
var unhealthyNodes []string
for _, p := range missingPieces {
unhealthyNodes = append(unhealthyNodes, p.StorageNode.String())
obs.log.Warn("checker found irreparable segment", zap.String("Segment StreamID", segment.StreamID.String()), zap.Int("Segment Position",
int(segment.Position.Encode())), zap.Int("total pieces", len(pieces)), zap.Int("min required", required), zap.String("unhealthy node IDs", strings.Join(unhealthyNodes, ",")))
} else {
if numHealthy > repairThreshold && numHealthy <= (repairThreshold+len(obs.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold)) {
// record metrics for segments right above repair threshold
// numHealthy=repairThreshold+1 through numHealthy=repairThreshold+5
for i := range obs.monStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold {
if numHealthy == (repairThreshold + i + 1) {
if numHealthy > repairThreshold && numHealthy <= (repairThreshold+len(stats.iterationAggregates.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold)) {
// record metrics for segments right above repair threshold
// numHealthy=repairThreshold+1 through numHealthy=repairThreshold+5
for i := range stats.iterationAggregates.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold {
if numHealthy == (repairThreshold + i + 1) {
return nil
func (obs *checkerObserver) InlineSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *segmentloop.Segment) (err error) {
// inline segments are not repaired but we would like to count as checked also
// objects that have only inline segments
if obs.lastStreamID.Compare(segment.StreamID) != 0 {
return nil