Add ability to limit updates in migrations. To make sure things are looking okay in the migration, we can run it with a limit of something like 10 or 30. We can look at the output of the migrated columns to see if they are correct. This should have no effect on subsequently running the full migration. Change-Id: I2c74879c8909c7938f994e1bd972d19325bc01f0
419 lines
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419 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
pgx "github.com/jackc/pgx/v4"
// MigrateTablesLimited runs the migration for each table with update count limits.
func MigrateTablesLimited(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, conn *pgx.Conn, p *Partners, config Config) (err error) {
err = MigrateUsersLimited(ctx, log, conn, p, config)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error migrating users: %w", err)
err = MigrateProjectsLimited(ctx, log, conn, p, config)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error migrating projects: %w", err)
err = MigrateAPIKeysLimited(ctx, log, conn, p, config)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error migrating api_keys: %w", err)
err = MigrateBucketMetainfosLimited(ctx, log, conn, p, config)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error migrating bucket_metainfos: %w", err)
err = MigrateValueAttributionsLimited(ctx, log, conn, p, config)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error migrating value_attributions: %w", err)
return nil
// MigrateUsersLimited updates the user_agent column to corresponding Partners.Names or partner_id if applicable for a limited number
// of rows.
func MigrateUsersLimited(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, conn *pgx.Conn, p *Partners, config Config) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
log.Info("beginning users migration", zap.Int("max updates", config.MaxUpdates))
// wrap select in anonymous function for deferred rows.Close()
selected, err := func() (ids [][]byte, err error) {
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
SELECT id FROM users
WHERE partner_id IS NOT NULL
AND user_agent IS NULL
`, config.MaxUpdates)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("selecting ids for update: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var id pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
ids = append(ids, id.Bytes)
return ids, rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
WITH partners AS (
SELECT unnest($1::bytea[]) as id,
unnest($2::bytea[]) as name
updated as (
UPDATE users
SET user_agent = (
WHEN partner_id IN (SELECT id FROM partners)
THEN (SELECT name FROM partners WHERE partner_id = partners.id)
ELSE partner_id
FROM partners
WHERE users.id IN (SELECT unnest($3::bytea[]))
RETURNING partner_id, user_agent
SELECT partner_id, user_agent
FROM updated
`, pgutil.UUIDArray(p.UUIDs), pgutil.ByteaArray(p.Names), pgutil.ByteaArray(selected),
if err != nil {
return errs.New("updating rows: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var partnerID, userAgent pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&partnerID, &userAgent)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
id, err := uuid.FromBytes(partnerID.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error getting partnerID from bytes: %w", err)
log.Info("migrated row", zap.String("partner_id", id.String()), zap.String("user_agent", string(userAgent.Bytes)))
return rows.Err()
// MigrateProjectsLimited updates the user_agent column to corresponding Partners.Names or partner_id if applicable for a limited number
// of rows.
func MigrateProjectsLimited(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, conn *pgx.Conn, p *Partners, config Config) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
log.Info("beginning projects migration", zap.Int("max updates", config.MaxUpdates))
// wrap select in anonymous function for deferred rows.Close()
selected, err := func() (ids [][]byte, err error) {
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
SELECT id FROM projects
WHERE partner_id IS NOT NULL
AND user_agent IS NULL
`, config.MaxUpdates)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("selecting ids for update: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var id pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
ids = append(ids, id.Bytes)
return ids, rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
WITH partners AS (
SELECT unnest($1::bytea[]) as id,
unnest($2::bytea[]) as name
updated as (
UPDATE projects
SET user_agent = (
WHEN partner_id IN (SELECT id FROM partners)
THEN (SELECT name FROM partners WHERE partner_id = partners.id)
ELSE partner_id
FROM partners
WHERE projects.id IN (SELECT unnest($3::bytea[]))
RETURNING partner_id, user_agent
SELECT partner_id, user_agent
FROM updated
`, pgutil.UUIDArray(p.UUIDs), pgutil.ByteaArray(p.Names), pgutil.ByteaArray(selected),
if err != nil {
return errs.New("updating rows: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var partnerID, userAgent pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&partnerID, &userAgent)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
id, err := uuid.FromBytes(partnerID.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error getting partnerID from bytes: %w", err)
log.Info("migrated row", zap.String("partner_id", id.String()), zap.String("user_agent", string(userAgent.Bytes)))
return rows.Err()
// MigrateAPIKeysLimited updates the user_agent column to corresponding Partners.Names or partner_id if applicable for a limited number
// of rows.
func MigrateAPIKeysLimited(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, conn *pgx.Conn, p *Partners, config Config) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
log.Info("beginning api_keys migration", zap.Int("max updates", config.MaxUpdates))
// wrap select in anonymous function for deferred rows.Close()
selected, err := func() (ids [][]byte, err error) {
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
SELECT id FROM api_keys
WHERE partner_id IS NOT NULL
AND user_agent IS NULL
`, config.MaxUpdates)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("selecting ids for update: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var id pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
ids = append(ids, id.Bytes)
return ids, rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
WITH partners AS (
SELECT unnest($1::bytea[]) as id,
unnest($2::bytea[]) as name
updated as (
UPDATE api_keys
SET user_agent = (
WHEN partner_id IN (SELECT id FROM partners)
THEN (SELECT name FROM partners WHERE partner_id = partners.id)
ELSE partner_id
FROM partners
WHERE api_keys.id IN (SELECT unnest($3::bytea[]))
RETURNING partner_id, user_agent
SELECT partner_id, user_agent
FROM updated
`, pgutil.UUIDArray(p.UUIDs), pgutil.ByteaArray(p.Names), pgutil.ByteaArray(selected),
if err != nil {
return errs.New("updating rows: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var partnerID, userAgent pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&partnerID, &userAgent)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
id, err := uuid.FromBytes(partnerID.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error getting partnerID from bytes: %w", err)
log.Info("migrated row", zap.String("partner_id", id.String()), zap.String("user_agent", string(userAgent.Bytes)))
return rows.Err()
// MigrateBucketMetainfosLimited updates the user_agent column to corresponding Partners.Names or partner_id if applicable for a limited number
// of rows.
func MigrateBucketMetainfosLimited(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, conn *pgx.Conn, p *Partners, config Config) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
log.Info("beginning bucket_metainfos migration", zap.Int("max updates", config.MaxUpdates))
// wrap select in anonymous function for deferred rows.Close()
selected, err := func() (ids [][]byte, err error) {
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
SELECT id FROM bucket_metainfos
WHERE partner_id IS NOT NULL
AND user_agent IS NULL
`, config.MaxUpdates)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("selecting ids for update: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var id pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
ids = append(ids, id.Bytes)
return ids, rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
WITH partners AS (
SELECT unnest($1::bytea[]) as id,
unnest($2::bytea[]) as name
updated as (
UPDATE bucket_metainfos
SET user_agent = (
WHEN partner_id IN (SELECT id FROM partners)
THEN (SELECT name FROM partners WHERE partner_id = partners.id)
ELSE partner_id
FROM partners
WHERE bucket_metainfos.id IN (SELECT unnest($3::bytea[]))
RETURNING partner_id, user_agent
SELECT partner_id, user_agent
FROM updated
`, pgutil.UUIDArray(p.UUIDs), pgutil.ByteaArray(p.Names), pgutil.ByteaArray(selected),
if err != nil {
return errs.New("updating rows: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var partnerID, userAgent pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&partnerID, &userAgent)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
id, err := uuid.FromBytes(partnerID.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error getting partnerID from bytes: %w", err)
log.Info("migrated row", zap.String("partner_id", id.String()), zap.String("user_agent", string(userAgent.Bytes)))
return rows.Err()
// MigrateValueAttributionsLimited updates the user_agent column to corresponding Partners.Names or partner_id if applicable for a limited number
// of rows.
func MigrateValueAttributionsLimited(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, conn *pgx.Conn, p *Partners, config Config) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
log.Info("beginning value_attributions migration", zap.Int("max updates", config.MaxUpdates))
// wrap select in anonymous function for deferred rows.Close()
projects, buckets, err := func() (projectIDs [][]byte, buckets [][]byte, err error) {
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
SELECT project_id, bucket_name FROM value_attributions
WHERE partner_id IS NOT NULL
AND user_agent IS NULL
`, config.MaxUpdates)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errs.New("selecting rows for update: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var projectID, bucketName pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&projectID, &bucketName)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
projectIDs = append(projectIDs, projectID.Bytes)
buckets = append(buckets, bucketName.Bytes)
return projectIDs, buckets, rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, `
WITH partners AS (
SELECT unnest($1::bytea[]) as id,
unnest($2::bytea[]) as name
updated as (
UPDATE value_attributions
SET user_agent = (
WHEN partner_id IN (SELECT id FROM partners)
THEN (SELECT name FROM partners WHERE partner_id = partners.id)
ELSE partner_id
FROM partners
WHERE value_attributions.project_id IN (SELECT unnest($3::bytea[]))
AND value_attributions.bucket_name IN (SELECT unnest($4::bytea[]))
RETURNING partner_id, user_agent
SELECT partner_id, user_agent
FROM updated
`, pgutil.UUIDArray(p.UUIDs), pgutil.ByteaArray(p.Names), pgutil.ByteaArray(projects), pgutil.ByteaArray(buckets),
if err != nil {
return errs.New("updating rows: %w", err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var partnerID, userAgent pgtype.GenericBinary
err = rows.Scan(&partnerID, &userAgent)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("scanning row: %w", err)
id, err := uuid.FromBytes(partnerID.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error getting partnerID from bytes: %w", err)
log.Info("migrated row", zap.String("partner_id", id.String()), zap.String("user_agent", string(userAgent.Bytes)))
return rows.Err()