JT Olio 0b4b04900a private/server: debounce noise and tls connections
to support TCP_FAST_OPEN, we're considering just using
two TCP connections in parallel per request, one with
and one without. this allows us to safely fire both
concurrently without stressing out the node too much.


Change-Id: I9aa8a0252350db5ace04ee125bfe469203e980ec
2023-03-21 16:51:31 +00:00

454 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package server
import (
jaeger ""
const (
// tcpMaxPacketAge is the maximum amount of time we expect to worry about
// an undelivered TCP packet lingering in the network. TCP TTL isn't
// supposed to exceed about 4 minutes, so this is double that with
// padding.
tcpMaxPacketAge = 10 * time.Minute
// debounceLimit is the amount of times the server should worry about
// debouncing incoming noise or TLS messages, per message. debouncing
// won't happen if the number of identical packets received is larger than
// this.
debounceLimit = 2
// Config holds server specific configuration parameters.
type Config struct {
Address string `user:"true" help:"public address to listen on" default:":7777"`
PrivateAddress string `user:"true" help:"private address to listen on" default:""`
DisableQUIC bool `help:"disable QUIC listener on a server" hidden:"true" default:"false"`
DisableTCP bool `help:"disable TCP listener on a server" internal:"true"`
DebugLogTraffic bool `hidden:"true" default:"false"` // Deprecated
TCPFastOpen bool `help:"enable support for tcp fast open" default:"true"`
TCPFastOpenQueue int `help:"the size of the tcp fast open queue" default:"256"`
DebouncingEnabled bool `help:"whether to debounce incoming messages" default:"true"`
// Server represents a bundle of services defined by a specific ID.
// Examples of servers are the satellite, the storagenode, and the uplink.
type Server struct {
log *zap.Logger
tlsOptions *tlsopts.Options
noiseConf noise.Config
config Config
publicTCPListener net.Listener
publicUDPConn *net.UDPConn
publicQUICListener net.Listener
privateTCPListener net.Listener
addr net.Addr
publicEndpointsReplaySafe *endpointCollection
publicEndpointsAll *endpointCollection
privateEndpoints *endpointCollection
// http fallback for the public endpoint
publicHTTP http.HandlerFunc
mu sync.Mutex
wg sync.WaitGroup
once sync.Once
done chan struct{}
// New creates a Server out of an Identity, a net.Listener,
// and interceptors.
func New(log *zap.Logger, tlsOptions *tlsopts.Options, config Config) (_ *Server, err error) {
noiseConf, err := noise.GenerateServerConf(noise.DefaultProto, tlsOptions.Ident)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
server := &Server{
log: log,
tlsOptions: tlsOptions,
noiseConf: noiseConf,
config: config,
publicEndpointsReplaySafe: newEndpointCollection(),
publicEndpointsAll: newEndpointCollection(),
privateEndpoints: newEndpointCollection(),
done: make(chan struct{}),
listenConfig := net.ListenConfig{}
if config.TCPFastOpen {
listenConfig.Control = func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error {
return c.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
err := setTCPFastOpen(fd, config.TCPFastOpenQueue)
if err != nil {
log.Sugar().Infof("failed to set tcp fast open for this socket: %v", err)
for retry := 0; ; retry++ {
addr := config.Address
if !config.DisableTCP {
publicTCPListener, err := listenConfig.Listen(context.Background(), "tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addr = publicTCPListener.Addr().String()
server.publicTCPListener = wrapListener(publicTCPListener)
if !config.DisableQUIC {
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", addr)
if err != nil {
if server.publicTCPListener != nil {
_ = server.publicTCPListener.Close()
return nil, err
publicUDPConn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", udpAddr)
if err != nil {
_, port, splitErr := net.SplitHostPort(config.Address)
if splitErr == nil && port == "0" && retry < 10 && isErrorAddressAlreadyInUse(err) {
// from here, we know for sure that the tcp port chosen by the
// os is available, but we don't know if the same port number
// for udp is also available.
// if a udp port is already in use, we will close the tcp port and retry
// to find one that is available for both udp and tcp.
if server.publicTCPListener != nil {
_ = server.publicTCPListener.Close()
if server.publicTCPListener != nil {
return nil, errs.Combine(err, server.publicTCPListener.Close())
return nil, err
server.publicUDPConn = publicUDPConn
if server.publicTCPListener != nil {
server.addr = server.publicTCPListener.Addr()
} else if server.publicUDPConn != nil {
server.addr = server.publicUDPConn.LocalAddr()
privateTCPListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", config.PrivateAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Combine(err, server.Close())
server.privateTCPListener = wrapListener(privateTCPListener)
return server, nil
// Identity returns the server's identity.
func (p *Server) Identity() *identity.FullIdentity { return p.tlsOptions.Ident }
// Addr returns the server's public listener address.
func (p *Server) Addr() net.Addr { return p.addr }
// PrivateAddr returns the server's private listener address.
func (p *Server) PrivateAddr() net.Addr { return p.privateTCPListener.Addr() }
// DRPC returns the server's DRPC mux that supports all endpoints for
// registration purposes.
func (p *Server) DRPC() drpc.Mux {
return p.publicEndpointsAll.mux
// ReplaySafeDRPC returns the server's DRPC mux that supports replay safe
// endpoints for registration purposes.
func (p *Server) ReplaySafeDRPC() drpc.Mux {
return p.publicEndpointsReplaySafe.mux
// PrivateDRPC returns the server's DRPC mux for registration purposes.
func (p *Server) PrivateDRPC() drpc.Mux { return p.privateEndpoints.mux }
// IsQUICEnabled checks if QUIC is enabled by config and udp port is open.
func (p *Server) IsQUICEnabled() bool { return !p.config.DisableQUIC && p.publicUDPConn != nil }
// NoiseKeyAttestation returns the noise key attestation for this server.
func (p *Server) NoiseKeyAttestation(ctx context.Context) (_ *pb.NoiseKeyAttestation, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
info, err := noise.ConfigToInfo(p.noiseConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return noise.GenerateKeyAttestation(ctx, p.tlsOptions.Ident, info)
// DebounceLimit is the amount of times the server is able to
// debounce incoming noise or TLS messages, per message.
func (p *Server) DebounceLimit() int {
if !p.config.DebouncingEnabled {
return 0
return debounceLimit
// Close shuts down the server.
func (p *Server) Close() error {
// Close done and wait for any Runs to exit.
p.once.Do(func() { close(p.done) })
// Ensure the listeners are closed in case Run was never called.
// We ignore these errors because there's not really anything to do
// even if they happen, and they'll just be errors due to duplicate
// closes anyway.
if p.publicQUICListener != nil {
_ = p.publicQUICListener.Close()
if p.publicUDPConn != nil {
_ = p.publicUDPConn.Close()
if p.publicTCPListener != nil {
_ = p.publicTCPListener.Close()
if p.privateTCPListener != nil {
_ = p.privateTCPListener.Close()
return nil
// AddHTTPFallback adds http fallback to the drpc endpoint.
func (p *Server) AddHTTPFallback(httpHandler http.HandlerFunc) {
p.publicHTTP = httpHandler
// Run will run the server and all of its services.
func (p *Server) Run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// Make sure the server isn't already closed. If it is, register
// ourselves in the wait group so that Close can wait on it.
select {
case <-p.done:
return errs.New("server closed")
defer p.wg.Done()
// We want to launch the muxes in a different group so that they are
// only closed after we're sure that p.Close is called. The reason why
// is so that we don't get "listener closed" errors because the
// Run call exits and closes the listeners before the servers have had
// a chance to be notified that they're done running.
var (
publicTLSDRPCListener net.Listener
publicNoiseDRPCListener net.Listener
publicHTTPListener net.Listener
privateDRPCListener net.Listener
if p.publicUDPConn != nil {
// TODO: we goofed here. we need something like a drpcmigrate.ListenMux
// for UDP packets.
publicQUICListener, err := quic.NewListener(p.publicUDPConn, p.tlsOptions.ServerTLSConfig(), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: this is also strange. why does (*Server).Close() need to close
// the quic listener? Shouldn't closing p.publicUDPConn be enough?
// We should be able to remove UDP-specific protocols from the Server
// struct and keep them localized to (*Server).Run, akin to TLS vs
// Noise drpcmigrate.ListenMuxed listeners over TCP.
p.publicQUICListener = wrapListener(publicQUICListener)
// We need a new context chain because we require this context to be
// canceled only after all of the upcoming drpc servers have
// fully exited. The reason why is because Run closes listener for
// the mux when it exits, and we can only do that after all of the
// Servers are no longer accepting.
muxCtx, muxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer muxCancel()
var muxGroup errgroup.Group
if p.publicTCPListener != nil {
publicLMux := drpcmigrate.NewListenMux(p.publicTCPListener, len(drpcmigrate.DRPCHeader))
tlsMux := publicLMux.Route(drpcmigrate.DRPCHeader)
var noiseOpts noiseconn.Options
if p.config.DebouncingEnabled {
debouncer := debounce.NewDebouncer(tcpMaxPacketAge, debounceLimit)
tlsMux = tlsDebounce(tlsMux, debouncer.ResponderFirstMessageValidator)
noiseOpts.ResponderFirstMessageValidator = debouncer.ResponderFirstMessageValidator
publicTLSDRPCListener = tls.NewListener(tlsMux, p.tlsOptions.ServerTLSConfig())
publicNoiseDRPCListener = noiseconn.NewListenerWithOptions(
if p.publicHTTP != nil {
publicHTTPListener = NewPrefixedListener([]byte("GET / HT"), publicLMux.Route("GET / HT"))
muxGroup.Go(func() error {
return publicLMux.Run(muxCtx)
privateLMux := drpcmigrate.NewListenMux(p.privateTCPListener, len(drpcmigrate.DRPCHeader))
privateDRPCListener = privateLMux.Route(drpcmigrate.DRPCHeader)
muxGroup.Go(func() error {
return privateLMux.Run(muxCtx)
// Now we launch all the stuff that uses the listeners.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var group errgroup.Group
group.Go(func() error {
select {
case <-p.done:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
connectListenerToEndpoints := func(ctx context.Context, listener net.Listener, endpoints *endpointCollection) {
if listener != nil {
group.Go(func() error {
defer cancel()
return endpoints.drpc.Serve(ctx, listener)
connectListenerToEndpoints(ctx, publicTLSDRPCListener, p.publicEndpointsAll)
connectListenerToEndpoints(ctx, p.publicQUICListener, p.publicEndpointsAll)
connectListenerToEndpoints(ctx, publicNoiseDRPCListener, p.publicEndpointsReplaySafe)
connectListenerToEndpoints(ctx, privateDRPCListener, p.privateEndpoints)
if publicHTTPListener != nil {
// this http server listens on the filtered messages of the incoming DRPC port, instead of a separated port
httpServer := http.Server{
Handler: p.publicHTTP,
group.Go(func() error {
return httpServer.Shutdown(context.Background())
group.Go(func() error {
defer cancel()
err := httpServer.Serve(publicHTTPListener)
if errs2.IsCanceled(err) || errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
err = nil
return err
// Now we wait for all the stuff using the listeners to exit.
err = group.Wait()
// Now we close down our listeners.
return errs.Combine(err, muxGroup.Wait())
type endpointCollection struct {
mux *drpcmux.Mux
drpc *drpcserver.Server
func newEndpointCollection() *endpointCollection {
mux := drpcmux.New()
return &endpointCollection{
mux: mux,
drpc: drpcserver.NewWithOptions(
Manager: rpc.NewDefaultManagerOptions(),
// isErrorAddressAlreadyInUse checks whether the error is corresponding to
// EADDRINUSE. Taken from
func isErrorAddressAlreadyInUse(err error) bool {
var eOsSyscall *os.SyscallError
if !errors.As(err, &eOsSyscall) {
return false
var errErrno syscall.Errno
if !errors.As(eOsSyscall.Err, &errErrno) {
return false
if errErrno == syscall.EADDRINUSE {
return true
const WSAEADDRINUSE = 10048
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && errErrno == WSAEADDRINUSE {
return true
return false