Michal Niewrzal 1d62dc63f5 satellite/repair/repairer: fix NumHealthyInExcludedCountries calculation
Currently, we have issue were while counting unhealthy pieces we are
counting twice piece which is in excluded country and is outside segment
placement. This can cause unnecessary repair.

This change is also doing another step to move RepairExcludedCountryCodes
from overlay config into repair package.

Change-Id: I3692f6e0ddb9982af925db42be23d644aec1963f
2023-07-10 12:01:19 +02:00

509 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2023 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package checker
import (
var _ rangedloop.Observer = (*Observer)(nil)
var _ rangedloop.Partial = (*observerFork)(nil)
// Observer implements the ranged loop Observer interface.
// architecture: Observer
type Observer struct {
logger *zap.Logger
repairQueue queue.RepairQueue
nodesCache *ReliabilityCache
overlayService *overlay.Service
repairOverrides RepairOverridesMap
nodeFailureRate float64
repairQueueBatchSize int
doDeclumping bool
doPlacementCheck bool
// the following are reset on each iteration
startTime time.Time
TotalStats aggregateStats
mu sync.Mutex
statsCollector map[string]*observerRSStats
// NewObserver creates new checker observer instance.
func NewObserver(logger *zap.Logger, repairQueue queue.RepairQueue, overlay *overlay.Service, placementRules overlay.PlacementRules, config Config) *Observer {
return &Observer{
logger: logger,
repairQueue: repairQueue,
nodesCache: NewReliabilityCache(overlay, config.ReliabilityCacheStaleness, placementRules, config.RepairExcludedCountryCodes),
overlayService: overlay,
repairOverrides: config.RepairOverrides.GetMap(),
nodeFailureRate: config.NodeFailureRate,
repairQueueBatchSize: config.RepairQueueInsertBatchSize,
doDeclumping: config.DoDeclumping,
doPlacementCheck: config.DoPlacementCheck,
statsCollector: make(map[string]*observerRSStats),
// getNodesEstimate updates the estimate of the total number of nodes. It is guaranteed
// to return a number greater than 0 when the error is nil.
// We can't calculate this upon first starting a Ranged Loop Observer, because there may not be any
// nodes yet. We expect that there will be nodes before there are segments, though.
func (observer *Observer) getNodesEstimate(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
// this should be safe to call frequently; it is an efficient caching lookup.
totalNumNodes, err := observer.nodesCache.NumNodes(ctx)
if err != nil {
// We could proceed here by returning the last good value, or by returning a fallback
// constant estimate, like "20000", and we'd probably be fine, but it would be better
// not to have that happen silently for too long. Also, if we can't get this from the
// database, we probably can't modify the injured segments queue, so it won't help to
// proceed with this repair operation.
return 0, err
if totalNumNodes == 0 {
return 0, Error.New("segment health is meaningless: there are no nodes")
return totalNumNodes, nil
func (observer *Observer) createInsertBuffer() *queue.InsertBuffer {
return queue.NewInsertBuffer(observer.repairQueue, observer.repairQueueBatchSize)
// TestingCompareInjuredSegmentIDs compares stream id of injured segment.
func (observer *Observer) TestingCompareInjuredSegmentIDs(ctx context.Context, streamIDs []uuid.UUID) error {
injuredSegments, err := observer.repairQueue.SelectN(ctx, 100)
if err != nil {
return err
var injuredSegmentsIds []uuid.UUID
for _, segment := range injuredSegments {
injuredSegmentsIds = append(injuredSegmentsIds, segment.StreamID)
sort.Slice(injuredSegmentsIds, func(i, j int) bool {
return injuredSegmentsIds[i].Less(injuredSegmentsIds[j])
sort.Slice(streamIDs, func(i, j int) bool {
return streamIDs[i].Less(streamIDs[j])
if !reflect.DeepEqual(streamIDs, injuredSegmentsIds) {
return errs.New("injured objects ids are different")
return nil
// Start starts parallel segments loop.
func (observer *Observer) Start(ctx context.Context, startTime time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
observer.startTime = startTime
observer.TotalStats = aggregateStats{}
return nil
// Fork creates a Partial to process a chunk of all the segments.
func (observer *Observer) Fork(ctx context.Context) (_ rangedloop.Partial, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
return newObserverFork(observer), nil
// Join is called after the chunk for Partial is done.
// This gives the opportunity to merge the output like in a reduce step.
func (observer *Observer) Join(ctx context.Context, partial rangedloop.Partial) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
repPartial, ok := partial.(*observerFork)
if !ok {
return Error.New("expected partial type %T but got %T", repPartial, partial)
if err := repPartial.repairQueue.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
for rs, partialStats := range repPartial.rsStats {
return nil
// Finish is called after all segments are processed by all observers.
func (observer *Observer) Finish(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// remove all segments which were not seen as unhealthy by this checker iteration
healthyDeleted, err := observer.repairQueue.Clean(ctx, observer.startTime)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
mon.IntVal("remote_files_checked").Observe(observer.TotalStats.objectsChecked) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_checked").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsChecked) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_failed_to_check").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsFailedToCheck) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_needing_repair").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsNeedingRepair) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("new_remote_segments_needing_repair").Observe(observer.TotalStats.newRemoteSegmentsNeedingRepair) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_lost").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsLost) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_files_lost").Observe(int64(len(observer.TotalStats.objectsLost))) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_1").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[0]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_2").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[1]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_3").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[2]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_4").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[3]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("remote_segments_over_threshold_5").Observe(observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold[4]) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("healthy_segments_removed_from_queue").Observe(healthyDeleted) //mon:locked
allUnhealthy := observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsNeedingRepair + observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsFailedToCheck
allChecked := observer.TotalStats.remoteSegmentsChecked
allHealthy := allChecked - allUnhealthy
mon.FloatVal("remote_segments_healthy_percentage").Observe(100 * float64(allHealthy) / float64(allChecked)) //mon:locked
return nil
func (observer *Observer) collectAggregates() {
for _, stats := range observer.statsCollector {
func (observer *Observer) getObserverStats(rsString string) *observerRSStats {
observerStats, exists := observer.statsCollector[rsString]
if !exists {
observerStats = &observerRSStats{aggregateStats{}, newIterationRSStats(rsString), newSegmentRSStats(rsString)}
observer.statsCollector[rsString] = observerStats
return observerStats
// RefreshReliabilityCache forces refreshing node online status cache.
func (observer *Observer) RefreshReliabilityCache(ctx context.Context) error {
return observer.nodesCache.Refresh(ctx)
// observerFork implements the ranged loop Partial interface.
type observerFork struct {
repairQueue *queue.InsertBuffer
nodesCache *ReliabilityCache
overlayService *overlay.Service
rsStats map[string]*partialRSStats
repairOverrides RepairOverridesMap
nodeFailureRate float64
getNodesEstimate func(ctx context.Context) (int, error)
log *zap.Logger
doDeclumping bool
doPlacementCheck bool
lastStreamID uuid.UUID
totalStats aggregateStats
getObserverStats func(string) *observerRSStats
// newObserverFork creates new observer partial instance.
func newObserverFork(observer *Observer) rangedloop.Partial {
// we can only share thread-safe objects.
return &observerFork{
repairQueue: observer.createInsertBuffer(),
nodesCache: observer.nodesCache,
overlayService: observer.overlayService,
rsStats: make(map[string]*partialRSStats),
repairOverrides: observer.repairOverrides,
nodeFailureRate: observer.nodeFailureRate,
getNodesEstimate: observer.getNodesEstimate,
log: observer.logger,
doDeclumping: observer.doDeclumping,
doPlacementCheck: observer.doPlacementCheck,
getObserverStats: observer.getObserverStats,
func (fork *observerFork) getStatsByRS(redundancy storj.RedundancyScheme) *partialRSStats {
rsString := getRSString(fork.loadRedundancy(redundancy))
stats, ok := fork.rsStats[rsString]
if !ok {
observerStats := fork.getObserverStats(rsString)
fork.rsStats[rsString] = &partialRSStats{
iterationAggregates: aggregateStats{},
segmentStats: observerStats.segmentStats,
return fork.rsStats[rsString]
return stats
func (fork *observerFork) loadRedundancy(redundancy storj.RedundancyScheme) (int, int, int, int) {
repair := int(redundancy.RepairShares)
overrideValue := fork.repairOverrides.GetOverrideValue(redundancy)
if overrideValue != 0 {
repair = int(overrideValue)
return int(redundancy.RequiredShares), repair, int(redundancy.OptimalShares), int(redundancy.TotalShares)
// Process repair implementation of partial's Process.
func (fork *observerFork) Process(ctx context.Context, segments []rangedloop.Segment) (err error) {
for _, segment := range segments {
if err := fork.process(ctx, &segment); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (fork *observerFork) process(ctx context.Context, segment *rangedloop.Segment) (err error) {
if segment.Inline() {
if fork.lastStreamID.Compare(segment.StreamID) != 0 {
fork.lastStreamID = segment.StreamID
return nil
// ignore segment if expired
if segment.Expired(time.Now()) {
return nil
stats := fork.getStatsByRS(segment.Redundancy)
if fork.lastStreamID.Compare(segment.StreamID) != 0 {
fork.lastStreamID = segment.StreamID
// ensure we get values, even if only zero values, so that redash can have an alert based on this
mon.Counter("checker_segments_below_min_req").Inc(0) //mon:locked
pieces := segment.Pieces
if len(pieces) == 0 {
fork.log.Debug("no pieces on remote segment")
return nil
totalNumNodes, err := fork.getNodesEstimate(ctx)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("could not get estimate of total number of nodes: %w", err)
missingPieces, err := fork.nodesCache.MissingPieces(ctx, segment.CreatedAt, segment.Pieces)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("error getting missing pieces: %w", err)
var clumpedPieces metabase.Pieces
var lastNets []string
if fork.doDeclumping {
// if multiple pieces are on the same last_net, keep only the first one. The rest are
// to be considered retrievable but unhealthy.
lastNets, err = fork.nodesCache.PiecesNodesLastNetsInOrder(ctx, segment.CreatedAt, pieces)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error determining node last_nets"), err)
clumpedPieces = repair.FindClumpedPieces(segment.Pieces, lastNets)
numOutOfPlacementPieces := 0
if fork.doPlacementCheck && segment.Placement != storj.EveryCountry {
outOfPlacementPieces, err := fork.nodesCache.OutOfPlacementPieces(ctx, segment.CreatedAt, segment.Pieces, segment.Placement)
if err != nil {
return errs.Combine(Error.New("error determining nodes placement"), err)
numOutOfPlacementPieces = len(outOfPlacementPieces)
numHealthy := len(pieces) - len(missingPieces) - len(clumpedPieces)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_total_count").Observe(int64(len(pieces))) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_healthy_count").Observe(int64(numHealthy)) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_clumped_count").Observe(int64(len(clumpedPieces))) //mon:locked
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_off_placement_count").Observe(int64(numOutOfPlacementPieces)) //mon:locked
segmentAge := time.Since(segment.CreatedAt)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_age").Observe(int64(segmentAge.Seconds())) //mon:locked
required, repairThreshold, successThreshold, _ := fork.loadRedundancy(segment.Redundancy)
segmentHealth := repair.SegmentHealth(numHealthy, required, totalNumNodes, fork.nodeFailureRate)
mon.FloatVal("checker_segment_health").Observe(segmentHealth) //mon:locked
// we repair when the number of healthy pieces is less than or equal to the repair threshold and is greater or equal to
// minimum required pieces in redundancy
// except for the case when the repair and success thresholds are the same (a case usually seen during testing).
// separate case is when we find pieces which are outside segment placement. in such case we are putting segment
// into queue right away.
if (numHealthy <= repairThreshold && numHealthy < successThreshold) || numOutOfPlacementPieces > 0 {
mon.FloatVal("checker_injured_segment_health").Observe(segmentHealth) //mon:locked
err := fork.repairQueue.Insert(ctx, &queue.InjuredSegment{
StreamID: segment.StreamID,
Position: segment.Position,
UpdatedAt: time.Now().UTC(),
SegmentHealth: segmentHealth,
}, func() {
// Counters are increased after the queue has determined
// that the segment wasn't already queued for repair.
if err != nil {
fork.log.Error("error adding injured segment to queue", zap.Error(err))
return nil
// monitor irreparable segments
numRetrievable := len(pieces) - len(missingPieces)
if numRetrievable < required {
if !slices.Contains(fork.totalStats.objectsLost, segment.StreamID) {
fork.totalStats.objectsLost = append(fork.totalStats.objectsLost, segment.StreamID)
if !slices.Contains(stats.iterationAggregates.objectsLost, segment.StreamID) {
stats.iterationAggregates.objectsLost = append(stats.iterationAggregates.objectsLost, segment.StreamID)
repairedAt := time.Time{}
if segment.RepairedAt != nil {
repairedAt = *segment.RepairedAt
var segmentAge time.Duration
if segment.CreatedAt.Before(repairedAt) {
segmentAge = time.Since(repairedAt)
} else {
segmentAge = time.Since(segment.CreatedAt)
mon.IntVal("checker_segment_time_until_irreparable").Observe(int64(segmentAge.Seconds())) //mon:locked
mon.Counter("checker_segments_below_min_req").Inc(1) //mon:locked
var unhealthyNodes []string
for _, p := range missingPieces {
unhealthyNodes = append(unhealthyNodes, p.StorageNode.String())
fork.log.Warn("checker found irreparable segment", zap.String("Segment StreamID", segment.StreamID.String()), zap.Int("Segment Position",
int(segment.Position.Encode())), zap.Int("total pieces", len(pieces)), zap.Int("min required", required), zap.String("unhealthy node IDs", strings.Join(unhealthyNodes, ",")))
} else if numRetrievable > repairThreshold {
// This segment is to be repaired because of clumping (it wouldn't need repair yet
// otherwise). Produce a brief report of where the clumping occurred so that we have
// a better understanding of the cause.
clumpedNets := clumpingReport{lastNets: lastNets}
fork.log.Info("segment needs repair because of clumping", zap.Stringer("Segment StreamID", segment.StreamID), zap.Uint64("Segment Position", segment.Position.Encode()), zap.Int("total pieces", len(pieces)), zap.Int("min required", required), zap.Stringer("clumping", &clumpedNets))
} else {
if numHealthy > repairThreshold && numHealthy <= (repairThreshold+len(fork.totalStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold)) {
// record metrics for segments right above repair threshold
// numHealthy=repairThreshold+1 through numHealthy=repairThreshold+5
for i := range fork.totalStats.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold {
if numHealthy == (repairThreshold + i + 1) {
if numHealthy > repairThreshold && numHealthy <= (repairThreshold+len(stats.iterationAggregates.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold)) {
// record metrics for segments right above repair threshold
// numHealthy=repairThreshold+1 through numHealthy=repairThreshold+5
for i := range stats.iterationAggregates.remoteSegmentsOverThreshold {
if numHealthy == (repairThreshold + i + 1) {
return nil
type clumpingReport struct {
lastNets []string
// String produces the clumping report. In case the satellite isn't logging at the required level,
// we avoid doing the work of building the report until String() is called.
func (cr *clumpingReport) String() string {
netCounts := make(map[string]int)
for _, lastNet := range cr.lastNets {
if lastNet == "" {
lastNet = "unknown"
counts := make([]string, 0, len(netCounts))
for lastNet, count := range netCounts {
if count > 1 {
counts = append(counts, fmt.Sprintf("[%s]: %d", lastNet, count))
return strings.Join(counts, ", ")