paul cannon c35b93766d
Unite all cryptographic signing and verifying (#1244)
this change removes the cryptopasta dependency.

a couple possible sources of problem with this change:

 * the encoding used for ECDSA signatures on SignedMessage has changed.
   the encoding employed by cryptopasta was workable, but not the same
   as the encoding used for such signatures in the rest of the world
   (most particularly, on ECDSA signatures in X.509 certificates). I
   think we'll be best served by using one ECDSA signature encoding from
   here on, but if we need to use the old encoding for backwards
   compatibility with existing nodes, that can be arranged.

 * since there's already a breaking change in SignedMessage, I changed
   it to send and receive public keys in raw PKIX format, instead of
   PEM. PEM just adds unhelpful overhead for this case.
2019-02-07 14:39:20 -06:00

415 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package identity
import (
const minimumLoggableDifficulty = 8
// PeerCertificateAuthority represents the CA which is used to validate peer identities
type PeerCertificateAuthority struct {
RestChain []*x509.Certificate
// Cert is the x509 certificate of the CA
Cert *x509.Certificate
// The ID is calculated from the CA public key.
ID storj.NodeID
// FullCertificateAuthority represents the CA which is used to author and validate full identities
type FullCertificateAuthority struct {
RestChain []*x509.Certificate
// Cert is the x509 certificate of the CA
Cert *x509.Certificate
// The ID is calculated from the CA public key.
ID storj.NodeID
// Key is the private key of the CA
Key crypto.PrivateKey
// CASetupConfig is for creating a CA
type CASetupConfig struct {
ParentCertPath string `help:"path to the parent authority's certificate chain"`
ParentKeyPath string `help:"path to the parent authority's private key"`
CertPath string `help:"path to the certificate chain for this identity" default:"$IDENTITYDIR/ca.cert"`
KeyPath string `help:"path to the private key for this identity" default:"$IDENTITYDIR/ca.key"`
Difficulty uint64 `help:"minimum difficulty for identity generation" default:"30"`
Timeout string `help:"timeout for CA generation; golang duration string (0 no timeout)" default:"5m"`
Overwrite bool `help:"if true, existing CA certs AND keys will overwritten" default:"false"`
Concurrency uint `help:"number of concurrent workers for certificate authority generation" default:"4"`
// NewCAOptions is used to pass parameters to `NewCA`
type NewCAOptions struct {
// Difficulty is the number of trailing zero-bits the nodeID must have
Difficulty uint16
// Concurrency is the number of go routines used to generate a CA of sufficient difficulty
Concurrency uint
// ParentCert, if provided will be prepended to the certificate chain
ParentCert *x509.Certificate
// ParentKey ()
ParentKey crypto.PrivateKey
// Logger is used to log generation status updates
Logger io.Writer
// PeerCAConfig is for locating a CA certificate without a private key
type PeerCAConfig struct {
CertPath string `help:"path to the certificate chain for this identity" default:"$IDENTITYDIR/ca.cert"`
// FullCAConfig is for locating a CA certificate and it's private key
type FullCAConfig struct {
CertPath string `help:"path to the certificate chain for this identity" default:"$IDENTITYDIR/ca.cert"`
KeyPath string `help:"path to the private key for this identity" default:"$IDENTITYDIR/ca.key"`
// NewCA creates a new full identity with the given difficulty
func NewCA(ctx context.Context, opts NewCAOptions) (_ *FullCertificateAuthority, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
var (
highscore = new(uint32)
i = new(uint32)
mu sync.Mutex
selectedKey crypto.PrivateKey
selectedID storj.NodeID
if opts.Concurrency < 1 {
opts.Concurrency = 1
if opts.Logger != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(opts.Logger, "Generating key with a minimum a difficulty of %d...\n", opts.Difficulty)
updateStatus := func() {
if opts.Logger != nil {
count := atomic.LoadUint32(i)
hs := atomic.LoadUint32(highscore)
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(opts.Logger, "\rGenerated %d keys; best difficulty so far: %d", count, hs)
if err != nil {
err = GenerateKeys(ctx, minimumLoggableDifficulty, int(opts.Concurrency),
func(k crypto.PrivateKey, id storj.NodeID) (done bool, err error) {
if opts.Logger != nil {
if atomic.AddUint32(i, 1)%100 == 0 {
difficulty, err := id.Difficulty()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if difficulty >= opts.Difficulty {
if selectedKey == nil {
selectedKey = k
selectedID = id
if opts.Logger != nil {
atomic.SwapUint32(highscore, uint32(difficulty))
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(opts.Logger, "\nFound a key with difficulty %d!\n", difficulty)
if err != nil {
return true, nil
for {
hs := atomic.LoadUint32(highscore)
if uint32(difficulty) <= hs {
return false, nil
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(highscore, hs, uint32(difficulty)) {
return false, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct, err := peertls.CATemplate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := peertls.NewCert(selectedKey, opts.ParentKey, ct, opts.ParentCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ca := &FullCertificateAuthority{
Cert: c,
Key: selectedKey,
ID: selectedID,
if opts.ParentCert != nil {
ca.RestChain = []*x509.Certificate{opts.ParentCert}
return ca, nil
// Status returns the status of the CA cert/key files for the config
func (caS CASetupConfig) Status() TLSFilesStatus {
return statTLSFiles(caS.CertPath, caS.KeyPath)
// Create generates and saves a CA using the config
func (caS CASetupConfig) Create(ctx context.Context, logger io.Writer) (*FullCertificateAuthority, error) {
var (
err error
parent *FullCertificateAuthority
if caS.ParentCertPath != "" && caS.ParentKeyPath != "" {
parent, err = FullCAConfig{
CertPath: caS.ParentCertPath,
KeyPath: caS.ParentKeyPath,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if parent == nil {
parent = &FullCertificateAuthority{}
ca, err := NewCA(ctx, NewCAOptions{
Difficulty: uint16(caS.Difficulty),
Concurrency: caS.Concurrency,
ParentCert: parent.Cert,
ParentKey: parent.Key,
Logger: logger,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
caC := FullCAConfig{
CertPath: caS.CertPath,
KeyPath: caS.KeyPath,
return ca, caC.Save(ca)
// FullConfig converts a `CASetupConfig` to `FullCAConfig`
func (caS CASetupConfig) FullConfig() FullCAConfig {
return FullCAConfig{
CertPath: caS.CertPath,
KeyPath: caS.KeyPath,
// Load loads a CA from the given configuration
func (fc FullCAConfig) Load() (*FullCertificateAuthority, error) {
p, err := fc.PeerConfig().Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fc.KeyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, peertls.ErrNotExist.Wrap(err)
k, err := pkcrypto.PrivateKeyFromPEM(kb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &FullCertificateAuthority{
RestChain: p.RestChain,
Cert: p.Cert,
Key: k,
ID: p.ID,
}, nil
// PeerConfig converts a full ca config to a peer ca config
func (fc FullCAConfig) PeerConfig() PeerCAConfig {
return PeerCAConfig{
CertPath: fc.CertPath,
// Save saves a CA with the given configuration
func (fc FullCAConfig) Save(ca *FullCertificateAuthority) error {
var (
keyData bytes.Buffer
writeErrs errs.Group
if err := fc.PeerConfig().Save(ca.PeerCA()); err != nil {
return writeErrs.Err()
if fc.KeyPath != "" {
if err := pkcrypto.WritePrivateKeyPEM(&keyData, ca.Key); err != nil {
return writeErrs.Err()
if err := writeKeyData(fc.KeyPath, keyData.Bytes()); err != nil {
return writeErrs.Err()
return writeErrs.Err()
// SaveBackup saves the certificate of the config wth a timestamped filename
func (fc FullCAConfig) SaveBackup(ca *FullCertificateAuthority) error {
return FullCAConfig{
CertPath: backupPath(fc.CertPath),
KeyPath: backupPath(fc.KeyPath),
// Load loads a CA from the given configuration
func (pc PeerCAConfig) Load() (*PeerCertificateAuthority, error) {
chainPEM, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pc.CertPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, peertls.ErrNotExist.Wrap(err)
chain, err := pkcrypto.CertsFromPEM(chainPEM)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.New("failed to load identity %#v: %v",
pc.CertPath, err)
nodeID, err := NodeIDFromKey(chain[peertls.LeafIndex].PublicKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &PeerCertificateAuthority{
// NB: `CAIndex` is in the context of a complete chain (incl. leaf).
// Here we're loading the CA chain (nodeID.e. without leaf).
RestChain: chain[peertls.CAIndex:],
Cert: chain[peertls.CAIndex-1],
ID: nodeID,
}, nil
// Save saves a peer CA (cert, no key) with the given configuration
func (pc PeerCAConfig) Save(ca *PeerCertificateAuthority) error {
var (
certData bytes.Buffer
writeErrs errs.Group
chain := []*x509.Certificate{ca.Cert}
chain = append(chain, ca.RestChain...)
if pc.CertPath != "" {
if err := peertls.WriteChain(&certData, chain...); err != nil {
return writeErrs.Err()
if err := writeChainData(pc.CertPath, certData.Bytes()); err != nil {
return writeErrs.Err()
return nil
// SaveBackup saves the certificate of the config wth a timestamped filename
func (pc PeerCAConfig) SaveBackup(ca *PeerCertificateAuthority) error {
return PeerCAConfig{
CertPath: backupPath(pc.CertPath),
// NewIdentity generates a new `FullIdentity` based on the CA. The CA
// cert is included in the identity's cert chain and the identity's leaf cert
// is signed by the CA.
func (ca *FullCertificateAuthority) NewIdentity() (*FullIdentity, error) {
leafTemplate, err := peertls.LeafTemplate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
leafKey, err := pkcrypto.GeneratePrivateKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
leafCert, err := peertls.NewCert(leafKey, ca.Key, leafTemplate, ca.Cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ca.RestChain != nil && len(ca.RestChain) > 0 {
err := peertls.AddSignedCertExt(ca.Key, leafCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &FullIdentity{
RestChain: ca.RestChain,
CA: ca.Cert,
Leaf: leafCert,
Key: leafKey,
ID: ca.ID,
}, nil
// RestChainRaw returns the rest (excluding leaf and CA) of the certificate chain as a 2d byte slice
func (ca *FullCertificateAuthority) RestChainRaw() [][]byte {
var chain [][]byte
for _, cert := range ca.RestChain {
chain = append(chain, cert.Raw)
return chain
// PeerCA converts a FullCertificateAuthority to a PeerCertificateAuthority
func (ca *FullCertificateAuthority) PeerCA() *PeerCertificateAuthority {
return &PeerCertificateAuthority{
Cert: ca.Cert,
ID: ca.ID,
RestChain: ca.RestChain,
// Sign signs the passed certificate with ca certificate
func (ca *FullCertificateAuthority) Sign(cert *x509.Certificate) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
signedCertBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, cert, ca.Cert, cert.PublicKey, ca.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
signedCert, err := pkcrypto.CertFromDER(signedCertBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
return signedCert, nil