Currently TextMaxVerifyCount flakes in some tests, try increasing the sleep time to ensure that things are slow enough to trigger the error condition. Also pass ctx to all the funcs so we can handle sleep better. Change-Id: I605b6ea8b14a0a66d81a605ce3251f57a1669c00
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// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information
package testplanet
import (
// StorageNode contains all the processes needed to run a full StorageNode setup.
type StorageNode struct {
Name string
Config storagenode.Config
// Label returns name for debugger.
func (system *StorageNode) Label() string { return system.Name }
// URL returns the node url as a string.
func (system *StorageNode) URL() string { return system.NodeURL().String() }
// NodeURL returns the storj.NodeURL.
func (system *StorageNode) NodeURL() storj.NodeURL {
return storj.NodeURL{ID: system.Peer.ID(), Address: system.Peer.Addr()}
// newStorageNodes initializes storage nodes.
func (planet *Planet) newStorageNodes(ctx context.Context, count int, whitelistedSatellites storj.NodeURLs) ([]*StorageNode, error) {
var sources []trust.Source
for _, u := range whitelistedSatellites {
source, err := trust.NewStaticURLSource(u.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sources = append(sources, source)
var xs []*StorageNode
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
index := i
prefix := "storage" + strconv.Itoa(index)
log := planet.log.Named(prefix)
var system *StorageNode
var err error
pprof.Do(ctx, pprof.Labels("peer", prefix), func(ctx context.Context) {
system, err = planet.newStorageNode(ctx, prefix, index, count, log, sources)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debug("id=" + system.ID().String() + " addr=" + system.Addr())
xs = append(xs, system)
planet.peers = append(planet.peers, newClosablePeer(system))
return xs, nil
func (planet *Planet) newStorageNode(ctx context.Context, prefix string, index, count int, log *zap.Logger, sources []trust.Source) (*StorageNode, error) {
storageDir := filepath.Join(planet.directory, prefix)
if err := os.MkdirAll(storageDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
identity, err := planet.NewIdentity()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config := storagenode.Config{
Server: server.Config{
Address: "",
PrivateAddress: "",
Config: tlsopts.Config{
RevocationDBURL: "bolt://" + filepath.Join(storageDir, "revocation.db"),
UsePeerCAWhitelist: true,
PeerCAWhitelistPath: planet.whitelistPath,
PeerIDVersions: "*",
Extensions: extensions.Config{
Revocation: false,
WhitelistSignedLeaf: false,
Debug: debug.Config{
Address: "",
Preflight: preflight.Config{
LocalTimeCheck: false,
Operator: operator.Config{
Email: prefix + "@mail.test",
Wallet: "0x" + strings.Repeat("00", 20),
WalletFeatures: nil,
Storage: piecestore.OldConfig{
Path: filepath.Join(storageDir, "pieces/"),
AllocatedDiskSpace: 1 * memory.GB,
KBucketRefreshInterval: defaultInterval,
Collector: collector.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
Nodestats: nodestats.Config{
MaxSleep: 0,
ReputationSync: defaultInterval,
StorageSync: defaultInterval,
Console: consoleserver.Config{
Address: "",
StaticDir: filepath.Join(developmentRoot, "web/storagenode/"),
Storage2: piecestore.Config{
CacheSyncInterval: defaultInterval,
ExpirationGracePeriod: 0,
MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
OrderLimitGracePeriod: time.Hour,
StreamOperationTimeout: time.Hour,
ReportCapacityThreshold: 100 * memory.MB,
DeleteQueueSize: 10000,
DeleteWorkers: 1,
Orders: orders.Config{
SenderInterval: defaultInterval,
SenderTimeout: 10 * time.Minute,
CleanupInterval: defaultInterval,
ArchiveTTL: time.Hour,
MaxSleep: 0,
Path: filepath.Join(storageDir, "orders"),
Monitor: monitor.Config{
MinimumDiskSpace: 100 * memory.MB,
NotifyLowDiskCooldown: defaultInterval,
VerifyDirReadableInterval: defaultInterval,
VerifyDirWritableInterval: defaultInterval,
Trust: trust.Config{
Sources: sources,
CachePath: filepath.Join(storageDir, "trust-cache.json"),
RefreshInterval: defaultInterval,
MaxUsedSerialsSize: memory.MiB,
Pieces: pieces.DefaultConfig,
Filestore: filestore.DefaultConfig,
Retain: retain.Config{
MaxTimeSkew: 10 * time.Second,
Status: retain.Enabled,
Concurrency: 5,
Version: planet.NewVersionConfig(),
Bandwidth: bandwidth.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
Contact: contact.Config{
Interval: defaultInterval,
GracefulExit: gracefulexit.Config{
ChoreInterval: defaultInterval,
NumWorkers: 3,
NumConcurrentTransfers: 1,
MinBytesPerSecond: 128 * memory.B,
MinDownloadTimeout: 2 * time.Minute,
if planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNode != nil {
planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNode(index, &config)
newIPCount := planet.config.Reconfigure.UniqueIPCount
if newIPCount > 0 {
if index >= count-newIPCount {
config.Server.Address = fmt.Sprintf("127.0.%d.1:0", index+1)
config.Server.PrivateAddress = fmt.Sprintf("127.0.%d.1:0", index+1)
verisonInfo := planet.NewVersionInfo()
var db storagenode.DB
db, err = storagenodedb.OpenNew(ctx, log.Named("db"), config.DatabaseConfig())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := db.Pieces().CreateVerificationFile(ctx, identity.ID); err != nil {
return nil, err
if planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNodeDB != nil {
db, err = planet.config.Reconfigure.StorageNodeDB(index, db, planet.log)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
revocationDB, err := revocation.OpenDBFromCfg(ctx, config.Server.Config)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(err)
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, revocationDB)
peer, err := storagenode.New(log, identity, db, revocationDB, config, verisonInfo, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Mark the peer's PieceDeleter as in testing mode, so it is easy to wait on the deleter
err = db.MigrateToLatest(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
planet.databases = append(planet.databases, db)
return &StorageNode{
Name: prefix,
Config: config,
Peer: peer,
}, nil