This also fixes the build order. Unfortunately we need to ensure that the web frontends are built before installing Go binaries. Fixes https://github.com/storj/storj/issues/4654 Change-Id: I5d1c83125fd3d1a454d3400b2cbdd44bd3f2250c
470 lines
22 KiB
470 lines
22 KiB
GO_VERSION ?= 1.17.5
GOOS ?= linux
GOARCH ?= amd64
GOPATH ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)
NODE_VERSION ?= 16.11.1
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME := ${TAG}-$(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
BRANCH_NAME ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | sed "s!/!-!g")
GIT_TAG := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
ifeq (${BRANCH_NAME},main)
LATEST_TAG := latest
ifneq (,$(findstring release-,$(BRANCH_NAME)))
ifeq (${GOOS},windows)
FILEEXT := .exe
DOCKER_BUILD := docker build \
--build-arg TAG=${TAG}
DOCKER_BUILDX := docker buildx build
.PHONY: help
@awk 'BEGIN { \
FS = ":.*##"; \
printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"\
} \
/^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { \
printf " \033[36m%-17s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 \
} \
/^##@/ { \
printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) \
##@ Dependencies
.PHONY: build-dev-deps
build-dev-deps: ## Install dependencies for builds
go get golang.org/x/tools/cover
go get github.com/josephspurrier/goversioninfo/cmd/goversioninfo
go get github.com/github-release/github-release
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Analyze and find programs in source code
@echo "Running ${@}"
@golangci-lint run
.PHONY: goimports-fix
goimports-fix: ## Applies goimports to every go file (excluding vendored files)
goimports -w -local storj.io $$(find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "*/vendor/*")
.PHONY: goimports-st
goimports-st: ## Applies goimports to every go file in `git status` (ignores untracked files)
@git status --porcelain -uno|grep .go|grep -v "^D"|sed -E 's,\w+\s+(.+->\s+)?,,g'|xargs -I {} goimports -w -local storj.io {}
.PHONY: build-packages
build-packages: build-packages-race build-packages-normal build-satellite-npm build-storagenode-npm build-multinode-npm build-satellite-admin-npm ## Test docker images locally
go build -v ./...
go build -v -race ./...
cd web/satellite && npm ci
cd web/storagenode && npm ci
cd web/multinode && npm ci
cd satellite/admin/ui && npm ci
##@ Simulator
# Allow the caller to set GATEWAYPATH if desired. This controls where the new
# go module is created to install the specific gateway version.
.PHONY: install-sim
install-sim: ## install storj-sim
@echo "Running ${@}"
go install -race -v \
storj.io/storj/cmd/satellite \
storj.io/storj/cmd/storagenode \
storj.io/storj/cmd/storj-sim \
storj.io/storj/cmd/versioncontrol \
storj.io/storj/cmd/uplink \
storj.io/storj/cmd/identity \
storj.io/storj/cmd/certificates \
## install the latest stable version of Gateway-ST
go install -race -v storj.io/gateway@latest
##@ Test
.PHONY: test
test: ## Run tests on source code (jenkins)
go test -race -v -cover -coverprofile=.coverprofile ./...
@echo done
.PHONY: test-sim
test-sim: ## Test source with storj-sim (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: test-sim-redis-unavailability
test-sim-redis-unavailability: ## Test source with Redis availability with storj-sim (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: test-certificates
test-certificates: ## Test certificate signing service and storagenode setup (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: test-sim-backwards-compatible
test-sim-backwards-compatible: ## Test uploading a file with lastest release (jenkins)
@echo "Running ${@}"
.PHONY: check-monitoring
check-monitoring: ## Check for locked monkit calls that have changed
@echo "Running ${@}"
@check-monitoring ./... | diff -U0 ./monkit.lock - \
|| (echo "Locked monkit metrics have been changed. **Notify #team-data** and run \`go run github.com/storj/ci/check-monitoring -out monkit.lock ./...\` to update monkit.lock file." \
&& exit 1)
.PHONY: test-wasm-size
test-wasm-size: ## Test that the built .wasm code has not increased in size
@echo "Running ${@}"
##@ Build
.PHONY: storagenode-console
# build web assets
rm -rf web/storagenode/dist
# install npm dependencies and build the binaries
docker run --rm -i \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/go/src/storj.io/storj \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj/web/storagenode \
-e HOME=/tmp \
-u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \
node:${NODE_VERSION} \
/bin/bash -c "npm ci && npm run build"
.PHONY: multinode-console
# build web assets
rm -rf web/multinode/dist
# install npm dependencies and build the binaries
docker run --rm -i \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/go/src/storj.io/storj \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj/web/multinode \
-e HOME=/tmp \
-u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \
node:${NODE_VERSION} \
/bin/bash -c "npm ci && npm run build"
.PHONY: satellite-admin-ui
# install npm dependencies for being embedded by Go embed.
docker run --rm -i \
--mount type=bind,src="${PWD}",dst=/go/src/storj.io/storj \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj/satellite/admin/ui \
-e HOME=/tmp \
-u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) \
node:${NODE_VERSION} \
/bin/bash -c "npm ci && npm run build"
.PHONY: satellite-wasm
docker run --rm -i -v "${PWD}":/go/src/storj.io/storj -e GO111MODULE=on \
-e GOOS=js -e GOARCH=wasm -e GOARM=6 -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \
-v /tmp/go-cache:/tmp/.cache/go-build -v /tmp/go-pkg:/go/pkg \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj -e GOPROXY -e TAG=${TAG} -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) storjlabs/golang:${GO_VERSION} \
scripts/build-wasm.sh ;\
.PHONY: images
images: multinode-image satellite-image storagenode-image versioncontrol-image ## Build multinode, satellite, storagenode, and versioncontrol Docker images
echo Built version: ${TAG}
.PHONY: multinode-image
multinode-image: multinode_linux_arm multinode_linux_arm64 multinode_linux_amd64 ## Build multinode Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/multinode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 \
-f cmd/multinode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/multinode/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: satellite-image
satellite-image: satellite_linux_arm satellite_linux_arm64 satellite_linux_amd64 ## Build satellite Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/satellite/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 \
-f cmd/satellite/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/satellite/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: storagenode-image
storagenode-image: ## Build storagenode Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v5 --build-arg=DOCKER_PLATFORM=linux/arm/v6 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 --build-arg=DOCKER_PLATFORM=linux/arm64 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: storagenode-base-image
storagenode-base-image: ## Build storagenode Docker base image. Requires buildx. This image is expected to be built manually using buildx and QEMU.
${DOCKER_BUILDX} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile.base .
${DOCKER_BUILDX} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v5 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile.base .
${DOCKER_BUILDX} --pull=true -t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/storagenode/Dockerfile.base .
.PHONY: push-storagenode-base-image
push-storagenode-base-image: ## Push the storagenode base image to dockerhub
docker push storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64
docker push storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5
docker push storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8
# create, annotate and push manifests for latest-amd64
docker manifest create storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-amd64 storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64
docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-amd64 storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 --os linux --arch amd64
docker manifest push --purge storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-amd64
# create, annotate and push manifests for latest-arm32v5
docker manifest create storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-arm32v5 storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5
docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-arm32v5 storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 --os linux --arch arm --variant v6
docker manifest push --purge storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-arm32v5
# create, annotate and push manifests for latest-arm64v8
docker manifest create storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-arm64v8 storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8
docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-arm64v8 storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8
docker manifest push --purge storjlabs/storagenode-base:latest-arm64v8
# create, annotate and push manifests for main ${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG} tag without arch extension and latest tag
for t in ${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG} latest; do \
docker manifest create storjlabs/storagenode-base:$$t \
storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 \
storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode-base:$$t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 --os linux --arch amd64 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode-base:$$t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 --os linux --arch arm --variant v6 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode-base:$$t storjlabs/storagenode-base:${GIT_TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8 \
&& docker manifest push --purge storjlabs/storagenode-base:$$t \
; done
.PHONY: versioncontrol-image
versioncontrol-image: versioncontrol_linux_arm versioncontrol_linux_arm64 versioncontrol_linux_amd64 ## Build versioncontrol Docker image
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
-f cmd/versioncontrol/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm32v6 \
-f cmd/versioncontrol/Dockerfile .
${DOCKER_BUILD} --pull=true -t storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
--build-arg=GOARCH=arm64 --build-arg=DOCKER_ARCH=arm64v8 \
-f cmd/versioncontrol/Dockerfile .
.PHONY: binary
binary: CUSTOMTAG = -${GOOS}-${GOARCH}
@if [ -z "${COMPONENT}" ]; then echo "Try one of the following targets instead:" \
&& for b in binaries ${BINARIES}; do echo "- $$b"; done && exit 1; fi
mkdir -p release/${TAG}
mkdir -p /tmp/go-cache /tmp/go-pkg
rm -f cmd/${COMPONENT}/resource.syso
if [ "${GOARCH}" = "amd64" ]; then sixtyfour="-64"; fi; \
[ "${GOOS}" = "windows" ] && [ "${GOARCH}" = "amd64" ] && goversioninfo $$sixtyfour -o cmd/${COMPONENT}/resource.syso \
-original-name ${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT} \
-description "${COMPONENT} program for Storj" \
-product-ver-major "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {gsub("v", "", $$0); v=$$1} END {print v}' )" \
-ver-major "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {gsub("v", "", $$0); v=$$1} END {print v}' )" \
-product-ver-minor "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$2} END {print v}')" \
-ver-minor "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$2} END {print v}')" \
-product-ver-patch "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$3} END {print v}' | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$1} END {print v}')" \
-ver-patch "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'.' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$3} END {print v}' | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$1} END {print v}')" \
-product-version "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$1} END {print v}' || echo "dev" )" \
-special-build "$(shell git describe --tags --exact-match --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | awk -F'-' 'BEGIN {v=0} {v=$$2} END {print v}' )" \
resources/versioninfo.json || echo "goversioninfo is not installed, metadata will not be created"
docker run --rm -i -v "${PWD}":/go/src/storj.io/storj -e GO111MODULE=on \
-v /tmp/go-cache:/tmp/.cache/go-build -v /tmp/go-pkg:/go/pkg \
-w /go/src/storj.io/storj -e GOPROXY -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) storjlabs/golang:${GO_VERSION} \
scripts/release.sh build $(EXTRA_ARGS) -o release/${TAG}/$(COMPONENT)_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT} \
if [ "${COMPONENT}" = "satellite" ] && [ "${GOOS}" = "linux" ] && [ "${GOARCH}" = "amd64" ]; \
then \
echo "Building wasm code"; \
$(MAKE) satellite-wasm; \
chmod 755 release/${TAG}/$(COMPONENT)_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT}
[ "${FILEEXT}" = ".exe" ] && storj-sign release/${TAG}/$(COMPONENT)_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}${FILEEXT} || echo "Skipping signing"
rm -f release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.zip
.PHONY: binary-check
@if [ -f release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH} ] || [ -f release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.exe ]; \
then \
echo "release/${TAG}/${COMPONENT}_${GOOS}_${GOARCH} exists"; \
else \
echo "Making ${COMPONENT}"; \
$(MAKE) binary; \
.PHONY: certificates_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=certificates GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: identity_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=identity GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: inspector_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=inspector GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONE: multinode_%
multinode_%: multinode-console
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=multinode GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: satellite_%
satellite_%: satellite-admin-ui
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=satellite GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: storagenode_%
storagenode_%: storagenode-console
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=storagenode GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: storagenode-updater_%
EXTRA_ARGS="-tags=service" $(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=storagenode-updater GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: uplink_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=uplink GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: versioncontrol_%
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=versioncontrol GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
.PHONY: multinode_%
multinode_%: multinode-console
$(MAKE) binary-check COMPONENT=multinode GOARCH=$(word 3, $(subst _, ,$@)) GOOS=$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$@))
COMPONENTLIST := certificates identity inspector multinode satellite storagenode storagenode-updater uplink versioncontrol
OSARCHLIST := linux_amd64 linux_arm linux_arm64 windows_amd64 freebsd_amd64
BINARIES := $(foreach C,$(COMPONENTLIST),$(foreach O,$(OSARCHLIST),$C_$O))
.PHONY: binaries
binaries: ${BINARIES} ## Build certificates, identity, inspector, multinode, satellite, storagenode, uplink, versioncontrol and multinode binaries (jenkins)
.PHONY: sign-windows-installer
storj-sign release/${TAG}/storagenode_windows_amd64.msi
##@ Deploy
.PHONY: push-images
push-images: push-storagenode-images ## Push Docker images to Docker Hub (jenkins)
# images have to be pushed before a manifest can be created
for c in multinode satellite uplink versioncontrol ; do \
docker push storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
&& docker push storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
&& docker push storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
&& for t in ${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG} ${LATEST_TAG}; do \
docker manifest create storjlabs/$$c:$$t \
storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 \
storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/$$c:$$t storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 --os linux --arch amd64 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/$$c:$$t storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v6 --os linux --arch arm --variant v6 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/$$c:$$t storjlabs/$$c:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8 \
&& docker manifest push --purge storjlabs/$$c:$$t \
; done \
; done
.PHONY: push-storagenode-images
docker push storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
&& docker push storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 \
&& docker push storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
&& for t in ${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG} ${LATEST_TAG}; do \
docker manifest create storjlabs/storagenode:$$t \
storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 \
storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 \
storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode:$$t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-amd64 --os linux --arch amd64 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode:$$t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm32v5 --os linux --arch arm --variant v5 \
&& docker manifest annotate storjlabs/storagenode:$$t storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}-arm64v8 --os linux --arch arm64 --variant v8 \
&& docker manifest push --purge storjlabs/storagenode:$$t \
; done
.PHONY: binaries-upload
binaries-upload: ## Upload binaries to Google Storage (jenkins)
cd "release/${TAG}"; for f in *; do \
zipname=$$(echo $${f} | sed 's/.exe//g') \
&& filename=$$(echo $${f} | sed 's/_.*\.exe/.exe/g' | sed 's/_.*\.msi/.msi/g' | sed 's/_.*//g') \
&& if [ "$${f}" != "$${filename}" ]; then \
ln $${f} $${filename} \
&& zip -r "$${zipname}.zip" "$${filename}" \
&& rm $${filename} \
; else \
zip -r "$${zipname}.zip" "$${filename}" \
; fi \
; done
cd "release/${TAG}"; gsutil -m cp -r *.zip "gs://storj-v3-alpha-builds/${TAG}/"
.PHONY: draft-release
scripts/draft-release.sh ${BRANCH_NAME} "release/${TAG}"
##@ Clean
.PHONY: clean
clean: binaries-clean clean-images ## Clean docker test environment, local release binaries, and local Docker images
.PHONY: binaries-clean
binaries-clean: ## Remove all local release binaries (jenkins)
rm -rf release
.PHONY: clean-images
-docker rmi storjlabs/multinode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
-docker rmi storjlabs/satellite:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
-docker rmi storjlabs/storagenode:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
-docker rmi storjlabs/versioncontrol:${TAG}${CUSTOMTAG}
##@ Tooling
.PHONY: diagrams
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Core" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite-core.svg
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.API" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite-api.svg
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Repairer" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite-repair.svg
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ ./satellite/... | dot -T svg -o satellite.svg
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/storagenode/ ./storagenode/... | dot -T svg -o storage-node.svg
.PHONY: diagrams-graphml
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Core" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite-core.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.API" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite-api.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -root "storj.io/storj/satellite.Repairer" -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite-repair.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/satellite/ -out satellite.graphml ./satellite/...
archview -skip-class "Peer,Master Database" -trim-prefix storj.io/storj/storagenode/ -out storage-node.graphml ./storagenode/...
.PHONY: bump-dependencies
go get storj.io/common@main storj.io/private@main storj.io/uplink@main
go mod tidy
cd testsuite;\
go get storj.io/common@main storj.io/storj@main storj.io/uplink@main;\
go mod tidy;
protolock commit --ignore "satellite/internalpb,storagenode/internalpb"