Jeremy Wharton f61230a670 satellite/console/dbcleanup: create console DB cleanup chore
A chore responsible for purging data from the console DB has been
implemented. Currently, it removes old records for unverified user
accounts. We plan to extend this functionality to include expired
project member invitations in the future.

Resolves #5790
References #5816

Change-Id: I1f3ef62fc96c10a42a383804b3b1d2846d7813f7
2023-05-05 19:11:53 +00:00

485 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package metabase
import (
const loopIteratorBatchSizeLimit = intLimitRange(5000)
// IterateLoopObjects contains arguments necessary for listing objects in metabase.
type IterateLoopObjects struct {
BatchSize int
AsOfSystemTime time.Time
AsOfSystemInterval time.Duration
// Verify verifies get object request fields.
func (opts *IterateLoopObjects) Verify() error {
if opts.BatchSize < 0 {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BatchSize is negative")
return nil
// LoopObjectsIterator iterates over a sequence of LoopObjectEntry items.
type LoopObjectsIterator interface {
Next(ctx context.Context, item *LoopObjectEntry) bool
// LoopObjectEntry contains information about object needed by metainfo loop.
type LoopObjectEntry struct {
ObjectStream // metrics, repair, tally
Status ObjectStatus // verify
CreatedAt time.Time // temp used by metabase-createdat-migration
ExpiresAt *time.Time // tally
SegmentCount int32 // metrics
TotalEncryptedSize int64 // tally
EncryptedMetadataSize int // tally
// Expired checks if object is expired relative to now.
func (o LoopObjectEntry) Expired(now time.Time) bool {
return o.ExpiresAt != nil && o.ExpiresAt.Before(now)
// IterateLoopObjects iterates through all objects in metabase.
func (db *DB) IterateLoopObjects(ctx context.Context, opts IterateLoopObjects, fn func(context.Context, LoopObjectsIterator) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if err := opts.Verify(); err != nil {
return err
it := &loopIterator{
db: db,
batchSize: opts.BatchSize,
curIndex: 0,
cursor: loopIterateCursor{},
asOfSystemTime: opts.AsOfSystemTime,
asOfSystemInterval: opts.AsOfSystemInterval,
it.curRows, err = it.doNextQuery(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if rowsErr := it.curRows.Err(); rowsErr != nil {
err = errs.Combine(err, rowsErr)
err = errs.Combine(err, it.failErr, it.curRows.Close())
return fn(ctx, it)
// loopIterator enables iteration of all objects in metabase.
type loopIterator struct {
db *DB
batchSize int
asOfSystemTime time.Time
asOfSystemInterval time.Duration
curIndex int
curRows tagsql.Rows
cursor loopIterateCursor
// failErr is set when either scan or next query fails during iteration.
failErr error
type loopIterateCursor struct {
ProjectID uuid.UUID
BucketName string
ObjectKey ObjectKey
Version Version
// Next returns true if there was another item and copy it in item.
func (it *loopIterator) Next(ctx context.Context, item *LoopObjectEntry) bool {
next := it.curRows.Next()
if !next {
if it.curIndex < it.batchSize {
return false
if it.curRows.Err() != nil {
return false
rows, err := it.doNextQuery(ctx)
if err != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, err)
return false
if closeErr := it.curRows.Close(); closeErr != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, closeErr, rows.Close())
return false
it.curRows = rows
it.curIndex = 0
if !it.curRows.Next() {
return false
err := it.scanItem(item)
if err != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, err)
return false
it.cursor.ProjectID = item.ProjectID
it.cursor.BucketName = item.BucketName
it.cursor.ObjectKey = item.ObjectKey
it.cursor.Version = item.Version
return true
func (it *loopIterator) doNextQuery(ctx context.Context) (_ tagsql.Rows, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
return it.db.db.QueryContext(ctx, `
project_id, bucket_name,
object_key, stream_id, version,
created_at, expires_at,
segment_count, total_encrypted_size,
FROM objects
`+it.db.asOfTime(it.asOfSystemTime, it.asOfSystemInterval)+`
WHERE (project_id, bucket_name, object_key, version) > ($1, $2, $3, $4)
ORDER BY project_id ASC, bucket_name ASC, object_key ASC, version ASC
`, it.cursor.ProjectID, []byte(it.cursor.BucketName),
[]byte(it.cursor.ObjectKey), int(it.cursor.Version),
// scanItem scans doNextQuery results into LoopObjectEntry.
func (it *loopIterator) scanItem(item *LoopObjectEntry) error {
return it.curRows.Scan(
&item.ProjectID, &item.BucketName,
&item.ObjectKey, &item.StreamID, &item.Version,
&item.CreatedAt, &item.ExpiresAt,
&item.SegmentCount, &item.TotalEncryptedSize,
// SegmentIterator returns the next segment.
type SegmentIterator func(ctx context.Context, segment *LoopSegmentEntry) bool
// LoopSegmentEntry contains information about segment metadata needed by metainfo loop.
type LoopSegmentEntry struct {
StreamID uuid.UUID
Position SegmentPosition
CreatedAt time.Time // non-nillable
ExpiresAt *time.Time
RepairedAt *time.Time // repair
RootPieceID storj.PieceID
EncryptedSize int32 // size of the whole segment (not a piece)
PlainOffset int64 // verify
PlainSize int32 // verify
AliasPieces AliasPieces
Redundancy storj.RedundancyScheme
Pieces Pieces
Placement storj.PlacementConstraint
// Inline returns true if segment is inline.
func (s LoopSegmentEntry) Inline() bool {
return s.Redundancy.IsZero() && len(s.Pieces) == 0
// LoopSegmentsIterator iterates over a sequence of LoopSegmentEntry items.
type LoopSegmentsIterator interface {
Next(ctx context.Context, item *LoopSegmentEntry) bool
// IterateLoopSegments contains arguments necessary for listing segments in metabase.
type IterateLoopSegments struct {
BatchSize int
AsOfSystemTime time.Time
AsOfSystemInterval time.Duration
StartStreamID uuid.UUID
EndStreamID uuid.UUID
// Verify verifies segments request fields.
func (opts *IterateLoopSegments) Verify() error {
if opts.BatchSize < 0 {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("BatchSize is negative")
if !opts.EndStreamID.IsZero() {
if opts.EndStreamID.Less(opts.StartStreamID) {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("EndStreamID is smaller than StartStreamID")
if opts.StartStreamID == opts.EndStreamID {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("StartStreamID and EndStreamID must be different")
return nil
// IterateLoopSegments iterates through all segments in metabase.
func (db *DB) IterateLoopSegments(ctx context.Context, opts IterateLoopSegments, fn func(context.Context, LoopSegmentsIterator) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if err := opts.Verify(); err != nil {
return err
it := &loopSegmentIterator{
db: db,
asOfSystemTime: opts.AsOfSystemTime,
asOfSystemInterval: opts.AsOfSystemInterval,
batchSize: opts.BatchSize,
curIndex: 0,
cursor: loopSegmentIteratorCursor{
StartStreamID: opts.StartStreamID,
EndStreamID: opts.EndStreamID,
if !opts.StartStreamID.IsZero() {
// uses MaxInt32 instead of MaxUint32 because position is an int8 in db.
it.cursor.StartPosition = SegmentPosition{math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32}
if it.cursor.EndStreamID.IsZero() {
it.cursor.EndStreamID = uuid.Max()
it.curRows, err = it.doNextQuery(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if rowsErr := it.curRows.Err(); rowsErr != nil {
err = errs.Combine(err, rowsErr)
err = errs.Combine(err, it.failErr, it.curRows.Close())
return fn(ctx, it)
// loopSegmentIterator enables iteration of all segments in metabase.
type loopSegmentIterator struct {
db *DB
batchSize int
asOfSystemTime time.Time
asOfSystemInterval time.Duration
curIndex int
curRows tagsql.Rows
cursor loopSegmentIteratorCursor
// failErr is set when either scan or next query fails during iteration.
failErr error
type loopSegmentIteratorCursor struct {
StartStreamID uuid.UUID
StartPosition SegmentPosition
EndStreamID uuid.UUID
// Next returns true if there was another item and copy it in item.
func (it *loopSegmentIterator) Next(ctx context.Context, item *LoopSegmentEntry) bool {
next := it.curRows.Next()
if !next {
if it.curIndex < it.batchSize {
return false
if it.curRows.Err() != nil {
return false
rows, err := it.doNextQuery(ctx)
if err != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, err)
return false
if failErr := it.curRows.Close(); failErr != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, failErr, rows.Close())
return false
it.curRows = rows
it.curIndex = 0
if !it.curRows.Next() {
return false
err := it.scanItem(ctx, item)
if err != nil {
it.failErr = errs.Combine(it.failErr, err)
return false
it.cursor.StartStreamID = item.StreamID
it.cursor.StartPosition = item.Position
return true
func (it *loopSegmentIterator) doNextQuery(ctx context.Context) (_ tagsql.Rows, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
return it.db.db.QueryContext(ctx, `
stream_id, position,
created_at, expires_at, repaired_at,
plain_offset, plain_size,
FROM segments
`+it.db.asOfTime(it.asOfSystemTime, it.asOfSystemInterval)+`
(stream_id, position) > ($1, $2) AND stream_id <= $4
ORDER BY (stream_id, position) ASC
`, it.cursor.StartStreamID, it.cursor.StartPosition.Encode(),
it.batchSize, it.cursor.EndStreamID,
// scanItem scans doNextQuery results into LoopSegmentEntry.
func (it *loopSegmentIterator) scanItem(ctx context.Context, item *LoopSegmentEntry) error {
err := it.curRows.Scan(
&item.StreamID, &item.Position,
&item.CreatedAt, &item.ExpiresAt, &item.RepairedAt,
&item.PlainOffset, &item.PlainSize,
if err != nil {
return Error.New("failed to scan segments: %w", err)
item.Pieces, err = it.db.aliasCache.ConvertAliasesToPieces(ctx, item.AliasPieces)
if err != nil {
return Error.New("failed to convert aliases to pieces: %w", err)
return nil
// BucketTally contains information about aggregate data stored in a bucket.
type BucketTally struct {
ObjectCount int64
TotalSegments int64
TotalBytes int64
MetadataSize int64
// CollectBucketTallies contains arguments necessary for looping through objects in metabase.
type CollectBucketTallies struct {
From BucketLocation
To BucketLocation
AsOfSystemTime time.Time
AsOfSystemInterval time.Duration
Now time.Time
// Verify verifies CollectBucketTallies request fields.
func (opts *CollectBucketTallies) Verify() error {
if opts.To.ProjectID.Less(opts.From.ProjectID) {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("project ID To is before project ID From")
if opts.To.ProjectID == opts.From.ProjectID && opts.To.BucketName < opts.From.BucketName {
return ErrInvalidRequest.New("bucket name To is before bucket name From")
return nil
// CollectBucketTallies collect limited bucket tallies from given bucket locations.
func (db *DB) CollectBucketTallies(ctx context.Context, opts CollectBucketTallies) (result []BucketTally, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if err := opts.Verify(); err != nil {
return []BucketTally{}, err
if opts.Now.IsZero() {
opts.Now = time.Now()
err = withRows(db.db.QueryContext(ctx, `
SELECT project_id, bucket_name, SUM(total_encrypted_size), SUM(segment_count), COALESCE(SUM(length(encrypted_metadata)), 0), count(*)
FROM objects
`+db.asOfTime(opts.AsOfSystemTime, opts.AsOfSystemInterval)+`
WHERE (project_id, bucket_name) BETWEEN ($1, $2) AND ($3, $4) AND
(expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > $5)
GROUP BY (project_id, bucket_name)
ORDER BY (project_id, bucket_name) ASC
`, opts.From.ProjectID, opts.From.BucketName, opts.To.ProjectID, opts.To.BucketName, opts.Now))(func(rows tagsql.Rows) error {
for rows.Next() {
var bucketTally BucketTally
if err = rows.Scan(
&bucketTally.ProjectID, &bucketTally.BucketName,
&bucketTally.TotalBytes, &bucketTally.TotalSegments,
&bucketTally.MetadataSize, &bucketTally.ObjectCount,
); err != nil {
return Error.New("unable to query bucket tally: %w", err)
result = append(result, bucketTally)
return nil
if err != nil {
return []BucketTally{}, err
return result, nil