paul cannon 17bdb5e9e5
move piece info into files (#2629)
Deprecate the pieceinfo database, and start storing piece info as a header to
piece files. Institute a "storage format version" concept allowing us to handle
pieces stored under multiple different types of storage. Add a piece_expirations
table which will still be used to track expiration times, so we can query it, but
which should be much smaller than the pieceinfo database would be for the
same number of pieces. (Only pieces with expiration times need to be stored in piece_expirations, and we don't need to store large byte blobs like the serialized
order limit, etc.) Use specialized names for accessing any functionality related
only to dealing with V0 pieces (e.g., `store.V0PieceInfo()`). Move SpaceUsed-
type functionality under the purview of the piece store. Add some generic
interfaces for traversing all blobs or all pieces. Add lots of tests.
2019-08-07 20:47:30 -05:00

494 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package pieces
import (
const (
preallocSize = 4 * memory.MiB
var (
// Error is the default error class.
Error = errs.Class("pieces error")
mon = monkit.Package()
// Info contains all the information we need to know about a Piece to manage them.
type Info struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID
PieceID storj.PieceID
PieceSize int64
PieceCreation time.Time
PieceExpiration time.Time
OrderLimit *pb.OrderLimit
UplinkPieceHash *pb.PieceHash
// ExpiredInfo is a fully namespaced piece id
type ExpiredInfo struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID
PieceID storj.PieceID
// This can be removed when we no longer need to support the pieceinfo db. Its only purpose
// is to keep track of whether expired entries came from piece_expirations or pieceinfo.
InPieceInfo bool
// PieceExpirationDB stores information about pieces with expiration dates.
type PieceExpirationDB interface {
// GetExpired gets piece IDs that expire or have expired before the given time
GetExpired(ctx context.Context, expiresBefore time.Time, limit int64) ([]ExpiredInfo, error)
// SetExpiration sets an expiration time for the given piece ID on the given satellite
SetExpiration(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID, expiresAt time.Time) error
// DeleteExpiration removes an expiration record for the given piece ID on the given satellite
DeleteExpiration(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID) (found bool, err error)
// DeleteFailed marks an expiration record as having experienced a failure in deleting the
// piece from the disk
DeleteFailed(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID, failedAt time.Time) error
// V0PieceInfoDB stores meta information about pieces stored with storage format V0 (where
// metadata goes in the "pieceinfo" table in the storagenodedb). The actual pieces are stored
// behind something providing the storage.Blobs interface.
type V0PieceInfoDB interface {
// Get returns Info about a piece.
Get(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID) (*Info, error)
// Delete deletes Info about a piece.
Delete(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID) error
// DeleteFailed marks piece deletion from disk failed
DeleteFailed(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID, failedAt time.Time) error
// GetExpired gets piece IDs stored with storage format V0 that expire or have expired
// before the given time
GetExpired(ctx context.Context, expiredAt time.Time, limit int64) ([]ExpiredInfo, error)
// WalkSatelliteV0Pieces executes walkFunc for each locally stored piece, stored
// with storage format V0 in the namespace of the given satellite. If walkFunc returns a
// non-nil error, WalkSatelliteV0Pieces will stop iterating and return the error
// immediately. The ctx parameter is intended specifically to allow canceling iteration
// early.
WalkSatelliteV0Pieces(ctx context.Context, blobStore storage.Blobs, satellite storj.NodeID, walkFunc func(StoredPieceAccess) error) error
// V0PieceInfoDBForTest is like V0PieceInfoDB, but adds on the Add() method so
// that test environments with V0 piece data can be set up.
type V0PieceInfoDBForTest interface {
// Add inserts Info to the database. This is only a valid thing to do, now,
// during tests, to replicate the environment of a storage node not yet fully
// migrated to V1 storage.
Add(context.Context, *Info) error
// StoredPieceAccess allows inspection and manipulation of a piece during iteration with
// WalkSatellitePieces-type methods.
type StoredPieceAccess interface {
// PieceID gives the pieceID of the piece
PieceID() storj.PieceID
// Satellite gives the nodeID of the satellite which owns the piece
Satellite() (storj.NodeID, error)
// ContentSize gives the size of the piece content (not including the piece header, if
// applicable)
ContentSize(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
// CreationTime returns the piece creation time as given in the original PieceHash (which is
// likely not the same as the file mtime). For non-FormatV0 pieces, this requires opening
// the file and unmarshaling the piece header. If exact precision is not required, ModTime()
// may be a better solution.
CreationTime(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error)
// ModTime returns a less-precise piece creation time than CreationTime, but is generally
// much faster. For non-FormatV0 pieces, this gets the piece creation time from to the
// filesystem instead of the piece header.
ModTime(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error)
// Store implements storing pieces onto a blob storage implementation.
type Store struct {
log *zap.Logger
blobs storage.Blobs
v0PieceInfo V0PieceInfoDB
expirationInfo PieceExpirationDB
// The value of reservedSpace is always added to the return value from the
// SpaceUsedForPieces() method.
// The reservedSpace field is part of an unfortunate hack that enables testing of low-space
// or no-space conditions. It is not (or should not be) used under regular operating
// conditions.
reservedSpace int64
// StoreForTest is a wrapper around Store to be used only in test scenarios. It enables writing
// pieces with older storage formats and allows use of the ReserveSpace() method.
type StoreForTest struct {
// NewStore creates a new piece store
func NewStore(log *zap.Logger, blobs storage.Blobs, v0PieceInfo V0PieceInfoDB, expirationInfo PieceExpirationDB) *Store {
return &Store{
log: log,
blobs: blobs,
v0PieceInfo: v0PieceInfo,
expirationInfo: expirationInfo,
// Writer returns a new piece writer.
func (store *Store) Writer(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID) (_ *Writer, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
blob, err := store.blobs.Create(ctx, storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: satellite.Bytes(),
Key: pieceID.Bytes(),
}, preallocSize.Int64())
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
writer, err := NewWriter(blob)
return writer, Error.Wrap(err)
// WriterForFormatVersion allows opening a piece writer with a specified storage format version.
// This is meant to be used externally only in test situations (thus the StoreForTest receiver
// type).
func (store StoreForTest) WriterForFormatVersion(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID, formatVersion storage.FormatVersion) (_ *Writer, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
blobRef := storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: satellite.Bytes(),
Key: pieceID.Bytes(),
var blob storage.BlobWriter
switch formatVersion {
case filestore.FormatV0:
fStore, ok := store.blobs.(*filestore.Store)
if !ok {
return nil, Error.New("can't make a WriterForFormatVersion with this blob store (%T)", store.blobs)
tStore := filestore.StoreForTest{Store: fStore}
blob, err = tStore.CreateV0(ctx, blobRef)
case filestore.FormatV1:
blob, err = store.blobs.Create(ctx, blobRef, preallocSize.Int64())
return nil, Error.New("please teach me how to make V%d pieces", formatVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
writer, err := NewWriter(blob)
return writer, Error.Wrap(err)
// Reader returns a new piece reader.
func (store *Store) Reader(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID) (_ *Reader, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
blob, err := store.blobs.Open(ctx, storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: satellite.Bytes(),
Key: pieceID.Bytes(),
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
reader, err := NewReader(blob)
return reader, Error.Wrap(err)
// ReaderWithStorageFormat returns a new piece reader for a located piece, which avoids the
// potential need to check multiple storage formats to find the right blob.
func (store *Store) ReaderWithStorageFormat(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID, formatVersion storage.FormatVersion) (_ *Reader, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
ref := storage.BlobRef{Namespace: satellite.Bytes(), Key: pieceID.Bytes()}
blob, err := store.blobs.OpenWithStorageFormat(ctx, ref, formatVersion)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
reader, err := NewReader(blob)
return reader, Error.Wrap(err)
// Delete deletes the specified piece.
func (store *Store) Delete(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
err = store.blobs.Delete(ctx, storage.BlobRef{
Namespace: satellite.Bytes(),
Key: pieceID.Bytes(),
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
// delete records in both the piece_expirations and pieceinfo DBs, wherever we find it.
// both of these calls should return no error if the requested record is not found.
if store.expirationInfo != nil {
_, err = store.expirationInfo.DeleteExpiration(ctx, satellite, pieceID)
if store.v0PieceInfo != nil {
err = errs.Combine(err, store.v0PieceInfo.Delete(ctx, satellite, pieceID))
return Error.Wrap(err)
// GetV0PieceInfoDB returns this piece-store's reference to the V0 piece info DB (or nil,
// if this piece-store does not have one). This is ONLY intended for use with testing
// functionality.
func (store *Store) GetV0PieceInfoDB() V0PieceInfoDB {
return store.v0PieceInfo
// WalkSatellitePieces executes walkFunc for each locally stored piece in the namespace of the
// given satellite. If walkFunc returns a non-nil error, WalkSatellitePieces will stop iterating
// and return the error immediately. The ctx parameter is intended specifically to allow canceling
// iteration early.
// Note that this method includes all locally stored pieces, both V0 and higher.
func (store *Store) WalkSatellitePieces(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, walkFunc func(StoredPieceAccess) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// first iterate over all in V1 storage, then all in V0
err = store.blobs.WalkNamespace(ctx, satellite.Bytes(), func(blobInfo storage.BlobInfo) error {
if blobInfo.StorageFormatVersion() < filestore.FormatV1 {
// we'll address this piece while iterating over the V0 pieces below.
return nil
pieceAccess, err := newStoredPieceAccess(store, blobInfo)
if err != nil {
// this is not a real piece blob. the blob store can't distinguish between actual piece
// blobs and stray files whose names happen to decode as valid base32. skip this
// "blob".
return nil
return walkFunc(pieceAccess)
if err == nil && store.v0PieceInfo != nil {
err = store.v0PieceInfo.WalkSatelliteV0Pieces(ctx, store.blobs, satellite, walkFunc)
return err
// GetExpired gets piece IDs that are expired and were created before the given time
func (store *Store) GetExpired(ctx context.Context, expiredAt time.Time, limit int64) (_ []ExpiredInfo, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
expired, err := store.expirationInfo.GetExpired(ctx, expiredAt, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if int64(len(expired)) < limit && store.v0PieceInfo != nil {
v0Expired, err := store.v0PieceInfo.GetExpired(ctx, expiredAt, limit-int64(len(expired)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expired = append(expired, v0Expired...)
return expired, nil
// SetExpiration records an expiration time for the specified piece ID owned by the specified satellite
func (store *Store) SetExpiration(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, pieceID storj.PieceID, expiresAt time.Time) (err error) {
return store.expirationInfo.SetExpiration(ctx, satellite, pieceID, expiresAt)
// DeleteFailed marks piece as a failed deletion.
func (store *Store) DeleteFailed(ctx context.Context, expired ExpiredInfo, when time.Time) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if expired.InPieceInfo {
return store.v0PieceInfo.DeleteFailed(ctx, expired.SatelliteID, expired.PieceID, when)
return store.expirationInfo.DeleteFailed(ctx, expired.SatelliteID, expired.PieceID, when)
// SpaceUsedForPieces returns *an approximation of* the disk space used by all local pieces (both
// V0 and later). This is an approximation because changes may be being applied to the filestore as
// this information is collected, and because it is possible that various errors in directory
// traversal could cause this count to be undersized.
// Important note: this metric does not include space used by piece headers, whereas
// storj/filestore/store.(*Store).SpaceUsed() *does* include all space used by the blobs.
// The value of reservedSpace for this Store is added to the result, but this should only affect
// tests (reservedSpace should always be 0 in real usage).
func (store *Store) SpaceUsedForPieces(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
satellites, err := store.getAllStoringSatellites(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var total int64
for _, satellite := range satellites {
spaceUsed, err := store.SpaceUsedBySatellite(ctx, satellite)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
total += spaceUsed
return total + store.reservedSpace, nil
func (store *Store) getAllStoringSatellites(ctx context.Context) ([]storj.NodeID, error) {
namespaces, err := store.blobs.ListNamespaces(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
satellites := make([]storj.NodeID, len(namespaces))
for i, namespace := range namespaces {
satellites[i], err = storj.NodeIDFromBytes(namespace)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return satellites, nil
// SpaceUsedBySatellite calculates *an approximation of* how much disk space is used for local
// piece storage in the given satellite's namespace. This is an approximation because changes may
// be being applied to the filestore as this information is collected, and because it is possible
// that various errors in directory traversal could cause this count to be undersized.
// Important note: this metric does not include space used by piece headers, whereas
// storj/filestore/store.(*Store).SpaceUsedInNamespace() *does* include all space used by the
// blobs.
func (store *Store) SpaceUsedBySatellite(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID) (int64, error) {
var totalUsed int64
err := store.WalkSatellitePieces(ctx, satelliteID, func(access StoredPieceAccess) error {
contentSize, statErr := access.ContentSize(ctx)
if statErr != nil {
store.log.Error("failed to stat", zap.Error(statErr), zap.String("pieceID", access.PieceID().String()), zap.String("satellite", satelliteID.String()))
// keep iterating; we want a best effort total here.
return nil
totalUsed += contentSize
return nil
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return totalUsed, nil
// ReserveSpace marks some amount of free space as used, even if it's not, so that future calls
// to SpaceUsedForPieces() are raised by this amount. Calls to ReserveSpace invalidate earlier
// calls, so ReserveSpace(0) undoes all prior space reservation. This should only be used in
// test scenarios.
func (store StoreForTest) ReserveSpace(amount int64) {
store.reservedSpace = amount
// StorageStatus contains information about the disk store is using.
type StorageStatus struct {
DiskUsed int64
DiskFree int64
// StorageStatus returns information about the disk.
func (store *Store) StorageStatus(ctx context.Context) (_ StorageStatus, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
diskFree, err := store.blobs.FreeSpace()
if err != nil {
return StorageStatus{}, err
return StorageStatus{
DiskUsed: -1, // TODO set value
DiskFree: diskFree,
}, nil
type storedPieceAccess struct {
store *Store
pieceID storj.PieceID
func newStoredPieceAccess(store *Store, blobInfo storage.BlobInfo) (storedPieceAccess, error) {
pieceID, err := storj.PieceIDFromBytes(blobInfo.BlobRef().Key)
if err != nil {
return storedPieceAccess{}, err
return storedPieceAccess{
BlobInfo: blobInfo,
store: store,
pieceID: pieceID,
}, nil
// PieceID returns the piece ID of the piece
func (access storedPieceAccess) PieceID() storj.PieceID {
return access.pieceID
// Satellite returns the satellite ID that owns the piece
func (access storedPieceAccess) Satellite() (storj.NodeID, error) {
return storj.NodeIDFromBytes(access.BlobRef().Namespace)
// ContentSize gives the size of the piece content (not including the piece header, if applicable)
func (access storedPieceAccess) ContentSize(ctx context.Context) (size int64, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
stat, err := access.Stat(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
size = stat.Size()
if access.StorageFormatVersion() >= filestore.FormatV1 {
size -= V1PieceHeaderReservedArea
return size, nil
// CreationTime returns the piece creation time as given in the original PieceHash (which is likely
// not the same as the file mtime). This requires opening the file and unmarshaling the piece
// header. If exact precision is not required, ModTime() may be a better solution.
func (access storedPieceAccess) CreationTime(ctx context.Context) (cTime time.Time, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
satellite, err := access.Satellite()
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
reader, err :=, satellite, access.PieceID(), access.StorageFormatVersion())
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
header, err := reader.GetPieceHeader()
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return header.CreationTime, nil
// ModTime returns a less-precise piece creation time than CreationTime, but is generally
// much faster. This gets the piece creation time from to the filesystem instead of the
// piece header.
func (access storedPieceAccess) ModTime(ctx context.Context) (mTime time.Time, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
stat, err := access.Stat(ctx)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return stat.ModTime(), nil