Jeff Wendling 140251882e
fix bug for setting flag only values in process setup (#2089)
* fix bug for setting flag only values in process setup

when the code was changed to directly load values into the config
structs, it was missed that some configuration is only defined
through flags, but can be loaded from config files still.

so, we need to propogate the settings to the flag only values.

* add test for setting propagation

* fix linting error
2019-05-31 21:15:50 +00:00

363 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package process
import (
monkit ""
// DefaultCfgFilename is the default filename used for storing a configuration.
const DefaultCfgFilename = "config.yaml"
var (
mon = monkit.Package()
contextMtx sync.Mutex
contexts = map[*cobra.Command]context.Context{}
configMtx sync.Mutex
configs = map[*cobra.Command][]interface{}{}
// Bind sets flags on a command that match the configuration struct
// 'config'. It ensures that the config has all of the values loaded into it
// when the command runs.
func Bind(cmd *cobra.Command, config interface{}, opts ...cfgstruct.BindOpt) {
defer configMtx.Unlock()
cfgstruct.Bind(cmd.Flags(), config, opts...)
configs[cmd] = append(configs[cmd], config)
// Exec runs a Cobra command. If a "config" flag is defined it will be parsed
// and loaded using viper.
func Exec(cmd *cobra.Command) {
Use: "version",
Short: "output the version's build information, if any",
RunE: cmdVersion,
Annotations: map[string]string{"type": "setup"}})
exe, err := os.Executable()
if err == nil {
cmd.Use = exe
_ = cmd.Execute()
// SaveConfig will save only the user-specific flags with default values to
// outfile with specific values specified in 'overrides' overridden.
func SaveConfig(flagset *pflag.FlagSet, outfile string, overrides map[string]interface{}) error {
return saveConfig(flagset, outfile, overrides, false)
// SaveConfigWithAllDefaults will save all flags with default values to outfile
// with specific values specified in 'overrides' overridden.
func SaveConfigWithAllDefaults(flagset *pflag.FlagSet, outfile string, overrides map[string]interface{}) error {
return saveConfig(flagset, outfile, overrides, true)
func saveConfig(flagset *pflag.FlagSet, outfile string, overrides map[string]interface{}, saveAllDefaults bool) error {
// we previously used Viper here, but switched to a custom serializer to allow comments
//todo: switch back to Viper once go-yaml v3 is released and its supports writing comments?
//sort keys
var keys []string
flagset.VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) { keys = append(keys, f.Name) })
var sb strings.Builder
w := &sb
for _, k := range keys {
f := flagset.Lookup(k)
if readBoolAnnotation(f, "setup") {
var overriddenValue interface{}
var overrideExist bool
if overrides != nil {
overriddenValue, overrideExist = overrides[k]
if !saveAllDefaults && !readBoolAnnotation(f, "user") && !f.Changed && !overrideExist {
value := f.Value.String()
if overriddenValue != nil {
value = fmt.Sprintf("%v", overriddenValue)
//print usage info
if f.Usage != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "# %s\n", f.Usage)
//print commented key (beginning of value assignement line)
if readBoolAnnotation(f, "user") || f.Changed || overrideExist {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: ", k)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "# %s: ", k)
//print value (remainder of value assignement line)
switch f.Value.Type() {
case "string":
// save ourselves 250+ lines of code and just double quote strings
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q\n\n", value)
//assume that everything else doesn't have fancy control characters
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n\n", value)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(outfile, []byte(sb.String()), os.FileMode(0644))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Your configuration is saved to:", outfile)
return nil
func readBoolAnnotation(flag *pflag.Flag, key string) bool {
annotation := flag.Annotations[key]
return len(annotation) > 0 && annotation[0] == "true"
// Ctx returns the appropriate context.Context for ExecuteWithConfig commands
func Ctx(cmd *cobra.Command) context.Context {
defer contextMtx.Unlock()
ctx := contexts[cmd]
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
sig := <-c
log.Printf("Got a signal from the OS: %q", sig)
return ctx
var traceOut = flag.String("debug.trace-out", "", "If set, a path to write a process trace SVG to")
func cleanup(cmd *cobra.Command) {
for _, ccmd := range cmd.Commands() {
if cmd.Run != nil {
panic("Please use cobra's RunE instead of Run")
internalRun := cmd.RunE
if internalRun == nil {
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
ctx := context.Background()
defer mon.TaskNamed("root")(&ctx)(&err)
vip := viper.New()
err = vip.BindPFlags(cmd.Flags())
if err != nil {
return err
vip.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_", "-", "_"))
cfgFlag := cmd.Flags().Lookup("config-dir")
if cfgFlag != nil && cfgFlag.Value.String() != "" {
path := filepath.Join(os.ExpandEnv(cfgFlag.Value.String()), DefaultCfgFilename)
if cmd.Annotations["type"] != "setup" || fileExists(path) {
err = vip.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
configValues := configs[cmd]
var (
brokenKeys = map[string]struct{}{}
missingKeys = map[string]struct{}{}
usedKeys = map[string]struct{}{}
allSettings = vip.AllSettings()
// Hacky hack: these two keys are noprefix which breaks all scoping
if val, ok := allSettings["api-key"]; ok {
allSettings["client.api-key"] = val
delete(allSettings, "api-key")
if val, ok := allSettings["satellite-addr"]; ok {
allSettings["client.satellite-addr"] = val
delete(allSettings, "satellite-addr")
for _, config := range configValues {
// Decode and all of the resulting keys into our sets
res := structs.Decode(allSettings, config)
for key := range res.Used {
usedKeys[key] = struct{}{}
for key := range res.Missing {
missingKeys[key] = struct{}{}
for key := range res.Broken {
brokenKeys[key] = struct{}{}
for key := range missingKeys {
// A key is only missing if it was missing from every single config struct, so
// remove all of the used keys from it.
if _, ok := usedKeys[key]; ok {
delete(missingKeys, key)
// Attempt to set through the flags any keys that were missing from all of the
// config structs.
flag := cmd.Flags().Lookup(key)
if flag == nil {
changed := flag.Changed
if err := flag.Value.Set(vip.GetString(key)); err != nil {
brokenKeys[key] = struct{}{}
flag.Changed = changed
delete(missingKeys, key)
logger, err := newLogger()
if err != nil {
return err
if vip.ConfigFileUsed() != "" {
path, err := filepath.Abs(vip.ConfigFileUsed())
if err != nil {
path = vip.ConfigFileUsed()
logger.Debug("unable to resolve path", zap.Error(err))
logger.Sugar().Info("Configuration loaded from: ", path)
defer func() { _ = logger.Sync() }()
defer zap.ReplaceGlobals(logger)()
defer zap.RedirectStdLog(logger)()
// okay now that logging is working, inform about the broken keys
if cmd.Annotations["type"] != "helper" {
for key := range missingKeys {
logger.Sugar().Infof("Invalid configuration file key: %s", key)
for key := range brokenKeys {
logger.Sugar().Infof("Invalid configuration file value for key: %s", key)
err = initDebug(logger, monkit.Default)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to start debug endpoints", zap.Error(err))
var workErr error
work := func(ctx context.Context) {
contexts[cmd] = ctx
defer func() {
delete(contexts, cmd)
workErr = internalRun(cmd, args)
if *traceOut != "" {
fh, err := os.Create(*traceOut)
if err != nil {
return err
err = present.SpansToSVG(fh, collect.CollectSpans(ctx, work))
err = errs.Combine(err, fh.Close())
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to write svg", zap.Error(err))
} else {
err = workErr
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Fatal error: %v\n", err)
logger.Sugar().Debugf("Fatal error: %+v", err)
_ = logger.Sync()
return err
func cmdVersion(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
if version.Build.Release {
fmt.Println("Release build")
} else {
fmt.Println("Development build")
if version.Build.Version != (version.SemVer{}) {
fmt.Println("Version:", version.Build.Version.String())
if !version.Build.Timestamp.IsZero() {
fmt.Println("Build timestamp:", version.Build.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC822))
if version.Build.CommitHash != "" {
fmt.Println("Git commit:", version.Build.CommitHash)
return err