Clement Sam 16a334020f cmd/uplinkng: add ranged download
This change adds the ability to download byte ranges
to uplinkng.

Extended the uplinkng Filesystem interface with Stat
method and an OpenOptions struct as parameter for the
Open method.

Also added a few tests for the ranged download

Change-Id: I89a7276a75c51a4b22d7a450f15b3eb18ba838d4
2021-11-03 19:51:25 +00:00

388 lines
8.3 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package ultest
import (
// ulfs.Filesystem
type testFilesystem struct {
stdin string
created int64
files map[ulloc.Location]memFileData
pending map[ulloc.Location][]*memWriteHandle
locals map[string]bool // true means path is a directory
buckets map[string]struct{}
func newTestFilesystem() *testFilesystem {
return &testFilesystem{
files: make(map[ulloc.Location]memFileData),
pending: make(map[ulloc.Location][]*memWriteHandle),
locals: make(map[string]bool),
buckets: make(map[string]struct{}),
type memFileData struct {
contents string
created int64
func (tfs *testFilesystem) ensureBucket(name string) {
tfs.buckets[name] = struct{}{}
func (tfs *testFilesystem) Files() (files []File) {
for loc, mf := range tfs.files {
files = append(files, File{
Loc: loc.String(),
Contents: mf.contents,
sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool { return files[i].less(files[j]) })
return files
func (tfs *testFilesystem) Pending() (files []File) {
for loc, mh := range tfs.pending {
for _, h := range mh {
files = append(files, File{
Loc: loc.String(),
Contents: h.buf.String(),
sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool { return files[i].less(files[j]) })
return files
func (tfs *testFilesystem) Close() error {
return nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) Open(ctx clingy.Context, loc ulloc.Location, opts *ulfs.OpenOptions) (_ ulfs.ReadHandle, err error) {
if loc.Std() {
return &byteReadHandle{Buffer: bytes.NewBufferString("-")}, nil
mf, ok := tfs.files[loc]
if !ok {
return nil, errs.New("file does not exist")
if opts != nil {
return &byteReadHandle{Buffer: bytes.NewBufferString(mf.contents[opts.Offset:(opts.Offset + opts.Length)])}, nil
return &byteReadHandle{Buffer: bytes.NewBufferString(mf.contents)}, nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) Create(ctx clingy.Context, loc ulloc.Location) (_ ulfs.WriteHandle, err error) {
if loc.Std() {
return new(discardWriteHandle), nil
if bucket, _, ok := loc.RemoteParts(); ok {
if _, ok := tfs.buckets[bucket]; !ok {
return nil, errs.New("bucket %q does not exist", bucket)
if path, ok := loc.LocalParts(); ok {
if loc.Directoryish() || tfs.IsLocalDir(ctx, loc) {
return nil, errs.New("unable to open file for writing: %q", loc)
dir := ulloc.CleanPath(filepath.Dir(path))
if err := tfs.mkdirAll(ctx, dir); err != nil {
return nil, err
wh := &memWriteHandle{
buf: bytes.NewBuffer(nil),
loc: loc,
tfs: tfs,
cre: tfs.created,
if loc.Remote() {
tfs.pending[loc] = append(tfs.pending[loc], wh)
return wh, nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) Remove(ctx context.Context, loc ulloc.Location, opts *ulfs.RemoveOptions) error {
if opts == nil || !opts.Pending {
delete(tfs.files, loc)
} else {
// TODO: Remove needs an API that understands that multiple pending files may exist
delete(tfs.pending, loc)
return nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) List(ctx context.Context, prefix ulloc.Location, opts *ulfs.ListOptions) (ulfs.ObjectIterator, error) {
if opts != nil && opts.Pending {
return tfs.listPending(ctx, prefix, opts)
prefixDir := prefix.AsDirectoryish()
var infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
for loc, mf := range tfs.files {
if loc.HasPrefix(prefixDir) || loc == prefix {
infos = append(infos, ulfs.ObjectInfo{
Loc: loc,
Created: time.Unix(mf.created, 0),
if opts == nil || !opts.Recursive {
infos = collapseObjectInfos(prefix, infos)
return &objectInfoIterator{infos: infos}, nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) listPending(ctx context.Context, prefix ulloc.Location, opts *ulfs.ListOptions) (ulfs.ObjectIterator, error) {
if prefix.Local() {
return &objectInfoIterator{}, nil
prefixDir := prefix.AsDirectoryish()
var infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
for loc, whs := range tfs.pending {
if loc.HasPrefix(prefixDir) || loc == prefix {
for _, wh := range whs {
infos = append(infos, ulfs.ObjectInfo{
Loc: loc,
Created: time.Unix(wh.cre, 0),
if opts == nil || !opts.Recursive {
infos = collapseObjectInfos(prefix, infos)
return &objectInfoIterator{infos: infos}, nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) IsLocalDir(ctx context.Context, loc ulloc.Location) (local bool) {
path, ok := loc.LocalParts()
return ok && (ulloc.CleanPath(path) == "." || tfs.locals[path])
func (tfs *testFilesystem) Stat(ctx context.Context, loc ulloc.Location) (*ulfs.ObjectInfo, error) {
if loc.Std() {
return nil, errs.New("unable to stat loc %q", loc.Loc())
mf, ok := tfs.files[loc]
if !ok {
return nil, errs.New("file does not exist: %q", loc.Loc())
return &ulfs.ObjectInfo{
Loc: loc,
Created: time.Unix(mf.created, 0),
ContentLength: int64(len(mf.contents)),
}, nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) mkdirAll(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
i := 0
for i < len(dir) {
slash := strings.Index(dir[i:], "/")
if slash == -1 {
if err := tfs.mkdir(ctx, dir[:i+slash]); err != nil {
return err
i += slash + 1
if len(dir) > 0 {
return tfs.mkdir(ctx, dir)
return nil
func (tfs *testFilesystem) mkdir(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
if isDir, ok := tfs.locals[dir]; ok && !isDir {
return errs.New("cannot create directory: %q is a file", dir)
tfs.locals[dir] = true
return nil
// ulfs.ReadHandle
type byteReadHandle struct {
func (b *byteReadHandle) Close() error { return nil }
func (b *byteReadHandle) Info() ulfs.ObjectInfo { return ulfs.ObjectInfo{} }
// ulfs.WriteHandle
type memWriteHandle struct {
buf *bytes.Buffer
loc ulloc.Location
tfs *testFilesystem
cre int64
done bool
func (b *memWriteHandle) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return b.buf.Write(p)
func (b *memWriteHandle) Commit() error {
if err := b.close(); err != nil {
return err
if path, ok := b.loc.LocalParts(); ok {
b.tfs.locals[path] = false
b.tfs.files[b.loc] = memFileData{
contents: b.buf.String(),
created: b.cre,
return nil
func (b *memWriteHandle) Abort() error {
if err := b.close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *memWriteHandle) close() error {
if b.done {
return errs.New("already done")
b.done = true
handles := b.tfs.pending[b.loc]
for i, v := range handles {
if v == b {
handles = append(handles[:i], handles[i+1:]...)
if len(handles) > 0 {
b.tfs.pending[b.loc] = handles
} else {
delete(b.tfs.pending, b.loc)
return nil
type discardWriteHandle struct{}
func (discardWriteHandle) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return len(p), nil }
func (discardWriteHandle) Commit() error { return nil }
func (discardWriteHandle) Abort() error { return nil }
// ulfs.ObjectIterator
type objectInfoIterator struct {
infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
current ulfs.ObjectInfo
func (li *objectInfoIterator) Next() bool {
if len(li.infos) == 0 {
return false
li.current, li.infos = li.infos[0], li.infos[1:]
return true
func (li *objectInfoIterator) Err() error {
return nil
func (li *objectInfoIterator) Item() ulfs.ObjectInfo {
return li.current
type objectInfos []ulfs.ObjectInfo
func (ois objectInfos) Len() int { return len(ois) }
func (ois objectInfos) Swap(i int, j int) { ois[i], ois[j] = ois[j], ois[i] }
func (ois objectInfos) Less(i int, j int) bool { return ois[i].Loc.Less(ois[j].Loc) }
func collapseObjectInfos(prefix ulloc.Location, infos []ulfs.ObjectInfo) []ulfs.ObjectInfo {
collapsing := false
current := ""
j := 0
for _, oi := range infos {
first, ok := oi.Loc.ListKeyName(prefix)
if ok {
if collapsing && first == current {
collapsing = true
current = first
oi.IsPrefix = true
if bucket, _, ok := oi.Loc.RemoteParts(); ok {
oi.Loc = ulloc.NewRemote(bucket, first)
} else if _, ok := oi.Loc.LocalParts(); ok {
oi.Loc = ulloc.NewLocal(first)
} else {
panic("invalid object returned from list")
infos[j] = oi
return infos[:j]