Egon Elbre 297b393dfd database for tracking information without storing orders / agreements (#1551)
* initial schema declaration

* fix typo

* split database

* fix syntax errors and generate code

* add queries for serial number manipulation

* update comment

* add migration script

* fix comments

* add new data

* fix bucket id
2019-03-22 11:54:22 -07:00

143 lines
7.1 KiB

-- Copied from the corresponding version of dbx generated schema
CREATE TABLE accounting_raws (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
node_id bytea NOT NULL,
interval_end_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
data_total double precision NOT NULL,
data_type integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE accounting_rollups (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
node_id bytea NOT NULL,
start_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
put_total bigint NOT NULL,
get_total bigint NOT NULL,
get_audit_total bigint NOT NULL,
get_repair_total bigint NOT NULL,
put_repair_total bigint NOT NULL,
at_rest_total double precision NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE accounting_timestamps (
name text NOT NULL,
value timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( name )
CREATE TABLE bwagreements (
serialnum text NOT NULL,
storage_node_id bytea NOT NULL,
uplink_id bytea NOT NULL,
action bigint NOT NULL,
total bigint NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( serialnum )
CREATE TABLE injuredsegments (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
info bytea NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE irreparabledbs (
segmentpath bytea NOT NULL,
segmentdetail bytea NOT NULL,
pieces_lost_count bigint NOT NULL,
seg_damaged_unix_sec bigint NOT NULL,
repair_attempt_count bigint NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( segmentpath )
id bytea NOT NULL,
audit_success_count bigint NOT NULL,
total_audit_count bigint NOT NULL,
audit_success_ratio double precision NOT NULL,
uptime_success_count bigint NOT NULL,
total_uptime_count bigint NOT NULL,
uptime_ratio double precision NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE overlay_cache_nodes (
node_id bytea NOT NULL,
node_type integer NOT NULL,
address text NOT NULL,
protocol integer NOT NULL,
operator_email text NOT NULL,
operator_wallet text NOT NULL,
free_bandwidth bigint NOT NULL,
free_disk bigint NOT NULL,
latency_90 bigint NOT NULL,
audit_success_ratio double precision NOT NULL,
audit_uptime_ratio double precision NOT NULL,
audit_count bigint NOT NULL,
audit_success_count bigint NOT NULL,
uptime_count bigint NOT NULL,
uptime_success_count bigint NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( node_id ),
UNIQUE ( node_id )
CREATE TABLE projects (
id bytea NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
description text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
id bytea NOT NULL,
first_name text NOT NULL,
last_name text NOT NULL,
email text,
password_hash bytea NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
UNIQUE ( email )
CREATE TABLE api_keys (
id bytea NOT NULL,
project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
key bytea NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
UNIQUE ( key ),
UNIQUE ( name, project_id )
CREATE TABLE bucket_infos (
project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
name text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( name )
CREATE TABLE project_members (
member_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES users( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( member_id, project_id )
INSERT INTO "accounting_raws" VALUES (1, E'\\3510\\323\\225"~\\036<\\342\\330m\\0253Jhr\\246\\233K\\246#\\2303\\351\\256\\275j\\212UM\\362\\207', '2019-02-14 08:16:57.812849+00', 1000, 0, '2019-02-14 08:16:57.844849+00');
INSERT INTO "accounting_rollups"("id", "node_id", "start_time", "put_total", "get_total", "get_audit_total", "get_repair_total", "put_repair_total", "at_rest_total") VALUES (1, E'\\367M\\177\\251]t/\\022\\256\\214\\265\\025\\224\\204:\\217\\212\\0102<\\321\\374\\020&\\271Qc\\325\\261\\354\\246\\233'::bytea, '2019-02-09 00:00:00+00', 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 0, 5000);
INSERT INTO "accounting_timestamps" VALUES ('LastAtRestTally', '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00');
INSERT INTO "accounting_timestamps" VALUES ('LastRollup', '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00');
INSERT INTO "accounting_timestamps" VALUES ('LastBandwidthTally', '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00');
INSERT INTO "nodes" VALUES (E'\\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n', 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 1, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00');
INSERT INTO "overlay_cache_nodes" VALUES (E'\\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n', 4, '', 0, '', '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2);
INSERT INTO "projects"("id", "name", "description", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300'::bytea, 'ProjectName', 'projects description', '2019-02-14 08:28:24.254934+00');
INSERT INTO "api_keys"("id", "project_id", "key", "name", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\334/\\302;\\225\\355O\\323\\276f\\247\\354/6\\241\\033'::bytea, E'\\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300'::bytea, E'\\000]\\326N \\343\\270L\\327\\027\\337\\242\\240\\322mOl\\0318\\251.P I'::bytea, 'key 2', '2019-02-14 08:28:24.267934+00');
INSERT INTO "users"("id", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "password_hash", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, 'Noahson', 'William', '', E'some_readable_hash'::bytea, '2019-02-14 08:28:24.614594+00');
INSERT INTO "projects"("id", "name", "description", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014'::bytea, 'projName1', 'Test project 1', '2019-02-14 08:28:24.636949+00');
INSERT INTO "project_members"("member_id", "project_id", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, E'\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014'::bytea, '2019-02-14 08:28:24.677953+00');
INSERT INTO "bwagreements"("serialnum", "storage_node_id", "action", "total", "created_at", "expires_at", "uplink_id") VALUES ('8fc0ceaa-984c-4d52-bcf4-b5429e1e35e812FpiifDbcJkePa12jxjDEutKrfLmwzT7sz2jfVwpYqgtM8B74c', E'\\245Z[/\\333\\022\\011\\001\\036\\003\\204\\005\\032.\\206\\333E\\261\\342\\227=y,}aRaH6\\240\\370\\000'::bytea, 1, 666, '2019-02-14 15:09:54.420181+00', '2019-02-14 16:09:54+00', E'\\253Z+\\374eFm\\245$\\036\\206\\335\\247\\263\\350x\\\\\\304+\\364\\343\\364+\\276fIJQ\\361\\014\\232\\000'::bytea);
INSERT INTO "irreparabledbs" ("segmentpath", "segmentdetail", "pieces_lost_count", "seg_damaged_unix_sec", "repair_attempt_count") VALUES ('\x49616d5365676d656e746b6579696e666f30', '\x49616d5365676d656e7464657461696c696e666f30', 10, 1550159554, 10);
INSERT INTO "injuredsegments" ("id", "info") VALUES (1, '\x0a0130120100');