Egon Elbre df53914faa satellite/satellitedb: use utilities for conversions
This avoids some potential typos.

Change-Id: Icc5262e1f96fe220dd07212c00acacf6960ee909
2023-06-08 16:13:47 +03:00

713 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package satellitedb
import (
// StoragenodeAccounting implements the accounting/db StoragenodeAccounting interface.
type StoragenodeAccounting struct {
db *satelliteDB
// SaveTallies records raw tallies of at rest data to the database.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) SaveTallies(ctx context.Context, latestTally time.Time, nodeIDs []storj.NodeID, totals []float64) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
err = db.db.WithTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *dbx.Tx) error {
_, err = tx.Tx.ExecContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(`
INSERT INTO storagenode_storage_tallies (
node_id, data_total)
unnest($2::bytea[]), unnest($3::float8[])`),
pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeIDs), pgutil.Float8Array(totals))
if err != nil {
return err
return tx.ReplaceNoReturn_AccountingTimestamps(ctx,
return Error.Wrap(err)
// GetTallies retrieves all raw tallies.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) GetTallies(ctx context.Context) (_ []*accounting.StoragenodeStorageTally, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
raws, err := db.db.All_StoragenodeStorageTally(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
out, err := convertSlice(raws, fromDBXStoragenodeStorageTally)
return out, Error.Wrap(err)
// GetTalliesSince retrieves all raw tallies since latestRollup.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) GetTalliesSince(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time) (_ []*accounting.StoragenodeStorageTally, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
raws, err := db.db.All_StoragenodeStorageTally_By_IntervalEndTime_GreaterOrEqual(ctx, dbx.StoragenodeStorageTally_IntervalEndTime(latestRollup))
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
out, err := convertSlice(raws, fromDBXStoragenodeStorageTally)
return out, Error.Wrap(err)
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) getNodeIdsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) (nodeids [][]byte, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
rows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(`SELECT DISTINCT storagenode_id FROM storagenode_bandwidth_rollups WHERE interval_start >= $1`), since)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, Error.Wrap(rows.Close()))
for rows.Next() {
var nodeid []byte
err := rows.Scan(&nodeid)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
nodeids = append(nodeids, nodeid)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(rows.Err())
return nodeids, nil
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) getBandwidthByNodeSince(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time, nodeid []byte,
cb func(context.Context, *accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
pageLimit := db.db.opts.ReadRollupBatchSize
if pageLimit <= 0 {
pageLimit = 10000
var cursor *dbx.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollup_By_StoragenodeId_And_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual_Continuation
for {
rollups, next, err := db.db.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollup_By_StoragenodeId_And_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual(ctx,
dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup_StoragenodeId(nodeid), dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup_IntervalStart(latestRollup),
pageLimit, cursor)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
cursor = next
for _, r := range rollups {
v, err := fromDBXStoragenodeBandwidthRollup(r)
if err != nil {
return err
err = cb(ctx, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
if cursor == nil {
return nil
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) getBandwidthPhase2ByNodeSince(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time, nodeid []byte,
cb func(context.Context, *accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
pageLimit := db.db.opts.ReadRollupBatchSize
if pageLimit <= 0 {
pageLimit = 10000
var cursor *dbx.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollupPhase2_By_StoragenodeId_And_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual_Continuation
for {
rollups, next, err := db.db.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollupPhase2_By_StoragenodeId_And_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual(ctx,
dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollupPhase2_StoragenodeId(nodeid), dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollupPhase2_IntervalStart(latestRollup),
pageLimit, cursor)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
cursor = next
for _, r := range rollups {
v, err := fromDBXStoragenodeBandwidthRollupPhase2(r)
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
err = cb(ctx, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
if cursor == nil {
return nil
// GetBandwidthSince retrieves all storagenode_bandwidth_rollup entires since latestRollup.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) GetBandwidthSince(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time,
cb func(context.Context, *accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup) error) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
// This table's key structure is storagenode_id, interval_start, so we're going to try and make
// things easier on the database by making individual requests node by node. This is also
// going to allow us to avoid 16 minute queries.
var nodeids [][]byte
for {
nodeids, err = db.getNodeIdsSince(ctx, latestRollup)
if err != nil {
if cockroachutil.NeedsRetry(err) {
return err
for _, nodeid := range nodeids {
err = db.getBandwidthByNodeSince(ctx, latestRollup, nodeid, cb)
if err != nil {
return err
err = db.getBandwidthPhase2ByNodeSince(ctx, latestRollup, nodeid, cb)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SaveRollup records raw tallies of at rest data to the database.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) SaveRollup(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time, stats accounting.RollupStats) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if len(stats) == 0 {
return Error.New("In SaveRollup with empty nodeData")
batchSize := db.db.opts.SaveRollupBatchSize
if batchSize <= 0 {
batchSize = 1000
var rollups []*accounting.Rollup
for _, arsByDate := range stats {
for _, ar := range arsByDate {
rollups = append(rollups, ar)
insertBatch := func(ctx context.Context, db *dbx.DB, batch []*accounting.Rollup) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
n := len(batch)
nodeID := make([]storj.NodeID, n)
startTime := make([]time.Time, n)
putTotal := make([]int64, n)
getTotal := make([]int64, n)
getAuditTotal := make([]int64, n)
getRepairTotal := make([]int64, n)
putRepairTotal := make([]int64, n)
atRestTotal := make([]float64, n)
intervalEndTime := make([]time.Time, n)
for i, ar := range batch {
nodeID[i] = ar.NodeID
startTime[i] = ar.StartTime
putTotal[i] = ar.PutTotal
getTotal[i] = ar.GetTotal
getAuditTotal[i] = ar.GetAuditTotal
getRepairTotal[i] = ar.GetRepairTotal
putRepairTotal[i] = ar.PutRepairTotal
atRestTotal[i] = ar.AtRestTotal
intervalEndTime[i] = ar.IntervalEndTime
_, err = db.ExecContext(ctx, `
INSERT INTO accounting_rollups (
node_id, start_time,
put_total, get_total,
get_audit_total, get_repair_total, put_repair_total,
SELECT * FROM unnest(
$1::bytea[], $2::timestamptz[],
$3::int8[], $4::int8[],
$5::int8[], $6::int8[], $7::int8[],
ON CONFLICT ( node_id, start_time )
put_total = EXCLUDED.put_total,
get_total = EXCLUDED.get_total,
get_audit_total = EXCLUDED.get_audit_total,
get_repair_total = EXCLUDED.get_repair_total,
put_repair_total = EXCLUDED.put_repair_total,
at_rest_total = EXCLUDED.at_rest_total,
interval_end_time = EXCLUDED.interval_end_time
`, pgutil.NodeIDArray(nodeID), pgutil.TimestampTZArray(startTime),
pgutil.Int8Array(putTotal), pgutil.Int8Array(getTotal),
pgutil.Int8Array(getAuditTotal), pgutil.Int8Array(getRepairTotal), pgutil.Int8Array(putRepairTotal),
return Error.Wrap(err)
// Note: we do not need here a transaction because we will "update" the
// columns when we do not update accounting.LastRollup. We will end up
// with partial data in the database, however in the next runs, we will
// try to fix them.
for len(rollups) > 0 {
batch := rollups
if len(batch) > batchSize {
batch = batch[:batchSize]
rollups = rollups[len(batch):]
if err := insertBatch(ctx, db.db.DB, batch); err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
err = db.db.UpdateNoReturn_AccountingTimestamps_By_Name(ctx,
Value: dbx.AccountingTimestamps_Value(latestRollup),
return Error.Wrap(err)
// LastTimestamp records the greatest last tallied time.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) LastTimestamp(ctx context.Context, timestampType string) (_ time.Time, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
lastTally := time.Time{}
err = db.db.WithTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *dbx.Tx) error {
lt, err := tx.Find_AccountingTimestamps_Value_By_Name(ctx, dbx.AccountingTimestamps_Name(timestampType))
if lt == nil {
return tx.ReplaceNoReturn_AccountingTimestamps(ctx,
lastTally = lt.Value
return err
return lastTally, err
// QueryPaymentInfo queries Overlay, Accounting Rollup on nodeID.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) QueryPaymentInfo(ctx context.Context, start time.Time, end time.Time) (_ []*accounting.CSVRow, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
sqlStmt := `SELECT, n.created_at, r.at_rest_total, r.get_repair_total,
r.put_repair_total, r.get_audit_total, r.put_total, r.get_total, n.wallet, n.disqualified
SELECT node_id, SUM(at_rest_total::decimal) AS at_rest_total, SUM(get_repair_total) AS get_repair_total,
SUM(put_repair_total) AS put_repair_total, SUM(get_audit_total) AS get_audit_total,
SUM(put_total) AS put_total, SUM(get_total) AS get_total
FROM accounting_rollups
WHERE start_time >= ? AND start_time < ?
GROUP BY node_id
) r
LEFT JOIN nodes n ON = r.node_id
rows, err := db.db.DB.QueryContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(sqlStmt), start.UTC(), end.UTC())
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
csv := []*accounting.CSVRow{}
for rows.Next() {
var nodeID []byte
r := &accounting.CSVRow{}
var wallet sql.NullString
var disqualified *time.Time
err := rows.Scan(&nodeID, &r.NodeCreationDate, &r.AtRestTotal, &r.GetRepairTotal,
&r.PutRepairTotal, &r.GetAuditTotal, &r.PutTotal, &r.GetTotal, &wallet, &disqualified)
if err != nil {
return csv, Error.Wrap(err)
if wallet.Valid {
r.Wallet = wallet.String
id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(nodeID)
if err != nil {
return csv, Error.Wrap(err)
r.NodeID = id
r.Disqualified = disqualified
csv = append(csv, r)
return csv, rows.Err()
// QueryStorageNodePeriodUsage returns usage invoices for nodes for a compensation period.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) QueryStorageNodePeriodUsage(ctx context.Context, period compensation.Period) (_ []accounting.StorageNodePeriodUsage, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
stmt := db.db.Rebind(`
SUM(at_rest_total::decimal) AS at_rest_total,
SUM(get_total) AS get_total,
SUM(put_total) AS put_total,
SUM(get_repair_total) AS get_repair_total,
SUM(put_repair_total) AS put_repair_total,
SUM(get_audit_total) AS get_audit_total
start_time >= ? AND start_time < ?
node_id ASC
rows, err := db.db.DB.QueryContext(ctx, stmt, period.StartDate(), period.EndDateExclusive())
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
usages := []accounting.StorageNodePeriodUsage{}
for rows.Next() {
var nodeID []byte
usage := accounting.StorageNodePeriodUsage{}
if err := rows.Scan(
); err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
usage.NodeID, err = storj.NodeIDFromBytes(nodeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
usages = append(usages, usage)
return usages, rows.Err()
// QueryStorageNodeUsage returns slice of StorageNodeUsage for given period.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) QueryStorageNodeUsage(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, start time.Time, end time.Time) (_ []accounting.StorageNodeUsage, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
lastRollup, err := db.db.Find_AccountingTimestamps_Value_By_Name(ctx, dbx.AccountingTimestamps_Name(accounting.LastRollup))
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
if lastRollup == nil {
return nil, nil
start, end = start.UTC(), end.UTC()
// TODO: remove COALESCE when we're sure the interval_end_time in the
// accounting_rollups table are fully populated or back-filled with
// the start_time, and the interval_end_time is non-nullable
query := `
SELECT SUM(r1.at_rest_total) as at_rest_total,
(r1.start_time at time zone 'UTC')::date as start_time,
COALESCE(MAX(r1.interval_end_time), MAX(r1.start_time)) AS interval_end_time
FROM accounting_rollups r1
WHERE r1.node_id = $1
AND $2 <= r1.start_time AND r1.start_time <= $3
GROUP BY (r1.start_time at time zone 'UTC')::date
SELECT SUM(t.data_total) AS at_rest_total, (t.interval_end_time at time zone 'UTC')::date AS start_time,
MAX(t.interval_end_time) AS interval_end_time
FROM storagenode_storage_tallies t
WHERE t.node_id = $1
SELECT 1 FROM accounting_rollups r2
WHERE r2.node_id = $1
AND $2 <= r2.start_time AND r2.start_time <= $3
AND (r2.start_time at time zone 'UTC')::date = (t.interval_end_time at time zone 'UTC')::date
AND (SELECT value FROM accounting_timestamps WHERE name = $4) < t.interval_end_time AND t.interval_end_time <= $3
GROUP BY (t.interval_end_time at time zone 'UTC')::date
ORDER BY start_time;
rows, err := db.db.QueryContext(ctx, db.db.Rebind(query),
nodeID, start, end, accounting.LastRollup,
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }()
var nodeStorageUsages []accounting.StorageNodeUsage
for rows.Next() {
var atRestTotal float64
var startTime, intervalEndTime dbutil.NullTime
err = rows.Scan(&atRestTotal, &startTime, &intervalEndTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
nodeStorageUsages = append(nodeStorageUsages, accounting.StorageNodeUsage{
NodeID: nodeID,
StorageUsed: atRestTotal,
Timestamp: startTime.Time,
IntervalEndTime: intervalEndTime.Time,
return nodeStorageUsages, rows.Err()
// DeleteTalliesBefore deletes all raw tallies prior to some time.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) DeleteTalliesBefore(ctx context.Context, latestRollup time.Time, batchSize int) (err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if batchSize <= 0 {
batchSize = 10000
var query string
switch db.db.impl {
case dbutil.Cockroach:
query = `
DELETE FROM storagenode_storage_tallies
WHERE interval_end_time < ?
case dbutil.Postgres:
query = `
DELETE FROM storagenode_storage_tallies
WHERE ctid IN (
FROM storagenode_storage_tallies
WHERE interval_end_time < ?
ORDER BY interval_end_time
return Error.New("unsupported database: %v", db.db.impl)
query = db.db.Rebind(query)
for {
res, err := db.db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, latestRollup, batchSize)
if err != nil {
if errs.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil
return Error.Wrap(err)
affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return Error.Wrap(err)
if affected == 0 {
return nil
// ArchiveRollupsBefore archives rollups older than a given time.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) ArchiveRollupsBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time, batchSize int) (nodeRollupsDeleted int, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
if batchSize <= 0 {
return 0, nil
switch db.db.impl {
case dbutil.Cockroach:
for {
row := db.db.QueryRow(ctx, `
WITH rollups_to_move AS (
DELETE FROM storagenode_bandwidth_rollups
WHERE interval_start <= $1
), moved_rollups AS (
INSERT INTO storagenode_bandwidth_rollup_archives SELECT * FROM rollups_to_move RETURNING *
SELECT count(*) FROM moved_rollups
`, before, batchSize)
var rowCount int
err = row.Scan(&rowCount)
if err != nil {
return nodeRollupsDeleted, err
nodeRollupsDeleted += rowCount
if rowCount < batchSize {
return nodeRollupsDeleted, nil
case dbutil.Postgres:
storagenodeStatement := `
WITH rollups_to_move AS (
DELETE FROM storagenode_bandwidth_rollups
WHERE interval_start <= $1
), moved_rollups AS (
INSERT INTO storagenode_bandwidth_rollup_archives SELECT * FROM rollups_to_move RETURNING *
SELECT count(*) FROM moved_rollups
row := db.db.DB.QueryRow(ctx, storagenodeStatement, before)
err = row.Scan(&nodeRollupsDeleted)
return nodeRollupsDeleted, err
return 0, Error.New("unsupported database: %v", db.db.impl)
// GetRollupsSince retrieves all archived bandwidth rollup records since a given time.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) GetRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) (bwRollups []accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
pageLimit := db.db.opts.ReadRollupBatchSize
if pageLimit <= 0 {
pageLimit = 10000
var cursor *dbx.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollup_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual_Continuation
for {
dbxRollups, next, err := db.db.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollup_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual(ctx,
pageLimit, cursor)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
cursor = next
rollups, err := convertSlice(dbxRollups, fromDBXStoragenodeBandwidthRollup)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
bwRollups = append(bwRollups, rollups...)
if cursor == nil {
return bwRollups, nil
// GetArchivedRollupsSince retrieves all archived bandwidth rollup records since a given time.
func (db *StoragenodeAccounting) GetArchivedRollupsSince(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) (bwRollups []accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, err error) {
defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err)
pageLimit := db.db.opts.ReadRollupBatchSize
if pageLimit <= 0 {
pageLimit = 10000
var cursor *dbx.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollupArchive_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual_Continuation
for {
dbxRollups, next, err := db.db.Paged_StoragenodeBandwidthRollupArchive_By_IntervalStart_GreaterOrEqual(ctx,
pageLimit, cursor)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
cursor = next
rollups, err := convertSlice(dbxRollups, fromDBXStoragenodeBandwidthRollupArchive)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
bwRollups = append(bwRollups, rollups...)
if cursor == nil {
return bwRollups, nil
func fromDBXStoragenodeStorageTally(r *dbx.StoragenodeStorageTally) (*accounting.StoragenodeStorageTally, error) {
nodeID, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(r.NodeId)
if err != nil {
return nil, Error.Wrap(err)
return &accounting.StoragenodeStorageTally{
NodeID: nodeID,
IntervalEndTime: r.IntervalEndTime,
DataTotal: r.DataTotal,
}, nil
func fromDBXStoragenodeBandwidthRollup(v *dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup) (r accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, _ error) {
id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(v.StoragenodeId)
if err != nil {
return r, Error.Wrap(err)
return accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup{
NodeID: id,
IntervalStart: v.IntervalStart,
Action: v.Action,
Settled: v.Settled,
}, nil
func fromDBXStoragenodeBandwidthRollupPhase2(v *dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollupPhase2) (r accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, _ error) {
id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(v.StoragenodeId)
if err != nil {
return r, Error.Wrap(err)
return accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup{
NodeID: id,
IntervalStart: v.IntervalStart,
Action: v.Action,
Settled: v.Settled,
}, nil
func fromDBXStoragenodeBandwidthRollupArchive(v *dbx.StoragenodeBandwidthRollupArchive) (r accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup, _ error) {
id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(v.StoragenodeId)
if err != nil {
return r, Error.Wrap(err)
return accounting.StoragenodeBandwidthRollup{
NodeID: id,
IntervalStart: v.IntervalStart,
Action: v.Action,
Settled: v.Settled,
}, nil