Ivan Fraixedes 69d8b9f828
Change where the encryption key is being stored for uplink (#1967)
* uplink: Add a new flag to set the filepath of the file which is used for 
  saving the encryption key and rename the one that hold the encryption key and 
  establish that it has priority over the key stored in the file to make the 
  configuration usable without having a huge refactoring in test-sim.
* cmd/uplink: Adapt the setup subcommand for storing the user input key to a file 
  and adapt the rest of the subcommands for reading the key from the key-file when 
  the key isn't explicitly set with a command line flag.
* cmd/gateway: Adapt it to read the encryption key from the key-file or use the 
  one passed by a command line flag.
* pkg/process: Export the default configuration filename so other packages which 
  use the same value can reference to it rather than having it hardcoded.
* Adapt several integrations (scripts, etc.) to consider the changes applied in uplink and cmd packages.
2019-05-22 15:57:12 +02:00

518 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
const (
maxInstanceCount = 100
maxStoragenodeCount = 200
folderPermissions = 0744
const (
// The following values of peer class and endpoints are used
// to create a port with a consistent format for storj-sim services.
// Peer class
satellitePeer = 0
gatewayPeer = 1
versioncontrolPeer = 2
bootstrapPeer = 3
storagenodePeer = 4
// Endpoint
publicGRPC = 0
privateGRPC = 1
publicHTTP = 2
debugHTTP = 9
// port creates a port with a consistent format for storj-sim services.
// The port format is: "1PXXE", where P is the peer class, XX is the index of the instance, and E is the endpoint.
func port(peerclass, index, endpoint int) string {
port := 10000 + peerclass*1000 + index*10 + endpoint
return strconv.Itoa(port)
func networkExec(flags *Flags, args []string, command string) error {
processes, err := newNetwork(flags)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancel := NewCLIContext(context.Background())
defer cancel()
if command == "setup" {
identities, err := identitySetup(processes)
if err != nil {
return err
err = identities.Exec(ctx, command)
if err != nil {
return err
err = processes.Exec(ctx, command)
closeErr := processes.Close()
return errs.Combine(err, closeErr)
func networkEnv(flags *Flags, args []string) error {
flags.OnlyEnv = true
processes, err := newNetwork(flags)
if err != nil {
return err
// run exec before, since it will load env vars from configs
for _, process := range processes.List {
if exec := process.ExecBefore["run"]; exec != nil {
if err := exec(process); err != nil {
return err
if len(args) == 1 {
envprefix := strings.ToUpper(args[0] + "=")
// find the environment value that the environment variable is set to
for _, env := range processes.Env() {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToUpper(env), envprefix) {
return nil
return nil
for _, env := range processes.Env() {
return nil
func networkTest(flags *Flags, command string, args []string) error {
processes, err := newNetwork(flags)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, cancel := NewCLIContext(context.Background())
var group errgroup.Group
processes.Start(ctx, &group, "run")
for _, process := range processes.List {
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, command, args...)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), processes.Env()...)
stdout := processes.Output.Prefixed("test:out")
stderr := processes.Output.Prefixed("test:err")
cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stderr = stdout, stderr
if printCommands {
fmt.Fprintf(processes.Output, "exec: %v\n", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))
errRun := cmd.Run()
return errs.Combine(errRun, processes.Close(), group.Wait())
func networkDestroy(flags *Flags, args []string) error {
if fpath.IsRoot(flags.Directory) {
return errors.New("safety check: disallowed to remove root directory " + flags.Directory)
if printCommands {
fmt.Println("sim | exec: rm -rf", flags.Directory)
return os.RemoveAll(flags.Directory)
// newNetwork creates a default network
func newNetwork(flags *Flags) (*Processes, error) {
// with common adds all common arguments to the process
withCommon := func(dir string, all Arguments) Arguments {
common := []string{"", "sim", "--log.level", "debug", "--config-dir", dir}
if flags.IsDev {
common = append(common, "--dev")
for command, args := range all {
all[command] = append(append(common, command), args...)
return all
processes := NewProcesses(flags.Directory)
var host = flags.Host
versioncontrol := processes.New(Info{
Name: "versioncontrol/0",
Executable: "versioncontrol",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "versioncontrol", "0"),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(versioncontrolPeer, 0, publicGRPC)),
versioncontrol.Arguments = withCommon(versioncontrol.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--address", versioncontrol.Address,
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(versioncontrolPeer, 0, debugHTTP)),
"run": {},
versioncontrol.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
return readConfigString(&versioncontrol.Address, versioncontrol.Directory, "address")
bootstrap := processes.New(Info{
Name: "bootstrap/0",
Executable: "bootstrap",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "bootstrap", "0"),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(bootstrapPeer, 0, publicGRPC)),
// gateway must wait for the versioncontrol to start up
bootstrap.Arguments = withCommon(bootstrap.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", bootstrap.Directory,
"--web.address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(bootstrapPeer, 0, publicHTTP)),
"--server.address", bootstrap.Address,
"--server.private-address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(bootstrapPeer, 0, privateGRPC)),
"--kademlia.bootstrap-addr", bootstrap.Address,
"", "",
"--kademlia.operator.wallet", "0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789",
"--version.server-address", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", versioncontrol.Address),
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(bootstrapPeer, 0, debugHTTP)),
"run": {},
bootstrap.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
return readConfigString(&bootstrap.Address, bootstrap.Directory, "server.address")
// Create satellites making all satellites wait for bootstrap to start
if flags.SatelliteCount > maxInstanceCount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("exceeded the max instance count of %d with Satellite count of %d", maxInstanceCount, flags.SatelliteCount)
var satellites []*Process
for i := 0; i < flags.SatelliteCount; i++ {
process := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("satellite/%d", i),
Executable: "satellite",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "satellite", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, publicGRPC)),
satellites = append(satellites, process)
// satellite must wait for bootstrap to start
// TODO: find source file, to set static path
_, filename, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
if !ok {
return nil, errs.Combine(processes.Close(), errs.New("no caller information"))
storjRoot := strings.TrimSuffix(filename, "/cmd/storj-sim/network.go")
consoleAuthToken := "secure_token"
process.Arguments = withCommon(process.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", process.Directory,
"--console.address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, publicHTTP)),
"--console.static-dir", filepath.Join(storjRoot, "web/satellite/"),
// TODO: remove console.auth-token after vanguard release
"--console.auth-token", consoleAuthToken,
"--server.address", process.Address,
"--server.private-address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, privateGRPC)),
"--kademlia.bootstrap-addr", bootstrap.Address,
"--mail.smtp-server-address", "",
"--mail.from", "Storj <>",
"--mail.template-path", filepath.Join(storjRoot, "web/satellite/static/emails"),
"--version.server-address", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", versioncontrol.Address),
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(satellitePeer, i, debugHTTP)),
"run": {},
if flags.Postgres != "" {
process.Arguments["setup"] = append(process.Arguments["setup"],
"--database", pgutil.ConnstrWithSchema(flags.Postgres, fmt.Sprintf("satellite/%d", i)),
"--metainfo.database-url", pgutil.ConnstrWithSchema(flags.Postgres, fmt.Sprintf("satellite/%d/meta", i)),
process.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
return readConfigString(&process.Address, process.Directory, "server.address")
// Create gateways for each satellite
for i, satellite := range satellites {
satellite := satellite
process := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("gateway/%d", i),
Executable: "gateway",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "gateway", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(gatewayPeer, i, publicGRPC)),
Extra: []string{},
// gateway must wait for the corresponding satellite to start up
process.Arguments = withCommon(process.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", process.Directory,
"--satellite-addr", satellite.Address,
"--server.address", process.Address,
"--satellite-addr", satellite.Address,
"--rs.min-threshold", strconv.Itoa(1 * flags.StorageNodeCount / 5),
"", strconv.Itoa(2 * flags.StorageNodeCount / 5),
"--rs.success-threshold", strconv.Itoa(3 * flags.StorageNodeCount / 5),
"--rs.max-threshold", strconv.Itoa(4 * flags.StorageNodeCount / 5),
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(gatewayPeer, i, debugHTTP)),
"run": {
process.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
err := readConfigString(&process.Address, process.Directory, "server.address")
if err != nil {
return err
vip := viper.New()
if err := vip.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: maybe all the config flags should be exposed for all processes?
// check if gateway config has an api key, if it's not
// create example project with key and add it to the config
// so that gateway can have access to the satellite
apiKey := vip.GetString("api-key")
if !flags.OnlyEnv && apiKey == "" {
var consoleAddress string
satelliteConfigErr := readConfigString(&consoleAddress, satellite.Directory, "console.address")
if satelliteConfigErr != nil {
return satelliteConfigErr
host := "http://" + consoleAddress
createRegistrationTokenAddress := host + "/registrationToken/?projectsLimit=1"
consoleActivationAddress := host + "/activation/?token="
consoleAPIAddress := host + "/api/graphql/v0"
// wait for console server to start
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
if err := addExampleProjectWithKey(&apiKey, createRegistrationTokenAddress, consoleActivationAddress, consoleAPIAddress); err != nil {
return err
vip.Set("api-key", apiKey)
if err := vip.WriteConfig(); err != nil {
return err
if apiKey != "" {
process.Extra = append(process.Extra, "API_KEY="+apiKey)
accessKey := vip.GetString("minio.access-key")
secretKey := vip.GetString("minio.secret-key")
process.Extra = append(process.Extra,
return nil
// Create storage nodes
if flags.StorageNodeCount > maxStoragenodeCount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("exceeded the max instance count of %d with Storage Node count of %d", maxStoragenodeCount, flags.StorageNodeCount)
for i := 0; i < flags.StorageNodeCount; i++ {
process := processes.New(Info{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("storagenode/%d", i),
Executable: "storagenode",
Directory: filepath.Join(processes.Directory, "storagenode", fmt.Sprint(i)),
Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, port(storagenodePeer, i, publicGRPC)),
// storage node must wait for bootstrap and satellites to start
for _, satellite := range satellites {
process.Arguments = withCommon(process.Directory, Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", process.Directory,
"--server.address", process.Address,
"--server.private-address", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(storagenodePeer, i, privateGRPC)),
"--kademlia.bootstrap-addr", bootstrap.Address,
"", fmt.Sprintf("", i),
"--kademlia.operator.wallet", "0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789",
"--version.server-address", fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", versioncontrol.Address),
"--debug.addr", net.JoinHostPort(host, port(storagenodePeer, i, debugHTTP)),
"run": {},
process.ExecBefore["run"] = func(process *Process) error {
return readConfigString(&process.Address, process.Directory, "server.address")
{ // verify that we have all binaries
missing := map[string]bool{}
for _, process := range processes.List {
_, err := exec.LookPath(process.Executable)
if err != nil {
missing[process.Executable] = true
if len(missing) > 0 {
var list []string
for executable := range missing {
list = append(list, executable)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("some executables cannot be found: %v", list)
// Create directories for all processes
for _, process := range processes.List {
if err := os.MkdirAll(process.Directory, folderPermissions); err != nil {
return nil, err
return processes, nil
func identitySetup(network *Processes) (*Processes, error) {
processes := NewProcesses(network.Directory)
for _, process := range network.List {
if process.Info.Executable == "gateway" {
// gateways don't need an identity
identity := processes.New(Info{
Name: "identity/" + process.Info.Name,
Executable: "identity",
Directory: process.Directory,
Address: "",
identity.Arguments = Arguments{
"setup": {
"--identity-dir", process.Directory,
"--concurrency", "1",
"--difficulty", "8",
"create", ".",
// create directories for all processes
for _, process := range processes.List {
if err := os.MkdirAll(process.Directory, folderPermissions); err != nil {
return nil, err
return processes, nil
// readConfigString reads from dir/config.yaml flagName returns the value in `into`
func readConfigString(into *string, dir, flagName string) error {
vip := viper.New()
if err := vip.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return err
if v := vip.GetString(flagName); v != "" {
*into = v
return nil