Jeff Wendling 098cbc9c67 all: use pkg/rpc instead of pkg/transport
all of the packages and tests work with both grpc and
drpc. we'll probably need to do some jenkins pipelines
to run the tests with drpc as well.

most of the changes are really due to a bit of cleanup
of the pkg/transport.Client api into an rpc.Dialer in
the spirit of a net.Dialer. now that we don't need
observers, we can pass around stateless configuration
to everything rather than stateful things that issue
observations. it also adds a DialAddressID for the
case where we don't have a pb.Node, but we do have an
address and want to assert some ID. this happened
pretty frequently, and now there's no more weird
contortions creating custom tls options, etc.

a lot of the other changes are being consistent/using
the abstractions in the rpc package to do rpc style
things like finding peer information, or checking
status codes.

Change-Id: Ief62875e21d80a21b3c56a5a37f45887679f9412
2019-09-25 15:37:06 -06:00

277 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package main
import (
const (
defaultSignerAddress = ""
var (
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "identity",
Short: "Identity management",
newServiceCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create <service>",
Short: "Create a new full identity for a service",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
RunE: cmdNewService,
Annotations: map[string]string{"type": "setup"},
authorizeCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "authorize <service> <auth-token>",
Short: "Send a certificate signing request for a service's CA certificate",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(2),
RunE: cmdAuthorize,
Annotations: map[string]string{"type": "setup"},
config struct {
Difficulty uint64 `default:"30" help:"minimum difficulty for identity generation"`
Concurrency uint `default:"4" help:"number of concurrent workers for certificate authority generation"`
ParentCertPath string `help:"path to the parent authority's certificate chain"`
ParentKeyPath string `help:"path to the parent authority's private key"`
Signer certificateclient.Config
// TODO: ideally the default is the latest version; can't interpolate struct tags
IdentityVersion uint `default:"0" help:"identity version to use when creating an identity or CA"`
Version version.Config
identityDir, configDir string
defaultIdentityDir = fpath.ApplicationDir("storj", "identity")
defaultConfigDir = fpath.ApplicationDir("storj", "identity")
func init() {
process.Bind(newServiceCmd, &config, defaults, cfgstruct.ConfDir(defaultConfigDir), cfgstruct.IdentityDir(defaultIdentityDir))
process.Bind(authorizeCmd, &config, defaults, cfgstruct.ConfDir(defaultConfigDir), cfgstruct.IdentityDir(defaultIdentityDir))
func main() {
func serviceDirectory(serviceName string) string {
return filepath.Join(identityDir, serviceName)
func cmdNewService(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ctx, _ := process.Ctx(cmd)
err := version.CheckProcessVersion(ctx, zap.L(), config.Version, version.Build, "Identity")
if err != nil {
return err
serviceDir := serviceDirectory(args[0])
caCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "ca.cert")
caKeyPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "ca.key")
identCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.cert")
identKeyPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.key")
caConfig := identity.CASetupConfig{
CertPath: caCertPath,
KeyPath: caKeyPath,
Difficulty: config.Difficulty,
Concurrency: config.Concurrency,
ParentCertPath: config.ParentCertPath,
ParentKeyPath: config.ParentKeyPath,
VersionNumber: config.IdentityVersion,
status, err := caConfig.Status()
if err != nil {
return err
if status != identity.NoCertNoKey {
return errs.New("CA certificate and/or key already exists, NOT overwriting!")
identConfig := identity.SetupConfig{
CertPath: identCertPath,
KeyPath: identKeyPath,
status, err = identConfig.Status()
if err != nil {
return err
if status != identity.NoCertNoKey {
return errs.New("Identity certificate and/or key already exists, NOT overwriting!")
ca, caerr := caConfig.Create(ctx, os.Stdout)
if caerr != nil {
return caerr
_, iderr := identConfig.Create(ca)
if iderr != nil {
return iderr
fmt.Printf("Unsigned identity is located in %q\n", serviceDir)
fmt.Println("Please *move* CA key to secure storage - it is only needed for identity management!")
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", caConfig.KeyPath)
return nil
func cmdAuthorize(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) (err error) {
ctx, _ := process.Ctx(cmd)
err = version.CheckProcessVersion(ctx, zap.L(), config.Version, version.Build, "Identity")
if err != nil {
return err
serviceDir := serviceDirectory(args[0])
authToken := args[1]
caCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "ca.cert")
caConfig := identity.PeerCAConfig{
CertPath: caCertPath,
identCertPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.cert")
identKeyPath := filepath.Join(serviceDir, "identity.key")
identConfig := identity.Config{
CertPath: identCertPath,
KeyPath: identKeyPath,
ca, err := caConfig.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
ident, err := identConfig.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
if config.Signer.Address == "" {
config.Signer.Address = defaultSignerAddress
// Ensure we dont enforce a signed Peer Identity
config.Signer.TLS.UsePeerCAWhitelist = false
revocationDB, err := revocation.NewDBFromCfg(config.Signer.TLS)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error creating revocation database: %+v", err)
defer func() {
err = errs.Combine(err, revocationDB.Close())
tlsOptions, err := tlsopts.NewOptions(ident, config.Signer.TLS, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
client, err := certificateclient.New(ctx, rpc.NewDefaultDialer(tlsOptions), config.Signer.Address)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, client.Close()) }()
signedChainBytes, err := client.Sign(ctx, authToken)
if err != nil {
return errs.New("error occurred while signing certificate: %s\n(identity files were still generated and saved, if you try again existing files will be loaded)", err)
signedChain, err := pkcrypto.CertsFromDER(signedChainBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil
err = caConfig.SaveBackup(ca)
if err != nil {
return err
// NB: signedChain is this identity's CA + signer chain.
ca.Cert = signedChain[0]
ca.RestChain = signedChain[1:]
err = caConfig.Save(ca)
if err != nil {
return err
err = identConfig.PeerConfig().SaveBackup(ident.PeerIdentity())
if err != nil {
return err
ident.RestChain = signedChain[1:]
ident.CA = ca.Cert
err = identConfig.PeerConfig().Save(ident.PeerIdentity())
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Identity successfully authorized using single use authorization token.")
fmt.Printf("Please back-up \"%s\" to a safe location.\n", serviceDir)
return nil
func printExtensions(cert []byte, exts []pkix.Extension) error {
hash := pkcrypto.SHA256Hash(cert)
b64Hash, err := json.Marshal(hash)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Cert hash: %s\n", b64Hash)
for _, e := range exts {
var data interface{}
if e.Id.Equal(extensions.RevocationExtID) {
var rev extensions.Revocation
if err := rev.Unmarshal(e.Value); err != nil {
return err
data = rev
} else {
data = e.Value
out, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("\t%s: %s\n", e.Id, out)
return nil