Kaloyan Raev 1ec17653d4 Endpoint for local node info (#1355)
Adds a new `Info` method to the Kademlia endpoint that returns the following local node info:
* ID
* Type
* Metadata (email and wallet)
* Restrictions (free storage and bandwidth)

The new endpoint is exposed as `inspector kad node-info` command too.
2019-02-25 19:41:51 +01:00

115 lines
3.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "gogo.proto";
import "node.proto";
package overlay;
// Overlay defines the interface for communication with the overlay network
service Overlay {
// Lookup finds a nodes address from the network
rpc Lookup(LookupRequest) returns (LookupResponse);
// BulkLookup finds nodes addresses from the network
rpc BulkLookup(LookupRequests) returns (LookupResponses);
// FindStorageNodes finds a list of nodes in the network that meet the specified request parameters
rpc FindStorageNodes(FindStorageNodesRequest) returns (FindStorageNodesResponse);
service Nodes {
rpc Query(QueryRequest) returns (QueryResponse);
rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse);
rpc RequestInfo(InfoRequest) returns (InfoResponse);
// LookupRequest is is request message for the lookup rpc call
message LookupRequest {
bytes node_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "NodeID", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// LookupResponse is is response message for the lookup rpc call
message LookupResponse {
node.Node node = 1;
//LookupRequests is a list of LookupRequest
message LookupRequests {
repeated LookupRequest lookup_request = 1;
//LookupResponse is a list of LookupResponse
message LookupResponses {
repeated LookupResponse lookup_response = 1;
// FindStorageNodesResponse is is response message for the FindStorageNodes rpc call
message FindStorageNodesResponse {
repeated node.Node nodes = 1;
// FindStorageNodesRequest is is request message for the FindStorageNodes rpc call
message FindStorageNodesRequest {
int64 object_size = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration contract_length = 2;
OverlayOptions opts = 3;
bytes start = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "NodeID", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
int64 min_nodes = 5;
// OverlayOptions is a set of criteria that a node must meet to be considered for a storage opportunity
message OverlayOptions {
google.protobuf.Duration max_latency = 1;
node.NodeStats min_stats = 2;
int64 min_speed_kbps = 3;
int64 amount = 4;
node.NodeRestrictions restrictions = 5;
repeated bytes excluded_nodes = 6 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "NodeID"];
message QueryRequest {
node.Node sender = 1;
node.Node target = 2;
int64 limit = 3;
bool pingback = 4;
message QueryResponse {
node.Node sender = 1;
repeated node.Node response = 2;
message PingRequest {};
message PingResponse {};
// TODO: add fields that validate who is requesting the info
message InfoRequest {}
message InfoResponse {
node.NodeType type = 2;
node.NodeOperator operator = 3;
node.NodeCapacity capacity = 4;
message Restriction {
enum Operator {
LT = 0;
EQ = 1;
GT = 2;
LTE = 3;
GTE = 4;
enum Operand {
Operator operator = 1;
Operand operand = 2;
int64 value = 3;