Jeff Wendling e74cac52ab
Command line flags features and cleanup (#2068)
* change BindSetup to be an option to Bind
* add process.Bind to allow composite structures
* hack fix for noprefix flags
* used tagged version of structs

Before this PR, some flags were created by calling `cfgstruct.Bind` and having their fields create a flag. Once the flags were parsed, `viper` was used to acquire all the values from them and config files, and the fields in the struct were set through the flag interface.

This doesn't work for slices of things on config structs very well, since it can only set strings, and for a string slice, it turns out that the implementation in `pflag` appends an entry rather than setting it.

This changes three things:

1. Only have a `Bind` call instead of `Bind` and `BindSetup`, and make `BindSetup` an option instead.
2. Add a `process.Bind` call that takes in a `*cobra.Cmd`, binds the struct to the command's flags, and keeps track of that struct in a global map keyed by the command.
3. Use `viper` to get the values and load them into the bound configuration structs instead of using the flags to propagate the changes.

In this way, we can support whatever rich configuration we want in the config yaml files, while still getting command like flags when important.
2019-05-29 17:56:22 +00:00

317 lines
9.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package cfgstruct
import (
// BindOpt is an option for the Bind method
type BindOpt struct {
isDev *bool
isSetup *bool
varfn func(vars map[string]confVar)
// ConfDir sets variables for default options called $CONFDIR and $CONFNAME.
func ConfDir(path string) BindOpt {
val := filepath.Clean(os.ExpandEnv(path))
return BindOpt{varfn: func(vars map[string]confVar) {
vars["CONFDIR"] = confVar{val: val, nested: false}
// IdentityDir sets a variable for the default option called $IDENTITYDIR.
func IdentityDir(path string) BindOpt {
val := filepath.Clean(os.ExpandEnv(path))
return BindOpt{varfn: func(vars map[string]confVar) {
vars["IDENTITYDIR"] = confVar{val: val, nested: false}
// SetupMode issues the bind in a mode where it does not ignore fields with the
// `setup:"true"` tag.
func SetupMode() BindOpt {
setup := true
return BindOpt{isSetup: &setup}
// UseDevDefaults forces the bind call to use development defaults unless
// UseReleaseDefaults is provided as a subsequent option.
// Without either, Bind will default to determining which defaults to use
// based on version.Build.Release
func UseDevDefaults() BindOpt {
dev := true
return BindOpt{isDev: &dev}
// UseReleaseDefaults forces the bind call to use release defaults unless
// UseDevDefaults is provided as a subsequent option.
// Without either, Bind will default to determining which defaults to use
// based on version.Build.Release
func UseReleaseDefaults() BindOpt {
dev := false
return BindOpt{isDev: &dev}
type confVar struct {
val string
nested bool
// Bind sets flags on a FlagSet that match the configuration struct
// 'config'. This works by traversing the config struct using the 'reflect'
// package.
func Bind(flags FlagSet, config interface{}, opts ...BindOpt) {
bind(flags, config, opts...)
func bind(flags FlagSet, config interface{}, opts ...BindOpt) {
ptrtype := reflect.TypeOf(config)
if ptrtype.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid config type: %#v. Expecting pointer to struct.", config))
isDev := !version.Build.Release
setupCommand := false
vars := map[string]confVar{}
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt.varfn != nil {
if opt.isDev != nil {
isDev = *opt.isDev
if opt.isSetup != nil {
setupCommand = *opt.isSetup
bindConfig(flags, "", reflect.ValueOf(config).Elem(), vars, setupCommand, false, isDev)
func bindConfig(flags FlagSet, prefix string, val reflect.Value, vars map[string]confVar, setupCommand, setupStruct bool, isDev bool) {
if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid config type: %#v. Expecting struct.", val.Interface()))
typ := val.Type()
resolvedVars := make(map[string]string, len(vars))
structpath := strings.Replace(prefix, ".", string(filepath.Separator), -1)
for k, v := range vars {
if !v.nested {
resolvedVars[k] = v.val
resolvedVars[k] = filepath.Join(v.val, structpath)
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
fieldval := val.Field(i)
flagname := hyphenate(snakeCase(field.Name))
if field.Tag.Get("noprefix") != "true" {
flagname = prefix + flagname
if field.Tag.Get("internal") == "true" {
onlyForSetup := (field.Tag.Get("setup") == "true") || setupStruct
// ignore setup params for non setup commands
if !setupCommand && onlyForSetup {
switch field.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
if field.Anonymous {
bindConfig(flags, prefix, fieldval, vars, setupCommand, onlyForSetup, isDev)
} else {
bindConfig(flags, flagname+".", fieldval, vars, setupCommand, onlyForSetup, isDev)
case reflect.Array:
digits := len(fmt.Sprint(fieldval.Len()))
for j := 0; j < fieldval.Len(); j++ {
padding := strings.Repeat("0", digits-len(fmt.Sprint(j)))
bindConfig(flags, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%d.", flagname, padding, j), fieldval.Index(j), vars, setupCommand, onlyForSetup, isDev)
help := field.Tag.Get("help")
var def string
if isDev {
def = getDefault(field.Tag, "devDefault", "releaseDefault", "default", flagname)
} else {
def = getDefault(field.Tag, "releaseDefault", "devDefault", "default", flagname)
fieldaddr := fieldval.Addr().Interface()
check := func(err error) {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid default value for %s: %#v", flagname, def))
switch field.Type {
case reflect.TypeOf(memory.Size(0)):
flags.Var(fieldaddr.(*memory.Size), flagname, help)
case reflect.TypeOf(int(0)):
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(def, 0, strconv.IntSize)
flags.IntVar(fieldaddr.(*int), flagname, int(val), help)
case reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)):
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(def, 0, 64)
flags.Int64Var(fieldaddr.(*int64), flagname, val, help)
case reflect.TypeOf(uint(0)):
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(def, 0, strconv.IntSize)
flags.UintVar(fieldaddr.(*uint), flagname, uint(val), help)
case reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)):
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(def, 0, 64)
flags.Uint64Var(fieldaddr.(*uint64), flagname, val, help)
case reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0)):
val, err := time.ParseDuration(def)
flags.DurationVar(fieldaddr.(*time.Duration), flagname, val, help)
case reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)):
val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(def, 64)
flags.Float64Var(fieldaddr.(*float64), flagname, val, help)
case reflect.TypeOf(string("")):
fieldaddr.(*string), flagname, expand(resolvedVars, def), help)
case reflect.TypeOf(bool(false)):
val, err := strconv.ParseBool(def)
flags.BoolVar(fieldaddr.(*bool), flagname, val, help)
case reflect.TypeOf([]string(nil)):
flags.StringArrayVar(fieldaddr.(*[]string), flagname, nil, help)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid field type: %s", field.Type.String()))
if onlyForSetup {
setBoolAnnotation(flags, flagname, "setup")
if field.Tag.Get("user") == "true" {
setBoolAnnotation(flags, flagname, "user")
func getDefault(tag reflect.StructTag, preferred, opposite, fallback, flagname string) string {
if val, ok := tag.Lookup(preferred); ok {
if _, oppositeExists := tag.Lookup(opposite); !oppositeExists {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q defined but %q missing for %v", preferred, opposite, flagname))
if _, fallbackExists := tag.Lookup(fallback); fallbackExists {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q defined along with %q fallback for %v", preferred, fallback, flagname))
return val
if _, oppositeExists := tag.Lookup(opposite); oppositeExists {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q missing but %q defined for %v", preferred, opposite, flagname))
return tag.Get(fallback)
func setBoolAnnotation(flagset interface{}, name, key string) {
flags, ok := flagset.(*pflag.FlagSet)
if !ok {
err := flags.SetAnnotation(name, key, []string{"true"})
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to set %s annotation for %s: %v", key, name, err))
func expand(vars map[string]string, val string) string {
return os.Expand(val, func(key string) string { return vars[key] })
// FindConfigDirParam returns '--config-dir' param from os.Args (if exists)
func FindConfigDirParam() string {
return FindFlagEarly("config-dir")
// FindIdentityDirParam returns '--identity-dir' param from os.Args (if exists)
func FindIdentityDirParam() string {
return FindFlagEarly("identity-dir")
// FindDefaultsParam returns '--defaults' param from os.Args (if it exists)
func FindDefaultsParam() string {
return FindFlagEarly("defaults")
// FindFlagEarly retrieves the value of a flag before `flag.Parse` has been called
func FindFlagEarly(flagName string) string {
// workaround to have early access to 'dir' param
for i, arg := range os.Args {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=", flagName)) {
return strings.TrimPrefix(arg, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=", flagName))
} else if arg == fmt.Sprintf("--%s", flagName) && i < len(os.Args)-1 {
return os.Args[i+1]
return ""
// SetupFlag sets up flags that are needed before `flag.Parse` has been called
func SetupFlag(log *zap.Logger, cmd *cobra.Command, dest *string, name, value, usage string) {
if foundValue := FindFlagEarly(name); foundValue != "" {
value = foundValue
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(dest, name, value, usage)
if cmd.PersistentFlags().SetAnnotation(name, "setup", []string{"true"}) != nil {
log.Sugar().Errorf("Failed to set 'setup' annotation for '%s'", name)
// DefaultsFlag sets up the defaults=dev/release flag options, which is needed
// before `flag.Parse` has been called
func DefaultsFlag(cmd *cobra.Command) BindOpt {
// define a flag so that the flag parsing system will be happy.
defaults := "dev"
if version.Build.Release {
defaults = "release"
// we're actually going to ignore this flag entirely and parse the commandline
// arguments early instead
_ = cmd.PersistentFlags().String("defaults", defaults,
"determines which set of configuration defaults to use. can either be 'dev' or 'release'")
foundDefaults := strings.ToLower(FindDefaultsParam())
if foundDefaults == "" {
foundDefaults = defaults
switch foundDefaults {
case "dev":
return UseDevDefaults()
case "release":
return UseReleaseDefaults()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported defaults value %q", FindDefaultsParam()))