Yaroslav Vorobiov 23f9beb635 multinode/console: held amount summary
Change-Id: Ia800748343e363d930ce0a0b9ab286b5abdc96af
2021-05-28 20:05:16 +03:00

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// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package payouts
import (
// DB works with payouts database.
// architecture: Database
type DB interface {
// StorePayStub inserts or updates paystub into the DB.
StorePayStub(ctx context.Context, paystub PayStub) error
// GetPayStub retrieves paystub for specific satellite and period.
GetPayStub(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, period string) (*PayStub, error)
// AllPayStubs retrieves paystubs from all satellites in specific period from DB.
AllPayStubs(ctx context.Context, period string) ([]PayStub, error)
// SatellitesHeldbackHistory retrieves heldback history for specific satellite from DB.
SatellitesHeldbackHistory(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID) ([]HeldForPeriod, error)
// SatellitesDisposedHistory returns all disposed amount for specific satellite from DB.
SatellitesDisposedHistory(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID) (int64, error)
// SatellitePeriods retrieves all periods for concrete satellite in which we have some payouts data.
SatellitePeriods(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID) ([]string, error)
// AllPeriods retrieves all periods in which we have some payouts data.
AllPeriods(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
// StorePayment inserts or updates payment into the DB
StorePayment(ctx context.Context, payment Payment) error
// GetReceipt retrieves receipt for specific satellite and period.
GetReceipt(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, period string) (string, error)
// GetTotalEarned returns total earned amount of node from all paystubs.
GetTotalEarned(ctx context.Context) (_ int64, err error)
// GetEarnedAtSatellite returns total earned value for node from specific satellite.
GetEarnedAtSatellite(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID) (int64, error)
// GetPayingSatellitesIDs returns list of satellite ID's that ever paid to storagenode.
GetPayingSatellitesIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]storj.NodeID, error)
// GetSatelliteSummary returns satellite all time paid and held amounts.
GetSatelliteSummary(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID) (paid, held int64, err error)
// GetSatellitePeriodSummary returns satellite paid and held amounts for specific period.
GetSatellitePeriodSummary(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID, period string) (paid, held int64, err error)
// GetUndistributed returns total undistributed amount.
GetUndistributed(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
// GetSatellitePaystubs returns summed paystubs for specific satellite.
GetSatellitePaystubs(ctx context.Context, satelliteID storj.NodeID) (*PayStub, error)
// GetPaystubs returns summed all paystubs.
GetPaystubs(ctx context.Context) (*PayStub, error)
// GetSatellitesPeriodPaystubs returns summed all satellites paystubs for specific period.
GetPeriodPaystubs(ctx context.Context, period string) (*PayStub, error)
// GetSatellitePeriodPaystubs returns summed satellite paystubs for specific period.
GetSatellitePeriodPaystubs(ctx context.Context, period string, satelliteID storj.NodeID) (*PayStub, error)
// HeldAmountHistory retrieves held amount history for all satellites.
HeldAmountHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]HeldAmountHistory, error)
// ErrNoPayStubForPeriod represents errors from the payouts database.
var ErrNoPayStubForPeriod = errs.Class("no payStub for period")
// PayStub is node payouts data for satellite by specific period.
type PayStub struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID `json:"satelliteId"`
Period string `json:"period"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Codes string `json:"codes"`
UsageAtRest float64 `json:"usageAtRest"`
UsageGet int64 `json:"usageGet"`
UsagePut int64 `json:"usagePut"`
UsageGetRepair int64 `json:"usageGetRepair"`
UsagePutRepair int64 `json:"usagePutRepair"`
UsageGetAudit int64 `json:"usageGetAudit"`
CompAtRest int64 `json:"compAtRest"`
CompGet int64 `json:"compGet"`
CompPut int64 `json:"compPut"`
CompGetRepair int64 `json:"compGetRepair"`
CompPutRepair int64 `json:"compPutRepair"`
CompGetAudit int64 `json:"compGetAudit"`
SurgePercent int64 `json:"surgePercent"`
Held int64 `json:"held"`
Owed int64 `json:"owed"`
Disposed int64 `json:"disposed"`
Paid int64 `json:"paid"`
Distributed int64 `json:"distributed"`
// GetEarnedWithSurge returns paystub's total earned and surge.
func (paystub *PayStub) GetEarnedWithSurge() (earned int64, surge int64) {
earned = paystub.CompGetAudit + paystub.CompGet + paystub.CompGetRepair + paystub.CompAtRest
surge = earned * paystub.SurgePercent / 100
return earned, surge
// UsageAtRestTbM converts paystub's usage_at_rest from tbh to tbm.
func (paystub *PayStub) UsageAtRestTbM() {
paystub.UsageAtRest /= 720
// Payment is node payment data for specific period.
type Payment struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
SatelliteID storj.NodeID `json:"satelliteId"`
Period string `json:"period"`
Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
Receipt string `json:"receipt"`
Notes string `json:"notes"`
// SatelliteHeldHistory amount of held for specific satellite for all time since join.
type SatelliteHeldHistory struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID `json:"satelliteID"`
SatelliteName string `json:"satelliteName"`
HoldForFirstPeriod int64 `json:"holdForFirstPeriod"`
HoldForSecondPeriod int64 `json:"holdForSecondPeriod"`
HoldForThirdPeriod int64 `json:"holdForThirdPeriod"`
TotalHeld int64 `json:"totalHeld"`
TotalDisposed int64 `json:"totalDisposed"`
JoinedAt time.Time `json:"joinedAt"`
// SatellitePayoutForPeriod contains payouts information for specific period for specific satellite.
type SatellitePayoutForPeriod struct {
SatelliteID string `json:"satelliteID"`
SatelliteURL string `json:"satelliteURL"`
Age int64 `json:"age"`
Earned int64 `json:"earned"`
Surge int64 `json:"surge"`
SurgePercent int64 `json:"surgePercent"`
Held int64 `json:"held"`
HeldPercent float64 `json:"heldPercent"`
AfterHeld int64 `json:"afterHeld"`
Disposed int64 `json:"disposed"`
Paid int64 `json:"paid"`
Receipt string `json:"receipt"`
IsExitComplete bool `json:"isExitComplete"`
Distributed int64 `json:"distributed"`
// HeldAmountHistory contains held amount history for satellite.
type HeldAmountHistory struct {
SatelliteID storj.NodeID `json:"satelliteId"`
HeldAmounts []HeldForPeriod `json:"heldAmounts"`
// HeldForPeriod is node's held amount for period.
type HeldForPeriod struct {
Period string `json:"period"`
Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
// Period is a string that represents paystub period type in format yyyy-mm.
type Period string
// Time returns period in time.Time type from string.
func (p Period) Time() (time.Time, error) {
return time.Parse("2006-01", string(p))