paul cannon 737d7c7dfc satellite/reputation: new ApplyUpdates() method
The ApplyUpdates() method on the reputation.DB interface acts like the
similar Update() method, but can allow for applying the changes from
multiple audit events, instead of only one.

This will be necessary for the reputation write cache, which will batch
up changes to each node's reputation in order to flush them


Change-Id: I44cc47767ea2d9423166bb8fed080c8a11182041
2022-06-07 15:22:25 +00:00

170 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package reputation
import (
// UpdateAuditHistoryResponse contains information returned by UpdateAuditHistory.
type UpdateAuditHistoryResponse struct {
NewScore float64
TrackingPeriodFull bool
History []byte
// DuplicateAuditHistory creates a duplicate (deep copy) of an AuditHistory object.
func DuplicateAuditHistory(auditHistory *pb.AuditHistory) *pb.AuditHistory {
// argument is not a pointer type, so auditHistory is already a copy.
// Just need to copy the slice.
if auditHistory == nil {
return nil
windows := make([]*pb.AuditWindow, len(auditHistory.Windows))
for i := range windows {
windows[i] = &pb.AuditWindow{}
*windows[i] = *auditHistory.Windows[i]
auditHistory.Windows = windows
return auditHistory
// AddAuditToHistory adds a single online/not-online event to an AuditHistory.
// If the AuditHistory contains windows that are now outside the tracking
// period, those windows will be trimmed.
func AddAuditToHistory(a *pb.AuditHistory, online bool, auditTime time.Time, config AuditHistoryConfig) error {
newAuditWindowStartTime := auditTime.Truncate(config.WindowSize)
earliestWindow := newAuditWindowStartTime.Add(-config.TrackingPeriod)
// windowsModified is used to determine whether we will need to recalculate the score because windows have been added or removed.
windowsModified := false
// delete windows outside of tracking period scope
updatedWindows := a.Windows
for i, window := range a.Windows {
if window.WindowStart.Before(earliestWindow) {
updatedWindows = a.Windows[i+1:]
windowsModified = true
} else {
// windows are in order, so if this window is in the tracking period, we are done deleting windows
a.Windows = updatedWindows
// if there are no windows or the latest window has passed, add another window
if len(a.Windows) == 0 || a.Windows[len(a.Windows)-1].WindowStart.Before(newAuditWindowStartTime) {
windowsModified = true
a.Windows = append(a.Windows, &pb.AuditWindow{WindowStart: newAuditWindowStartTime})
latestIndex := len(a.Windows) - 1
if a.Windows[latestIndex].WindowStart.After(newAuditWindowStartTime) {
return Error.New("cannot add audit to audit history; window already passed")
// add new audit to latest window
if online {
// if no windows were added or removed, score does not change
if !windowsModified {
return nil
if len(a.Windows) <= 1 {
a.Score = 1
return nil
totalWindowScores := 0.0
for i, window := range a.Windows {
// do not include last window in score
if i+1 == len(a.Windows) {
totalWindowScores += float64(window.OnlineCount) / float64(window.TotalCount)
// divide by number of windows-1 because last window is not included
a.Score = totalWindowScores / float64(len(a.Windows)-1)
return nil
// MergeAuditHistories merges two audit histories into one, including all
// windows that are present in either input and summing counts for
// any windows that appear in _both_ inputs. Any windows that are now outside
// the tracking period will be trimmed.
// The history parameter will be mutated to include the windows passed as
// addHistory.
// Returns true if the number of windows in the new history is the maximum
// possible for the tracking config.
func MergeAuditHistories(history *pb.AuditHistory, addHistory []*pb.AuditWindow, config AuditHistoryConfig) (trackingPeriodFull bool) {
windows := history.Windows
for addIndex, windowIndex := 0, 0; addIndex < len(addHistory); {
switch {
case windowIndex == len(windows):
windows = append(windows, &pb.AuditWindow{
WindowStart: addHistory[addIndex].WindowStart,
case windows[windowIndex].WindowStart.Equal(addHistory[addIndex].WindowStart):
windows[windowIndex].TotalCount += addHistory[addIndex].TotalCount
windows[windowIndex].OnlineCount += addHistory[addIndex].OnlineCount
case windows[windowIndex].WindowStart.Before(addHistory[addIndex].WindowStart):
case windows[windowIndex].WindowStart.After(addHistory[addIndex].WindowStart):
windows = append(windows[:windowIndex+1], windows[windowIndex:]...)
windows[windowIndex] = &pb.AuditWindow{
WindowStart: addHistory[addIndex].WindowStart,
TotalCount: addHistory[addIndex].TotalCount,
OnlineCount: addHistory[addIndex].OnlineCount,
// trim off windows that are too old
if len(windows) > 0 {
cutoffTime := windows[len(windows)-1].WindowStart.Add(-config.TrackingPeriod)
for len(windows) > 0 && windows[0].WindowStart.Before(cutoffTime) {
windows = windows[1:]
history.Windows = windows
windowsPerTrackingPeriod := int(config.TrackingPeriod.Seconds() / config.WindowSize.Seconds())
trackingPeriodFull = len(history.Windows)-1 >= windowsPerTrackingPeriod
return trackingPeriodFull
// RecalculateScore calculates and assigns the Score field in a pb.AuditHistory object.
// The score is calculated by averaging the online percentage in each window
// (not including the last).
func RecalculateScore(history *pb.AuditHistory) {
if len(history.Windows) <= 1 {
history.Score = 1
totalWindowScores := float64(0)
for i, window := range history.Windows {
// do not include last window in score
if i+1 == len(history.Windows) {
totalWindowScores += float64(window.OnlineCount) / float64(window.TotalCount)
history.Score = totalWindowScores / float64(len(history.Windows)-1)