Egon Elbre 267506bb20 satellite/metabase: move package one level higher
metabase has become a central concept and it's more suitable for it to
be directly nested under satellite rather than being part of metainfo.

metainfo is going to be the "endpoint" logic for handling requests.

Change-Id: I53770d6761ac1e9a1283b5aa68f471b21e784198
2021-04-21 15:54:22 +03:00

191 lines
4.4 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc.
// See LICENSE for copying information.
package metabase
import (
// AliasPieces is a slice of AliasPiece.
type AliasPieces []AliasPiece
// AliasPiece is a piece with alias node ID.
type AliasPiece struct {
Number uint16
Alias NodeAlias
const (
// aliasPieceEncodingRLE run length encodes the zeros and node ID-s.
// Example:
// pieces = {2 x} {11 y}
// // converted into slice with zeros
// 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y
// // run length encoded
// <2 zeros, 1 value> x <7 zeros, 0 values> <1 zeros, 1 value> y
aliasPieceEncodingRLE = 1
aliasPieceEncodingZeroBits = 3
aliasPieceEncodingNodeAliasBits = 8 - aliasPieceEncodingZeroBits
aliasPieceEncodingMaxZeros = 1<<aliasPieceEncodingZeroBits - 1
aliasPieceEncodingMaxNodeAliases = 1<<aliasPieceEncodingNodeAliasBits - 1
// Bytes compresses alias pieces to a slice of bytes.
func (aliases AliasPieces) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
if len(aliases) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var buffer [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
// we're going to guess that it'll take 3 bytes per node alias + at most one per two nodes.
data := make([]byte, 0, len(aliases)*3+len(aliases)/2)
data = append(data, aliasPieceEncodingRLE)
expectedPieceNumber := uint16(0)
index := 0
for index < len(aliases) {
data = append(data, 0)
// setup header for the next sequence of nodes
lengthHeaderPos := len(data) - 1
zeroCount, aliasCount := 0, 0
setHeader := func() {
data[lengthHeaderPos] = byte(aliasCount)<<aliasPieceEncodingZeroBits | byte(zeroCount)
// start examining the piece
piece := aliases[index]
if expectedPieceNumber > piece.Number {
return nil, Error.New("alias pieces not ordered")
// count up until max zeros
for i := 0; i < aliasPieceEncodingMaxZeros; i++ {
if expectedPieceNumber == piece.Number {
// if there were too many zeros in sequence, we need to emit more headers
if piece.Number != expectedPieceNumber {
// emit all the pieces that are in sequence, but up to max node aliases
for aliasCount < aliasPieceEncodingMaxNodeAliases {
// emit the piece alias
n := binary.PutUvarint(buffer[:], uint64(piece.Alias))
data = append(data, buffer[:n]...)
// update the header and the expected piece number
// next piece
if index >= len(aliases) {
piece = aliases[index]
// check whether we should emit zeros
if piece.Number != expectedPieceNumber {
return data, nil
// SetBytes decompresses alias pieces from a slice of bytes.
func (aliases *AliasPieces) SetBytes(data []byte) error {
*aliases = nil
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
if data[0] != aliasPieceEncodingRLE {
return Error.New("unknown alias pieces header: %v", data[0])
// we're going to guess there's two alias pieces per two bytes of data
*aliases = make(AliasPieces, 0, len(data)/2)
p := 1
pieceNumber := uint16(0)
for p < len(data) {
// read the header
header := data[p]
if p >= len(data) {
return Error.New("invalid alias pieces data")
// extract header values
aliasCount := int(header >> aliasPieceEncodingZeroBits)
zeroCount := int(header & aliasPieceEncodingMaxZeros)
// skip over the zero values
pieceNumber += uint16(zeroCount)
// read the aliases
for k := 0; k < aliasCount; k++ {
v, n := binary.Uvarint(data[p:])
p += n
if n <= 0 {
return Error.New("invalid alias pieces data")
*aliases = append(*aliases, AliasPiece{
Number: pieceNumber,
Alias: NodeAlias(v),
return nil
// Scan implements the database/sql Scanner interface.
func (aliases *AliasPieces) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
*aliases = nil
return nil
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
return aliases.SetBytes(src)
return Error.New("invalid type for AliasPieces: %T", src)
// Value implements the database/sql/driver Valuer interface.
func (aliases AliasPieces) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return aliases.Bytes()
// EqualAliasPieces compares whether xs and ys are equal.
func EqualAliasPieces(xs, ys AliasPieces) bool {
if len(xs) != len(ys) {
return false
for i, x := range xs {
if ys[i] != x {
return false
return true