// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package main import ( "strconv" "github.com/zeebo/clingy" ) type cmdAccessCreate struct { accessPermissions token string passphrase string name string save bool } func (c *cmdAccessCreate) Setup(params clingy.Parameters) { c.token = params.Flag("token", "Setup token from satellite UI (prompted if unspecified)", "").(string) c.passphrase = params.Flag("passphrase", "Passphrase used for encryption (prompted if unspecified)", "").(string) c.name = params.Flag("name", "Name to save newly created access, if --save is true", "default").(string) c.save = params.Flag("save", "Save the access", true, clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool)).(bool) c.accessPermissions.Setup(params) } func (c *cmdAccessCreate) Execute(ctx clingy.Context) error { return nil }