// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package consoleapi import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "net/http" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/zeebo/errs" "go.uber.org/zap" "storj.io/common/uuid" "storj.io/storj/private/post" "storj.io/storj/satellite/console" "storj.io/storj/satellite/console/consoleweb/consoleql" "storj.io/storj/satellite/console/consoleweb/consolewebauth" "storj.io/storj/satellite/mailservice" "storj.io/storj/satellite/rewards" ) var ( // ErrAuthAPI - console auth api error type. ErrAuthAPI = errs.Class("console auth api error") // errNotImplemented is the error value used by handlers of this package to // response with status Not Implemented. errNotImplemented = errs.New("not implemented") ) // Auth is an api controller that exposes all auth functionality. type Auth struct { log *zap.Logger ExternalAddress string LetUsKnowURL string TermsAndConditionsURL string ContactInfoURL string service *console.Service mailService *mailservice.Service cookieAuth *consolewebauth.CookieAuth partners *rewards.PartnersService } // NewAuth is a constructor for api auth controller. func NewAuth(log *zap.Logger, service *console.Service, mailService *mailservice.Service, cookieAuth *consolewebauth.CookieAuth, partners *rewards.PartnersService, externalAddress string, letUsKnowURL string, termsAndConditionsURL string, contactInfoURL string) *Auth { return &Auth{ log: log, ExternalAddress: externalAddress, LetUsKnowURL: letUsKnowURL, TermsAndConditionsURL: termsAndConditionsURL, ContactInfoURL: contactInfoURL, service: service, mailService: mailService, cookieAuth: cookieAuth, partners: partners, } } // Token authenticates user by credentials and returns auth token. func (a *Auth) Token(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var tokenRequest struct { Email string `json:"email"` Password string `json:"password"` } err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&tokenRequest) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } token, err := a.service.Token(ctx, tokenRequest.Email, tokenRequest.Password) if err != nil { a.log.Info("Error authenticating token request", zap.String("email", tokenRequest.Email), zap.Error(ErrAuthAPI.Wrap(err))) a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } a.cookieAuth.SetTokenCookie(w, token) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(token) if err != nil { a.log.Error("token handler could not encode token response", zap.Error(ErrAuthAPI.Wrap(err))) return } } // Logout removes auth cookie. func (a *Auth) Logout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(nil) a.cookieAuth.RemoveTokenCookie(w) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") } // Register creates new user, sends activation e-mail. func (a *Auth) Register(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var registerData struct { FullName string `json:"fullName"` ShortName string `json:"shortName"` Email string `json:"email"` Partner string `json:"partner"` PartnerID string `json:"partnerId"` Password string `json:"password"` SecretInput string `json:"secret"` ReferrerUserID string `json:"referrerUserId"` } err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(®isterData) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } secret, err := console.RegistrationSecretFromBase64(registerData.SecretInput) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } if registerData.Partner != "" { info, err := a.partners.ByName(ctx, registerData.Partner) if err != nil { a.log.Warn("Invalid partner name", zap.String("Partner name", registerData.Partner), zap.String("User email", registerData.Email), zap.Error(err)) } else { registerData.PartnerID = info.ID } } user, err := a.service.CreateUser(ctx, console.CreateUser{ FullName: registerData.FullName, ShortName: registerData.ShortName, Email: registerData.Email, PartnerID: registerData.PartnerID, Password: registerData.Password, }, secret, registerData.ReferrerUserID, ) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } token, err := a.service.GenerateActivationToken(ctx, user.ID, user.Email) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } link := a.ExternalAddress + "activation/?token=" + token userName := user.ShortName if user.ShortName == "" { userName = user.FullName } a.mailService.SendRenderedAsync( ctx, []post.Address{{Address: user.Email, Name: userName}}, &consoleql.AccountActivationEmail{ ActivationLink: link, Origin: a.ExternalAddress, UserName: userName, }, ) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(user.ID) if err != nil { a.log.Error("registration handler could not encode userID", zap.Error(ErrAuthAPI.Wrap(err))) return } } // UpdateAccount updates user's full name and short name. func (a *Auth) UpdateAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var updatedInfo struct { FullName string `json:"fullName"` ShortName string `json:"shortName"` } err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&updatedInfo) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } if err = a.service.UpdateAccount(ctx, updatedInfo.FullName, updatedInfo.ShortName); err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) } } // GetAccount gets authorized user and take it's params. func (a *Auth) GetAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var user struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` FullName string `json:"fullName"` ShortName string `json:"shortName"` Email string `json:"email"` PartnerID uuid.UUID `json:"partnerId"` ProjectLimit int `json:"projectLimit"` } auth, err := console.GetAuth(ctx) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } user.ShortName = auth.User.ShortName user.FullName = auth.User.FullName user.Email = auth.User.Email user.ID = auth.User.ID user.PartnerID = auth.User.PartnerID user.ProjectLimit = auth.User.ProjectLimit w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&user) if err != nil { a.log.Error("could not encode user info", zap.Error(ErrAuthAPI.Wrap(err))) return } } // DeleteAccount authorizes user and deletes account by password. func (a *Auth) DeleteAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&errNotImplemented) // We do not want to allow account deletion via API currently. a.serveJSONError(w, errNotImplemented) } // ChangeEmail auth user, changes users email for a new one. func (a *Auth) ChangeEmail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var emailChange struct { NewEmail string `json:"newEmail"` } err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&emailChange) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } err = a.service.ChangeEmail(ctx, emailChange.NewEmail) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } } // ChangePassword auth user, changes users password for a new one. func (a *Auth) ChangePassword(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var passwordChange struct { CurrentPassword string `json:"password"` NewPassword string `json:"newPassword"` } err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&passwordChange) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } err = a.service.ChangePassword(ctx, passwordChange.CurrentPassword, passwordChange.NewPassword) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } } // ForgotPassword creates password-reset token and sends email to user. func (a *Auth) ForgotPassword(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) params := mux.Vars(r) email, ok := params["email"] if !ok { err = errs.New("email expected") a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } user, err := a.service.GetUserByEmail(ctx, email) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } recoveryToken, err := a.service.GeneratePasswordRecoveryToken(ctx, user.ID) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } passwordRecoveryLink := a.ExternalAddress + "password-recovery/?token=" + recoveryToken cancelPasswordRecoveryLink := a.ExternalAddress + "cancel-password-recovery/?token=" + recoveryToken userName := user.ShortName if user.ShortName == "" { userName = user.FullName } contactInfoURL := a.ContactInfoURL letUsKnowURL := a.LetUsKnowURL termsAndConditionsURL := a.TermsAndConditionsURL a.mailService.SendRenderedAsync( ctx, []post.Address{{Address: user.Email, Name: userName}}, &consoleql.ForgotPasswordEmail{ Origin: a.ExternalAddress, UserName: userName, ResetLink: passwordRecoveryLink, CancelPasswordRecoveryLink: cancelPasswordRecoveryLink, LetUsKnowURL: letUsKnowURL, ContactInfoURL: contactInfoURL, TermsAndConditionsURL: termsAndConditionsURL, }, ) } // ResendEmail generates activation token by userID and sends email account activation email to user. func (a *Auth) ResendEmail(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() var err error defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) params := mux.Vars(r) id, ok := params["id"] if !ok { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } userID, err := uuid.FromString(id) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } user, err := a.service.GetUser(ctx, userID) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } token, err := a.service.GenerateActivationToken(ctx, user.ID, user.Email) if err != nil { a.serveJSONError(w, err) return } link := a.ExternalAddress + "activation/?token=" + token userName := user.ShortName if user.ShortName == "" { userName = user.FullName } contactInfoURL := a.ContactInfoURL termsAndConditionsURL := a.TermsAndConditionsURL a.mailService.SendRenderedAsync( ctx, []post.Address{{Address: user.Email, Name: userName}}, &consoleql.AccountActivationEmail{ Origin: a.ExternalAddress, ActivationLink: link, TermsAndConditionsURL: termsAndConditionsURL, ContactInfoURL: contactInfoURL, UserName: userName, }, ) } // serveJSONError writes JSON error to response output stream. func (a *Auth) serveJSONError(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) { w.WriteHeader(a.getStatusCode(err)) var response struct { Error string `json:"error"` } response.Error = err.Error() err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(response) if err != nil { a.log.Error("failed to write json error response", zap.Error(ErrAuthAPI.Wrap(err))) } } // getStatusCode returns http.StatusCode depends on console error class. func (a *Auth) getStatusCode(err error) int { switch { case console.ErrValidation.Has(err): return http.StatusBadRequest case console.ErrUnauthorized.Has(err): return http.StatusUnauthorized case console.ErrEmailUsed.Has(err): return http.StatusConflict case errors.Is(err, errNotImplemented): return http.StatusNotImplemented default: return http.StatusInternalServerError } }