#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ueo pipefail set -x cleanup(){ ret=$? echo "EXIT STATUS: $ret" git worktree prune rm -rf "$TMP" echo "cleaned up test successfully" exit "$ret" } trap cleanup EXIT # set storagenode versions to use desired storagenode binary populate_sno_versions(){ local version=$1 local number_of_nodes=$2 seq $number_of_nodes | xargs -n1 -I{} echo $version } # set this var to anything else than `jenkins` to run tests locally RUN_TYPE=${RUN_TYPE:-"jenkins"} # set peers' versions # in stage 1: satellite and storagenode use latest release version, uplink uses all 3 highest point release from all major releases plus versions from $IMPORTANT_VERSIONS # in stage 2: satellite core uses latest release version and satellite api uses main. Storage nodes are split into half on latest release version and half on main. Uplink uses the all versions from stage 1 plus main IMPORTANT_VERSIONS=('v1.0.0 v1.15.4 v1.19.9 v1.27.6 v1.28.2 v1.29.5 v1.30.4') # first stable version, next 2 versions representative for pre metainfo refactoring, other represent current rclone, duplicati etc. git fetch --tags major_release_tags=$( git tag -l --sort -version:refname | # get the tag list grep -v rc | # remove release candidates sort -n -k2,2 -t'.' --unique | # only keep the largest patch version sort -V | # resort based using "version sort" tail -n 3 # kepep only last 3 releases ) major_release_tags=$(echo $IMPORTANT_VERSIONS $major_release_tags ) current_release_version=$(echo $major_release_tags | xargs -n 1 | tail -1) stage1_sat_version=$current_release_version stage1_uplink_versions=$major_release_tags stage1_storagenode_versions=$(populate_sno_versions $current_release_version 10) stage2_sat_version="main" stage2_uplink_versions=$major_release_tags\ "main" stage2_storagenode_versions=$(populate_sno_versions $current_release_version 5)\ $(populate_sno_versions "main" 5) echo "stage1_sat_version" $stage1_sat_version echo "stage1_uplink_versions" $stage1_uplink_versions echo "stage1_storagenode_versions" $stage1_storagenode_versions echo "stage2_sat_version" $stage2_sat_version echo "stage2_uplink_versions" $stage2_uplink_versions echo "stage2_storagenode_versions" $stage2_storagenode_versions TMP=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) find_unique_versions(){ echo "$*" | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq } version_dir(){ echo "${TMP}/${1}" } replace_in_file(){ local src="$1" local dest="$2" local path=$3 case "$OSTYPE" in darwin*) sed -i '' "s#${src}#${dest}#g" "${path}" ;; *) sed -i "s#${src}#${dest}#g" "${path}" ;; esac } scriptdir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" # mirroring install-sim from the Makefile since it won't work on private Jenkins install_sim(){ local work_dir="$1" local bin_dir="$2" mkdir -p ${bin_dir} go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/storagenode storj.io/storj/cmd/storagenode >/dev/null 2>&1 go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/satellite storj.io/storj/cmd/satellite >/dev/null 2>&1 go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/storj-sim storj.io/storj/cmd/storj-sim >/dev/null 2>&1 go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/versioncontrol storj.io/storj/cmd/versioncontrol >/dev/null 2>&1 go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/uplink storj.io/storj/cmd/uplink >/dev/null 2>&1 go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/identity storj.io/storj/cmd/identity >/dev/null 2>&1 go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/certificates storj.io/storj/cmd/certificates >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -d "${work_dir}/cmd/gateway" ]; then (cd ${work_dir}/cmd/gateway && go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/gateway storj.io/storj/cmd/gateway >/dev/null 2>&1) else GOBIN=${bin_dir} go install -race storj.io/gateway@latest fi if [ -d "${work_dir}/cmd/multinode" ]; then # as storj-sim is most likely installed from $PWD and contains storj-sim version which requires multinode # install the most recent multinode version from $PWD # multinode versions that are below c08ca361d83b252da8ba466896f23fdc6dddc1d9 throws on run if UI was not build go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/multinode storj.io/storj/cmd/multinode >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } setup_stage(){ local test_dir=$1 local sat_version=$2 local stage_sn_versions=$3 echo "Satellite version: ${sat_version}" echo "Storagenode versions: ${stage_sn_versions}" local src_sat_version_dir=$(version_dir ${sat_version}) PATH=$src_sat_version_dir/bin:$PATH src_sat_cfg_dir=$(storj-sim network env --config-dir=${src_sat_version_dir}/local-network/ SATELLITE_0_DIR) PATH=$test_dir/bin:$PATH dest_sat_cfg_dir=$(storj-sim network env --config-dir=${test_dir}/local-network/ SATELLITE_0_DIR) # ln binary and copy config.yaml for desired version ln -f $(version_dir ${sat_version})/bin/storj-sim $test_dir/bin/storj-sim ln -f $src_sat_version_dir/bin/satellite $dest_sat_cfg_dir/satellite cp $src_sat_cfg_dir/config.yaml $dest_sat_cfg_dir replace_in_file "${src_sat_version_dir}" "${test_dir}" "${dest_sat_cfg_dir}/config.yaml" replace_in_file "\# console.usage-limits.default-bandwidth-limit:.*" "console.usage-limits.default-bandwidth-limit: 500GB" "${dest_sat_cfg_dir}/config.yaml" replace_in_file "\# console.usage-limits.default-storage-limit:.*" "console.usage-limits.default-storage-limit: 500GB" "${dest_sat_cfg_dir}/config.yaml" counter=0 for sn_version in ${stage_sn_versions}; do local src_sn_version_dir=$(version_dir ${sn_version}) PATH=$src_sn_version_dir/bin:$PATH src_sn_cfg_dir=$(storj-sim network env --config-dir=${src_sn_version_dir}/local-network/ STORAGENODE_${counter}_DIR) PATH=$test_dir/bin:$PATH dest_sn_cfg_dir=$(storj-sim network env --config-dir=${test_dir}/local-network/ STORAGENODE_${counter}_DIR) dest_sat_nodeid=$(grep "storage2.trust.source" ${dest_sn_cfg_dir}/config.yaml || grep "storage.whitelisted-satellites" ${dest_sn_cfg_dir}/config.yaml) dest_sat_nodeid=$(echo $dest_sat_nodeid | grep -o ": .*@") src_sat_nodeid=$(grep "storage2.trust.source" ${src_sn_cfg_dir}/config.yaml || grep "storage.whitelisted-satellites" ${src_sn_cfg_dir}/config.yaml) src_sat_nodeid=$(echo $src_sat_nodeid | grep -o ": .*@") # ln binary and copy config.yaml for desired version ln -f $src_sn_version_dir/bin/storagenode $dest_sn_cfg_dir/storagenode cp $src_sn_cfg_dir/config.yaml $dest_sn_cfg_dir # update config dir in config.yaml as well as whitelisted satellites in config.yaml replace_in_file "${src_sn_version_dir}" "${test_dir}" "${dest_sn_cfg_dir}/config.yaml" replace_in_file "${src_sat_nodeid}" "${dest_sat_nodeid}" "${dest_sn_cfg_dir}/config.yaml" let counter+=1 done } # Set up each environment unique_versions=$(find_unique_versions "$stage1_sat_version" "$stage1_uplink_versions" "$stage1_storagenode_versions" "$stage2_sat_version" "$stage2_uplink_versions" "$stage2_storagenode_versions") STORJ_NETWORK_HOST4=${STORJ_NETWORK_HOST4:-} STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES=${STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES:-""} STORJ_SIM_REDIS=${STORJ_SIM_REDIS:-""} if [ -z ${STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES} ]; then echo "STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES is required for the satellite DB. Example: STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES=postgres://[user]:[pass]@[host]/[db]?sslmode=disable" exit 1 fi if [ -z ${STORJ_SIM_REDIS} ]; then echo "STORJ_SIM_REDIS is required for the satellite DB. Example: STORJ_SIM_REDIS=[port]" exit 1 fi echo "Setting up environments for versions" ${unique_versions} # create a result file for each child process' exit code exit_statuses_dir=${TMP}/exit_statuses mkdir ${exit_statuses_dir} write_exit_status(){ # we need to capture the exit status first so it won't be overwritten local exit_status=$? local version=$1 echo $exit_status > ${exit_statuses_dir}/${version} # write exit code to a file named with the current installing version echo "installation for ${version} exited with status $exit_status" } # clean up git worktree git worktree prune for version in ${unique_versions}; do # run in parallel ( trap "write_exit_status ${version}" EXIT dir=$(version_dir ${version}) bin_dir=${dir}/bin echo -e "\nAdding worktree for ${version} in ${dir}." if [[ $version = "main" ]] then git worktree add -f "$dir" "origin/main" else git worktree add -f "$dir" "${version}" fi rm -f ${dir}/internal/version/release.go if [ -d "${dir}/private/version/release.go" ]; then # clear out release information cat > ${dir}/private/version/release.go <<-EOF // Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package version EOF fi if [[ $version = $current_release_version || $version = "main" ]] then echo "Installing storj-sim for ${version} in ${dir}." install_sim ${dir} ${bin_dir} echo "finished installing" echo "Setting up storj-sim for ${version}. Bin: ${bin_dir}, Config: ${dir}/local-network" PATH=${bin_dir}:$PATH storj-sim -x --host="${STORJ_NETWORK_HOST4}" --postgres="${STORJ_SIM_POSTGRES}" --config-dir "${dir}/local-network" network setup >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Finished setting up. ${dir}/local-network:" $(ls ${dir}/local-network) echo "Binary shasums:" shasum ${bin_dir}/satellite shasum ${bin_dir}/storagenode shasum ${bin_dir}/uplink shasum ${bin_dir}/gateway else echo "Installing uplink for ${version} in ${dir}." pushd ${dir} mkdir -p ${bin_dir} go build -race -v -o ${bin_dir}/uplink storj.io/storj/cmd/uplink >/dev/null 2>&1 popd echo "Finished installing. ${bin_dir}:" $(ls ${bin_dir}) echo "Binary shasums:" shasum ${bin_dir}/uplink fi ) & done wait # wait for all child processes to finish # iterate through those result files to check their exit code # if there's any exit code that's non-zero, exit the test grep -qvwr "0" ${exit_statuses_dir} && exit 1 # Use stage 1 satellite version as the starting state. Create a cp of that # version folder so we don't worry about dirty states. Then copy/link/mv # appropriate resources into that folder to ensure we have correct versions. test_dir=$(version_dir "test_dir") cp -r $(version_dir ${stage1_sat_version}) ${test_dir} echo -e "\nSetting up stage 1 in ${test_dir}" setup_stage "${test_dir}" "${stage1_sat_version}" "${stage1_storagenode_versions}" update_access_script_path="$(version_dir "main")/scripts/update-access.go" # Uploading files to the network using the latest release version for each uplink version for ul_version in ${stage1_uplink_versions}; do echo "Stage 1 Uplink version: ${ul_version}" src_ul_version_dir=$(version_dir ${ul_version}) ln -f ${src_ul_version_dir}/bin/uplink $test_dir/bin/uplink PATH=$test_dir/bin:$PATH storj-sim -x --host "${STORJ_NETWORK_HOST4}" --config-dir "${test_dir}/local-network" network test bash "${scriptdir}/test-versions.sh" "${test_dir}/local-network" "upload" "${ul_version}" "$update_access_script_path" done # Remove current uplink config to regenerate uplink config for older uplink version rm -rf "${test_dir}/local-network/uplink" echo -e "\nSetting up stage 2 in ${test_dir}" setup_stage "${test_dir}" "${stage2_sat_version}" "${stage2_storagenode_versions}" echo -e "\nRunning stage 2." # Downloading every file uploaded in stage 1 from the network using the latest commit from main branch for each uplink version for ul_version in ${stage2_uplink_versions}; do echo "Stage 2 Uplink version: ${ul_version}" src_ul_version_dir=$(version_dir ${ul_version}) ln -f ${src_ul_version_dir}/bin/uplink $test_dir/bin/uplink PATH=$test_dir/bin:$PATH storj-sim -x --host "${STORJ_NETWORK_HOST4}" --config-dir "${test_dir}/local-network" network test bash "${scriptdir}/test-versions.sh" "${test_dir}/local-network" "download" "${ul_version}" "$update_access_script_path" "${stage1_uplink_versions}" done echo -e "\nCleaning up." PATH=$test_dir/bin:$PATH storj-sim -x --host "${STORJ_NETWORK_HOST4}" --config-dir "${test_dir}/local-network" network test bash "${scriptdir}/test-versions.sh" "${test_dir}/local-network" "cleanup" "${stage1_uplink_versions}" ""