#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ueo pipefail SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" source $SCRIPTDIR/utils.sh TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) cleanup(){ rm -rf "$TMPDIR" echo "cleaned up test successfully" } trap cleanup EXIT trap 'failure ${LINENO} "$BASH_COMMAND"' ERR : "${STORJ_NETWORK_DIR?Environment variable STORJ_NETWORK_DIR needs to be set}" while getopts "b:" o; do case "${o}" in b) BUCKET="${OPTARG}" ;; *) ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) BUCKET="${BUCKET:-bucket-123}" PRISTINE_FILES_DIR="$STORJ_NETWORK_DIR/pristine/$BUCKET" DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR="$STORJ_NETWORK_DIR/download/$BUCKET" # override configured access with access where address is node ID + satellite addess STORJ_ACCESS=$(go run "$SCRIPTDIR"/update-access.go "$SATELLITE_0_DIR" "$GATEWAY_0_ACCESS") UPLINK_ACCESS="$STORJ_ACCESS" export STORJ_ACCESS export UPLINK_ACCESS # workaround for issues with automatic accepting monitoring question # with first run we need to accept question y/n about monitoring export UPLINK_CONFIG_DIR=$TMPDIR/uplink mkdir -p "$UPLINK_CONFIG_DIR" touch "$UPLINK_CONFIG_DIR/config.ini" set -x if [[ "$1" == "upload" ]]; then mkdir -p "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR" "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR" random_bytes_file "2KiB" "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/small-upload-testfile" # create 2kb file of random bytes (inline) random_bytes_file "5MiB" "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/big-upload-testfile" # create 5mb file of random bytes (remote) random_bytes_file "12MiB" "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/multisegment-upload-testfile" # create 12mb file of random bytes (remote) # sometimes we overwrite files in the same bucket. allow the mb to fail because of an existing # bucket. if it fails for any other reason, the following cp will get it anyway. uplink mb "sj://$BUCKET/" || true uplink cp --progress=false "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/small-upload-testfile" "sj://$BUCKET/" uplink cp --progress=false "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/big-upload-testfile" "sj://$BUCKET/" uplink cp --progress=false "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/multisegment-upload-testfile" "sj://$BUCKET/" fi if [[ "$1" == "download" ]]; then uplink cp --progress=false "sj://$BUCKET/small-upload-testfile" "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR" uplink cp --progress=false "sj://$BUCKET/big-upload-testfile" "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR" uplink cp --progress=false "sj://$BUCKET/multisegment-upload-testfile" "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR" compare_files "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/small-upload-testfile" "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR/small-upload-testfile" compare_files "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/big-upload-testfile" "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR/big-upload-testfile" compare_files "$PRISTINE_FILES_DIR/multisegment-upload-testfile" "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR/multisegment-upload-testfile" rm "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR/small-upload-testfile" rm "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR/big-upload-testfile" rm "$DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR/multisegment-upload-testfile" fi if [[ "$1" == "cleanup" ]]; then for BUCKET_DIR in "$STORJ_NETWORK_DIR"/pristine/*; do BUCKET="$(basename "$BUCKET_DIR")" uplink rm "sj://$BUCKET/small-upload-testfile" uplink rm "sj://$BUCKET/big-upload-testfile" uplink rm "sj://$BUCKET/multisegment-upload-testfile" uplink rb "sj://$BUCKET" done fi