// Copyright (C) 2021 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package main import ( "context" "strconv" "github.com/zeebo/clingy" "storj.io/storj/cmd/uplink/ulext" ) type cmdAccessRegister struct { ex ulext.External accessNameOrValue *string authService string caCert string public bool format string awsProfile string } func newCmdAccessRegister(ex ulext.External) *cmdAccessRegister { return &cmdAccessRegister{ex: ex} } func (c *cmdAccessRegister) Setup(params clingy.Parameters) { c.authService = params.Flag("auth-service", "The address to the service you wish to register your access with", "auth.storjshare.io:7777").(string) c.caCert = params.Flag("ca-cert", "path to a file in PEM format with certificate(s) or certificate chain(s) to validate the auth service against", "").(string) c.public = params.Flag("public", "If true, the access will be public", false, clingy.Transform(strconv.ParseBool)).(bool) c.format = params.Flag("format", "Format of the output credentials, use 'env' or 'aws' when using in scripts", "").(string) c.awsProfile = params.Flag("aws-profile", "If using --format=aws, output the --profile tag using this profile", "").(string) c.accessNameOrValue = params.Arg("access", "The name or value of the access grant we're registering with the auth service", clingy.Optional).(*string) } func (c *cmdAccessRegister) Execute(ctx context.Context) (err error) { accessNameOrValue := "" if c.accessNameOrValue != nil && len(*c.accessNameOrValue) > 0 { accessNameOrValue = *c.accessNameOrValue } access, err := c.ex.OpenAccess(accessNameOrValue) if err != nil { return err } credentials, err := RegisterAccess(ctx, access, c.authService, c.public, c.caCert) if err != nil { return err } return DisplayGatewayCredentials(ctx, *credentials, c.format, c.awsProfile) }