// Copyright (C) 2018 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package psclient import ( "bufio" "crypto" "crypto/ecdsa" "flag" "fmt" "io" "log" "time" "github.com/gtank/cryptopasta" "github.com/zeebo/errs" "go.uber.org/zap" "golang.org/x/net/context" "storj.io/storj/pkg/pb" "storj.io/storj/pkg/ranger" "storj.io/storj/pkg/storj" "storj.io/storj/pkg/transport" ) // ClientError is any error returned by the client var ClientError = errs.Class("piecestore client error") var ( defaultBandwidthMsgSize = flag.Int( "piecestore.rpc.client.default-bandwidth-msg-size", 32*1024, "default bandwidth message size in bytes") maxBandwidthMsgSize = flag.Int( "piecestore.rpc.client.max-bandwidth-msg-size", 64*1024, "max bandwidth message size in bytes") ) // Client is an interface describing the functions for interacting with piecestore nodes type Client interface { Meta(ctx context.Context, id PieceID) (*pb.PieceSummary, error) Put(ctx context.Context, id PieceID, data io.Reader, ttl time.Time, ba *pb.PayerBandwidthAllocation, authorization *pb.SignedMessage) error Get(ctx context.Context, id PieceID, size int64, ba *pb.PayerBandwidthAllocation, authorization *pb.SignedMessage) (ranger.Ranger, error) Delete(ctx context.Context, pieceID PieceID, authorization *pb.SignedMessage) error Stats(ctx context.Context) (*pb.StatSummary, error) io.Closer } // PieceStore -- Struct Info needed for protobuf api calls type PieceStore struct { closeFunc func() error // function that closes the transport connection client pb.PieceStoreRoutesClient // PieceStore for interacting with Storage Node prikey crypto.PrivateKey // Uplink private key bandwidthMsgSize int // max bandwidth message size in bytes nodeID storj.NodeID // Storage node being connected to } // NewPSClient initilizes a piecestore client func NewPSClient(ctx context.Context, tc transport.Client, n *pb.Node, bandwidthMsgSize int) (Client, error) { conn, err := tc.DialNode(ctx, n) if err != nil { return nil, err } if bandwidthMsgSize < 0 || bandwidthMsgSize > *maxBandwidthMsgSize { return nil, ClientError.New("invalid Bandwidth Message Size: %v", bandwidthMsgSize) } if bandwidthMsgSize == 0 { bandwidthMsgSize = *defaultBandwidthMsgSize } return &PieceStore{ closeFunc: conn.Close, client: pb.NewPieceStoreRoutesClient(conn), bandwidthMsgSize: bandwidthMsgSize, prikey: tc.Identity().Key, nodeID: n.Id, }, nil } // NewCustomRoute creates new PieceStore with custom client interface func NewCustomRoute(client pb.PieceStoreRoutesClient, target *pb.Node, bandwidthMsgSize int, prikey crypto.PrivateKey) (*PieceStore, error) { if bandwidthMsgSize < 0 || bandwidthMsgSize > *maxBandwidthMsgSize { return nil, ClientError.New("invalid Bandwidth Message Size: %v", bandwidthMsgSize) } if bandwidthMsgSize == 0 { bandwidthMsgSize = *defaultBandwidthMsgSize } return &PieceStore{ client: client, bandwidthMsgSize: bandwidthMsgSize, prikey: prikey, nodeID: target.Id, }, nil } // Close closes the connection with piecestore func (ps *PieceStore) Close() error { if ps.closeFunc == nil { return nil } return ps.closeFunc() } // Meta requests info about a piece by Id func (ps *PieceStore) Meta(ctx context.Context, id PieceID) (*pb.PieceSummary, error) { return ps.client.Piece(ctx, &pb.PieceId{Id: id.String()}) } // Put uploads a Piece to a piece store Server func (ps *PieceStore) Put(ctx context.Context, id PieceID, data io.Reader, ttl time.Time, ba *pb.PayerBandwidthAllocation, authorization *pb.SignedMessage) error { stream, err := ps.client.Store(ctx) if err != nil { return err } msg := &pb.PieceStore{ PieceData: &pb.PieceStore_PieceData{Id: id.String(), ExpirationUnixSec: ttl.Unix()}, Authorization: authorization, } if err = stream.Send(msg); err != nil { if _, closeErr := stream.CloseAndRecv(); closeErr != nil { zap.S().Errorf("error closing stream %s :: %v.Send() = %v", closeErr, stream, closeErr) } return fmt.Errorf("%v.Send() = %v", stream, err) } writer := &StreamWriter{signer: ps, stream: stream, pba: ba} defer func() { if err := writer.Close(); err != nil && err != io.EOF { log.Printf("failed to close writer: %s\n", err) } }() bufw := bufio.NewWriterSize(writer, 32*1024) _, err = io.Copy(bufw, data) if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { _ = writer.Close() zap.S().Infof("Node cut from upload due to slow connection. Deleting piece %s...", id) deleteErr := ps.Delete(ctx, id, authorization) if deleteErr != nil { return deleteErr } } if err != nil { return err } return bufw.Flush() } // Get begins downloading a Piece from a piece store Server func (ps *PieceStore) Get(ctx context.Context, id PieceID, size int64, ba *pb.PayerBandwidthAllocation, authorization *pb.SignedMessage) (ranger.Ranger, error) { stream, err := ps.client.Retrieve(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } return PieceRangerSize(ps, stream, id, size, ba, authorization), nil } // Delete a Piece from a piece store Server func (ps *PieceStore) Delete(ctx context.Context, id PieceID, authorization *pb.SignedMessage) error { reply, err := ps.client.Delete(ctx, &pb.PieceDelete{Id: id.String(), Authorization: authorization}) if err != nil { return err } zap.S().Infof("Delete request route summary: %v", reply) return nil } // Stats will retrieve stats about a piece storage node func (ps *PieceStore) Stats(ctx context.Context) (*pb.StatSummary, error) { return ps.client.Stats(ctx, &pb.StatsReq{}) } // sign a message using the clients private key func (ps *PieceStore) sign(msg []byte) (signature []byte, err error) { if ps.prikey == nil { return nil, ClientError.New("failed to sign msg: Private Key not Set") } // use c.pkey to sign msg return cryptopasta.Sign(msg, ps.prikey.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey)) }