// Copyright (C) 2020 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package satellitedb import ( "context" "time" "storj.io/common/pb" "storj.io/storj/satellite/internalpb" "storj.io/storj/satellite/reputation" ) func addAudit(a *internalpb.AuditHistory, auditTime time.Time, online bool, config reputation.AuditHistoryConfig) error { newAuditWindowStartTime := auditTime.Truncate(config.WindowSize) earliestWindow := newAuditWindowStartTime.Add(-config.TrackingPeriod) // windowsModified is used to determine whether we will need to recalculate the score because windows have been added or removed. windowsModified := false // delete windows outside of tracking period scope updatedWindows := a.Windows for i, window := range a.Windows { if window.WindowStart.Before(earliestWindow) { updatedWindows = a.Windows[i+1:] windowsModified = true } else { // windows are in order, so if this window is in the tracking period, we are done deleting windows break } } a.Windows = updatedWindows // if there are no windows or the latest window has passed, add another window if len(a.Windows) == 0 || a.Windows[len(a.Windows)-1].WindowStart.Before(newAuditWindowStartTime) { windowsModified = true a.Windows = append(a.Windows, &internalpb.AuditWindow{WindowStart: newAuditWindowStartTime}) } latestIndex := len(a.Windows) - 1 if a.Windows[latestIndex].WindowStart.After(newAuditWindowStartTime) { return Error.New("cannot add audit to audit history; window already passed") } // add new audit to latest window if online { a.Windows[latestIndex].OnlineCount++ } a.Windows[latestIndex].TotalCount++ // if no windows were added or removed, score does not change if !windowsModified { return nil } if len(a.Windows) <= 1 { a.Score = 1 return nil } totalWindowScores := 0.0 for i, window := range a.Windows { // do not include last window in score if i+1 == len(a.Windows) { break } totalWindowScores += float64(window.OnlineCount) / float64(window.TotalCount) } // divide by number of windows-1 because last window is not included a.Score = totalWindowScores / float64(len(a.Windows)-1) return nil } func (reputations *reputations) UpdateAuditHistory(ctx context.Context, oldHistory []byte, updateReq reputation.UpdateRequest, auditTime time.Time) (res *reputation.UpdateAuditHistoryResponse, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) config := updateReq.AuditHistory online := updateReq.AuditOutcome != reputation.AuditOffline res = &reputation.UpdateAuditHistoryResponse{ NewScore: 1, TrackingPeriodFull: false, } // deserialize node audit history history := &internalpb.AuditHistory{} err = pb.Unmarshal(oldHistory, history) if err != nil { return res, err } err = addAudit(history, auditTime, online, config) if err != nil { return res, err } res.History, err = pb.Marshal(history) if err != nil { return res, err } windowsPerTrackingPeriod := int(config.TrackingPeriod.Seconds() / config.WindowSize.Seconds()) res.TrackingPeriodFull = len(history.Windows)-1 >= windowsPerTrackingPeriod res.NewScore = history.Score return res, nil } func auditHistoryFromPB(historyBytes []byte) (auditHistory *reputation.AuditHistory, err error) { historyPB := &internalpb.AuditHistory{} err = pb.Unmarshal(historyBytes, historyPB) if err != nil { return nil, err } history := &reputation.AuditHistory{ Score: historyPB.Score, Windows: make([]*reputation.AuditWindow, len(historyPB.Windows)), } for i, window := range historyPB.Windows { history.Windows[i] = &reputation.AuditWindow{ TotalCount: window.TotalCount, OnlineCount: window.OnlineCount, WindowStart: window.WindowStart, } } return history, nil }