# This is a SystemD unit file for the Storage Node # To configure: # - Update the user and group that the service will run as (User & Group below) # - Ensure that the Storage Node binary is in /usr/local/bin and is named storagenode (or edit the ExecStart line # below to reflect the name and location of your binary # - Ensure that you've run setup and have edited the configuration appropriately prior to starting the # service with this script # To use: # - Place this file in /etc/systemd/system/ or wherever your SystemD unit files are stored # - Run systemctl daemon-reload # - To start run systemctl start storagenode [Unit] Description = Storage Node service After = syslog.target [Service] User = storj Group = storj ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/storagenode run Restart = always Type = simple NotifyAccess = main [Install] WantedBy = multi-user.target