# Admin UI ## Implementation details This is a project based on the [Sveltekit](https://kit.svelte.dev). The project is set up with Typescript. The Web App is currently straightforward as we specified that v1 would be. The v1 is just a simple web page that exposes the Admin API through some forms and allow to a call the API without needing to use some HTTP REST clients (e.g. Postman, cURL, etc.). It doesn't offer any user authentication; the user has to know the API authorization token for using it. The UI has a set of Svelte components that collaborate together to render an HTML form with input elements from the Admin API client. The Svelte components expect some values of a certain Typescript interfaces, types, and classes, for being able to dynamically render the HTML form and elements. Each source has a brief doc comment about its functionality. ## Development Install the dependencies... ```bash npm install ``` ...then run the development server with autoreload on changes ```bash npm run dev ``` Navigate to [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). You should see your app running. ## Building for production mode To create an optimized version of the app: ```bash npm run build ```