#!/bin/bash set -ueo pipefail go install -v storj.io/storj/cmd/captplanet captplanet setup --overwrite # run captplanet for 5 seconds to reproduce kademlia problems. See V3-526 captplanet run & CAPT_PID=$! sleep 5 kill -9 $CAPT_PID captplanet run & CAPT_PID=$! aws configure set aws_access_key_id insecure-dev-access-key aws configure set aws_secret_access_key insecure-dev-secret-key aws configure set default.region us-east-1 head -c 1024 ./small-upload-testfile # create 1mb file of random bytes (inline) head -c 5120 ./big-upload-testfile # create 5mb file of random bytes (remote) head -c 5 ./multipart-upload-testfile # create 5kb file of random bytes (remote) aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ mb s3://bucket aws configure set default.s3.multipart_threshold 1TB aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp ./small-upload-testfile s3://bucket/small-testfile aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp ./big-upload-testfile s3://bucket/big-testfile aws configure set default.s3.multipart_threshold 4KB aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp ./multipart-upload-testfile s3://bucket/multipart-testfile aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ ls s3://bucket aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp s3://bucket/small-testfile ./small-download-testfile aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp s3://bucket/big-testfile ./big-download-testfile aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp s3://bucket/multipart-testfile ./multipart-download-testfile aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ rb s3://bucket --force if cmp ./small-upload-testfile ./small-download-testfile then echo "Downloaded file matches uploaded file"; else echo "Downloaded file does not match uploaded file"; kill -9 $CAPT_PID exit 1; fi if cmp ./big-upload-testfile ./big-download-testfile then echo "Downloaded file matches uploaded file"; else echo "Downloaded file does not match uploaded file"; kill -9 $CAPT_PID exit 1; fi if cmp ./multipart-upload-testfile ./multipart-download-testfile then echo "Downloaded file matches uploaded file"; else echo "Downloaded file does not match uploaded file"; kill -9 $CAPT_PID exit 1; fi kill -9 $CAPT_PID captplanet setup --listen-host ::1 --overwrite captplanet run & CAPT_PID=$! aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ mb s3://bucket aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp ./big-upload-testfile s3://bucket/big-testfile aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ cp s3://bucket/big-testfile ./big-download-testfile-ipv6 aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ rb s3://bucket --force if cmp ./big-upload-testfile ./big-download-testfile-ipv6 then echo "Downloaded ipv6 file matches uploaded file"; else echo "Downloaded ipv6 file does not match uploaded file"; kill -9 $CAPT_PID exit 1; fi kill -9 $CAPT_PID rm small-upload-testfile rm big-upload-testfile rm multipart-upload-testfile rm big-download-testfile-ipv6