#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ueo pipefail main_cfg_dir=$1 command=$2 uplink_version=$3 update_access_script_path=$4 bucket="bucket-123" test_files_dir="${main_cfg_dir}/testfiles" stage1_dst_dir="${main_cfg_dir}/stage1" stage2_dst_dir="${main_cfg_dir}/stage2" replace_in_file(){ local src="$1" local dest="$2" local path=$3 case "$OSTYPE" in darwin*) sed -i '' "s|# ${src}|${dest}|" "${path}" ;; *) sed -i "s|# ${src}|${dest}|" "${path}" ;; esac } setup(){ mkdir -p "$test_files_dir" "$stage1_dst_dir" "$stage2_dst_dir" random_bytes_file () { size=$1 output=$2 head -c $size $output } random_bytes_file "2KiB" "$test_files_dir/small-upload-testfile" # create 2kb file of random bytes (inline) random_bytes_file "5KiB" "$test_files_dir/big-upload-testfile" # create 5kb file of random bytes (remote) random_bytes_file "64MiB" "$test_files_dir/multisegment-upload-testfile" # create 64mb file of random bytes (remote + inline) echo "setup test successfully" } wait_for_all_background_jobs_to_finish(){ for job in `jobs -p` do echo "wait for $job" RESULT=0 wait $job || RESULT=1 if [ "$RESULT" == "1" ]; then echo "job $job failed" fi done } echo "Begin test-versions.sh, storj-sim config directory:" ${main_cfg_dir} echo "which storj-sim: $(which storj-sim)" echo "Shasum for storj-sim:" shasum $(which storj-sim) echo -e "\nConfig directory for uplink:" echo "${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" echo "which uplink: $(which uplink)" echo "Shasum for uplink:" shasum $(which uplink) # for oldest uplink versions, access is not supported, and we need to configure separate values for api key, sat addr, and encryption key if [ ! -d ${main_cfg_dir}/uplink ]; then mkdir -p ${main_cfg_dir}/uplink api_key=$(storj-sim --config-dir=$main_cfg_dir network env GATEWAY_0_API_KEY) sat_addr=$(storj-sim --config-dir=$main_cfg_dir network env SATELLITE_0_ADDR) access=$(storj-sim --config-dir=$main_cfg_dir network env GATEWAY_0_ACCESS) new_access=$(go run $update_access_script_path $(storj-sim --config-dir=$main_cfg_dir network env SATELLITE_0_DIR) $access) uplink --metrics.addr="" import --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" "${new_access}" replace_in_file "version.server-address:.*" "version.server-address: http://$(storj-sim --config-dir=$main_cfg_dir network env VERSIONCONTROL_0_ADDR)" ${main_cfg_dir}/uplink/config.yaml replace_in_file "tls.use-peer-ca-whitelist:.*" "tls.use-peer-ca-whitelist: false" ${main_cfg_dir}/uplink/config.yaml fi echo -e "\nConfig directory for satellite:" echo "${main_cfg_dir}/satellite/0" echo "Shasum for satellite:" shasum ${main_cfg_dir}/satellite/0/satellite echo -e "\nStoragenode config directories:" for i in {0..9} do echo -e "\nConfig directory for sn ${i}:" echo "${main_cfg_dir}/storagenode/${i}" echo "Shasum for sn ${i} binary:" shasum ${main_cfg_dir}/storagenode/${i}/storagenode done if [[ "$command" == "upload" ]]; then setup bucket_name=${bucket}-${uplink_version} download_dst_dir=${stage1_dst_dir}/${uplink_version} mkdir -p "$download_dst_dir" uplink mb "sj://$bucket_name/" --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" # run each upload in parallel uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "${test_files_dir}/small-upload-testfile" "sj://$bucket_name/" & uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "${test_files_dir}/big-upload-testfile" "sj://$bucket_name/" & uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "${test_files_dir}/multisegment-upload-testfile" "sj://$bucket_name/" & wait_for_all_background_jobs_to_finish # run each download in parallel uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "sj://$bucket_name/small-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}" & uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "sj://$bucket_name/big-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}" & uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "sj://$bucket_name/multisegment-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}" & wait_for_all_background_jobs_to_finish if cmp "${test_files_dir}/small-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}/small-upload-testfile" then echo "upload test on release tag: small upload testfile matches uploaded file" else echo "upload test on release tag: small upload testfile does not match uploaded file" exit 1 fi if cmp "${test_files_dir}/big-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}/big-upload-testfile" then echo "upload test on release tag: big upload testfile matches uploaded file" else echo "upload test on release tag: big upload testfile does not match uploaded file" exit 1 fi if cmp "${test_files_dir}/multisegment-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}/multisegment-upload-testfile" then echo "upload test on release tag: multisegment upload testfile matches uploaded file" else echo "upload test on release tag: multisegment upload testfile does not match uploaded file" exit 1 fi rm -rf ${test_files_dir} fi if [[ "$command" == "download" ]]; then existing_bucket_name_suffixes=$5 # download all uploaded files from stage 1 with currently selected uplink for suffix in ${existing_bucket_name_suffixes}; do bucket_name=${bucket}-${suffix} original_dst_dir=${stage1_dst_dir}/${suffix} download_dst_dir=${stage2_dst_dir}/${suffix} mkdir -p "$download_dst_dir" echo "bucket name: ${bucket_name}" echo "download folder name: ${download_dst_dir}" # run each download in parallel uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "sj://$bucket_name/small-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}" & uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "sj://$bucket_name/big-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}" & uplink cp --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" --progress=false "sj://$bucket_name/multisegment-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}" & wait_for_all_background_jobs_to_finish if cmp "${original_dst_dir}/small-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}/small-upload-testfile" then echo "download test on current branch: small upload testfile matches uploaded file" else echo "download test on current branch: small upload testfile does not match uploaded file" exit 1 fi if cmp "${original_dst_dir}/big-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}/big-upload-testfile" then echo "download test on current branch: big upload testfile matches uploaded file" else echo "download test on current branch: big upload testfile does not match uploaded file" exit 1 fi if cmp "${original_dst_dir}/multisegment-upload-testfile" "${download_dst_dir}/multisegment-upload-testfile" then echo "download test on current branch: multisegment upload testfile matches uploaded file" else echo "download test on current branch: multisegment upload testfile does not match uploaded file" exit 1 fi rm -rf ${download_dst_dir} done fi if [[ "$command" == "cleanup" ]]; then uplink_versions=$3 for ul_version in ${uplink_versions}; do bucket_name=${bucket}-${ul_version} uplink rm --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" "sj://$bucket_name/small-upload-testfile" uplink rm --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" "sj://$bucket_name/big-upload-testfile" uplink rm --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" "sj://$bucket_name/multisegment-upload-testfile" uplink rb --config-dir="${main_cfg_dir}/uplink" "sj://$bucket_name" done fi echo "Done with test-versions.sh"