// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc. // See LICENSE for copying information. package satellitedb import ( "context" "database/sql" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "strings" "time" "github.com/lib/pq" sqlite3 "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" "github.com/zeebo/errs" monkit "gopkg.in/spacemonkeygo/monkit.v2" "storj.io/storj/internal/version" "storj.io/storj/pkg/pb" "storj.io/storj/pkg/storj" "storj.io/storj/satellite/overlay" dbx "storj.io/storj/satellite/satellitedb/dbx" "storj.io/storj/storage" ) var ( mon = monkit.Package() ) var _ overlay.DB = (*overlaycache)(nil) type overlaycache struct { db *dbx.DB } func (cache *overlaycache) SelectStorageNodes(ctx context.Context, count int, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (nodes []*pb.Node, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) nodeType := int(pb.NodeType_STORAGE) safeQuery := ` WHERE disqualified IS NULL AND type = ? AND free_bandwidth >= ? AND free_disk >= ? AND total_audit_count >= ? AND total_uptime_count >= ? AND (last_contact_success > ? OR last_contact_success > last_contact_failure)` args := append(make([]interface{}, 0, 13), nodeType, criteria.FreeBandwidth, criteria.FreeDisk, criteria.AuditCount, criteria.UptimeCount, time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow)) if criteria.MinimumVersion != "" { v, err := version.NewSemVer(criteria.MinimumVersion) if err != nil { return nil, Error.New("invalid node selection criteria version: %v", err) } safeQuery += ` AND (major > ? OR (major = ? AND (minor > ? OR (minor = ? AND patch >= ?)))) AND release` args = append(args, v.Major, v.Major, v.Minor, v.Minor, v.Patch) } if !criteria.DistinctIP { nodes, err = cache.queryNodes(ctx, criteria.ExcludedNodes, count, safeQuery, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return nodes, nil } // query for distinct IPs for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { moreNodes, err := cache.queryNodesDistinct(ctx, criteria.ExcludedNodes, criteria.ExcludedIPs, count-len(nodes), safeQuery, criteria.DistinctIP, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, n := range moreNodes { nodes = append(nodes, n) criteria.ExcludedNodes = append(criteria.ExcludedNodes, n.Id) criteria.ExcludedIPs = append(criteria.ExcludedIPs, n.LastIp) } if len(nodes) == count { break } } return nodes, nil } func (cache *overlaycache) SelectNewStorageNodes(ctx context.Context, count int, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (nodes []*pb.Node, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) nodeType := int(pb.NodeType_STORAGE) safeQuery := ` WHERE disqualified IS NULL AND type = ? AND free_bandwidth >= ? AND free_disk >= ? AND (total_audit_count < ? OR total_uptime_count < ?) AND (last_contact_success > ? OR last_contact_success > last_contact_failure)` args := append(make([]interface{}, 0, 10), nodeType, criteria.FreeBandwidth, criteria.FreeDisk, criteria.AuditCount, criteria.UptimeCount, time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow)) if criteria.MinimumVersion != "" { v, err := version.NewSemVer(criteria.MinimumVersion) if err != nil { return nil, Error.New("invalid node selection criteria version: %v", err) } safeQuery += ` AND (major > ? OR (major = ? AND (minor > ? OR (minor = ? AND patch >= ?)))) AND release` args = append(args, v.Major, v.Major, v.Minor, v.Minor, v.Patch) } if !criteria.DistinctIP { nodes, err = cache.queryNodes(ctx, criteria.ExcludedNodes, count, safeQuery, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return nodes, nil } // query for distinct IPs for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { moreNodes, err := cache.queryNodesDistinct(ctx, criteria.ExcludedNodes, criteria.ExcludedIPs, count-len(nodes), safeQuery, criteria.DistinctIP, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, n := range moreNodes { nodes = append(nodes, n) criteria.ExcludedNodes = append(criteria.ExcludedNodes, n.Id) criteria.ExcludedIPs = append(criteria.ExcludedIPs, n.LastIp) } if len(nodes) == count { break } } return nodes, nil } func (cache *overlaycache) queryNodes(ctx context.Context, excludedNodes []storj.NodeID, count int, safeQuery string, args ...interface{}) (_ []*pb.Node, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if count == 0 { return nil, nil } safeExcludeNodes := "" if len(excludedNodes) > 0 { safeExcludeNodes = ` AND id NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedNodes)-1) + `)` for _, id := range excludedNodes { args = append(args, id.Bytes()) } } args = append(args, count) var rows *sql.Rows rows, err = cache.db.Query(cache.db.Rebind(`SELECT id, type, address, last_net, free_bandwidth, free_disk, total_audit_count, audit_success_count, total_uptime_count, uptime_success_count, disqualified, audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta, uptime_reputation_alpha, uptime_reputation_beta FROM nodes `+safeQuery+safeExcludeNodes+` ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?`), args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }() var nodes []*pb.Node for rows.Next() { dbNode := &dbx.Node{} err = rows.Scan(&dbNode.Id, &dbNode.Type, &dbNode.Address, &dbNode.LastNet, &dbNode.FreeBandwidth, &dbNode.FreeDisk, &dbNode.TotalAuditCount, &dbNode.AuditSuccessCount, &dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, &dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount, &dbNode.Disqualified, &dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, &dbNode.AuditReputationBeta, &dbNode.UptimeReputationAlpha, &dbNode.UptimeReputationBeta, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } dossier, err := convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodes = append(nodes, &dossier.Node) } return nodes, rows.Err() } func (cache *overlaycache) queryNodesDistinct(ctx context.Context, excludedNodes []storj.NodeID, excludedIPs []string, count int, safeQuery string, distinctIP bool, args ...interface{}) (_ []*pb.Node, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) switch t := cache.db.DB.Driver().(type) { case *sqlite3.SQLiteDriver: return cache.sqliteQueryNodesDistinct(ctx, excludedNodes, excludedIPs, count, safeQuery, distinctIP, args...) case *pq.Driver: return cache.postgresQueryNodesDistinct(ctx, excludedNodes, excludedIPs, count, safeQuery, distinctIP, args...) default: return []*pb.Node{}, Error.New("Unsupported database %t", t) } } func (cache *overlaycache) sqliteQueryNodesDistinct(ctx context.Context, excludedNodes []storj.NodeID, excludedIPs []string, count int, safeQuery string, distinctIP bool, args ...interface{}) (_ []*pb.Node, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if count == 0 { return nil, nil } safeExcludeNodes := "" if len(excludedNodes) > 0 { safeExcludeNodes = ` AND id NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedNodes)-1) + `)` for _, id := range excludedNodes { args = append(args, id.Bytes()) } } safeExcludeIPs := "" if len(excludedIPs) > 0 { safeExcludeIPs = ` AND last_net NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedIPs)-1) + `)` for _, ip := range excludedIPs { args = append(args, ip) } } args = append(args, count) rows, err := cache.db.Query(cache.db.Rebind(`SELECT id, type, address, last_net, free_bandwidth, free_disk, total_audit_count, audit_success_count, total_uptime_count, uptime_success_count, disqualified, audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta, uptime_reputation_alpha, uptime_reputation_beta FROM (SELECT *, Row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY last_net ORDER BY RANDOM()) rn FROM nodes `+safeQuery+safeExcludeNodes+safeExcludeIPs+`) n WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?`), args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }() var nodes []*pb.Node for rows.Next() { dbNode := &dbx.Node{} err = rows.Scan(&dbNode.Id, &dbNode.Type, &dbNode.Address, &dbNode.LastNet, &dbNode.FreeBandwidth, &dbNode.FreeDisk, &dbNode.TotalAuditCount, &dbNode.AuditSuccessCount, &dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, &dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount, &dbNode.Disqualified, &dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, &dbNode.AuditReputationBeta, &dbNode.UptimeReputationAlpha, &dbNode.UptimeReputationBeta, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } dossier, err := convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodes = append(nodes, &dossier.Node) } return nodes, rows.Err() } func (cache *overlaycache) postgresQueryNodesDistinct(ctx context.Context, excludedNodes []storj.NodeID, excludedIPs []string, count int, safeQuery string, distinctIP bool, args ...interface{}) (_ []*pb.Node, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if count == 0 { return nil, nil } safeExcludeNodes := "" if len(excludedNodes) > 0 { safeExcludeNodes = ` AND id NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedNodes)-1) + `)` for _, id := range excludedNodes { args = append(args, id.Bytes()) } } safeExcludeIPs := "" if len(excludedIPs) > 0 { safeExcludeIPs = ` AND last_net NOT IN (?` + strings.Repeat(", ?", len(excludedIPs)-1) + `)` for _, ip := range excludedIPs { args = append(args, ip) } } args = append(args, count) rows, err := cache.db.Query(cache.db.Rebind(` SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (last_net) last_net, -- choose at max 1 node from this IP or network id, type, address, free_bandwidth, free_disk, total_audit_count, audit_success_count, total_uptime_count, uptime_success_count, audit_reputation_alpha, audit_reputation_beta, uptime_reputation_alpha, uptime_reputation_beta FROM nodes `+safeQuery+safeExcludeNodes+safeExcludeIPs+` AND last_net <> '' -- don't try to IP-filter nodes with no known IP yet ORDER BY last_net, RANDOM() -- equal chance of choosing any qualified node at this IP or network ) filteredcandidates ORDER BY RANDOM() -- do the actual node selection from filtered pool LIMIT ?`), args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }() var nodes []*pb.Node for rows.Next() { dbNode := &dbx.Node{} err = rows.Scan(&dbNode.LastNet, &dbNode.Id, &dbNode.Type, &dbNode.Address, &dbNode.FreeBandwidth, &dbNode.FreeDisk, &dbNode.TotalAuditCount, &dbNode.AuditSuccessCount, &dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, &dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount, &dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, &dbNode.AuditReputationBeta, &dbNode.UptimeReputationAlpha, &dbNode.UptimeReputationBeta, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } dossier, err := convertDBNode(ctx, dbNode) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodes = append(nodes, &dossier.Node) } return nodes, rows.Err() } // Get looks up the node by nodeID func (cache *overlaycache) Get(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID) (_ *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if id.IsZero() { return nil, overlay.ErrEmptyNode } node, err := cache.db.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(id.Bytes())) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return nil, overlay.ErrNodeNotFound.New(id.String()) } if err != nil { return nil, err } return convertDBNode(ctx, node) } // IsVetted returns whether or not the node reaches reputable thresholds func (cache *overlaycache) IsVetted(ctx context.Context, id storj.NodeID, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (_ bool, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) row := cache.db.QueryRow(cache.db.Rebind(`SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE id = ? AND disqualified IS NULL AND type = ? AND total_audit_count >= ? AND total_uptime_count >= ? `), id, pb.NodeType_STORAGE, criteria.AuditCount, criteria.UptimeCount) var bytes *[]byte err = row.Scan(&bytes) if err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return false, nil } return false, err } return true, nil } // KnownOffline filters a set of nodes to offline nodes func (cache *overlaycache) KnownOffline(ctx context.Context, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria, nodeIds storj.NodeIDList) (offlineNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if len(nodeIds) == 0 { return nil, Error.New("no ids provided") } // get offline nodes var rows *sql.Rows switch t := cache.db.Driver().(type) { case *sqlite3.SQLiteDriver: args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(nodeIds)+1) for i := range nodeIds { args = append(args, nodeIds[i].Bytes()) } args = append(args, time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow)) rows, err = cache.db.Query(cache.db.Rebind(` SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE id IN (?`+strings.Repeat(", ?", len(nodeIds)-1)+`) AND ( last_contact_success < last_contact_failure AND last_contact_success < ? ) `), args...) case *pq.Driver: rows, err = cache.db.Query(` SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE id = any($1::bytea[]) AND ( last_contact_success < last_contact_failure AND last_contact_success < $2 ) `, postgresNodeIDList(nodeIds), time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow), ) default: return nil, Error.New("Unsupported database %t", t) } if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }() for rows.Next() { var id storj.NodeID err = rows.Scan(&id) if err != nil { return nil, err } offlineNodes = append(offlineNodes, id) } return offlineNodes, nil } // KnownUnreliableOrOffline filters a set of nodes to unreliable or offlines node, independent of new func (cache *overlaycache) KnownUnreliableOrOffline(ctx context.Context, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria, nodeIds storj.NodeIDList) (badNodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if len(nodeIds) == 0 { return nil, Error.New("no ids provided") } // get reliable and online nodes var rows *sql.Rows switch t := cache.db.Driver().(type) { case *sqlite3.SQLiteDriver: args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(nodeIds)+3) for i := range nodeIds { args = append(args, nodeIds[i].Bytes()) } args = append(args, time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow)) rows, err = cache.db.Query(cache.db.Rebind(` SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE id IN (?`+strings.Repeat(", ?", len(nodeIds)-1)+`) AND disqualified IS NULL AND (last_contact_success > ? OR last_contact_success > last_contact_failure) `), args...) case *pq.Driver: rows, err = cache.db.Query(` SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE id = any($1::bytea[]) AND disqualified IS NULL AND (last_contact_success > $2 OR last_contact_success > last_contact_failure) `, postgresNodeIDList(nodeIds), time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow), ) default: return nil, Error.New("Unsupported database %t", t) } if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }() goodNodes := make(map[storj.NodeID]struct{}, len(nodeIds)) for rows.Next() { var id storj.NodeID err = rows.Scan(&id) if err != nil { return nil, err } goodNodes[id] = struct{}{} } for _, id := range nodeIds { if _, ok := goodNodes[id]; !ok { badNodes = append(badNodes, id) } } return badNodes, nil } // Reliable returns all reliable nodes. func (cache *overlaycache) Reliable(ctx context.Context, criteria *overlay.NodeCriteria) (nodes storj.NodeIDList, err error) { // get reliable and online nodes rows, err := cache.db.Query(cache.db.Rebind(` SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE disqualified IS NULL AND (last_contact_success > ? OR last_contact_success > last_contact_failure)`), time.Now().Add(-criteria.OnlineWindow)) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { err = errs.Combine(err, rows.Close()) }() for rows.Next() { var id storj.NodeID err = rows.Scan(&id) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodes = append(nodes, id) } return nodes, nil } // Paginate will run through func (cache *overlaycache) Paginate(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int) (_ []*overlay.NodeDossier, _ bool, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) cursor := storj.NodeID{} // more represents end of table. If there are more rows in the database, more will be true. more := true if limit <= 0 || limit > storage.LookupLimit { limit = storage.LookupLimit } dbxInfos, err := cache.db.Limited_Node_By_Id_GreaterOrEqual_OrderBy_Asc_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(cursor.Bytes()), limit, offset) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } if len(dbxInfos) < limit { more = false } infos := make([]*overlay.NodeDossier, len(dbxInfos)) for i, dbxInfo := range dbxInfos { infos[i], err = convertDBNode(ctx, dbxInfo) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } } return infos, more, nil } // PaginateQualified will retrieve all qualified nodes func (cache *overlaycache) PaginateQualified(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int) (_ []*pb.Node, _ bool, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) cursor := storj.NodeID{} // more represents end of table. If there are more rows in the database, more will be true. more := true if limit <= 0 || limit > storage.LookupLimit { limit = storage.LookupLimit } dbxInfos, err := cache.db.Limited_Node_Id_Node_LastNet_Node_Address_Node_Protocol_By_Id_GreaterOrEqual_And_Disqualified_Is_Null_OrderBy_Asc_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(cursor.Bytes()), limit, offset) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } if len(dbxInfos) < limit { more = false } infos := make([]*pb.Node, len(dbxInfos)) for i, dbxInfo := range dbxInfos { infos[i], err = convertDBNodeToPBNode(ctx, dbxInfo) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } } return infos, more, nil } // Update updates node address func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateAddress(ctx context.Context, info *pb.Node, defaults overlay.NodeSelectionConfig) (err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if info == nil || info.Id.IsZero() { return overlay.ErrEmptyNode } tx, err := cache.db.Open(ctx) if err != nil { return Error.Wrap(err) } // TODO: use upsert _, err = tx.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(info.Id.Bytes())) address := info.Address if address == nil { address = &pb.NodeAddress{} } if err != nil { // add the node to DB for first time _, err = tx.Create_Node( ctx, dbx.Node_Id(info.Id.Bytes()), dbx.Node_Address(address.Address), dbx.Node_LastNet(info.LastIp), dbx.Node_Protocol(int(address.Transport)), dbx.Node_Type(int(pb.NodeType_INVALID)), dbx.Node_Email(""), dbx.Node_Wallet(""), dbx.Node_FreeBandwidth(-1), dbx.Node_FreeDisk(-1), dbx.Node_Major(0), dbx.Node_Minor(0), dbx.Node_Patch(0), dbx.Node_Hash(""), dbx.Node_Timestamp(time.Time{}), dbx.Node_Release(false), dbx.Node_Latency90(0), dbx.Node_AuditSuccessCount(0), dbx.Node_TotalAuditCount(0), dbx.Node_UptimeSuccessCount(0), dbx.Node_TotalUptimeCount(0), dbx.Node_LastContactSuccess(time.Now()), dbx.Node_LastContactFailure(time.Time{}), dbx.Node_Contained(false), dbx.Node_AuditReputationAlpha(defaults.AuditReputationAlpha0), dbx.Node_AuditReputationBeta(defaults.AuditReputationBeta0), dbx.Node_UptimeReputationAlpha(defaults.UptimeReputationAlpha0), dbx.Node_UptimeReputationBeta(defaults.UptimeReputationBeta0), dbx.Node_Create_Fields{ Disqualified: dbx.Node_Disqualified_Null(), }, ) if err != nil { return Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } } else { update := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{ Address: dbx.Node_Address(address.Address), LastNet: dbx.Node_LastNet(info.LastIp), Protocol: dbx.Node_Protocol(int(address.Transport)), } _, err := tx.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(info.Id.Bytes()), update) if err != nil { return Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } } return Error.Wrap(tx.Commit()) } // BatchUpdateStats updates multiple storagenode's stats in one transaction func (cache *overlaycache) BatchUpdateStats(ctx context.Context, updateRequests []*overlay.UpdateRequest, batchSize int) (failed storj.NodeIDList, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if len(updateRequests) == 0 { return failed, nil } doUpdate := func(updateSlice []*overlay.UpdateRequest) (duf storj.NodeIDList, err error) { appendAll := func() { for _, ur := range updateRequests { duf = append(duf, ur.NodeID) } } tx, err := cache.db.Open(ctx) if err != nil { appendAll() return duf, Error.Wrap(err) } var allSQL string for _, updateReq := range updateSlice { dbNode, err := tx.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(updateReq.NodeID.Bytes())) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } // do not update reputation if node is disqualified if dbNode.Disqualified != nil { continue } updateNodeStats := populateUpdateNodeStats(dbNode, updateReq) sql := buildUpdateStatement(cache.db, updateNodeStats) allSQL += sql } if allSQL != "" { results, err := tx.Tx.Exec(allSQL) if results == nil || err != nil { appendAll() return duf, errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback()) } _, err = results.RowsAffected() if err != nil { appendAll() return duf, errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback()) } } return duf, Error.Wrap(tx.Commit()) } var errlist errs.Group length := len(updateRequests) for i := 0; i < length; i += batchSize { end := i + batchSize if end > length { end = length } failedBatch, err := doUpdate(updateRequests[i:end]) if err != nil && len(failedBatch) > 0 { for _, fb := range failedBatch { errlist.Add(err) failed = append(failed, fb) } } } return failed, errlist.Err() } // UpdateStats a single storagenode's stats in the db func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateStats(ctx context.Context, updateReq *overlay.UpdateRequest) (stats *overlay.NodeStats, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) nodeID := updateReq.NodeID tx, err := cache.db.Open(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } dbNode, err := tx.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes())) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } // do not update reputation if node is disqualified if dbNode.Disqualified != nil { return getNodeStats(dbNode), Error.Wrap(tx.Commit()) } updateFields := populateUpdateFields(dbNode, updateReq) dbNode, err = tx.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } // Cleanup containment table too _, err = tx.Delete_PendingAudits_By_NodeId(ctx, dbx.PendingAudits_NodeId(nodeID.Bytes())) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } // TODO: Allegedly tx.Get_Node_By_Id and tx.Update_Node_By_Id should never return a nil value for dbNode, // however we've seen from some crashes that it does. We need to track down the cause of these crashes // but for now we're adding a nil check to prevent a panic. if dbNode == nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID), tx.Rollback())) } return getNodeStats(dbNode), Error.Wrap(tx.Commit()) } // UpdateNodeInfo updates the email and wallet for a given node ID for satellite payments. func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateNodeInfo(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, nodeInfo *pb.InfoResponse) (stats *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) var updateFields dbx.Node_Update_Fields if nodeInfo != nil { if nodeInfo.GetType() != pb.NodeType_INVALID { updateFields.Type = dbx.Node_Type(int(nodeInfo.GetType())) } if nodeInfo.GetOperator() != nil { updateFields.Wallet = dbx.Node_Wallet(nodeInfo.GetOperator().GetWallet()) updateFields.Email = dbx.Node_Email(nodeInfo.GetOperator().GetEmail()) } if nodeInfo.GetCapacity() != nil { updateFields.FreeDisk = dbx.Node_FreeDisk(nodeInfo.GetCapacity().GetFreeDisk()) updateFields.FreeBandwidth = dbx.Node_FreeBandwidth(nodeInfo.GetCapacity().GetFreeBandwidth()) } if nodeInfo.GetVersion() != nil { semVer, err := version.NewSemVer(nodeInfo.GetVersion().GetVersion()) if err != nil { return nil, errs.New("unable to convert version to semVer") } updateFields.Major = dbx.Node_Major(semVer.Major) updateFields.Minor = dbx.Node_Minor(semVer.Minor) updateFields.Patch = dbx.Node_Patch(semVer.Patch) updateFields.Hash = dbx.Node_Hash(nodeInfo.GetVersion().GetCommitHash()) updateFields.Timestamp = dbx.Node_Timestamp(nodeInfo.GetVersion().Timestamp) updateFields.Release = dbx.Node_Release(nodeInfo.GetVersion().GetRelease()) } } updatedDBNode, err := cache.db.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } return convertDBNode(ctx, updatedDBNode) } // UpdateUptime updates a single storagenode's uptime stats in the db func (cache *overlaycache) UpdateUptime(ctx context.Context, nodeID storj.NodeID, isUp bool, lambda, weight, uptimeDQ float64) (stats *overlay.NodeStats, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) tx, err := cache.db.Open(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(err) } dbNode, err := tx.Get_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes())) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } // do not update reputation if node is disqualified if dbNode.Disqualified != nil { return getNodeStats(dbNode), Error.Wrap(tx.Commit()) } updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{} uptimeAlpha, uptimeBeta, totalUptimeCount := updateReputation( isUp, dbNode.UptimeReputationAlpha, dbNode.UptimeReputationBeta, lambda, weight, dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, ) mon.FloatVal("uptime_reputation_alpha").Observe(uptimeAlpha) mon.FloatVal("uptime_reputation_beta").Observe(uptimeBeta) updateFields.UptimeReputationAlpha = dbx.Node_UptimeReputationAlpha(uptimeAlpha) updateFields.UptimeReputationBeta = dbx.Node_UptimeReputationBeta(uptimeBeta) updateFields.TotalUptimeCount = dbx.Node_TotalUptimeCount(totalUptimeCount) uptimeRep := uptimeAlpha / (uptimeAlpha + uptimeBeta) if uptimeRep <= uptimeDQ { updateFields.Disqualified = dbx.Node_Disqualified(time.Now().UTC()) } lastContactSuccess := dbNode.LastContactSuccess lastContactFailure := dbNode.LastContactFailure mon.Meter("uptime_updates").Mark(1) if isUp { updateFields.UptimeSuccessCount = dbx.Node_UptimeSuccessCount(dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount + 1) updateFields.LastContactSuccess = dbx.Node_LastContactSuccess(time.Now()) mon.Meter("uptime_update_successes").Mark(1) // we have seen this node in the past 24 hours if time.Now().Sub(lastContactFailure) > time.Hour*24 { mon.Meter("uptime_seen_24h").Mark(1) } // we have seen this node in the past week if time.Now().Sub(lastContactFailure) > time.Hour*24*7 { mon.Meter("uptime_seen_week").Mark(1) } } else { updateFields.LastContactFailure = dbx.Node_LastContactFailure(time.Now()) mon.Meter("uptime_update_failures").Mark(1) // it's been over 24 hours since we've seen this node if time.Now().Sub(lastContactSuccess) > time.Hour*24 { mon.Meter("uptime_not_seen_24h").Mark(1) } // it's been over a week since we've seen this node if time.Now().Sub(lastContactSuccess) > time.Hour*24*7 { mon.Meter("uptime_not_seen_week").Mark(1) } } dbNode, err = tx.Update_Node_By_Id(ctx, dbx.Node_Id(nodeID.Bytes()), updateFields) if err != nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(err, tx.Rollback())) } // TODO: Allegedly tx.Get_Node_By_Id and tx.Update_Node_By_Id should never return a nil value for dbNode, // however we've seen from some crashes that it does. We need to track down the cause of these crashes // but for now we're adding a nil check to prevent a panic. if dbNode == nil { return nil, Error.Wrap(errs.Combine(errs.New("unable to get node by ID: %v", nodeID), tx.Rollback())) } return getNodeStats(dbNode), Error.Wrap(tx.Commit()) } func convertDBNode(ctx context.Context, info *dbx.Node) (_ *overlay.NodeDossier, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if info == nil { return nil, Error.New("missing info") } id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(info.Id) if err != nil { return nil, err } ver := &version.SemVer{ Major: info.Major, Minor: info.Minor, Patch: info.Patch, } node := &overlay.NodeDossier{ Node: pb.Node{ Id: id, LastIp: info.LastNet, Address: &pb.NodeAddress{ Address: info.Address, Transport: pb.NodeTransport(info.Protocol), }, }, Type: pb.NodeType(info.Type), Operator: pb.NodeOperator{ Email: info.Email, Wallet: info.Wallet, }, Capacity: pb.NodeCapacity{ FreeBandwidth: info.FreeBandwidth, FreeDisk: info.FreeDisk, }, Reputation: *getNodeStats(info), Version: pb.NodeVersion{ Version: ver.String(), CommitHash: info.Hash, Timestamp: info.Timestamp, Release: info.Release, }, Contained: info.Contained, Disqualified: info.Disqualified, } return node, nil } func convertDBNodeToPBNode(ctx context.Context, info *dbx.Id_LastNet_Address_Protocol_Row) (_ *pb.Node, err error) { defer mon.Task()(&ctx)(&err) if info == nil { return nil, Error.New("missing info") } id, err := storj.NodeIDFromBytes(info.Id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &pb.Node{ Id: id, LastIp: info.LastNet, Address: &pb.NodeAddress{ Address: info.Address, Transport: pb.NodeTransport(info.Protocol), }, }, nil } func getNodeStats(dbNode *dbx.Node) *overlay.NodeStats { nodeStats := &overlay.NodeStats{ Latency90: dbNode.Latency90, AuditCount: dbNode.TotalAuditCount, AuditSuccessCount: dbNode.AuditSuccessCount, UptimeCount: dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, UptimeSuccessCount: dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount, LastContactSuccess: dbNode.LastContactSuccess, LastContactFailure: dbNode.LastContactFailure, AuditReputationAlpha: dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, AuditReputationBeta: dbNode.AuditReputationBeta, UptimeReputationAlpha: dbNode.UptimeReputationAlpha, UptimeReputationBeta: dbNode.UptimeReputationBeta, Disqualified: dbNode.Disqualified, } return nodeStats } // updateReputation uses the Beta distribution model to determine a node's reputation. // lambda is the "forgetting factor" which determines how much past info is kept when determining current reputation score. // w is the normalization weight that affects how severely new updates affect the current reputation distribution. func updateReputation(isSuccess bool, alpha, beta, lambda, w float64, totalCount int64) (newAlpha, newBeta float64, updatedCount int64) { // v is a single feedback value that allows us to update both alpha and beta var v float64 = -1 if isSuccess { v = 1 } newAlpha = lambda*alpha + w*(1+v)/2 newBeta = lambda*beta + w*(1-v)/2 return newAlpha, newBeta, totalCount + 1 } func buildUpdateStatement(db *dbx.DB, update updateNodeStats) string { if update.NodeID.IsZero() { return "" } atLeastOne := false sql := "UPDATE nodes SET " if update.TotalAuditCount.set { atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("total_audit_count = %v", update.TotalAuditCount.value) } if update.TotalUptimeCount.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("total_uptime_count = %v", update.TotalUptimeCount.value) } if update.AuditReputationAlpha.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("audit_reputation_alpha = %v", update.AuditReputationAlpha.value) } if update.AuditReputationBeta.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("audit_reputation_beta = %v", update.AuditReputationBeta.value) } if update.UptimeReputationAlpha.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("uptime_reputation_alpha = %v", update.UptimeReputationAlpha.value) } if update.UptimeReputationBeta.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("uptime_reputation_beta = %v", update.UptimeReputationBeta.value) } if update.Disqualified.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("disqualified = '%v'", update.Disqualified.value.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)) } if update.UptimeSuccessCount.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("uptime_success_count = %v", update.UptimeSuccessCount.value) } if update.LastContactSuccess.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("last_contact_success = '%v'", update.LastContactSuccess.value.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)) } if update.LastContactFailure.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("last_contact_failure = '%v'", update.LastContactFailure.value.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)) } if update.AuditSuccessCount.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("audit_success_count = %v", update.AuditSuccessCount.value) } if update.Contained.set { if atLeastOne { sql += "," } atLeastOne = true sql += fmt.Sprintf("contained = %v", update.Contained.value) } if !atLeastOne { return "" } hexNodeID := hex.EncodeToString(update.NodeID.Bytes()) switch db.DB.Driver().(type) { case *sqlite3.SQLiteDriver: sql += fmt.Sprintf(" WHERE nodes.id = X'%v';\n", hexNodeID) sql += fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM pending_audits WHERE pending_audits.node_id = X'%v';\n", hexNodeID) case *pq.Driver: sql += fmt.Sprintf(" WHERE nodes.id = decode('%v', 'hex');\n", hexNodeID) sql += fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM pending_audits WHERE pending_audits.node_id = decode('%v', 'hex');\n", hexNodeID) default: return "" } return sql } type int64Field struct { set bool value int64 } type float64Field struct { set bool value float64 } type boolField struct { set bool value bool } type timeField struct { set bool value time.Time } type updateNodeStats struct { NodeID storj.NodeID TotalAuditCount int64Field TotalUptimeCount int64Field AuditReputationAlpha float64Field AuditReputationBeta float64Field UptimeReputationAlpha float64Field UptimeReputationBeta float64Field Disqualified timeField UptimeSuccessCount int64Field LastContactSuccess timeField LastContactFailure timeField AuditSuccessCount int64Field Contained boolField } func populateUpdateNodeStats(dbNode *dbx.Node, updateReq *overlay.UpdateRequest) updateNodeStats { auditAlpha, auditBeta, totalAuditCount := updateReputation( updateReq.AuditSuccess, dbNode.AuditReputationAlpha, dbNode.AuditReputationBeta, updateReq.AuditLambda, updateReq.AuditWeight, dbNode.TotalAuditCount, ) mon.FloatVal("audit_reputation_alpha").Observe(auditAlpha) mon.FloatVal("audit_reputation_beta").Observe(auditBeta) uptimeAlpha, uptimeBeta, totalUptimeCount := updateReputation( updateReq.IsUp, dbNode.UptimeReputationAlpha, dbNode.UptimeReputationBeta, updateReq.UptimeLambda, updateReq.UptimeWeight, dbNode.TotalUptimeCount, ) mon.FloatVal("uptime_reputation_alpha").Observe(uptimeAlpha) mon.FloatVal("uptime_reputation_beta").Observe(uptimeBeta) updateFields := updateNodeStats{ NodeID: updateReq.NodeID, TotalAuditCount: int64Field{set: true, value: totalAuditCount}, TotalUptimeCount: int64Field{set: true, value: totalUptimeCount}, AuditReputationAlpha: float64Field{set: true, value: auditAlpha}, AuditReputationBeta: float64Field{set: true, value: auditBeta}, UptimeReputationAlpha: float64Field{set: true, value: uptimeAlpha}, UptimeReputationBeta: float64Field{set: true, value: uptimeBeta}, } auditRep := auditAlpha / (auditAlpha + auditBeta) if auditRep <= updateReq.AuditDQ { updateFields.Disqualified = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now().UTC()} } uptimeRep := uptimeAlpha / (uptimeAlpha + uptimeBeta) if uptimeRep <= updateReq.UptimeDQ { // n.b. that this will overwrite the audit DQ timestamp // if it has already been set. updateFields.Disqualified = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now().UTC()} } if updateReq.IsUp { updateFields.UptimeSuccessCount = int64Field{set: true, value: dbNode.UptimeSuccessCount + 1} updateFields.LastContactSuccess = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now()} } else { updateFields.LastContactFailure = timeField{set: true, value: time.Now()} } if updateReq.AuditSuccess { updateFields.AuditSuccessCount = int64Field{set: true, value: dbNode.AuditSuccessCount + 1} } // Updating node stats always exits it from containment mode updateFields.Contained = boolField{set: true, value: false} return updateFields } func populateUpdateFields(dbNode *dbx.Node, updateReq *overlay.UpdateRequest) dbx.Node_Update_Fields { update := populateUpdateNodeStats(dbNode, updateReq) updateFields := dbx.Node_Update_Fields{} if update.TotalAuditCount.set { updateFields.TotalAuditCount = dbx.Node_TotalAuditCount(update.TotalAuditCount.value) } if update.TotalUptimeCount.set { updateFields.TotalUptimeCount = dbx.Node_TotalUptimeCount(update.TotalUptimeCount.value) } if update.AuditReputationAlpha.set { updateFields.AuditReputationAlpha = dbx.Node_AuditReputationAlpha(update.AuditReputationAlpha.value) } if update.AuditReputationBeta.set { updateFields.AuditReputationBeta = dbx.Node_AuditReputationBeta(update.AuditReputationBeta.value) } if update.UptimeReputationAlpha.set { updateFields.UptimeReputationAlpha = dbx.Node_UptimeReputationAlpha(update.UptimeReputationAlpha.value) } if update.UptimeReputationBeta.set { updateFields.UptimeReputationBeta = dbx.Node_UptimeReputationBeta(update.UptimeReputationBeta.value) } if update.Disqualified.set { updateFields.Disqualified = dbx.Node_Disqualified(update.Disqualified.value) } if update.UptimeSuccessCount.set { updateFields.UptimeSuccessCount = dbx.Node_UptimeSuccessCount(update.UptimeSuccessCount.value) } if update.LastContactSuccess.set { updateFields.LastContactSuccess = dbx.Node_LastContactSuccess(update.LastContactSuccess.value) } if update.LastContactFailure.set { updateFields.LastContactFailure = dbx.Node_LastContactFailure(update.LastContactFailure.value) } if update.AuditSuccessCount.set { updateFields.AuditSuccessCount = dbx.Node_AuditSuccessCount(update.AuditSuccessCount.value) } if update.Contained.set { updateFields.Contained = dbx.Node_Contained(update.Contained.value) } if updateReq.AuditSuccess { updateFields.AuditSuccessCount = dbx.Node_AuditSuccessCount(dbNode.AuditSuccessCount + 1) } return updateFields }